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It strikes me as hilarious that the guy colored the "THEY ARE WRONG" part after "AS USUAL" the same way he did the actual party name earlier.
The GOP isn't racist--we've got 9 minorities!
So... why did Japanese internment happen again?
Don't even know what to say to this one:
Raise your hand if you remember this...
Charlie Hebdo was unable for comments
A good friend of mine who is in the Marines posted this and while he's usually sharing/posting bullshit from random pages etc that I just ignore, this one was just...I had it and finally removed him from my friends list:
You mean like this woman?Oh man, those people are the worst. I think there's a subreddit for these brave "AM I BEING DETAINED?!" white kids who get pulled over for having a broken taillight.
You mean like this woman?
These people claim to be "Free Inhabitants" I don't know the word they go by, but the people in the video you quoted aren't that. I don't know how the encounter was initiated apart from a noise complaint, but the officer had no right to try to drag the dude out without a good reason. Even if the students cussed him out, police officers had no excuse to be so aggressive and call in back up. It is unnecessary and a waste of money. The whole situation was overblown for no reason.
This reads to me like the person who made it thinks Paris is a country
Yeah, that's not transparent politicising of a major tragedy. I do not doubt for one second that whoever shared those is also offended when gun control is brought up after school shootings.
Do people think that ISIS operatives are going to Mexico to sneak over the border?
Yes, this has been a possibility posited by the right since 9/11. Granted it was Al Queda then.Do people think that ISIS operatives are going to Mexico to sneak over the border?
Do people think that ISIS operatives are going to Mexico to sneak over the border?
so are they pro military/police or not?
so are they pro military/police or not?
so are they pro military/police or not?
lol at "Yes I'm right"
It's a "right-wing" website: http://www.yesimright.com/Same reaction. Just... what?
Do people think that ISIS operatives are going to Mexico to sneak over the border?
And these
Always makes me think of that 1-877-kars4kids K-A-R-S kars4kids jingle.