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Tinder (i.e., OkCupid meets Hot or Not)


I don't want to spam my personal facebook with pictures of myself, so I may just make a different Tinder assigned to a fake facebook with a bunch of my pictures. Easier that way.

That's what I did. I never use my main profile so suddenly flooding it with photos would probably arouse questions, lol. Plus I remember reading that Tinder used to tell you what friends used the app(think they got rid of this) and I have no intentions of accidentally discovering my great aunt is using this to get laid.

You can add folders/photos onto facebook and make them only visible to yourself. You can then use these photos on tinder.
You can add folders/photos onto facebook and make them only visible to yourself. You can then use these photos on tinder.
Been back on the tinder game full force now. Trying to come up with a cheeky/funny/witty message for a girl that just randomly stops messaging me. I normally don't care but I've this is one I don't want to mess up....hmmmm.


Been back on the tinder game full force now. Trying to come up with a cheeky/funny/witty message for a girl that just randomly stops messaging me. I normally don't care but I've this is one I don't want to mess up....hmmmm.

"Don't worry, I leave a lot of girls speechless"


Is there something more popular than Tinder now? I just remade an account recently, and live in Minneapolis. Back when I used it last like 3+ months ago, it would take me like a week to like/dislike everyone's pictures but now it took me only two days.

EDIT: Nevermind, seems it was just having some weird trouble finding people properly.
Tinder is a fantastic way to determine how ugly you are.

48 hours and no matches.

Aside from bots.

Lol, thank god I don't have depression or I'd be fuuuucked

Imagine having a friend getting you to try tinder so it would boost your confidence after being depressed as fuck for a long time...then not getting any matches. Shit sucks, I'm even more depressed now and could give a fuck less about using this anymore. I feel a little scummy and shallow even using it judging people by a photo or two and a sentence description.


I've been using it for three days in two different cities, no match.

But I know it's my fault; one upclose selfie in my kitchen (where I look lovely though), one outside that might be thought to be a selfie because it's close (where I also look great), and the main one which is clearly not a selfie and was taken this summer, but is kind of boring if not for the scenery even if I do look good there too.

So only three boring photos, and no good description other than outright saying I'm not looking for anything serious for years to come (at least I'm honest).

I know precisely what the girls are looking for, but I'm not that at all and don't want to pretend/lie. We'll see how things go when I GTFO of this country next year.


I've been using this app on and off for a year now. So far 500+ matches, 50+ conversations that led to at least one response 15 planned dates, 4 dates actually panned out. I hit it off really quickly with one but she was just too far away.


I've been using it for three days in two different cities, no match.

But I know it's my fault; one upclose selfie in my kitchen (where I look lovely though), one outside that might be thought to be a selfie because it's close (where I also look great), and the main one which is clearly not a selfie and was taken this summer, but is kind of boring if not for the scenery even if I do look good there too.

So only three boring photos, and no good description other than outright saying I'm not looking for anything serious for years to come (at least I'm honest).

I know precisely what the girls are looking for, but I'm not that at all and don't want to pretend/lie. We'll see how things go when I GTFO of this country next year.

It's all about the photos you have up (first impressions mean a lot and in Tinder case photos). If they aren't sexual or exciting. Then you won't get any matches.


It's all about the photos you have up (first impressions mean a lot and in Tinder case photos). If they aren't sexual or exciting. Then you won't get any matches.

Yeah I'm not a gym guy (although I am in good shape). I added some photos of me hiking, but really there's nothing with me being in a club or with buddies or anything that looks social, I am not dressed up in any of them either.

I looked at all the guys' around my area, there's a lot of good looking guys with good photos, very few terrible ones actually. I can imagine around 75% of the guys I saw under 35 getting plenty of matches. There's no mystery to it really, no big deal.


Welp. That's three Tinder dates in a row where the girl has been twice as big as they advertised;I don't mind curves or a little extra, but I have my limits.

It's as if attractive women don't have to resort to online dating.


Yeah I'm not a gym guy (although I am in good shape). I added some photos of me hiking, but really there's nothing with me being in a club or with buddies or anything that looks social, I am not dressed up in any of them either.

I looked at all the guys' around my area, there's a lot of good looking guys with good photos, very few terrible ones actually. I can imagine around 75% of the guys I saw under 35 getting plenty of matches. There's no mystery to it really, no big deal.

The bolded is the problem. You need one photo of you socializing. One with an animal [from what I'm hearing girls on Tinder dig guys that have a photo of an animal be it dog or cat]. It's a good conversation starter also.

Welp. That's three Tinder dates in a row where the girl has been twice as big as they advertised;I don't mind curves or a little extra, but I have my limits.

It's as if attractive women don't have to resort to online dating.
It's funny because it's a pick & chose for females really. We are just the one with the rod and we throw out the bait. If they like what they see of the photos then they will bite.


Is there any way to not let your profile be found for some time, or can I only delete the account? I am not going to keep using Tinder for some time, if I delete it can I recreate one later with the same FB account? The longer I stay on it, the more I'll get swiped left, so I might as well not end up disliked by everyone at this point.
Is there any way to not let your profile be found for some time, or can I only delete the account? I am not going to keep using Tinder for some time, if I delete it can I recreate one later with the same FB account? The longer I stay on it, the more I'll get swiped left, so I might as well not end up disliked by everyone at this point.

You can delete and start again later


i read somewhere that the longer you're on tinder, the further you get pushed back in the 'queue'. so that means that after a while, it'd be harder to get matches since less people would see you. anecdotal evidence: i've noticed that in the first week or two i always get plenty of matches, but the longer i am on it, the less matches i get. so maybe that theory's right.

Gray Matter

Yea fuck this app. 2 weeks and only got ONE match from some high schooler that texts like a fucking 12 year old.

Came in with low expectations so at least I wasn't disappointed.


Do like me, set search to men only to see what the competition looks like.

I deleted my account but I'll be back eventually, chances are too low right now, I know what to work on and already did but this kind of convinced me to get to it.


Do you guys swipe "yes" to everyone and then worry about who you're interested in later, or do you do the opposite?


Do you guys swipe "yes" to everyone and then worry about who you're interested in later, or do you do the opposite?

This summer I did this exclusively. The thing is, most of the girls are overwhelmed with matches that they don't really bother messaging you first.

OG Kush

Do like me, set search to men only to see what the competition looks like.

I deleted my account but I'll be back eventually, chances are too low right now, I know what to work on and already did but this kind of convinced me to get to it.

this doesnt work as then it only shows men who are also interested in men.. not men who are searching for women.


this doesnt work as then it only shows men who are also interested in men.. not men who are searching for women.

So why is it that when looking for women only, I sometimes see women who specify they are "queer" in their profile?
Just ask one of your female friends to show you their tinder account. Browsing through the competition you should notice a couple of patterns.

1) Guys looking emotionless (sometimes even frowning) in selfies

2) Group shots of bros at a club

Then ask if you can view their matches. You'll probably notice their matches:

1) Look happy in their pictures (and usually aren't selfies)

2) Doing something interesting in their pictures

Avoid miserable selfies and group pics like the plague for your main. Doing this alone should result in more matches.


Remade my tinder profile and instead of using a standard selfie I used this picture of me in a shark costume from halloween. Got a bunch of matches (like 15-20 or so over 3 days?) but only a few have really panned out so far. The struggle is real.


Just started this two days ago and got two matches of cute girls sent them a little hello but no response yet. So hope I hear something soon :/
I only use Tinder when I'm feeling confident, otherwise I'd be depressed as fuck. I think I'll just remake my profile in like 6 months when I have better photos

The real reason I popped in here: is anyone else on iPhone having trouble getting notifications? I've turned them off and on (inside settings and the app itself), logged out and logged in, deleted the app and reinstalled, and not a single notification gets pushed to me


I only use Tinder when I'm feeling confident, otherwise I'd be depressed as fuck. I think I'll just remake my profile in like 6 months when I have better photos

The real reason I popped in here: is anyone else on iPhone having trouble getting notifications? I've turned them off and on (inside settings and the app itself), logged out and logged in, deleted the app and reinstalled, and not a single notification gets pushed to me

I basically have to check it every half hour or so for this very reason. Not sure what's going on.
I basically have to check it every half hour or so for this very reason. Not sure what's going on.

Cool, not just me. Well, not cool, but you get the idea.

I actually sent them an email (lol) detailing all the steps I took, and they emailed back with "Try turning notifications off and on, and reinstalling". They were SUPER helpful


Anybody had problems getting matches recently? I had over 200 and got a new one every 3 days or so. Decided to delete and restart my account about a week and a half ago, easily swiped through well over 600 people since then, including swiping right on a bunch of previous matches, yet haven't gotten a single match yet. Discovery is set to on, could something be wrong or am I really that unpopular this time around? :p


Anybody had problems getting matches recently? I had over 200 and got a new one every 3 days or so. Decided to delete and restart my account about a week and a half ago, easily swiped through well over 600 people since then, including swiping right on a bunch of previous matches, yet haven't gotten a single match yet. Discovery is set to on, could something be wrong or am I really that unpopular this time around? :p
I believe the more you swipe the further down you go with a chance to match with someone. I heard this over at the bodybuilding forums Tinder thread they have going on over there. That's the arithmetic that is being used or something like that.

Or it could be the photos you have up are not ideal.


I believe the more you swipe the further down you go with a chance to match with someone. I heard this over at the bodybuilding forums Tinder thread they have going on over there. That's the arithmetic that is being used or something like that.

Or it could be the photos you have up are not ideal.
Kinda doubt the arithmetic thing, since I easily swiped 3 times as much before deleting. Also using the same photos as before. It's kinda bumming me out, even though it really shouldn't since I know I had matches before.


Kinda doubt the arithmetic thing, since I easily swiped 3 times as much before deleting. Also using the same photos as before. It's kinda bumming me out, even though it really shouldn't since I know I had matches before.

Tinder is weird. With the same profile pic I've gotten completely different matches a couple of times after deleting my account. Somedays I get like 8, other days I get 1. Usually after setting up my account and swiping around 2-300, I only get a couple matches. But another time with the same pic I got like 8 after a few hours.

I've been really curious about how you get shown to others, but there's no rational way to explain it. Seems really random.


Kinda doubt the arithmetic thing, since I easily swiped 3 times as much before deleting. Also using the same photos as before. It's kinda bumming me out, even though it really shouldn't since I know I had matches before.

Tinder is definitely on the down from what I'm hearing from people I know that use it. The attractive people have made it into a pyramid scheme. If you're not 7+ you will have a hard time competing. Also, many aren't going on Tinder as much. Again, since they already have their harems set.

And you have to remember that women have over-inflated requirements when it's based on a few mere photos. Just saying.


Tinder is definitely on the down from what I'm hearing from people I know that use it. The attractive people have made it into a pyramid scheme. If you're not 7+ you will have a hard time competing. Also, many aren't going on Tinder as much. Again, since they already have their harems set.

And you have to remember that women have over-inflated requirements when it's based on a few mere photos. Just saying.
Oh I realize. I was more just interested in why I can't even make back the same matches I had before, even using the same photos that they had originally matched me with. Deleting seems kinda useless now since now I don't have this large bank of people from which I can choose who to talk to anymore.


There's definitely something different with the matching system since when I first started tindering over a year ago. Originally when I booted up the app all the girls who had already liked me would be at the beginning of my queue and as soon as I'd swipe we'd be matched. Any given day id have a string of 4-5 matches as soon as I started swiping.

That's not the case now, the girls who already swiped me right are way down the queue disbursed randomly. Just now I swiped right on someone and we matched, checked her profile and it says she was last active 2 days ago. What?
I'm still gonna delete my profile and try again in like 6 months. I'm getting literally no matches after the first day. Don't know if it's the algorithm screwing me or my actual profile, but I'll fix it later


I'm actually sitting here waiting for this next hour to pass to go out on my seond date with my latest find...we hit it off really well...I hate using the in app messaging system so I always give them (If I think it go could anywhere) my cell and say text me up if you want. 90% of the time they text, a lot of the time they end up being boring or not right for me. I think the difference with this one is she CALLED me lol how old school is that (she's 38 I'm 33) We spoke for 4 hours the first night...Might finally delete the app if this keeps up with her


I made one and the file won't appear when I try changing my photo on Tinder :[

This happened to me as well at some point.

I seem to remember de-authenticating tinder via facebook, then completely closing tinder on my phone. When I started it back up, it made me authenticate with facebook, and my recently added photos appeared.

Just as a side note: I have read that some people lost all their matches when doing this. I didn't, but it's something to keep in mind.


I'm pretty shit at Tinder and online dating in general.

I match with a few girls every now and again, but I can't seem to hold a conversation for long.

In some ways it's probably harder making a first impression online.


I'm pretty shit at Tinder and online dating in general.

I match with a few girls every now and again, but I can't seem to hold a conversation for long.

In some ways it's probably harder making a first impression online.
gotta keep trying as well as know when to cut your losses.


Ok so just matched with a girl and she sent me this:
"I knew a guy called Dobsie"
"I hated him for 2 years"
"Now we're friends"

Is it really this easy??
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