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Tinder is destroying men’s self-esteem (New York Post)

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Unconfirmed Member
Bruh. It's a number's game. Sure, you probably won't match someone who you feel is society's version of a 10 but it's not difficult at all to get a date online regardless of appearance. Most people aren't shallow at all.

I don't like shallow people, but i'd date a shallow person. I like to think I could look past their shallowness, especially if they're really hot.


Never had any problems with my height, I'm 5'9 (always thought I was 5'8 but I only work in cm's and this stuff was new for me). Most of the girls I've been with were taller than me but that's what you get for living in The Netherlands.
It's all about how you present yourself to others. Online dating is full of people wanting the "perfect" match when it comes to appearence and I can't really blame them, everyone has their preferences.

And lol at taller people being able to "protect their girl" better, where the hell do they need to be protected from? And taller people are always automatically stronger right? This way of thinking will always boggle my mind.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I would love to see his profile. I'm 5'6 living in NYC and I get dates all the time from online dating. One of my longest relationships was with a girl who was 5'9. I can't imagine a 5'9 guy living a "woe is me" scenario.

My younger brother who is 5'2, now that guy legit has it hard.

Edit: And my older brother is 5'4 and married with kids to a woman who is 5'11.


The Everyman
Well. It's not a sure thing of course but the likelihood of a son being even shorter than me in such a situation is still pretty high.

I'm not 100 % super serious about this stuff of a hypothetical son of course. More like 50 %. I don't really think height pill will be a thing but at least any son of mine would live in a world with pretty damn realistic VR lol

as well as sex bots of variable height. as trump would say, he's going to love it.


Call me old fashioned but meeting potential partners in the real world can't be beaten. I like to pretend there is magic, fate etc. involved. You don't really get that with online. All the power to those who are married through it. But it's not for me. Which is ironic as I am quite introverted and internet addicted person, but internet dating doesn't appeal to me at all.

Introvert has nothing to do with being social.


Never had any problems with my height, I'm 5'9 (always thought I was 5'8 but I only work in cm's and this stuff was new for me). Most of the girls I've been with were taller than me but that's what you get for living in The Netherlands.
It's all about how you present yourself to others. Online dating is full of people wanting the "perfect" match when it comes to appearence and I can't really blame them, everyone has their preferences.

And lol at taller people being able to "protect their girl" better, where the hell do they need to be protected from? And taller people are always automatically stronger right? This way of thinking will always boggle my mind.

I generally found taller people to be easier to knock over personally (For clarification: I spar in martial arts), and no inherent genetic muscular/strong advantage without working out than a person of average height, so I don't know where that comes from.

People always cite it based on evolution, but I feel like taller people (6'2" or more) would actually be bigger targets in battle so wouldn't like 5'8"-6'1" be better for survival? Whatever.

Point is, you have to work with what you have. Personality, humor, confidence, and just putting yourself out there again and again until you find something is better than worrying that no one will ever find something to love about you.


I think American women tend to be more shallow than other cultures. I feel other cultures value other things than just quick judgment.


Guys, you can't let shallow dating services like Tinder hit your self-esteem. If you're looking just for sex, then sure go for it.

But if you're looking for meaningful relationships there's really only one thing to do: get out there and talk to women.

Women are intelligent and complex and are capable of developing an attraction to men based on multiple factors. Sure some women may dismiss you based on one factor, but that happens and you move on.

I'm a petite guy, I'm 5"5. There have been women who have rejected me because of my height, and that's alright.

But I am a chick magnet. I take care of myself in terms of nutrition and regularly going to the gym. I'm into fashion so I dress well. I try to learn and read as much about world events and news so as to be interesting and up to date in conversations. And being a medical doctor and upholding yourself in a confident professional manner helps.

I had no success online dating, but in real life I had very little difficulty dating women.

Moral of the story: focus on your strengths and let them give you confidence. Don't be preoccupied on single factors: height, income, looks, whatever. Women who reject you because of those single factors are not the type for you.

Focus on improving the areas you can improve (sociability, fitness, health, intelligence) and the many women who do look at men as a whole will find you more attractive.


I think I quit Tinder three or four times because of the effect it had on my self esteem. Everybody presents themselves at their absolute best, so you get a completely skewed view of reality, and I really didn't feel like I could live up to that. Everybody on Tinder loves to travel the world, do the most interesting things, is completely outgoing, eats the most delicious food, puts up the best pictures of themselves.

And I'm kind of an introvert, I'm not THAT outgoing, I'm quite shy and I haven't travelled a lot. I certainly feel my own, sometimes mundane and boring life doesn't stack up to Tinder's collective coolness. Of course I've put up my own, best, (pretty highly rated) pictures of me doing cool stuff as well. So I'm part of the problem, I get that.

But even though I've put up the best version of myself, I'd get at most two matches a day, in Amsterdam, the biggest city in the Netherlands. And in three or four months of Tindering I got three dates. Istarted out shy and awkward, and I got 'better' at it eventually, but it became such a chore, and my self esteem really took a hit. Seeing a truly awesome profile that really seemed like my type, sending a super like, not getting a match. Having a fun conversation with someone, and they'd just stop talking. Getting along great online, and having the date be a total bust.

And reading this, I was pretty much playing on easy mode as well. I'm not bad looking, and 6,3'. I wouldn't say my pictures are bad, or that I have a bad profile, but people on Tinder can afford to be so inredibly picky (that goes for me as well) that the rejection rate is so incredibly high. Glad I finally found someone offline.


I think American women tend to be more shallow than other cultures. I feel other cultures value other things than just quick judgment.

I guess we would need to see swiping quickness for separate countries. As in shallowness being considered on how quick a person swipes yes or no.


for a dude? yes it is.

There is short and short. Between 5'7'' and 5'10'' height is unlikely to become a true detriment. Sure, you're shorter than the average guy, but you are still so close to the average point that it really makes little difference (in real life interactions at least, online dating is a different beast).. When you go below that is when the real problems begin. Believe me, I'd know. (I'm male and 5'4'').


Some of my lady friends have told me they don't use Tinder because they can easily punch above their weight, then end up disappointed in future because the guys willing to invest in a relationship with them are "below" what they could get on Tinder.

Either that or some heavy cognitive dissonance/post-purchase rationalization trying to feel attracted to their man.


I mean, you can lose weight. If you a dude who's 5'3'', that's a RIP on your dating life, b

Exactly. This comparison is on of the most common fallacies I know of. You fat? Work on it. It's fucking doable. You short? Not a god damn thing you can do but curse your bad luck. Height and weight are not even on the same statosphere since you can work on the other but not on the other. At all.
Exactly. This comparison is on of the most common fallacies I know of. You fat? Work on it. It's fucking doable. You short? Not a god damn thing you can do but curse your bad luck. Height and weight are not even on the same statosphere since you can work on the other but not on the other. At all.

Stupid men, if they stopped spending money on video games like man children they could afford height surgery. It's only 10k USD.


A real man that loves me would go through with it instead of embarrassing me in public being 5'8.


I'm 6'1" but Tinder was ruining my self exteem too. No really photogenic or anything, I fare better in real life even though I'm a bit introverted.


Junior Member
Exactly. This comparison is on of the most common fallacies I know of. You fat? Work on it. It's fucking doable. You short? Not a god damn thing you can do but curse your bad luck. Height and weight are not even on the same statosphere since you can work on the other but not on the other. At all.
Or just do what O.P.'s female friend said and hit the gym to get taller...



sparkle this bitch
Some of my lady friends have told me they don't use Tinder because they can easily punch above their weight, then end up disappointed in future because the guys willing to invest in a relationship with them are "below" what they could get on Tinder.

Either that or some heavy cognitive dissonance/post-purchase rationalization trying to feel attracted to their man.

I'm not sure about that being the reason behind it. But the amount of guys who are willing to sleep with a girl extends far, far longer then the amount of guys willing to date her.

While with guys, the line is still longer with girls who want to sleep with them. But it's more there isn't the same massive disproportion.

1) I loved being tall but as you get older, the back pains and knee pains become worst

2) I live in a country with a majority of the women being short.

3) I always have to bend down to hear ppl and bending down sucks especially with the pain

4) You have to get custom clothing and furniture at times ( Which is way more expensive).

5) Areas of the house to small for you to access

6) Food wise, I eat like a horse ( even though I weigh 196 pounds,) and can rack up a bill.

7) Being in small cars and tight spaces sucks

8) Did I mention the pain.


He would have much more luck in the 90s.



I tried tinder for almost a year and only got one date out of it. Must have rated over 1,000 women. Didn't really destroy my self-esteem since I knew I was an ugly fuck going into it though lol.
I would love to see his profile. I'm 5'6 living in NYC and I get dates all the time from online dating. One of my longest relationships was with a girl who was 5'9. I can't imagine a 5'9 guy living a "woe is me" scenario.

My younger brother who is 5'2, now that guy legit has it hard.

Edit: And my older brother is 5'4 and married with kids to a woman who is 5'11.

Maybe it's a west coast thing, but there are lots of tall women here. Everywhere I go there is a woman who broke six feet easily. A 5'9 guy would have some trouble, even a 6'1 guy might be at a slight disadvantage. Plenty of women here who are 5'10 or higher and very few guys who are above 6'.


My self esteem is honestly too low to even install tinder D:

I'm not short, but I've never noticed that being tall gives you an advantage. Maybe it's just that being short is a disadvantage.


I deleted Tinder after a week it made me feel like I wasn't a very interesting person. But also I'm gay and I think a lot of guys care a lot less about height (I'm 5'7).

And I think Grindr lowers gay men's self esteem at a far higher rate than Tinder does primarily because I view gay men as far more shallow than women. I'm probably part of the problem too...
I wish I wasn't short :( 5'9. I've legit heard girls I know say guys under 6 feet aren't appealing. I nearly yelled at one of them who said guys under 6'2 need to hit the gym and get taller. Like what the fuck.

Can't fight it. I'm shorter than you by an inch or so, but all you can do is say, 'I wouldn't want to date someone who wouldn't like me based on height'

I think my natural preference is for shorter girls, but I've dated women taller than me and wouldn't refuse a date based on height.


1) I loved being tall but as you get older, the back pains and knee pains become worst

2) I live in a country with a majority of the women being short.

3) I always have to bend down to hear ppl and bending down sucks especially with the pain

4) You have to get custom clothing and furniture at times ( Which is way more expensive).

5) Areas of the house to small for you to access

6) Food wise, I eat like a horse ( even though I weigh 196 pounds,) and can rack up a bill.

7) Being in small cars and tight spaces sucks

8) Did I mention the pain.

Where are you from?

I'm 6'1 and dont have any problem.
My dad is 6'4 and he has no problems with clothings or furniture.
My best friend is 6'5 no problems at all.

Germany here.
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