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Time to eat crow regarding "Guardians of the Galaxy"

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I realize this is the internet where hyperbole is king-but film quality isn't binary. Just because something isn't Lawrence of Arabia doesn't mean it's Dude Where's My Car.

I'm fully aware that film quality isn't binary. However, people have different reactions to art, and my reaction to Thor 2 was that I found it to be shitty. Not mediocre, just okay, bad, decent, junk, or had-a-few-nice-parts-but-mostly-a-waste. No, shitty is the term that best sums up my feelings on Thor 2. If you want to think that's hyperbole, that's on you, friend.


Much of the internet lacks the ability to articulate something between 1/10 and 10/10



Oh, so even though you found my post problematic, it wasn't "shit"? If only you were so even handed with Thor: The Dark World.

Well, your post wasn't shit. Thor 2 was. lol

I don't even know what we're arguing anymore haha. Do I need to make a list of other movies I found to be average/okay/whatever other adjectives you guys deem acceptable to settle my movie judging cred?


Well I didn't think so. Saw it twice. I'd watch it again. Girlfriend loved it too. Lots of people enjoyed the movie. This is why they're not widely critically panned.
I'm aware most people liked it, and those people are entitled to that opinion. I thought it was shit, which is apparently a serious problem.

I should just leave it alone. Sorry I said something bad about people's favorite movie, I guess.


I'm aware most people liked it, and those people are entitled to that opinion. I thought it was shit, which is apparently a serious problem.

I should just leave it alone. Sorry I said something bad about people's favorite movie, I guess.

It was enjoyable enough; most people I know liked it.

Every movie isn't either 'THE BEST' or 'SHIT'.


It was enjoyable enough; most people I know liked it.

Every movie isn't either 'THE BEST' or 'SHIT'.

I never said that. I never even insinuated that, and it's kind of annoying that everyone feels the need to tell me this like I'm some child who doesn't understand how opinions work.

By my personal metric, Thor 2 was shit. Others had a different reaction. That's all it is: a difference of opinion. Which is fine; I don't begrudge people for liking it. I don't think less of anyone because they like Thor 2, or any other movie I don't like. I'd rather we all discuss why we felt the way we felt about the film than argue back and forth about my ability to judge things, but alas. Here we are.
I like how we're getting mad at a dude for thinking a movie was shit when that movie was totally critically panned

And I liked Thor 2. But come on guys
ILM's bid was too expensive for Marvel.

Well I hope ILM's bid for Guardian's of the Galaxy 2 is not too rich for Marvel now knowing the bank that the movie made. I really want to see an upgrade in cgi.

What's funny is that Disney own Marvel and Disney owns ILM.
Why can't ILM get paid a company salary on "Disney" films and make a bonus on the back end for employee discount compensation?

You would figure that Disney would want the best they have working together. Keep it all internal when possible.
I never said that. I never even insinuated that, and it's kind of annoying that everyone feels the need to tell me this like I'm some child who doesn't understand how opinions work.

By my personal metric, Thor 2 was shit. Others had a different reaction. That's all it is: a difference of opinion. Which is fine; I don't begrudge people for liking it. I don't think less of anyone because they like Thor 2, or any other movie I don't like. I'd rather we all discuss why we felt the way we felt about the film than argue back and forth about my ability to judge things, but alas. Here we are.

You should have said that first. It's when you state it as fact "Thor 2 is a piece of shit." when people jump down your throat. I don't begrudge you for your opinion. I'm just stating mine.
I say they're about equally bad, as Thor 1 also has a single good scene, where he's in the diner and throws down that glass.

and by "shit", I of course mean 5/10 joyless mediocrity, the kind of movie that just exists and takes up space, unexceptional in every single possible way. Which I think is probably worse than the 2/10 "so bad its good" Batman and Robin kind of superhero movie, at least that has some entertainment value, however ironic or perverse.


Thor was OK, but better than the shitfest called Iron Man 2 and 3.

Pepper Potts was the best thing to come out of 3.
I liked Iron Man 3 as well. Iron Man 2...it feels like they didn't have an actual script and just kinda made it up as the went along, and it showed. Sam Rockwell dancing tho
I liked Iron Man 3 as well. Iron Man 2...it feels like they didn't have an actual script and just kinda made it up as the went along, and it showed. Sam Rockwell dancing tho

Pretty much what happened.

Same thing happened on Iron Man 1, as well. But the results there were better.


I liked both Thor movies. Not as much as the Cap movies, but still good.

Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk are the two Marvel Studios I take issue with.


I like Iron Man 3. It just felt...kind of disposable. Kinda like Guardians. I enjoyed it, but nothing really stood out and I'm in no rush to see it again.

IM2, however, was a waste of everyone's time. Poor Sam Rockwell did the Lord's work in trying to make it enjoyable, but it wasn't enough

You should have said that first. It's when you state it as fact "Thor 2 is a piece of shit." when people jump down your throat. I don't begrudge you for your opinion. I'm just stating mine.

Eh, I'm not the type to fix "imo" to all my posts. I just figure it should be obvious that it's my opinion because, well, this entire discussion is based in opinion. Anything written in these threads that's not a factual thing, like box office data or a plot point from one of the films, is an opinion.
This is why I don't fight about which one is better or which one's are good are bad. People's opinions on these movies are ALL over the place. I think that's kind of the MCU's strength and why I think it's lazy to say all these movies are just the same thing retread over and over. Personally, I liked all of them except for The Incredible Hulk which was just OK. I actually think IM3 is the best Iron Man and I probably like all the movies (besides Hulk) more than IM1 or 2. GotG is probably my favorite out of all of them.
I thought Thor 2 was okay. Probably the weakest Marvel movie, but enjoyable. It had a few good scenes and lines here and there, and the final battle was pretty neat with all the teleporting and whatnot.

I really like Thor 1 though. I like it more every time I watch it.


First tragedy, then farce.
My general rankings -

Iron man, Guardians - God Tier

Iron Man 3 - Really good movie

Avengers, Hulk - Decent flicks

Winter Soldier, Thor movies - mediocre films

Captain America 1, Iron Man 2 - Hot garbage
Thor 2 was the only Marvel movie I didn't really care for. I'll never understand the hate for Cap 1 and Thor 1. Loved them.

I mean, Thor 2 was decent for the spectacle, and I don't regret killing a couple hours to watch it. But, man, it felt like there were no stakes even when the final battle was happening.


Thor 2 is okay, but not a movie I enjoy rewatching at all. Which is weird because I fell in love with Thor 1. Iron Man 3 was lame and not because of the Mandarin twist either. After watching the Avengers several times, I can't rewatch it anymore either, it just looks so clean and tame compared to the solo movies. Ah well, it was fun when I watched it in theaters 3 times.

Just rambling here. Ronan >>>>>>>>> Malekith though.
My general rankings -

Iron man, Guardians - God Tier

Iron Man 3 - Really good movie

Avengers, Hulk - Decent flicks

Winter Soldier, Thor movies - mediocre films

Captain America 1, Iron Man 2 - Hot garbage

Let's do it. I will be using the Stooge Ranking system for purposes of easy comparison at a base level, so future posters will have a conception of where I'm coming from :)

GOD TIER - nothing so far.

- Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier

- The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Iron Man

MEDIOCRE FILMS - Thor, The Incredible Hulk

HOT GARBAGE - Iron Man 2

Still haven't seen Thor 2.

I feel Cap, Guardians, and Cap 2 are the only Marvel films that REALLY hang together as movies in and of themselves. They can absolutely work stand-alone with a minimum of foreknowledge heading into the movie, and even if they didn't - the way they're constructed and executed is just honestly, more solid than the rest of the films, although there might be single moments/sequences in the other movies that have more punch and well-done spectacle.


Thor 2 was the only Marvel movie I didn't really care for. I'll never understand the hate for Cap 1 and Thor 1. Loved them.

I mean, Thor 2 was decent for the spectacle, and I don't regret killing a couple hours to watch it. But, man, it felt like there were no stakes even when the final battle was happening.

Thor 2 and the Iron Man sequels were the worst of all the Marvel Studios films. Here's my ranking

GOD TIER - Guardians, Iron Man 1, Avengers.

REALLY GOOD MOVIE - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

DECENT FLICKS - Thor 1, Captain America: First Avenger, Incredible Hulk


HOT GARBAGE - Iron Man 2, 3

As much as I didn't like Iron Man 2, I still think part 3 takes the cake in worst Marvel film. Really didn't like it.

As for Guardians, what a fun theater experience. Enjoyed the hell out of it and I'm glad I didn't doubt it.
I guess I'll lay mine out as well:

1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Winter Soldier
3. Iron Man 3
4. Avengers
5. Thor 2
6. Captain America 1
7. Thor 1
8. Iron Man
9. Iron Man 2
10. Incredible Hulk

My list goes from "God Tier" to "Mediocre" though since I don't think any of them are "Hot Garbage". There's probably some one level shuffling that could happen in the middle of that list depending on what day it is.
In my defense, I'm just expressing shock that they went with such a random property, like many others did. When I say "I guess", it's like "okay, let's see what happens here". I've never once thought this would bomb.

Funny thing is it's not random. Marvel studios has had great vision for the present-future unlike DC(WB) and their movie universe
Funny thing is it's not random. Marvel studios has had great vision for the present-future unlike DC(WB) and their movie universe

WB shouldn't be in parentheticals. They're the ones pulling the trigger. There's no "DC Studios" so the 1 to 1 comparison has never worked all that well.

And it's not random, no, but this "plan" isn't THAT solid, as evidenced by the fact they've had to switch some films out, move things around, so on and so forth.

Their "great vision" was Phase 1. Phases 2 & 3 are a bit more of a juggling act than the first one, which was definitely locked in.

Their greatest success is getting moviegoers to work inside-baseball marketing/planning terms like "Phase 2 & 3" into their regular vocabulary when discussing their comic book movies :)


Neo Member
Out of what I have seen.

God Tier- Guardians of the Galaxy
Good Movie- Iron Man
Decent- Avengers
Garbage- Captain America 1

It kinda saddens me that GoTG will be integrated with the other franchises. It is so unique and a real gem, would love to have the series go on by itself.


Saw this last night... uh... it wasn't too great.

Couple of amusing bits, but the cast just weren't very good (Most especially Batista and Uhura) at making me give a shit about the characters and the climax was kind of stupid. What the hell was up with the way the Nova Corps was portrayed as well?

There's been worse Marvel movies, but still, wasn't too fussed on this.


I'm aware most people liked it, and those people are entitled to that opinion. I thought it was shit, which is apparently a serious problem.

I should just leave it alone. Sorry I said something bad about people's favorite movie, I guess.
I think it's your use of the word "shit". When I think of a shit movie, I think of "the room" or movies of that ilk. Thor 2 might not be your cup of tea, but it's far from shit.


Tears in the rain

1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. The Avengers
3. Iron Man
4. The Winter Soldier
5. Thor
6. Captain America: The First Avenger
7. Iron Man 3
8. Thor 2 : The Dark World
9. The Incredible Hulk
10. Iron Man 2
Saw this last night... uh... it wasn't too great.

Couple of amusing bits, but the cast just weren't very good (Most especially Batista and Uhura) at making me give a shit about the characters and the climax was kind of stupid. What the hell was up with the way the Nova Corps was portrayed as well?

There's been worse Marvel movies, but still, wasn't too fussed on this.

Nova Corps sucks. Come at me bro :p
Let's be real too.If Nova Corps was anything like they are in the comics, the Guardians/Ravagers would have been pretty pointless for the final battle.

I can't remember if I posted it here or in the spoiler thread but this is what I'm hoping happens:
The attack on Xandar and how close they came to the planet basically being destroyed, convinces the Worldmind that it needs to dole out more power to the Corps (maybe partially by harnessing some power of the Infinity Stone). This gives us the super powered Nova Corps we know from the comics. Also, since so many corpsmen were killed in the battle, they need to conscript a lot of new recruits and be more proactive about policing the rest of the universe to prevent being blindsided again which is how we get Richard Ryder. /fanfic


Nova Corps sucks. Come at me bro :p

You're not necessarily wrong about that, but the Nova(s) I'm familiar with had a bit more going for them in terms of capability/power than just being a spaced based version of the judges from Judge Dredd. They were kinda useless against Ronan's lone OP space ship even though there was loads of them.
WB shouldn't be in parentheticals. They're the ones pulling the trigger. There's no "DC Studios" so the 1 to 1 comparison has never worked all that well.

And it's not random, no, but this "plan" isn't THAT solid, as evidenced by the fact they've had to switch some films out, move things around, so on and so forth.

Their "great vision" was Phase 1. Phases 2 & 3 are a bit more of a juggling act than the first one, which was definitely locked in.

Their greatest success is getting moviegoers to work inside-baseball marketing/planning terms like "Phase 2 & 3" into their regular vocabulary when discussing their comic book movies :)

Phase 1 wasn't that locked in. If it was, the Stark scene in Incredible Hulk wouldn't have happened, just to name one of the larger continuity issues.

But Marvel did announce the overall structure of Phase 1 long before cameras even rolled on Iron Man, which is certainly more than WB did (or, more likely, could have done) for the Snyderverse.


Saw it Saturday. Honestly I have no clue about any of these characters but holy shit was the movie fun. It makes me want to look into the universe more and I can't wait for it on Blu-Ray + sequel. Probably the best superhero (if you can call it that?) movie in a very long time.


Using the patented Sto0ge ranking system:

God Tier: The Winter Soldier (I will admit my perception is colored by Captain America being one of my top favorite superheroes, and thus I'm super forgiving to this one. But even then, I still think it's head and shoulders above most of Marvel's output.)

Really good movie: Iron Man

Decent flicks: Avengers, Captain America: TFA, Guardians, Iron Man 3

Mediocre films: Thor 1, The Incredible Hulk

Hot garbage: Iron Man 2, Thor: The Dark World


Looking back, I remember someone posting the first trailer and saying that they thought it would bomb because of it. Looking at that inital trailer, I really had no connection with any of the characters (save for Rocket because of Mahvel) and I honsetly thought it'd be a space opera with no real heart or soul. But because of the Marvel "stamp" on it, I figured I'd give it a try. This stamp is definitely critical to any future films. I think it guarantees a solid opening weekend. Even going to see it last week, I had no real expectations surrounding it. I think going in with this mentality allowed me to just sit back and be pleasantly surprised as it will now surely be in my top 5 for 2014. I'm glad I'm not overly critical of stuff like I was 5-10 years ago.


Online Ho Champ
Pretty much what happened.

Same thing happened on Iron Man 1, as well. But the results there were better.

i'll agree that they didn't know how to end that movie, they just made a bigger BADDER IM suit for Stane (how many movies do this) , but the first 2/3 of the movie was great


Thor 2 and the Iron Man sequels were the worst of all the Marvel Studios films. Here's my ranking

GOD TIER - Guardians, Iron Man 1, Avengers.

REALLY GOOD MOVIE - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

DECENT FLICKS - Thor 1, Captain America: First Avenger, Incredible Hulk


HOT GARBAGE - Iron Man 2, 3

As much as I didn't like Iron Man 2, I still think part 3 takes the cake in worst Marvel film. Really didn't like it.

As for Guardians, what a fun theater experience. Enjoyed the hell out of it and I'm glad I didn't doubt it.

This is my order but I would remove the decent and throw those into mediocre.
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