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Three men gored at this years' Running of the Bulls

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that last pic. you can just see it in his face that he instantly regretted his decision to be involved in it.

probably told himself he will run a few blocks, jump the side tell all his friends he a boss....the bull wanted no part of that story, think of the bull telling his friends he couldn't even catch a slow human. They would laugh at him.


God damn man, those pictures.

Would be awesome if that bull grabbed an assault rifle and started to shoot people!

That could make a good movie.


I really can't think of a better use of a doctors time, resources, and expertise. Thrill seekers and their superfluous injuries.... SMH
It always fills me with glee when this sort of stuff happens. I'm glad there were no fatalities though. Dying doesn't leave a lasting scar of how fucking stupid you are.


It really is a great tradition though. Weeds out the idiots from Spanish society. Spain can use all the help it can get these days, and the bulls are doing their part.


It really is a great tradition though. Weeds out the idiots from Spanish society. Spain can use all the help it can get these days, and the bulls are doing their part.

Then they should release all the bulls they have in the parliament.


People get gored every year at San Fermin, in Spain they do not blink an eye or see it as a problem. The newscasts do have a cam on the standby medical team though, and chronicle the entire event should someone get gored.

I didn't run down the street from the bulls while I was there, but you can wait for them to make it to the stadium and jump from the stands into the grounds there for when they release the young bulls into the crowd. They release them one at a time with taped horns, so at worst you'll be kicked, flipped onto your back and stomped.

Edit: And I do see it as a great tradition for their country. Not much else they can claim with their place in the global economy as poor as it is right now. I loved my time in Spain, I met some wonderful people.

Double Edit: Just looked at the photos... that guy got wrecked! At least he survived and has a story to tell. Damn.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yes, there's no million dollar payout or parade thrown in your honor. It's not pragmatic, not the sensible thing to do with your one chance at life. It's just you putting yourself in harm's way and trying to make it out alive, purely for the sake of it, and sometimes you take a goring to the balls.

It's not stupid, though. They're out there saying fuck it.

Sometimes things need doing.


Yes, there's no million dollar payout or parade thrown in your honor. It's not pragmatic, not the sensible thing to do with your one chance at life. It's just you putting yourself in harm's way and trying to make it out alive, purely for the sake of it, and sometimes you take a goring to the balls.

It's not stupid, though. They're out there saying fuck it.

Sometimes things need doing.

What if you tripped over? Madness!



man people on here must lead a very exciting life.
you wanna live forever ?

fuckin goody two shoes boring as fuck gaffers are getting ooooold.

Johnny M

People here thinking those bulls are a bunch of scared puppies... Those are 500kg toros bravos and they will charge without giving any fuck against everything (human or animal).
Animal cruelty is bullfighting, not that.


The people getting gored aren't asking for sympathy. They knew the risks. They had fun and had the story to tell. I'm sure the bulls took great pleasure in goring whoever they could. Everybody wins except lilly-livered GAF.


People here thinking those bulls are a bunch of scared puppies... Those are 500kg toros bravos and they will charge without giving any fuck against everything (human or animal).
Animal cruelty is bullfighting, not that.

So, as someone who knows like, nothing about the running of the bulls besides what he's seen in cartoons, what exactly does become of the bulls at the end of the run?
As someone who had the balls to run with the bulls, I can say that any criticism aimed at the runners is misguided at best. Mostly it's just jealousy. Being cheered as you enter that ring with bulls goring their way through people trying to get their way to you is something that I'll never forget.
What a terrible tradition. The whole idea of "tradition" is awful anyway. "Let's keep doing what a bunch of people did in the past just because the people before us did it!"
Alright all you guys who are all like "Bull shoulda picked a rifle, horrible tradition, I'm glad he got caught, I wish he got stomped on his head" etc Do you guys even know what's happening in this "Running of the Bulls"?

This isn't bullfighting...


Alright all you guys who are all like "Bull shoulda picked a rifle, horrible tradition, I'm glad he got caught, I wish he got stomped on his head" etc Do you guys even know what's happening in this "Running of the Bulls"?

This isn't bullfighting...

Yeah I'm sure the bulls love it.


Interesting how it is difficult to find out exactly what happens to the bulls afterwards through searching. PETA of course says they are just viciously slaughtered (but what else would they say). I wouldn't have much of a problem if they were eaten or something.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Interesting how it is difficult to find out exactly what happens to the bulls afterwards through searching. PETA of course says they are just viciously slaughtered (but what else would they say). I wouldn't have much of a problem if they were eaten or something.

That's what happens.

After the events, they get sent to the slaughterhouse. Traditionally before sending them off, the testicles would be cut off, cleaned, breaded and fried on the spot to be eaten but that's no longer possible due to health regulations.


That's what happens.

After the events, they get sent to the slaughterhouse. Traditionally before sending them off, the testicles would be cut off, cleaned, breaded and fried on the spot to be eaten but that's no longer possible due to health regulations.

Nope, they are used for bull fighting in the afternoon. Thats how they die.
Nope, they are used for bull fighting in the afternoon. Thats how they die.
Correct. Afterwards, they are used in the bullfights. I saw two matadors get gored the day I went. The bulls kicked ass.
But I was told the meat was still used.
Bullfights are horrendous. Not sure I'd ever go to one again.


Correct. Afterwards, they are used in the bullfights. I saw two matadors get gored the day I went. The bulls kicked ass.
But I was told the meat was still used.
Bullfights are horrendous. Not sure I'd ever go to one again.

Your son lost. Please take this steak as a consolation prize?


Have you guys seen this youtube video? It shows the man in the OP being gored. It's not too graphic tbh. But it's a great video, it shows and explains what exactly happens before and after the running/bullfight. The most graphic part is when the bull get's stabbed multiple times in the neck and blood flows everywhere, blood is pouring out from the mouth etc. It's absolutely fucking horrible and should be banned imo. In the video it's also mentioned how much the "running of the bull" has been changed that it almost has no resemblance to Spanish culture. It's just there to attract tourists.

Preparation of the bullfighting in the ring:

- shaving down the horns to damage their spacial awareness, withouth anesthetics, it's extremely painful

- vaseline rubbed into the bull's eyes to distort his vision.

- tendons on the back of their necks being severed, so they can't lift up their head. (you can hear the bull cry, scream in pain in the video)


Correct. Afterwards, they are used in the bullfights. I saw two matadors get gored the day I went. The bulls kicked ass.
But I was told the meat was still used.
Bullfights are horrendous. Not sure I'd ever go to one again.
I think I would feel very differently about the running with the bulls if the bulls didn't end up being killed in the arena.
Don't they eat the bull when the bull fighting is over with?

Yeah after they stab it in the neck a couple of times while goading it for 'entertainment'.

edit: I think I'm just not gonna look at this thread anymore. I will say the running of the bull and bull fighting is a cunt's game.
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