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Three men gored at this years' Running of the Bulls

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Yes they do things like that. A healthy enraged bull would kill dozens of people on every San Fermin.

If people what to fight bulls let it be a fair fight.

I thought so...I remember seeing a documentary when I was younger with regards to the preparation of the bulls...I closed my eyes through much of it but I do remember the stuff to do with the tendons and eyes...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Whenever I see or read these stories about bullfighters being horribly injured or even killed, I can't help but think, "What else did they expect to happen?"

Do you think the people participating are unaware of the danger? Do you think they're asking for donations now? It's a news story, not a sympathy plea. I've done it myself and I'm not shedding any tears.

There are many ways to live your life. You can bubble up and play World of Warcraft 24/7 and scoff at anyone taking risks and be content with that, or you can wingsuit BASE jump through waterfalls and maybe die at any moment and be content with that. Must there be stupidity involved in either, necessarily?


Neo Member
Yes, there's no million dollar payout or parade thrown in your honor. It's not pragmatic, not the sensible thing to do with your one chance at life. It's just you putting yourself in harm's way and trying to make it out alive, purely for the sake of it, and sometimes you take a goring to the balls.

It's not stupid, though. They're out there saying fuck it.

Sometimes things need doing.

If risking your life and abusing animals at the same time just to prove something to yourself (1% of cases) or to others (99%) is not even a little bit stupid…than I think we should change the definition of the word.


Do you think the people participating are unaware of the danger? Do you think they're asking for donations now? It's a news story, not a sympathy plea. I've done it myself and I'm not shedding any tears.

There are many ways to live your life. You can bubble up and play World of Warcraft 24/7 and scoff at anyone taking risks and be content with that, or you can wingsuit BASE jump through waterfalls and maybe die at any moment and be content with that. Must there be stupidity involved in either, necessarily?

Risks are great when they're worth something and don't involve animal cruelty...
I feel kind of guilty for it, but I honestly don't give a shit what happens to anyone who does this. I don't want anyone to die but this "tradition" is stupidly cruel to the bulls and should have been stopped decades ago.


my posts are "MEH"
love this stuff, love watching bullfighting as well. we have an arena here, 15 minutes away from my house, just had a race a couple of weeks ago.


best were in Açores, they saw the tip of the bull's horns so it doesn't spike but it hurts like hell. wish i could again some day, it's hilarious. i mean, look at this shit:

old fuck gets bopped:

planking gone wrong:

look at this idiot, LOL:


should've run, lady:

flash ko:
That video is HILARIOUS!!!! The sound effects lol
I hate animal cruelty, especially when it's for seemingly nothing. Not sure what this really means for their culture, just going off of what I perception, I could never feel sorry for anyone who got hurt doing it. That includes that one guy who got gored through the neck and mouth. (shit is graphic. No blood, but the clarity is there)

Then again, I'm sure no one would feel sorry for me if I plummeted into the earth from the many Skydiving trips I've had, gotten eaten by whatever the fuck was growling at me when I went hiking alone way off trail, ripped apart by a shark conquering my only fear(which is the ocean), etc. I don't think I've ever actively harm another animal unless I meant to eat it though.


Sorry but no sympathy here. Yuppies participate because of that element of danger that they think will never become their reality. When the realness hits home I can't say I have any sort of empathy.


There are many ways to live your life. You can bubble up and play World of Warcraft 24/7 and scoff at anyone taking risks and be content with that, or you can wingsuit BASE jump through waterfalls and maybe die at any moment and be content with that. Must there be stupidity involved in either, necessarily?

It depends. If you are a single man living it up, more power to you. If you've got a family and people who depend on you it's stupid. It's also not cool what they do to these bulls...that's stupid too, IMO.


15 years ago this was the thing in life I wanted to do......as such being poorer than poor and 3 knee surgeries later and no longer in my 20's I clearly can not run fast enough.

Ahh the missed dreams of a young life that passed me by.

Still would like to go and stand on side of street or in balcony as they rush by dressed in my white shirt and red collar bandana mugging it up for camera! Ahh well maybe in another 10 years


Yeah, I don't know why people can get shocked or upset about this. You go into it dicing with danger (and possble death). I feel so sad for the bulls.

Surprised it is allowed in this day and age as I would have expected that if the government wont flinch on animal cruelty issues then they'd end it for human safety issues alone.


Graphic images, you have been warned: http://www.businessinsider.com/man-getting-gored-at-running-of-the-bulls-2013-7

GOOD. Fucking idiots got what they deserved. Spanish need to sort their act out when it comes to animal cruelty.

I'm against animal cruelty and if it was up to me, I would ban the bullfighting right now. However, the encierros (running of the bulls) does not really harm them, it's just people running with them. The bulls are not harmed during the running.


I'm against animal cruelty and if it was up to me, I would ban the bullfighting right now. However, the encierros (running of the bulls) does not really harm them, it's just people running with them. The bulls are not harmed during the running.

There's a few pics during the running I've seen with people trying to pull their tails.


There's a few pics during the running I've seen with people trying to pull their tails.

I wanted to be that guy running right beside like the stomach or back legs of the bull and putting my arm and elbow on top of the bulls backside as we ran for that brief half a second and someone film it or take a picture of it woulda been = life completed for me.


Fail out bailed
If the running of the bulls was a thing, where a bunch of rowdy bulls run through the street, and a bunch of goofy young fucks ran from them, and few dudes got stabbed... I'd be cool with it.

Seem though, I bunch of bulls get mutilated and tortured, they chase a bunch of goofy young fucks, and then get totrtured an killed. Never knew this. Really takes the polish off the fucking knob.

Honestly, I'm more of an animal rights bitch than most of GAF. Hell most people I know, but this just seems pretty cut and dry from a fairly basic level. I'm surprised at the differing reaction I see here to other threads. I can't help but wonder how much of it is the seeming confusion that they have the illusion of being able "defend themselves"

EDIT: I feel like the impulse, as always, is call someone who criticizes a cool thing a fuddy-duddy or insinuate they are somehow less a man or whatever, but I've done PLENTY of shit that in retrospect was part of a larger construct that sort of sucked. I don't regret the memory or experience, but that doesn't allow me to defend a shitty thing either.


I'm against animal cruelty and if it was up to me, I would ban the bullfighting right now. However, the encierros (running of the bulls) does not really harm them, it's just people running with them. The bulls are not harmed during the running.

The bulls look scared. That's cruelty enough for me.


These idiots deserve any injury they suffer during this shit.

I actually hoped for even worse pics. Sorry, I'm really unable to feel bad for these morons.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
This a good reason why traditions should not be immune from criticism and should be challenged.
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