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Thousands of Baltimore residents protest Freddie Gray’s death

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It's hard not to make those assumptions about someone who comes into a thread about a protest of police brutality to only complain about broken windows. When multiple people make the same assumption maybe you should consider how you come across.
Maybe you should delve a little deeper into a persons opinions before making assumptions about them. Since making assumptions about people is a dumb thing to do in the first place.
Oh I am definitely rude when it comes to discussions about race. I have no reason to be nice to people more concerned about broken windows.
I know what you have posted about race in the past. If those things are not what you believe then why post them?
I'm not saying I don't. I also don't think I've ever posted anything that was against the idea that black people should be treated equally and fairly.

Again, just because I may dislike the actions of some people who support rights for minorities, doesn't mean I don't support rights for minorities myself.


Homeland Security Fail
I wonder if the posters, who are passionate about random people destroying property, are just as passionate about random cops killing citizens.
And when has that violence ever lead to positive change? One of the most successful social movements (the civil rights movement) achieved it's ends largely through non-violent protests. Who had more success? Martin Luther King's movement or the Black Panthers?

Martin was definitely more prominent and influential, and I side with MLK. I don't see what bringing in MLK has to do with the violence seen here anyway. You are applying "by any means necessary" to some broken windows and a guy jumping on a cop car. It's just a tiny piece right now. MLKs legacy is being followed, and the fact that a small group of people took up violence (and was squashed it seems) doesn't allow you to bring up MLK, Malcom X or the Black Panthers.


Vandalism of the property of innocent parties is bad. That doesn't mean the systemic racism isn't far, far worse.

Believing in both things is not a contrary viewpoint -- much like we have the wild spectrum of views about police violence/brutality/racism, we have a wild spectrum of believes on when vandalism is and isn't appropriate. The two aren't mutually exclusive (and discussing one does not mean you don't care about the other), though frankly, I'd wager if the thread didn't "kick off" with mentions of the former, it wouldn't be discussed in here at all.

The Boston Tea Party analogue was fucking hilariously awful, fwiw.

Anyway, it's a fucking farce the officers in question are on paid admin leave, and I hope this time the DoJ actually does something.

Edit: The Bloods/Crips photos are really the most powerful ones of the bunch, imo.


Maybe you should delve a little deeper into a persons opinions before making assumptions about them. Since making assumptions about people is a dumb thing to do in the first place.

All your posts in this thread are complaints about broken windows with maybe a single throwaway line about the actually point of the protests. I think your real opinion is pretty clear here, but I doubt you have the guts to actually voice it.
All your posts in this thread are complaints about broken windows with maybe a single throwaway line about the actually point of the protests. I think your real opinion is pretty clear here, but I doubt you have the guts to actually voice it.
He can't anytime soon..


Vandalism of the property of innocent parties is bad. That doesn't mean the systemic racism isn't far, far worse.

Believing in both things is not a contrary viewpoint -- much like we have the wild spectrum of views about police violence/brutality/racism, we have a wild spectrum of believes on when vandalism is and isn't appropriate. The two aren't mutually exclusive (and discussing one does not mean you don't care about the other), though frankly, I'd wager if the thread didn't "kick off" with mentions of the former, it wouldn't be discussed in here at all.

The Boston Tea Party analogue was fucking hilariously awful, fwiw.

Anyway, it's a fucking farce the officers in question are on paid admin leave, and I hope this time the DoJ actually does something.
You'll lose that bet.

Anyways stressing the point that property damage is bad while saying things like this set their cause back and ignoring the fact that the people creating the property damage are not apart of the organized protests and just are merely opportunist, mind as well be a contrary view point from systemic racism and police brutality is bad and something needs to be done.


You'll lose that bet.

I'll take your word for it - I'll admit I'm not normally active in these threads, so I don't know the actors in play here.

Anyways stressing the point that property damage is bad while saying things like this set their cause back and ignoring the fact that the people creating the property damage are not apart of the organized protests and just are merely opportunist, mind as well be a contrary view point from systemic racism and police brutality is bad and something needs to be done.

I can agree with that!


Fuck, I hope this doesn't affect the concert I'm going to on monday night in one way or another.

Damn, you might miss a concert?! I guess they better call it off, Regiruler might miss his concert.
Who are you going to see? I bet it is someone real important.


Damn, you might miss a concert?! I guess they better call it off, Regiruler might miss his concert.

I've had to deal with a lot of crap to get this work, and they haven't come over stateside in years. This a massive deal for me, if it's shallow for me to be worried how my plans will be affected than so be it.

It's an immense tragedy, and the protest is justified. But they often do affect the workings of the city in sometimes unpredictable ways.
I truly believe that there won't be mass change until someone/group sacrifice themselves the way MLK and his protesters did. An almost completely peaceful protest while getting beat and killed by police officers is the only way I see this police brutality and systematic racism problem to finally get the public as a whole (barring the racist ones) to step up and demand change. It's really unfortunate, but I just don't see any other way that takes less than over a 100 years. It seems like the newer generations are gradually getting less and less racist and realizing these social issues need to change, but the process is slow. It's also slow fixing the problems that lead to institutional racism, for example education. And since it is completely ridiculous for anyone to sacrifice themselves like that, I'd bet there won't be any significant change for a very long while, especial if/when the wrong people get into office and take us back a step while trying to fix things.


I've had to deal with a lot of crap to get this work, and they haven't come over stateside in years. This a massive deal for me, if it's shallow for me to be worried how my plans will be affected than so be it.

It's an immense tragedy, and the protest is justified. But they often do affect the workings of the city in sometimes unpredictable ways.

I doubt you actually think that since you seem so worried that it might affect your concert.
And when has that violence ever lead to positive change? One of the most successful social movements (the civil rights movement) achieved it's ends largely through non-violent protests. Who had more success? Martin Luther King's movement or the Black Panthers?

Nelson Mandela is a prime example of violence for civil rights, and it bringing out positive change. This idea that only nonviolent protest works is bullshit, in fact if nonviolent movements really work then show me an example of ruling powers throughout history winning a war through peace or nonviolence?


I've had to deal with a lot of crap to get this work, and they haven't come over stateside in years. This a massive deal for me, if it's shallow for me to be worried how my plans will be affected than so be it.

It's an immense tragedy, and the protest is justified. But they often do affect the workings of the city in sometimes unpredictable ways.

Holy shit. It just doesn't stop.
When people inside the movement discourage property damage, it's because they know the power-brokers in society would rather talk about the property damage than the violence and state oppression against blacks. They know that the politically-dominant part of the community uses discourse about vandalism in order to undermine the larger social movement, by undermining the ability for whites to empathize with blacks.

In no way are some smashed windows an equivalent concern to the issues that African-Americans have to deal with. But when people focus on that, they lose the ability to see the African-American struggle as a morally viable movement, because they get caught in stereotypes about blacks being violent or irrational. And deciding that the property damage in these incidents is an indefensible outcome of spending a lifetime living under injustice requires you to assume that the perpetrators are either naturally violent or irrational.

How would you not be dissatisfied with normative claims about private property and proper social behaviour if you lived a life where your parents had to tell you how not to get murdered by the police, where you were subject to extra scrutiny and prejudice, had extremely limited economic mobility and educational opportunity, and a government which continually acts against your own interests?
really good post
I truly believe that there won't be mass change until someone/group sacrifice themselves the way MLK and his protesters did. An almost completely peaceful protest while getting beat and killed by police officers is the only way I see this police brutality and systematic racism problem to finally get the public as a whole (barring the racist ones) to step up and demand change. It's really unfortunate, but I just don't see any other way that takes less than over a 100 years. It seems like the newer generations are gradually getting less and less racist and realizing these social issues need to change, but the process is slow. It's also slow fixing the problems that lead to institutional racism, for example education. And since it is completely ridiculous for anyone to sacrifice themselves like that, I'd bet there won't be any significant change for a very long while, especial if/when the wrong people get into office and take us back a step while trying to fix things.
Obama dies?


I truly believe that there won't be mass change until someone/group sacrifice themselves the way MLK and his protesters did. An almost completely peaceful protest while getting beat and killed by police officers is the only way I see this police brutality and systematic racism problem to finally get the public as a whole (barring the racist ones) to step up and demand change. It's really unfortunate, but I just don't see any other way that takes less than over a 100 years. It seems like the newer generations are gradually getting less and less racist and realizing these social issues need to change, but the process is slow. It's also slow fixing the problems that lead to institutional racism, for example education. And since it is completely ridiculous for anyone to sacrifice themselves like that, I'd bet there won't be any significant change for a very long while, especial if/when the wrong people get into office and take us back a step while trying to fix things.

I don't see an end to this problem until some RADICAL changes are made to the very foundation of this country. Yes we will progress in some respects but I feel the root of this problem is that America needs an exploitable working class to function. This is a country that was built on the backs of slaves and immigrants after all.
This is not how you protest.. in a sense they are only fueling the fire. Their message would have come across better if it was peaceful. Now people will only look at the negatives with this protest and not actually look at what it was meant for. This is horrible all the way around. But for the victim mostly, his injuries and the injustice might go unresolved because of these troubled people


This is not how you protest.. in a sense they are only fueling the fire. Their message would have come across better if it was peaceful. Now people will only look at the negatives with this protest and not actually look at what it was meant for. This is horrible all the way around. But for the victim mostly, his injuries and the injustice might go unresolved because of these troubled people
Ho boy


I've wanted to see this band for nearly seven years, and is the first time I've ever seen anyone in concert. I have never had the opportunity to do so prior to this. Now I have the opportunity, but only if my friend and roommate drove me. I almost lost this from him cancelling on me, and only to rekindle that hope when he changed his mind on cancelling.

I apologize if I am apprehensive when my wish could be put to ruin so close.

I no less understand the rage, I no less understand the hatred, I no less understand the desire for justice, but at this present moment, is it so unnatural for me to have my own interests in mind?


I've wanted to see this band for nearly seven years, and is the first time I've ever seen anyone in concert. I have never had the opportunity to do so prior to this. Now I have the opportunity, but only if my friend and roommate drove me. I almost lost this from him cancelling on me, and only to rekindle that hope when he changed his mind on cancelling.

I apologize if I am apprehensive when my wish could be put to ruin so close.

I no less understand the rage, I no less understand the hatred, I no less understand the desire for justice, but at this present moment, is it so unnatural for me to have my own interests in mind?
Dead ass, who's this band?
This is not how you protest.. in a sense they are only fueling the fire. Their message would have come across better if it was peaceful. Now people will only look at the negatives with this protest and not actually look at what it was meant for. This is horrible all the way around. But for the victim mostly, his injuries and the injustice might go unresolved because of these troubled people
How exactly is it that this would go "unresolved" because of a small amount of "troubled people" as you call them? What do they have to do with any investigation?
The worst thing about the what would MLK do trolls is they would have pulled the same respectability politics crap with MLKs messages and his methods.His methods were nonviolent but they definitely involved the disruption of people's everday lives,which is an anathema to the respectability crowd.


I've wanted to see this band for nearly seven years, and is the first time I've ever seen anyone in concert. I have never had the opportunity to do so prior to this. Now I have the opportunity, but only if my friend and roommate drove me. I almost lost this from him cancelling on me, and only to rekindle that hope when he changed his mind on cancelling.

I apologize if I am apprehensive when my wish could be put to ruin so close.

I no less understand the rage, I no less understand the hatred, I no less understand the desire for justice, but at this present moment, is it so unnatural for me to have my own interests in mind?

At the very least, it shows a spectacular lack of good judgment to jump into this discussion just to throw out there your concerns for missing fucking Dragonforce. Lord.


I apologize for my comment. It seemed to be in immensely poor taste, beyond what I had initially determined, and you have acted as appropriate.

I am sorry for what I have said and for devaluing this protest and Gray's death.
I've wanted to see this band for nearly seven years, and is the first time I've ever seen anyone in concert. I have never had the opportunity to do so prior to this. Now I have the opportunity, but only if my friend and roommate drove me. I almost lost this from him cancelling on me, and only to rekindle that hope when he changed his mind on cancelling.

I apologize if I am apprehensive when my wish could be put to ruin so close.

I no less understand the rage, I no less understand the hatred, I no less understand the desire for justice, but at this present moment, is it so unnatural for me to have my own interests in mind?

To answer you, it is perfectly natural to have your own interests in mind. But do you understand that most people think like you and only care about what affects themselves which is a part of the reason these issues aren't getting solved? The problem is when people who put their interests above others (which is most people, not to single you out) then the problems that only affect the marginalized will never be solved. Which is why in my previous post I say these problem's will take over a century to solve because it will take a long time to get people to understand the problems others go through without someone sacrificing themselves to hammer in obvious problem that exists.
How exactly is it that this would go "unresolved" because of a small amount of "troubled people" as you call them? What do they have to do with any investigation?

No I'm not condoning the actions of the police. And honestly I Had a slip of memory that he died and not injuries. All I'm saying is because of the people causing damage to innocent peoples property is not helping the protest but hindering it... I'm sorry if my last post came off as a problem. I'm for the people that are protesting for the cause and not to be a ass
I truly believe that there won't be mass change until someone/group sacrifice themselves the way MLK and his protesters did. An almost completely peaceful protest while getting beat and killed by police officers is the only way I see this police brutality and systematic racism problem to finally get the public as a whole (barring the racist ones) to step up and demand change. It's really unfortunate, but I just don't see any other way that takes less than over a 100 years. It seems like the newer generations are gradually getting less and less racist and realizing these social issues need to change, but the process is slow. It's also slow fixing the problems that lead to institutional racism, for example education. And since it is completely ridiculous for anyone to sacrifice themselves like that, I'd bet there won't be any significant change for a very long while, especial if/when the wrong people get into office and take us back a step while trying to fix things.
It will never change while blacks only make up 14% of the population and Whites live in protected suburbs with little crime. Plus, most people that want to do something eventually backtrack once they see how deep these issues are rooted in the system and play it off as something they can't change. (Same reason why stuff like income inequality and Political incompetence are downplayed as well)
No I'm not condoning the actions of the police. And honestly I Had a slip of memory that he died and not injuries. All I'm saying is because of the people causing damage to innocent peoples property is not helping the protest but hindering it... I'm sorry if my last post came off as a problem. I'm for the people that are protesting for the cause and not to be a ass
You were correct. People will focus on the folks who damaged property. It's been going on in here from jump. Fact is, the peaceful protesters outnumbered the folks who did wrong by thousands. We need to be focused on that fact..even more on the reason for the protest in the first place.

A man lost his life needlessly. Someone must answer for that. That's what's most important. Those that would let their minds be swayed by a pocket of people breaking things, had their minds made up to begin with..


It will never change while blacks only make up 14% of the population and Whites live in protected suburbs with little crime. Plus, most people that want to do something eventually backtrack once they see how deep these issues are rooted in the system and play it off as something they can't change. (Same reason why stuff like income inequality and Political incompetence are downplayed as well)

It also doesn't help that the system is set up to discourage white people from helping black people on these issues. If a white person wants to know how it feels to be treated like a black person by the police, all they need to do is side with us in a protest. Or be part of any protest that challenges the status quo and white authority. We saw a pretty good example of that during the Occupy protests.


No I'm not condoning the actions of the police. And honestly I Had a slip of memory that he died and not injuries. All I'm saying is because of the people causing damage to innocent peoples property is not helping the protest but hindering it... I'm sorry if my last post came off as a problem. I'm for the people that are protesting for the cause and not to be a ass

Those so easily swayed by the negative actions of a few protesters probably didn't care about the protests to begin with.
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