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Three men gored at this years' Running of the Bulls

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Well at least it looks like he missed his dick. Seems to have been punctured in the thigh. Hard to feel too bad for the guy as this whole thing is sort of asking for it.


Spain, home of The Baby Jumping Festival, The Tomatina Tomato Throwing Festival, The Running of the Bulls, and Bull-Fighting Animal Slaughter.

Wasn't there also a tradition in one town of throwing a donkey off of a tower as well?

The tomato festival is pretty awesome though

Had to google this, while doing so I found:
Saw a TV doc a few years ago, with them throwing goats off church towers. Think it was for some Saint's day.

They also had a rope tied across the road with live chickens hanging from it, tied by they feet. Fellas on horses then took turns riding under and reaching up and yanking the heads off the chickies.

What the fuck Spain... what the fuck for all of those.
I wish the bulls got spared when they "win" by goring people, but you can always count on that stand-by human attitude of "How dare this animal react to my provocation! Kill it!"


I always hated this tradition along with the rodeo and calf roping. I've seen videos of calf running full speed and then the rope goes over their neck and snapped when the cowboy pulls back, disgusting.


Have you seen their soap operas?

Have you?

Anyway, on topic: thousands run every year, and I don't have hard data, but many of the runners are foreigners. I'm ok with the encierros (I wonder how Hemingway translated the term into English, if he did): you know what you are up to and the animals don't do that bad (we, unluckily, have way worst).


I'm trying to feel some sympathy but I can't seem to muster any.

Damn that horn is almost right through the leg :p


"He had done it too many times in his imagination. Too many times he had seen the horns, seen the bull's wet muzzle, the ear twitching, then the head go down and the charge, the hoofs thudding, and the hot bull pass him as he swung the cape, to recharge as he swung the cape again, then again, and again, and again, to end winding the bull around him in the great media-veronica, and walk swingingly away, with bull hairs caught in the gold ornaments of his jacket from the close passes, the bull standing hypnotized and the crowd applauding. No, he would not be afraid. Others, yes. Not he. He knew he would not be afraid. Even if he ever was afraid he could do it anyway. He had confidence."


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I really don't get this tradition.

I'm also amazed people don't get trampled to death more often.


"He had done it too many times in his imagination. Too many times he had seen the horns, seen the bull's wet muzzle, the ear twitching, then the head go down and the charge, the hoofs thudding, and the hot bull pass him as he swung the cape, to recharge as he swung the cape again, then again, and again, and again, to end winding the bull around him in the great media-veronica, and walk swingingly away, with bull hairs caught in the gold ornaments of his jacket from the close passes, the bull standing hypnotized and the crowd applauding. No, he would not be afraid. Others, yes. Not he. He knew he would not be afraid. Even if he ever was afraid he could do it anyway. He had confidence."

The topic is about San Fermin's encierros, not bullfighting. I'm for banning bullfighting, but the running, I have my doubts.


Completely retarded tradition. I wish they would abolish it along with bullfighting. Sucks for the people hurt but they knew what they were doing and now they have to deal with the consequences/broken dick.

Score 3 three for the bulls! If I had my way, I'd let like 150 bulls roam free and start a massacre there. You know, for cultural tradition.

Don't be an idiot.


The topic is about San Fermin's encierros, not bullfighting. I'm for banning bullfighting, but the running, I have my doubts.

No shit, it's a quote from Capital of the World by Hemingway. Idiot tries to be brave because he wants to take on a bull and ends up getting hurt and dying. I was comparing it to the people stupid enough to participate at the running.


If the only argument in favour of something is that it's tradition, there is no argument in favour of it.

It must be absolutely thrilling to participate, thousands of locals and tourists enjoy it, it brings in a lot of tourist money, it is a cultural face of Spain which might draw more tourists, ...


Well yeah, you're running from bulls. Shit is dangerous, what the fuck do you expect?

Not a fan of this tradition honestly.


Wow why don't you just go pout over life in general. The running of the bulls is a tradition and cultural thing. How about you just worry about your own life instead of telling other people to change theirs.

Right, so we're supposed to be cool with animal cruelty, because it's "tradition"?
Such an imbecile "tradition".

Those pictures made me laugh, zero sympathy for the idiot. I really hope it happens more frequently.

I can't stand animal cruelty.
I wish the bulls got spared when they "win" by goring people, but you can always count on that stand-by human attitude of "How dare this animal react to my provocation! Kill it!"

This actually kinda happens. Some bulls get such a reaction from the crowds in the ring at the end of the running that they call for the bull to be spared. The bull is then retired to 'stud' basically. It's rare, though.

I went to the festival last year with my mom, sister, and sister's Basque partner. There's so much more going on during the festival than the bull running. Basque music, basque poetry (like a sort of rapping), choirs, traditional dancing, Basque rural sports, parades, gastro societies.

Going during the day time is great for families. At night, it's mostly young people and younger tourists.

I hate the bullfighting and running too btw.
Right, so we're supposed to be cool with animal cruelty, because it's "tradition"?

Have you seen bullfights? Enough said.

I do find the whole thing bull running really interesting as a spectacle, but disgusting at the same time when I think of the bulls. I think bullfights will be outlawed eventually, in a generation or two, but I'm not so sure about this.
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