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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Im still trying to find the link factor, I mean considering this thread I always accept absurd connections but I dont get the Dentist----> Lion----> Fetus killing thing. And yes, im aware of the Lion that got shot.

It's a common thing in a lot of these images. They try to link two things that have no real connection, as a way of downplaying or hand waving away any concern. This is because they really have no defense or logical backing for a lot of what they are for. Instead, it's defines as being good solely because it made a liberal upset or mad.



Because there haven't already been 1000 congressional committees and findings on Benghazi.

Michael Bay viral marketing.
People smarter then I can discuss the political failings on display here.

But why in the fuck is every single image so fucking compressed? The fonts, the background images, it's just so bad. I know "needs moar jpeg" is a thing and it's hilarious, but holy fuck is it that difficult to keep a clean image?

"I really want to let other people know what I'm thinking, but I don't give enough of a shit to do more then post a garbage image."

1. Republican finds photo on internet.
2. Sends photo to friend over MMS instead of just linking the photo.
3. Friend uploads photo to internet.
4. Rinse and repeat.
People smarter then I can discuss the political failings on display here.

But why in the fuck is every single image so fucking compressed? The fonts, the background images, it's just so bad. I know "needs moar jpeg" is a thing and it's hilarious, but holy fuck is it that difficult to keep a clean image?

"I really want to let other people know what I'm thinking, but I don't give enough of a shit to do more then post a garbage image."

That's my favorite thing about these. How bad the people sharing them at at sharing things. It's always like a picture of a facebook post of a screenshot of someone else's facebook chat conversation. Topped off with a couple layers of .jpeg. It's glorious.
That's my favorite thing about these. How bad the people sharing them at at sharing things. It's always like a picture of a facebook post of a screenshot of someone else's facebook chat conversation. Topped off with a couple layers of .jpeg. It's glorious.
That minions conspiracy shit up there is a phone snapshot of a phone snapshot of pure white text on a bright, partially white background.

The delivery of the ridiculous nonsense was completely botched from the get go, but then it got worse! The mind boggles.


The Planned Parenthood stuff always makes me laugh. They're trying to gotcha so hard but missing the obvious point that a lot of people reject their basic premises about first trimester fetuses.

Anytime an idiot quotes Rand I just point out she lived on welfare...
She also had some very interesting double standards when it came to native property rights



I guess he wants to keep it that way...
I'm more worried that the person who screencapped it didn't know how to use paint to just block over some text so just had to scribble over it.

PS. I think it was that sort of attitude that got Tony Abbott elected as PM of Australia. Don't let it happen to you guys :(


Professional Schmuck
Can we all just fucking pause for a moment and admire the hysterical beauty of conservatives being on the side of "killing the lion is cool"?

Does leadership understand how toxic that is for their permanent image? Just ... wow. What's next, justifying torture? War? Pollution? Police brutality? Segregation, institutional racism, sexism? Allowing guns to shoot up a school full of kids?

Oh wait.
Im still trying to find the link factor, I mean considering this thread I always accept absurd connections but I dont get the Dentist----> Lion----> Fetus killing thing. And yes, im aware of the Lion that got shot.

I honestly don't know what this is saying. I can't even figure out the connection between just the top half.

Yeah, it needs some context. The argument is this:

It's common for pro-life people to be told that they should support Planned Parenthood because abortion is only 3% of the services Planned Parenthood performs, and they provide important healthcare for women. But that argument makes no sense for someone who condemns abortion as heinously evil. It would be like someone defending Cecil the Lion's killer on the grounds that killing lions is only 3% of what he does, and besides, he provides important oral healthcare to his community. Obviously those things do not even come close to excusing his killing Cecil. Likewise, if abortion is murder, it's ridiculous to suggest that some other services Planned Parenthood provides could possibly excuse them for it.



I wanted to make an Image with a Minion, saying something like "liberals say that conservatives are racist, so how come we love the minions despite them being yellow?"

I wanted to see how many people i could get to believe this was meant in a serious way, but i sadly lack the artistic skill as well as any kind of connection to right-wingers to test this.

anyone else willing to try this?



My Google-fu says you're wrong, sweet cousin. The inventor of Coca Cola is John Stith Pemberton, of who is the nephew of the Confederate Lt. General John Clifford Pemberton (not Lt. Colonel), while the founder of Coca Cola is Asa Griggs Candler, who bought Pemberton's original concoction (to be used for medicine) and turned it into the soft drink it's known for today.

Nice try, though. I know using Wikipedia is hard and all.

I'd actually post that first paragraph word for word on her wall, too, but the picture's, like, two weeks old and it isn't worth the effort because Facebook.

EDIT: Keep tweaking the wording so I'm even more right, mwahaha



Sadly, I don't get it.

What. The. Fuck. That's like the video I saw someone post a while back after the gay marriage ruling. It was some "Youtube preacher" saying that this ruling was the beginning of a Christian holocaust, and if you don't see that then you're blinded by Satan or something. It's both hilarious and worrying that people actually think this way.
That image of Hitler is higher definition than the ones of Obama.

Do these people want to create the narrative that no clear pictures of Obama exist because he's more evil than Hitler and his dark aura messes with picture quality?


My facebook is littered with hyper-liberals and conservatives. I said a better approach is to sit in the middle and accept each sides rational pros. I was ganged up on by both sides. Only time I ever got them all on the same team, lol.
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