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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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found this gem browsing 9gag

Meanwhile these morons will vote for people who will give the rich handouts. Screw them for being so dumb. I have a headache now.



I think if you can't even understand the argument, and you actually think this is what liberals believe, you're too stupid to have a gun.
What really gets me about that "Timothy McVeigh fertilizer etc." argument is

How often do people use fertilizer for that purpose? How often do people use box cutters for that purpose? When put up against guns, only one of those three things exist primarily to end lives. It reminds me of a co-worker who argued "why should AK47s be banned, but not bows? A person can kill people with a bow." She seemed to be intentionally obtuse, because she both couldn't explain why it's a valid comparison between a gun that anyone can use without having ever used one before, a gun that someone can use to kill rather efficiently, a gun that can spray figurative death into a crowd, versus a bow that can be easily disarmed, needs to be reloaded after each shot, is not as simple as "pick up and use", has far more limited ammo, and is a far less efficient killer (as you really can't kill a person instantly unless you hit them in a vital organ).
I'm just wondering, but do any of you ever argue with your friends and family who post this sort of stuff? Is it worth it? I try to not comment on these posts and ignore any political stuff that these people post on the stuff that I share because I just don't really want to get into an argument on Facebook.


I'm just wondering, but do any of you ever argue with your friends and family who post this sort of stuff? Is it worth it? I try to not comment on these posts and ignore any political stuff that these people post on the stuff that I share because I just don't really want to get into an argument on Facebook.

Yes. I try to ignore some things, but certain subjects just set me off. Recently had a big falling out with my (racist) aunt. But, fuck it, I don't owe anyone silence because they sort of have my blood. If you're a racist, you should be called out on it.

In connection with that I did argue with my dad a bit and apparently my mom saw it and my dad said she was crying "because of my beliefs." Well, whatever.
I'm just wondering, but do any of you ever argue with your friends and family who post this sort of stuff? Is it worth it? I try to not comment on these posts and ignore any political stuff that these people post on the stuff that I share because I just don't really want to get into an argument on Facebook.

No. Do yourself a favor and stay away from getting into those conversations, whether it be with family and friends or randoms. It's almost certain those people have probably heard whatever argument you're going to make many times, so repeating it is not going to help.

Nelo Ice

No. Do yourself a favor and stay away from getting into those conversations, whether it be with family and friends or randoms. It's almost certain those people have probably heard whatever argument you're going to make many times, so repeating it is not going to help.

That and the more facts you give them, the more they'll be pushed to defend their beliefs. Like the guys I mentioned in my last post vehement defending murder. And this is after watching evidence and admitting it was murder.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
There was a lady at my work the other night who just went off on this black guy for "baggy pants", yelling at him to act like a man and such. Was way outta place, and from what people said, she'd basically been trolling behind the guy the whole time just wanting to say something.

It pissed me off because I was helping the dude find something when she went off on him, and while I stayed out of the initial confrontation, which thankfully didn't escalate as the dude just walked off, she later said something to me about the dude being in the wrong, and I told her she was the rude one. Her husband joined in and they went with the usual "someone has to take a stand!" and "political correctness gone wrong!", even though they were the ones enforcing their dress-code on others and acting offended, so I finally just said the "R" word. I usually don't get into debates like this, but just their attitude pissed me off, and it quickly turned into a screaming match the manager had to break up.

I honestly don't know what'll happen with my job, but I was glad to see that everyone agreed the lady was in the wrong and didn't have any reason to yell at the dude in public like she did. I'm kind of worried her and her husband are gonna come back and shoot me to be honest...
Yes. I try to ignore some things, but certain subjects just set me off. Recently had a big falling out with my (racist) aunt. But, fuck it, I don't owe anyone silence because they sort of have my blood. If you're a racist, you should be called out on it.

In connection with that I did argue with my dad a bit and apparently my mom saw it and my dad said she was crying "because of my beliefs." Well, whatever.

No. Do yourself a favor and stay away from getting into those conversations, whether it be with family and friends or randoms. It's almost certain those people have probably heard whatever argument you're going to make many times, so repeating it is not going to help.

I'll take this advice and stay away.

I was really close to saying something a couple nights ago though. My cousin decided to say that history was being distorted with a black Captain America that went against conservative values. Like I think he thought that Steve Rogers was made into a black man or something, since he also brought up Annie being made black in the recent remake.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Hey, no one is going to put you in jail for not filing for your social security benefits.
Eh, that original point is pretty stupid, and the follow-up pointing out that it's mandatory and authoritarian (to pay in, anyway) is solid.

I don't see that as horrible at all, and the post it attacks would be fair game in any "Those awful left-wing..." thread if it existed.


Eh, that original point is pretty stupid, and the follow-up pointing out that it's mandatory and authoritarian (to pay in, anyway) is solid.

I don't see that as horrible at all, and the post it attacks would be fair game in any "Those awful left-wing..." thread if it existed.

Old people who like social security tend to also be afraid of socialism. That's the point of all that. The one on the left isn't awful. It's pointing out that we do like socialism here. You're not going to see some candidate outwardly saying we need to destroy social security. Perhaps in the background, sure, but not outwardly. People like that program.
Old people who like social security tend to also be afraid of socialism. That's the point of all that. The one on the left isn't awful. It's pointing out that we do like socialism here. You're not going to see some candidate outwardly saying we need to destroy social security. Perhaps in the background, sure, but not outwardly. People like that program.

What's dumb is saying that having an SSN means you aren't against socialism. it was a point that was badly made in the original image, and begging for that counterattack.

This is not my stance or anything, but I think the "awful" one is on the left and the respondent skewers it.


I think the response on the right is on the same level as the common argument that taxes are authoritarian since you can be jailed for not paying them. Not liking a thing you have to do isn't authoritarian.

They're both janky Facebook memes.
I think the response on the right is on the same level as the common argument that taxes are authoritarian since you can be jailed for not paying them. Not liking a thing you have to do isn't authoritarian.

They're both janky Facebook memes.

It's technically correct and the go-to for douchey libertarians.
This thread is depressing, and im not even from the US.

But same or evne worse things are cooking up in germany right now, due to the refugee situation... one would have thought that people would get smarter in our time and age...yet some people are so stuck in their opinions, that you can jsut defriend them and hope for the best :(


This thread is depressing, and im not even from the US.

But same or evne worse things are cooking up in germany right now, due to the refugee situation... one would have thought that people would get smarter in our time and age...yet some people are so stuck in their opinions, that you can jsut defriend them and hope for the best :(

Germany here too.

As someone who doesn't even remotely look like a German I can attest that things have been getting worse since the refugee crisis. Just yesterday they have reported on Pro 7 News that the number of crimes with a racist motivation has doubled compared to last year and are mostly committed by people between 20 and 25.
In the age of social media it has become easier to manipulate people, and the current right-wing is doing better than ever before.

I might post some pictures later, depending on if I can get my Laptop running again.


Would somebody give me some background for that one


The head of U.S. Africa Command, Gen. Carter Ham, debunked a widespread rumor that he was removed from overseeing the military operation because he wanted to do more militarily that night than he was allowed to by his superiors or the White House.

Immediately following the Benghazi attack, the Internet became rife with speculation that Ham had been pushed out for wanting to do more militarily to help those Americans who were stranded after the attack. Shortly afterward, Ham announced his retirement, further fueling speculation that he was pushed out. Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Buck McKeon put the question to Ham.

MCKEON: "This might be a good time to ask ... I heard that you had made the statement that you were prepared to go to their aid and somebody told you no and you said you were going anyway. Is that all some supposition that comes from some reporter?"

HAM: "Yes, sir. No one ever told me no."

TLDR: it's bullshit.
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