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Time to eat crow regarding "Guardians of the Galaxy"

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The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't see why you are calling out Hawkian. He/She doesn't need to crow for their statement about finding a rumor at the time unbelievable. That person was clearly looking forward to the movie.

hey thanks, you interpreted it right :) I've always like the GotG. I kind of STILL can't believe this is a real thing, let alone a well-made successful real thing.
Always believed in my buddies the GOTG.

Didn't really make any predictions, I said it would be better than the Avengers to my buddies, but mostly just to grind their gears. I hoped it would be everything I wanted, and it was.

To me thats the best part. The movie was fucking awesome, and people are noticing. That's all that matters to me. People vote with their wallets, and The People have spoken.
Haha, I was just gonna say how you're 2/2 after frozen but I guess with avatar you're at 3/3

Get those receipts, gorl.

Nope. Titanic was bigger.
It had intensely negative press consistently, and starting long before release.
And the jokes made themselves.
It even had a sorta weak opening weekend. ($28,638,131 )
Yep, I remember the press on that movie was mostly taking potshots at FOX wasting so much money, letting Cameron waste so much with delays, and how it was going to end up being his exit from the business. I remember going to see it opening weekend with a high school buddy of mine (thinking it should be awesome because Cameron makes awesome action movies) and being two of five people in the entire theater. It was only after insanely good word of mouth that TITANIC started crushing everything in its wake.

John Carter's prerelease anti-hype kind of reminded me of it, but sadly that movie did bomb (I still love it though!).
Nope. Titanic was bigger.
It had intensely negative press consistently, and starting long before release.
And the jokes made themselves.
It even had a sorta weak opening weekend. ($28,638,131 )

Titanic was such a umm freak kind of thing though. Don't think anyone really expected the teen/tween girls (and older even) reaction to it. It was a perfect storm that showed the buying power of teen girls in the late 90s.
Yep, I remember the press on that movie was mostly taking potshots at FOX wasting so much money, letting Cameron waste so much with delays, and how it was going to end up being his exit from the business. I remember going to see it opening weekend with a high school buddy of mine (thinking it should be awesome because Cameron makes awesome action movies) and being two of five people in the entire theater. It was only after insanely good word of mouth that TITANIC started crushing everything in its wake.

John Carter's prerelease anti-hype kind of reminded me of it, but sadly that movie did bomb (I still love it though!).
Well mostly because at the time the press still had the Michael Ciamino's Heaven's Gate fiasco still fresh and Titanic at that point looked like that, thankfully Titanic had a much better story (at least IMO Heaven's Gate was really slow)


Online Ho Champ
IIRC the Asgardians were originally portrayed as an advanced species ala the New Gods, and since then writers/artists have gone back and forth on what it "should" look like.

Journey Into Mystery from the 60's Asgardians?

nah the were godly beings stuck in the ragnarok cycle its a huge back story the "current" thor / is the child of Gaea and Odin in an attempt to break the cycle asgardians are stuck within. I think in the ultimate line they are just another alien race amongst the others.

In 616 they are demi gods just like olympians, elder gods, young gods, immortals / children of gaea.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Yep, I remember the press on that movie was mostly taking potshots at FOX wasting so much money, letting Cameron waste so much with delays, and how it was going to end up being his exit from the business. I remember going to see it opening weekend with a high school buddy of mine (thinking it should be awesome because Cameron makes awesome action movies) and being two of five people in the entire theater. It was only after insanely good word of mouth that TITANIC started crushing everything in its wake.

John Carter's prerelease anti-hype kind of reminded me of it, but sadly that movie did bomb (I still love it though!).

The opening day showing of Titanic that I went to was packed, but only because a lot of San Diego area people were in the movie and congregated at that theater because it was by far the best in the area in terms of A/V presentation.
Well it didn't help that he kept the line "sorry, I didn't know how this machine worked"

When in the trailer, it appears he is referring to the censor when in reality the machine was his hand. Kinda awkward scene after watching the trailer.
Um... no.
He was referring to his hand the entire time. Hence the 'winding up' part, and his finger popping back up when he tried to 'close' it.


The GAF eating crow trail is long and vast. See for example many examples including paying for online multiplayer (PSN) and other future crow-eating endeavors such as digital library ownership, VR, PSNow...

There's a thread for this? I can only imagine it was quickly spun into 'but it's a great value!'


The Cryptarch's Bane
That Batman Begins thread linked in here is fucking AMAZING reading.

i couldn't believe this,
You know, if anything - this is just a good way to measure the rest of the general public's opinion towards how these corporations treat their property - errr. . . characters.

Yes, you read that right comic nerds. This is a clear indication that unlike your eager to be pleased asses, the rest of the populace will not put up with spades of bullshit (shitty comics, shitty movies, shitty shity bang bang) before a company delivers a quality product.

Underscoring how completely fucking stupid "rebooting" a tired ass franchise is, and emphasizing the value of finite tales.

It's one of those rare instances where group thinking prevails.
since that comment

superman has been rebooted
spider-man has been rebooted
x-men has been crazy partial awesome I can't even rebooted
marvel has integrated all of their property... errr, characters into one cohesive universe (the least famous of which are in the midst of a $90m+ opening weekend)
batman, the character spawning that post, is about to be rebooted again based on its success

"suck it comic nerds"
i couldn't believe this,

since that comment

superman has been rebooted
spider-man has been rebooted
x-men has been crazy partial awesome I can't even rebooted
marvel has integrated all of their property... errr, characters into one cohesive universe (the least famous of which are in the midst of a $90m+ opening weekend)
batman, the character spawning that post, is about to be rebooted again based on its success

"suck it comic nerds"

Fantastic Four is in the process of being rebooted.
yes... this needs to be done. So many quotables on the first page alone.

the winner from the first page imo

I agree with this.

The PS4 will do worse than the VITA, they have lost to much brand recognition, exclusives and they have IPs noone gives a shit about besides nerds on the internet. Coupled with no backwards compatibility (due to the abandonment of the Cell), Sony is destined for last place again. Failing all that, the PS4 will be $499-$549 and we will get a repeat of the PS3 but this time it will be much worse.

Quote me in 2 or 3 years. I know when something is about to bomb. Sony is very easy to read, even Patcher can do it.
I'll admit, I didn't think the movie was going to be successful. Best movie of the summer in my opinion.

If I had to rank

1. Guardians
3. Apes


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'll admit, I didn't think the movie was going to be successful. Best movie of the summer in my opinion.

If I had to rank

1. Guardians
3. Apes
the degree to which I enjoyed DoFP makes me want to see both of the other movies here even more, ha
People were actually predicting FF would outgross begins.

2005 really was a different time.

maybe they were talking international bo where it did infact outgross it kek

Honestly if FF was comparably good movie to begins or begins comparably bad to ff it would have been very close WW.

Comic stuff outside of Spiderman was very US dominated especially DC stuff untill TDK.

US knows the characters and will get out based on that, int audiences need to be built film by film.


Originally Posted by Gez

I agree with this.

The PS4 will do worse than the VITA, they have lost to much brand recognition, exclusives and they have IPs noone gives a shit about besides nerds on the internet. Coupled with no backwards compatibility (due to the abandonment of the Cell), Sony is destined for last place again. Failing all that, the PS4 will be $499-$549 and we will get a repeat of the PS3 but this time it will be much worse.

This is insane. Absolutely insane. PS3 and Sony screwed so much up in their initial couple of years and they STILL turned it all around by the middle - end of gen.

How was this even remotely going to be true? Oh man. Gez. Are you OK? Plz respond if you're ok


From the Batman Begins thread, talking about reboots:
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm talking about franchises that has been run into the ground (any given corporate comic book, and the Batman movie franchise in this case).

We can continue this discussion in 15 years when Sony makes a new "first" Spiderman movie if you like. :D


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I didn't expect it to be such a hit, but I did expect it to make some cash since it's riding that Marvel wave.

I personally thought the movie was just okay, but they got the money, which is what we're talking about here.


From the Batman Begins thread, talking about reboots:


To be fair, Spider-Man 2 had just come out and blown everybody away. Everybody expected Spider-Man 3 to be even better and for there to be at least 3 more films after (I believe Maguire's contract was for 6), especially after the Venom rumors started coming out.


Haven't gone through the whole thread yet, but holy shit, why is there so many angry and uptight people in here lol
i couldn't believe this,

since that comment

That was the EXACT post that made me write the comment above. Like.. DAMN.

Plus it's also like - there's a contingency here at GAF that likes to claim Begins is the best Batman movie, and it's always been that way, and that opinion didn't gain a hell of a lot of steam until just recently, as a reaction to Dark Knight Rises. Like there wasn't a lukewarm opinion of it at first, and that the opinion didn't grow over time thanks to its popularity on home video.

And then I look at that thread and I'm like, okay, I fuckin' KNEW it wasn't like that. I was there, and I don't remember it playing out that way. People were a little skeptical, and people did have problems with it, and it took a couple extra views (and The Dark Knight) before people REALLY started the loving Begins.


I'll happily eat crow, I didn't think it'd do well OR be good.

And it's doing great and was an excellent film.

But what's with the superiority complex here? I think I can safely say NO-ONE enjoys a film like this doing badly. We want these films to be genuinely good and make money. But when they disappoint us, of course we're going to be glum about it. Because, and I know this for a fact about myself, I kinda prefer ENJOYING films I spend £9.50 on.
But what's with the superiority complex here?.

Is there one? I can't imagine any of the people who are needling people for being wrong haven't also had to eat their fair share of fried bird before, and done it with a grin.

Fuck, I know I have. :)

I think it's all in how you read it. I think most of the people having fun and laughing about people being wrong about a comic-book movie's box office aren't being mean-spirited about it. It was more of a "you got caught out there being knee-jerk dismissive. You got caught out there not really thinking it through."

The stakes aren't high enough for a superiority complex to start kicking in.

Unless I'm completely misinterpreting which superiority complex it is you're percieving. In which case I apologize for being dumb :)
Guardians taught me 2 very large things that I didn't know before it came out.
1. People are okay with something they don't recognize as long as it's related to something they do.
2. If disney is saving up all the money from profits from each of their successes..... they could get America out of this economic depression.

I think the more important takeaway is that Episode 7 might actually be good.

Edit: the entire point of having prediction threads is to have a retrospective when the game/movie/album eventually releases. It's all in good fun. The gaming side even does rankings for sales predictions ffs. If you can't take a little ribbing over the monetary performance of blockbusters and AAA games you're probably taking this stuff too seriously.


I really liked it, best action movie this year... fuck it, best marvel movie to date.
I actually wouldn't mind seeing it again. I might if I can get another group of friends to go with.


The one thing I've never understood is why so many doubted this specifically because of Groot and Rocket.

As if talking CGI creatures are some foreign concept to movie goers.

It actually is oddly similar to the belief Avatar would bomb because it had " blue cat people."


The one thing I've never understood is why so many doubted this specifically because of Groot and Rocket.

As if talking CGI creatures are some foreign concept to movie goers.

It actually is oddly similar to the belief Avatar would bomb because it had " blue cat people."
Haters, that's why.


Guardians of the Galaxy’ Opens to $37.8 Million, to Sky-Rocket to $92 Million

Rotten Tomatoes Score 92%


And now some pulled quotes/predictions from GAF's box office analysts


Latino Review: Second Marvel 2014 Movie to be 'Guardians of the Galaxy'

Zoe Saldana cast as Gamora in Marvel's GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

'Guardians of the Galaxy' has wrapped production

First Guardians of the Galaxy set pictures


Predict the biggest box office bomb of summer 2014




Thank you, good sir! Thank you :)
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