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Thread Killers

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You know in a conversation with a large group of people, someone may say something stupid or weird or whatever that kills the conversation. Then there is this awkward silence for a while.

Well it happens with threads too. All threads have to die some point. Either everything needed to be said, or someone posts some inane comment, that really adds nothing, and completely kills the thread.

Note: Posting this thread will probably end up killing it self with such an abritrary topic with no real question.

So who is a thread killer out there? I know I can be sometimes, getting into the topics late, then watching my post at the end sink into obscurity.


First tragedy, then farce.
this is wierd, I thought about making almost this exact same post last week.

I hate when you get to a thread late and you really want to be in it, and then no one replies :(

Cruel Irony will have no one reply to this after me :(

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
This could end badly for catfish.


I always refresh to see what people reply after my post, but then the thread is never bumped again.

I'm a thread killer :-\




Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Some tricky mod will just wait until the thread has 15,000 replies, slip in a post, and then lock the thread. Motherfuckers.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Aw, man, I was sure my extremely inappropriate and in-poor-taste image would stop this one!
In reference to Swift Boat Vets for Truth:

This is a $150,000 ad that's run on three or four TV stations. Not ran, it's been picked up on all the cable outlets. $150,000 ad and it's causing all this havoc versus the $15 to $20 to $50 million the Democrats have spent on their 527s and the Michael Moore movie and all these books. And nobody's concerned about the campaign finance reform implications of all that, but here comes this one little swift boat ad and all of a sudden everybody is raising questions about campaign finance reform and this loophole, and you know why? How come $150,000 carries so much more weight than $15 to $20 million or $50 million? How come it's causing so much angst? It's not because it's a Republican donor that's part of the supply of money. It's because it's true, probably. I mean, the truth does cause people to react this way, especially when people aren't telling the truth the truth is out there and the truth doesn't go away. You know, what's the old saying, "The truth will make your boat float?" We're talking about boats here. Swift boat vets are still afloat after numerous attempts to sink their mission by the Kerry campaign. That alone says something about it.

RUSH: Let me ask you a question, folks. We got two stories here. We got Kerry's story of his service in Vietnam and we've got these Swift Boat Vets for Truth story. Which of the two stories keeps changing and which doesn't? What does that tell you? I mean, that alone. The Kerry story keeps changing every day. There's a new version of something, swift boat vets story has not changed, they just keep sticking to their guns.

Kerry = "You're not going to have to look for us on vacation. You're going to find us working for America."





Meanwhile, Kerry is missing almost all intelligence committee hearings. But to be fair, who WOULD miss a game of bowling??


I'm probably one of the worse thread killers of all time. Not only here, but everywhere I go. I always come very late to (still updated) threads and write something clever about the subject (although sometimes I write jokes that ends up killing the thread also) and BAM!


I am the ULTIMATE thread killer. Not only do my topics usually generate responses in the low single digits, but not once have I ever been directly replied to in a topic, no matter how thorough my post may be. It's been the case since the snowball boards.
Oh yes, how fun. I can't count how many topics have ended because of me... and I've had a thread with no responses at all without ever being locked. Anyone else in that same boat?


Wellington said:
I am the ULTIMATE thread killer. Not only do my topics usually generate responses in the low single digits, but not once have I ever been directly replied to in a topic, no matter how thorough my post may be. It's been the case since the snowball boards.
I know exactly what you mean... I used to be ignored; I guess I am less now.




Unconfirmed Member
Outlaw Pro Mod said:
Meanwhile, Kerry is missing almost all intelligence committee hearings. But to be fair, who WOULD miss a game of bowling??
To be fair, anybody who runs for president generally shows up a lot less for their current jobs as they campaign. You think Bush magically gets extra hours in his day to perform his duty as president on days he is campaigning? Please don't say dumb things.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Wellington said:
I am the ULTIMATE thread killer. Not only do my topics usually generate responses in the low single digits, but not once have I ever been directly replied to in a topic, no matter how thorough my post may be. It's been the case since the snowball boards.

dude, I respond to your posts :b

I was the king thread killer, though it has been dying down recently. In the old GAF, all but 2 of my threads had over THREE replies and ~30% of my posts where the last in a thread...it's been getting better though


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Jezus, Gyllenhaal has a lot of pubic hair. Anyway, I think all those lovely people that keep telling others 'wrong forum' whenever a FF:AC topic or something similar to that shows up in the Gaming Forum can be classified as thread killers.
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