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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Mike M

Nick N

Sadly, I don't get it.
I love the specificity of the claim that he's only out to get vets and retired Christians.


My facebook is littered with hyper-liberals and conservatives. I said a better approach is to sit in the middle and accept each sides rational pros. I was ganged up on by both sides. Only time I ever got them all on the same team, lol.

This. Holy shit both sides are annoying as hell.
Sadly, I don't get it.

What's not to get? As a straight white god fearing cisgender male I'm basically living in constant fear these days.

"Is today the day that Emperor Obama will send his Jade Helm goon squad to exterminate my kind?" is my first thought when I wake up and the last thought I think as I fall asleep.

It's the apocalypse for real Americans.

/s in case anyone's sarcasm detector is out of batteries.
My Google-fu says you're wrong, sweet cousin. The inventor of Coca Cola is John Stith Pemberton, of who is the nephew of the Confederate Lt. General John Clifford Pemberton (not Lt. Colonel), while the founder of Coca Cola is Asa Griggs Candler, who bought Pemberton's original concoction (to be used for medicine) and turned it into the soft drink it's known for today.

Nice try, though. I know using Wikipedia is hard and all.

I'd actually post that first paragraph word for word on her wall, too, but the picture's, like, two weeks old and it isn't worth the effort because Facebook.

EDIT: Keep tweaking the wording so I'm even more right, mwahaha

Doesnt change the fact they sold Fanta to the Nazis.


Poet Centuriate
My Google-fu says you're wrong, sweet cousin. The inventor of Coca Cola is John Stith Pemberton, of who is the nephew of the Confederate Lt. General John Clifford Pemberton (not Lt. Colonel), while the founder of Coca Cola is Asa Griggs Candler, who bought Pemberton's original concoction (to be used for medicine) and turned it into the soft drink it's known for today.

Nice try, though. I know using Wikipedia is hard and all.

I'd actually post that first paragraph word for word on her wall, too, but the picture's, like, two weeks old and it isn't worth the effort because Facebook.

EDIT: Keep tweaking the wording so I'm even more right, mwahaha

Your Google-Fu is weak, young grasshopper. John Stith Pemberton was a Lt. Col. in the Confederate Army's Third Georgia Cavalry Battalion (Georgia State Guard). Try checking again before 'mwahaha'-ing. ;p


A friend just sent this to me. Apparently a mutual aquaintence of ours posted this and, only a few minutes after my friend took the screencap, deleted it. They must of realized that they were a) really late to the party and b) really stupid and racist.


So where does all this leave the question of who or what invented Fanta and why? The truth is simple, even if it doesn't run trippingly off the tongue: Fanta was the creation of a German-born Coca-Cola man who was acting without direction from Atlanta. This man wasn't a Nazi, nor did he invent the drink at the direction of the Third Reich. Rather, in an effort to preserve Coca-Cola company assets and protect its people by way of keeping local plants operating, he formulated a new soft drink when it became impossible to produce the company's flagship product.
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/fanta.asp#1wopDkqFwej2dGoQ.99
This thread has solidified my continued resistance to ever getting a Facebook account.
I'm actually a little sad I have one, and that I have slowly weeded all the crazies off my friend's list. And that was a lot (I come from a small conservative town of 900 in the middle of Illinois). Now my Facebook is boring . . .


This thread has solidified my continued resistance to ever getting a Facebook account.

y... I still try to come up with a reason why I would even need one in the first place... so far nothing.
maybe it's one of those "you only need it if you start using it"-kinda deals?
I really don't understand the Obama lying thing, because what exactly has he lied about to make it meme worthy? Other than "liberal lies" and nonsense.

And the funnier thing about the lying is his politifact score sheet is leaps and bounds better than quite a few of the republican candidates (I didn't check them all) that will be on the debates Thursday.

Granted politifact isn't the highest authority on such things, but yeesh. Give it a look for some of them and compare the varying degrees of false statements.


It's mostly old people there now basically. Most my age group (20-24 y/os) are now on Instagram and Twitter instead. The crazy right-wing religious relatives has got to be one of the reasons for the migration.
Old people are using Facebook to share photos and snappy quotes and young people are using either multiple tweets or Twitlonger to share long-form material. I don't get it.


y... I still try to come up with a reason why I would even need one in the first place... so far nothing.
maybe it's one of those "you only need it if you start using it"-kinda deals?

It's my messaging App for people I communicate with once every few Months. Maybe it's the same for you?


Kinda like heroin


granted, this thread is kinda addicting... but more in a train-wreck-kinda way. I guess you could call it a bad trip?

It's my messaging App for people I communicate with once every few Months. Maybe it's the same for you?

nah, I don't use facebook, never have, never will. because (as I wrote) I can't come up with a good reason why I would even need it... for everything it does, there's always better alternative.
for messaging, there is stuff like whatsapp, line, telegram, etc...
some people said "it's good to keep in touch with old friends", but I wonder, if I need a tool to keep in touch with those people, do I really care about them? or do they care about me? If convenience is the only thing why I'd keep in touch with them... I'd rather not


Okay, seriously, what is the link between Cecil and abortion? I've seen far too much of this shit for it to be coincidence.


Okay, seriously, what is the link between Cecil and abortion? I've seen far too much of this shit for it to be coincidence.
Right wingers like to paint liberals as being callous about human life (because they want abortion to be legal) but super-concerned with silly things like animal welfare.

This is them exposing "liberal hypocrisy."
Okay, seriously, what is the link between Cecil and abortion? I've seen far too much of this shit for it to be coincidence.

The connection isn't direct. It's mainly a "why do you care so much about one lion when unborn humans are being slaughtered by the millions" thing.

In other words, it's your garden-variety "Why is the media/everyone on Facebook so obsessed with [isolated incident/minor problem/thing I don't care about] when [ongoing problem/horrific attrocity/thing I do care about] is happening"?


Yeah it seems Cecil draws the ire of everybody. Right wingers have memes about people caring about Cecil over abortions, Black Lives Matter has memes about people caring about Cecil over black people being killed by the police, etc.


"Unborn" has to be the weirdest way to describe an aborted fetus. I know the preposition un can be used in different ways but unborn makes me think of babies that were born then stuck back in their mothers womb.


The Autumn Wind
Okay, seriously, what is the link between Cecil and abortion? I've seen far too much of this shit for it to be coincidence.
Right-wingers are very good about getting their talking points and marching orders out in quick and efficient fashion.



God, it's just like being gay isn't it.

Speaking as a fellow 16 year old, I sympathise greatly for this poor middle class white person. Clearly the real victims in British society are the ones who occasionally get called on their entitled bullshit rather than the starving foreigners who just want to survive. Or, indeed, any section of society that doesn't fit into the party's ideal of a perfect Britain. Thank you for providing this new outlook on life UKIP, you hypocritical chauvinist fucks.
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