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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Nelo Ice

So I live in California. These pics are from acquaintances who are minorities. I would say friends but 1 in particular lost all my respect when he and his family told me everyone who has been gunned down by police deserved it. And that people are guilty until proven innocent. O and if people had just listened to authority, they would not have gotten shot.

Also it's taking all my willpower not to lay the smackdown on them with actual facts but seeing as how they'll ignore it I find it futile. I posted this in the thread about Sam Dubose but anyway I showed one of them video evidence of the shooting and they fully believed the cop was right and murder was totally ok. And I've already unfollowed them but once in awhile I like to see if they post anything to make me wanna punch a wall. Today was one of those days.


I love how the right thinks the Tenth Amendment is license to do whatever they want and ignore the federal government.

No, it really doesn't work that way.
Its not a protected right to drive a car. It's a privaledge. Its licenced, regulated and safe driving is heavily enforced. If only americans were as careful with guns.

why am I arguing with a picture?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Fucking lol. Pretty sure that anyone actually placing a loaded shotgun on a front porch could be prosecuted for negligence. Can you imagine if some kid started playing with it?
Truly a responsible gun owner right there!


Someone posted a link to a story about that huge image dump of Apollo images that NASA put out the other day. The first reply?

Frankly, I doubt anything NASA puts out. We live in world under the control of Satan's deception. Only those who have been Born Again by FAITH in the Gospel ( 1 Cor 15 ) have any spiritual enlightenment. NASA has been spinning a very pagan view of man's origins and too many Christians are not discerning enough to see it.



This election cycle has saturated my Facebook feed with this kind of thing here in Canada. Today I see this posted and the first response is all too predictable.



How exactly a white christian etc. believe he has lost the right to do anything? What has this person tried to do (other than being openly racist at their workplace or something) that was met with such resistance by the government that he believes democracy itself is falling?
How exactly a white christian etc. believe he has lost the right to do anything? What has this person tried to do (other than being openly racist at their workplace or something) that was met with such resistance by the government that he believes democracy itself is falling?

Someone called him on his shit the last time he called someone a nigger faggot.
How exactly a white christian etc. believe he has lost the right to do anything? What has this person tried to do (other than being openly racist at their workplace or something) that was met with such resistance by the government that he believes democracy itself is falling?

War on Christmas
No Christianity in government property
"We don't want to be preached to!"
Christianity seen as backwards, medieval idea instead of being the correct way to live.
Tolerance of gay marriage and abortion
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