Mobile Suit Gooch
Grundle: The Awakening
Sooooo....If I am a Christian, I have to be a Conservative, huh?
It was actually a pencil case. And I don't even have a problem with the teacher being cautious about it, but they've done a great job making people forget this kid was put in handcuffs and arrested.As for the pop tart, I am pretty sure that if any kid made that Clock-suitcase, they would raise some suspicion and scorn from no tolerance policy teachers. It just seems like common sense for a teacher to ask "what's that?...It looks like a bomb". The pop tart kid and Ahmed are both victims of stupid school rules that just go too far.
The twist here is that he's Muslim, and that one of the cops actually said "exactly who I expected", or something along those lines, if I'm not mistaken. And that he was arrested.
I also assume that putting that clock in a briefcase was just the most convenient thing to do. Not sure how else he could conveniently hold all that together anyway.
Sooooo....If I am a Christian, I have to be a Conservative, huh?
Well yes, since liberals hate religion (unless it's Islam, since that's anti-American), guns, and freedom.
lol yeah. Guess I'm a liberal one since I don't want people to go without care or something.
Also this:
This always bugs me. Don't red states have the people who are on welfare the most?
Tell them to read the word on the sign, and to follow that suggestion lol..Just had this one posted from some white people on my facebook.
I don't even
Same person posted these:
Really gonna have a hard time not punching him next time I see him.
That second one is just disgusting.
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
That was no ordinary clock, have this kid trialed!!
What's funnier is the fact that they blew up a picture of a pencil box into the size of a briefcase and people still gobble it up..blurry hand and all lol.What's funny about this is I work for a place that makes props for airsoft/paintball/laser tag, and one of them is a briefcase bomb. It's got a timer, a keypad, shit labeled C4, etc. We've had no problem taking it on a plane lol.
A relative posted this:
Whatever the person who made that Picture had in Mind, i have some bad news:
The US isn't far behind Honduras, but had twice the Numberof Homicides compared to Honduras, who is apperently the worst Country (we starting to count with 84 now?)
Looks like Australia, a country where Guns are banned got Switzerland beaten
Politifact had an article about a picture, that I have not seen here:
But at the same time...
I thankfully haven't seen much, however I have been called "Pro-murder-of-babies" this afternoon by someone because someone derailed a topic of gun control to the topic of abortions and I tried to get the topic back on track. In that same thread i also heard that sandy hook was fake. Riiiight.
I honestly don't know, one theory though I've had is that they might fear that they might not be allowed to own a gun if various requirements were placed on them, such as.. oh.. basic gun safety courses, or something like that. So they fear any sort of change that might maybe possibly take their precious deadly weapon from them.Why are gun-nuts so defensive when any expression of gun legislation springs up?
I've had two semi-rando people on Twitter start debates with me over anti-gun retweets I made. They both basically ended with them realizing Twitter isn't a great place to proselytize (aka they weren't going to change my mind by telling me I'd die by following standard active shooter training or repeatedly saying "just think logically about [scenario which has had the means to happen, but never once occured]. It's logical!." Why are gun-nuts so defensive when any expression of gun legislation springs up?
And why are people who incite these debates always say shit like "think about it logically?" I wouldn't want to equate GamerGaters to Gun Nuts, but they both like to talk the same.
But at the same time...
Always amazing to call America a "Godless society" considering how ridiculously religious this country is...
Columbine could've totally happened with planes and cyanide gas. Those things are easy to get.
because God wants a society filled to the brim with guns.![]()
But at the same time...
So which is it? Also:
"And on the 5th day, The LORD wrought the Colt '45 and gave Lead to Man..."
It always comes back to Cecil
But it's not a theocracy which is what these people really want. That pesky separation of church and state getting in the way.