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Time to eat crow regarding "Guardians of the Galaxy"

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I will eat crow regarding Bradley Cooper as rocket. He did a great job. I think I was too hung up on the UMvC3 voice to accept a non-accented version of the character.


Great: The Avengers, Iron Man 1
Good: Iron man 2, Captain America 1, The Incredible Hulk
Boring as fuck: Thor 1, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3
Will never watch again: Thor 2


The Winter Soldier

Iron Man

First Avenger
Iron Man 3
Dark World
Iron Man 2

Incredible Hulk


IMO, GotG is the first Marvel film that could be described as truly great. So...

Great: GoTG

Good: Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Avengers

Average: Iron Man 3, Captain America

Bad: Iron Man 2, Thor 2, Hulk


I have not subjected myself to the second one yet. It takes me time to build up a tolerance to shit.
The 2nd one is directed by Neveldine / Taylor therefore it is great, they basically used it as an excuse to unleash a fully insane Nicholas Cage.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
For me, Winter Soldier falls in the same category as The Dark Knight Rises. Flashy as fuck, but boring to watch and a chore to finish.

You think that CA:TWS was boring to watch and a chore to finish?

Wow, just WOW. I'm so glad I'm able to enjoy good movies and not have opinions like yours. Life would be so dull if I was like you.... o_O


Good: Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier
Mediocre: Thor, Iron Man 3
May as well have not been made: Captain America, Thor 2, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2

Pending: Brotistas of the Galaxy
If y'all (original posters on the forum topic) had done your research, you'da seen its concept was pretty much Firefly, and we wouldn't be having this discussion.


You think that CA:TWS was boring to watch and a chore to finish?

Wow, just WOW. I'm so glad I'm able to enjoy good movies and not have opinions like yours. Life would be so dull if I was like you.... o_O

Let's not pretend TWS was a good movie. It was good by "Summer action picture" standards, but it's not Before Midnight, No Country for Old Men type good. TWS was Octopussy, not Raging Bull, only genre fans are really gonna care about it in 30 years.

If someone wants to call TWS a chore, I can see it.

My complaint about the MCU films is that they're all very uninteresting and safe. Watching a MCU film is like listening to pop music, it's going to be pretty good no matter what. People are allowed to be bored with "pretty good formula jank."
Good: Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier
Mediocre: Thor, Iron Man 3
May as well have not been made: Captain America, Thor 2, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2

Pending: Brotistas of the Galaxy



Bish loves my games!
Great: The Avengers, Iron Man 1
Good: Iron man 2, Captain America 1, The Incredible Hulk
Boring as fuck: Thor 1, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3
Will never watch again: Thor 2

I always thought opinions were subjective and couldn't be empirically incorrect.

I was wrong...


Ghost Rider wasn't garbage. It was just boring. Ghost Rider 2 isn't as boring but it is in fact garbage.

I'll throw in my 2 cents on the rankings.

Great:GotG, Avengers
Good: Winter Soldier, Thor, Iron Man 1 and 3
Eh:Thor 2, Captain America
Nope: Iron Man 2, Incredible Hulk, Ghost Rider, Howard the Duck
NOPE:HULK, Daredevil, Ghost Rider 2, Elektra Punisher 1 and 2.
Ghost Rider wasn't garbage. It was just boring. Ghost Rider 2 isn't as boring but it is in fact garbage.

I'll throw in my 2 cents on the rankings.

Great:GotG, Avengers
Good: Winter Soldier, Thor, Iron Man 1 and 3
Eh:Thor 2, Captain America
Nope: Iron Man 2, Incredible Hulk, Ghost Rider, Howard the Duck
NOPE:HULK, Daredevil, Ghost Rider 2, Elektra Punisher 1 and 2.

You're missing Blade 1, 2, 3


Unconfirmed Member
Great: The Avengers, Iron Man 1
Good: Iron man 2, Captain America 1, The Incredible Hulk
Boring as fuck: Thor 1, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3
Will never watch again: Thor 2

Marvel is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The films are extended boredom and the boredom is full of CGI and when the boredom finally scabs over, all of NeoGAF will drown.
The accumulated filth of all their OTs and truthfacts will foam up about their waists and all the Juniors and Mods will look up and shout "Agree with us!"

And I'll look down and whisper:

"For me, Winter Soldier falls in the same category as The Dark Knight Rises. Flashy but boring to watch and a chore to finish."

T.M. MacReady

Excellent: Avengers, Iron Man, Cap: Winter Soldier

Good: Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, Cap: First Avenger

Meh: Thor 2, Iron Man 2, Incredible Hulk

Horrible: Iron Man 3


Good: Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier
Mediocre: Thor, Iron Man 3
May as well have not been made: Captain America, Thor 2, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2

Pending: Brotistas of the Galaxy
Iron Man 3 is so garbage. It also managed to disgrace the IP's top villain. How people are cool with that, I have no idea.

Iron Man 2 > Iron Man 3.
I'll take a stab at every marvel comic film I've watched. Some of these films I hadn't watched since I was a kid, so early 2000 titles are a bit fuzzy.

Great: Spider-Man 1 + 2, Avengers, Winter Soldier, First Class, Last Stand, Guardians of The Galaxy
Good: Blade 1 & 2, Xmen 1 & 2, Iron Man
Ok: Blade 3, Spider 3, Xmen 3, Hulk, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Daredevil, ASM, Wolverine, Captain America, Thor
Didn't care for: Thor 2, Punisher, Iron Man 3, X Men: Origins, ASM2
Thought was bad: Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four

Should probably check myself on Blade 1 & 2, those are the oldest ones on the list, but I remember liking them. Would have been around 12 when they came out.

T.M. MacReady

Iron Man 3 is so garbage. It also managed to disgrace the IP's top villain. How people are cool with that, I have no idea.

Iron Man 2 > Iron Man 3.

You. I like you.

Scrapping Ben Kingsley as a vicious terrorist with supernatural abilities for ANOTHER corporate rival of Stark Industries as the big bad is an unforgivable sin, and that doesn't even touch on the myriad of poor script decisions and continuity errors that movie suffered from. Such a disappointment.
You. I like you.

Scrapping Ben Kingsley as a vicious terrorist with supernatural abilities for ANOTHER corporate rival of Stark Industries as the big bad is an unforgivable sin, and that doesn't even touch on the myriad of poor script decisions and continuity errors that movie suffered from. Such a disappointment.

Don't be surprised if in a future movie Ben Kingsley plays exactly who you thought him to be the first time. He has been summoned.
I'm gonna speculate either twins and/or body snatched.


well not really...yet
aw yiss, list wars.

Very good: Guardians of the Galaxy
Good: Iron Man
Decent: Avengers, Iron Man 3
OK: Captain America
Bad: Thor, Incredible Hulk
Awful: Iron Man 2

Didn't see CA2, Thor 2 I dont want to see. I assume it falls under Bad or Awful.


Water is not wet!
You. I like you.

Scrapping Ben Kingsley as a vicious terrorist with supernatural abilities for ANOTHER corporate rival of Stark Industries as the big bad is an unforgivable sin, and that doesn't even touch on the myriad of poor script decisions and continuity errors that movie suffered from. Such a disappointment.

i was pretty much expecting an ending that wouldve been a cross between the Keyser Soze reveal and 12 Monkeys-esque cell escape.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I've liked all of the Marvel movies. I don't like them all equally, but there haven't been any that I consider bad.


Well, if we are ranking.

Great: CA2, Avengers, IM1, IM3, GOTG
Pretty Good: Thor 2
Good: CA1, Thor 1
Meh: Hulk, IM2
Swap Thor 2 with Cap 1, drop IM3 to Pretty Good, place an Okay rank between Good and Meh, place IM2 in Okay rank, and this would be my list.


Great: GOTG, Avengers, Winter Soldier
Good: Iron Man
Decent: Cap 1, Thor 1, Iron Man 3
Didn't like: Hulk, Iron Man 2

Haven't seen Thor 2 yet. I felt the Iron Man series as a whole was pretty average & inconsistent. GOTG and Winter Soldier restored my faith in Marvel though, both were fantastic.
I've liked all of the Marvel movies. I don't like them all equally, but there haven't been any that I consider bad.

I'm in the same boat. Thor 1 and Hulk are probably the weakest, but even those are still above average for the genre, and ok films overall.


Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 were sort of boring, unnecessary theatre experiences. I generally liked the rest of the Marvel films. If they weren't outright good films, they had their moments.


Oh, ranking time?

Great: IM1, Cap2
Good: Cap1, Avengers
Forgettable: Thor, Thor 2, IM2, TIH

Haven't seen GOTG yet.
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