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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"

Mind you, I'm new to this game, but how do you get such speed? I don't understand what he is doing different versus me?

He is flying across the map.


Watch this, and pretty much everything on this channel.

Benchy is SPM passion? No way lol. Played him all the time in TF1. Only had a few matches in TF2.

I believe he resides somewhere in Asia as evidenced by his opponent's IDs, I played him in Tf2 couple times, and couple times his other account (or old ID?) "Rawl1ty" in Tf1 before.


Mind you, I'm new to this game, but how do you get such speed? I don't understand what he is doing different versus me?

He is flying across the map.

Stim gives a speed boost.

Wallrunning increases your momentum, as does sliding.

Slide-hopping (or bunnyhopping if you will) maintains momentum (even the boost from Stim).


sometimes when i try to eject i get no nuke core, my titan just blows up all wimpy like. what am i missing here?

You can't activate it with manual ejection anymore ;(

I feel like this game was balanced around Bounty Hunt. It's a shame that mode was set to die for Reaper-mode



edit: this will sound weird but... everyone on my team was Ronin for some reason, including myself.




I jip to a game with ~100 to 220. I end up (with Ronin) winning it for my team by carrying them to victory.


Ronin is really strong against weaker players.
Have Respawn released any details on their DLC plans? We know that future maps and game modes are going to be free but have they released any sort of roadmap on what we can expect and when? Do they have any plans to bring the rest of the Titanfall maps to Titanfall 2? I never got a chance to play the first game seeing as it didn't come to Playstation consoles so it would be good to see more of them make the transition. Having watched several videos of them recently I would love to be able to do so as they look awesome.
Have Respawn released any details on their DLC plans? We know that future maps and game modes are going to be free but have they released any sort of roadmap on what we can expect and when? Do they have any plans to bring the rest of the Titanfall maps to Titanfall 2? I never got a chance to play the first game seeing as it didn't come to Playstation consoles so it would be good to see more of them make the transition. Having watched several videos of them recently I would love to be able to do so as they look awesome.

No firm roadmap or timeline yet.


I wouldn't mind a few new maps right now indeed. Other ports of Tf1 maps would be ok, but after playing the new Angel City it feels like the new gameplay changes the dynamics a lot (much more people on rooftops and almost nobody inside buildings, since everything is more "climbable" in Tf2). So several new, original maps would be appreciated.


R1 maps >>>>> R2 -- but I'm not sure...

It's a shame that we couldn't get new ones that were as good.

I would love to see Runoff make a return, though. We need Pilot/Titan lanes back in maps.


If anyone wants to play bounty hunt im on all the time, i also rarely lose so if your new and want help im super chatty and always willing to give an opinion =).

Btw i dont mean to sound pretentious or like a jerk when I say i rarely lose , but my bounty hunt score average is around 2000+.... meaning the other guys on my team only need to average like 800 a piece.

I had a game the other day where I finished with 3500 points, and lost a game with 3200 points.

The funniest was i was on homestead and tried to see what I could get with 0 kills, and ended up with 2700 and 0 kills lol.

Also this is all while I'm trying to level up weapons/titans so I don't stick to just the 4 overpowered weapons (Devotion, CAR, EVGA shotgun, hemlock / g2, i get those 2 confused)

Just hit me up on PS4 and ill tell you some of the tricks ive learned for bounty hunt
If anyone wants to play bounty hunt im on all the time, i also rarely lose so if your new and want help im super chatty and always willing to give an opinion =).

Btw i dont mean to sound pretentious or like a jerk when I say i rarely lose , but my bounty hunt score average is around 2000+.... meaning the other guys on my team only need to average like 800 a piece.

I had a game the other day where I finished with 3500 points, and lost a game with 3200 points.

The funniest was i was on homestead and tried to see what I could get with 0 kills, and ended up with 2700 and 0 kills lol.

Also this is all while I'm trying to level up weapons/titans so I don't stick to just the 4 overpowered weapons (Devotion, CAR, EVGA shotgun, hemlock / g2, i get those 2 confused)

Just hit me up on PS4 and ill tell you some of the tricks ive learned for bounty hunt

That's pretty much because they're not trying. Even the people that seem to deliberately play bounty hunt, do not play the objective.

It doesn't help that a lot of good players use it as the game mode where they can rack up a lot of kills too. It has a long match timer and in many cases won't finish on time as people don't play the objective.

I'm glad they moved it from the top spot. A lot of people clearly don't like the mode, and even those that do go out of their way to play it, do not seem to play it because they enjoy the objective dynamics. It's a combination of people just not getting it, and others not wanting to get it.


R1 maps >>>>> R2 -- but I'm not sure...

It's a shame that we couldn't get new ones that were as good.

I would love to see Runoff make a return, though. We need Pilot/Titan lanes back in maps.
I wonder how much effort it takes them to remake a TF1 map.


Press - MP1st.com
GameSager is getting more and more pretentious despite his viewcount hitting a wall.

he's counting the epilogue kills because why tf not

I have no clue why people even watch his TF2 vids. I mean, he only plays Pilots vs. Pilots, which means he doesn't play what the game's centered around, which are the Titans. If he can do that shit with Titans AND not having his team stacked with his friends/mates that are also good, well, I'd be impressed. As it stands now? Nah. I don't even watch any of his vids since they're good for I dunno, showing how good you can be with a good squad and having no Titans? xD


edit: this will sound weird but... everyone on my team was Ronin for some reason, including myself.




I jip to a game with ~100 to 220. I end up (with Ronin) winning it for my team by carrying them to victory.


Ronin is really strong against weaker players.

Know why? Ronin is the perfect counter to Tone. Just dash until you cross her shield wall and she's toast. Slice, unload shotgun, arc wave, slice, phase sideways or behind (since Tone most likely would have locked by now) and repeat.

Unless the map is too big -- maybe Kodai, Homestead -- (and even then, it's just a matter of not engaging head-on against Tones, Ions and Legions), Ronin can decimate Tone all the time. I honestly have no clue why some people complain about Tone. I used to main her, but I mostly use Ronin now and can easily kill Tones.


Those speaking of everything is OP, I might sound like an ass, but I honestly don't find anything OP. My most used and gun with most kills is the CAR, but I use the Hemlock, R201, etc. and I don't find them OP. Heck, I don't even remember having issues fighting off people who use the Devotion. I just phase or wait until they reload and jump in. If you play with a squad (and with mics), please don't talk down or be an ass to a team of randoms. I had a team that did that and made me want to quit out since they were talking smack like no tomorrow.

My stats now are:

Gen10.49 = Over 7 days played, 1000+ games played, over 65 percent win percentage, 800+ won, over 440 as the MVP, and 950+ as part of the Top 3. Mind, I've never (not even once) played with a squad or group since I always play at odd hours and enjoy solo. AND to top it off, my "best" ping was 80-100ms, and now at 180-200ms (yes, I can't stop playing even with bad pings).

And erm, someone from Respawn checked my stats and said this (I know I'm not just being matched with noobs): https://twitter.com/jonshiring/status/807624601777770496 (Sorry, Jon!) :)

Don't want to come off as an ass, but just wanted to say that I don't think anything is OP and asking for nerfs is part of the reason why I don't post as much (I see people wanting to nerf the Hemlock, Devotion, etc.). Good thing is, Respawn has internal data which they most likely use whenever balancing factors in. Not bragging or anything (since some might assume that), but just wanted to point out that people can do well without using Hemlock, etc. and those things aren't as OP as some people think. Basically, everything is OP if you think about it. xD

Speaking of, I have no idea why this has happened. I used to have manageable matches, but now? I sometimes get so annoyed with the lag that I quit. Anyone know why? This is my main complaint now: lag and joining matches in progress.

PS: If anyone wants to join the PlayStation LifeStyle Network, just search for PlayStation LifeStyle (it's verified with a check) and has over 45K members. :)


I don't want a Nerf, I just want Northstar to not be so boring/bad against Tone.

As much as I'm feeling somewhat unstoppable at times with Ronin, there is no way he is better vs. Tone than... Another Tone.


As for pub chat, I only use it to tell people to go to the opposite spawn in Bounty Hunt. Other than that, I don't think there are any other call outs worthwhile among randoms.

Attrition is extremely easy and brainless to carry in. At least Bounty Hunt requires time sensitive starts for it.

I think on PC it's gone, too.


I'd like you to show me. As of now, there's consensus wanting her to be buffed vs. Tone.

The only problem I have when using Northstar vs Tone is Tone's shield. I usually just hit it with a fully charged shot and a cluster missile,and then it goes down + the cluster missile damages the Tone behind the shield. 90% of the time the Tones try to just hang back and match shot for shot with me, and I can dodge the missiles pretty easily (dash towards the tone and slightly to the side, missiles go right past you). Northstar is the only titan that can beat Tone shot for shot (except for maybe Ronin at extremely close range), so that's where I feel like Northstar is good against Tone.

On a side note, Northstar is hilarious when fighting a Scorch. When the scorch sets the ground on fire, fly up and keep shooting. Doing enough damage gets you your core pretty quickly, and then you can just fly way out of reach.
I'd like you to show me. As of now, there's consensus wanting her to be buffed vs. Tone.

Engage at long distance with hard cover between you and Tone, use peak shots. Tone is done. If they try to gain ground, you can punish them since they will leave their shield behind. Easy peasy.
Yes any range, its actually WORSE accuracy with ADS than without.
so what you're saying is I've been handicapping myself and could be doing even better?

Side note: Tone is my favorite Titan, I like the ability to shoot pilots and engage titans at all ranges. Even multiple bunched up titans. The problem with Northstar is that if you miss, it sucks more than if you miss with tone. Tone just has to get that sweet splash damage and then a locked on missile barrage is coming. I need to get some of my recordings on youtube. MONTAGE TIME
I think Tone is slightly OP due to versatility, but the bigger issue is that she's just BORING to fight against as soon as she drops her wall. It just brings the engagement to a crawl. It's the 'Armor Lock' of TitanFall.

I'd honestly prefer if Northstar had the wall as a defensive measure, since she has less health and she's usually not getting into the heat of Titan combat anyway.


Yeh I can't understand why anyone would want to play as Tone, it must be insanely boring standing behind shields walls and just locking onto to targets with auto target rockets. Where's the fun in that? I'd rather melt the shit out of stuff with Scorch.

To balance tone they need to lower the health of the shield wall or just get rid of the shield wall all together as it encourages a campy playstyle.


Yeh I can't understand why anyone would want to play as Tone, it must be insanely boring standing behind shields walls and just locking onto to targets with auto target rockets. Where's the fun in that? I'd rather melt the shit out of stuff with Scorch.

To balance tone they need to lower the health of the shield wall or just get rid of the shield wall all together as it encourages a campy playstyle.

Because you win with it


Because you win with it

I win with Scorch constantly? It's easy taking out Tones hiding behind their shields.

This really is armor lock in Halo Reach again, I spent all my time in that game playing with jetpack because it was so much more fun, the people trying to win with cheap tactics were always sat in armor lock, not that it really ever helped them.
Lol, I just got cross-mapped by a turret in Angel City, while taking out another turret. I think that map is going to join Crash Site on the auto-quit list until the next balance adjustment.
So I just got this game on PS4 and am jumping straight into mp. Any tips on a good setup to use? I usually run and gun in cod.

Start with the CAR and firestar using stim and the run and gun add-on. Don't ADS with SMGs ever.

Also, play the campaign. Excellent tutorial especially for Titans.


So I just got this game on PS4 and am jumping straight into mp. Any tips on a good setup to use? I usually run and gun in cod.

I'd recommend playing some of the campaign before diving into multiplayer to get a hang of the controls and stuff. Change your controls to bumper jumper and put crouch on R3 to make sliding easier.

Easiest way to play is picking the first assault rifle or smg, using stim/grapple/phase shift, then use arc grenades and the MGL against titans. Easiest starting Titan is Ion.


Im gonna repeat myself but those enemies against Gamesager on console are literally Grunts with nametag on top of them.

Sure Gamesager is good at playing with controller but those enemies...


This game is worse then Overwatch pub games when it comes to players :p. At least 80% doesn't know how to play this game.

I usually am number one in bounty hunt with 3000+ points. It's frustrating more often than not, i wish people would read the faq before playing the game lol.

If you are against or with a team of 2 good players, it's a instant loss/win.

I always solo though.


This game is worse then Overwatch pub games when it comes to players :p. At least 80% doesn't know how to play this game.

I usually am number one in bounty hunt with 3000+ points. It's frustrating more often than not, i wish people would read the faq before playing the game lol.

If you are against or with a team of 2 good players, it's a instant loss/win.

I always solo though.

PC seems to have at least some players who know how to play, usually 1-3 per team are much higher than rest.
I would pick this over OW:s more balanced ranking system where you have 0 impact with YOUR skills, you just cant carry team in OW alone.

I win with Scorch constantly? It's easy taking out Tones hiding behind their shields.

And I win games with weapon X, it doesnt mean that weapon X is much better than weapon/titan Y that is much better at doing its job.

I play scorch almost every game, until its some huge open map then I usually pick tone.


And I win games with weapon X, it doesnt mean that weapon X is much better than weapon/titan Y that is much better at doing its job.

How exactly is Tone in any way better than Scorch at area denial which is his main advantage over the other titans? Can't get enough of lobbing gas canisters over Tone shields and watching them stand in my fire like "why am I taking damage?".


How exactly is Tone in any way better than Scorch at area denial which is his main advantage over the other titans? Can't get enough of lobbing gas canisters over Tone shields and watching them stand in my fire like "why am I taking damage?".

Sure he can do that better but Tone does everything else better.
Why does it always have to be good player vs bad player situation when comparing titans?
If both are good players then Tone always wins.


Sure he can do that better but Tone does everything else better.
Why does it always have to be good player vs bad player situation when comparing titans?
If both are good players then Tone always wins.

Not even a case of them being bad players, played against multiple genned up pilots who can't cope with a good Scorch lobbing gas over their shields. The shield is worthless against a Scorch.


Not even a case of them being bad players, played against multiple genned up pilots who can't cope with a good Scorch lobbing gas over their shields. The shield is worthless against a Scorch.

Gen players doesn't mean much in this game imo. I am surprised how many can't even get in the top 3 against all the non gen players.

I never rely on my shield as a tone. I always use my surroundings. I can play tone without deploying a shield in a game and not miss it at all.

Every titan is strong in the hands of a good player. But most people don't use there titans the proper way or use the same tactics over and over.

Like u using your scorch like that is what people don't do. And tone players that hide behind there shield deserve that you kill them haha.

Funny thing is that I almost never leave my titan, even in doomed state (unless in melee range :p) most of the time I finish the match with my first titan. Always get it in the first 30 secs of the match.


Gen players doesn't mean much in this game imo. I am surprised how many can't even get in the top 3 against all the non gen players.

I never rely on my shield as a tone. I always use my surroundings. I can play tone without deploying a shield in a game and not miss it at all.

Every titan is strong in the hands of a good player. But most people don't use there titans the proper way or use the same tactics over and over.

Like u using your scorch like that is what people don't do. And tone players that hide behind there shield deserve that you kill them haha.

Funny thing is that I almost never leave my titan, even in doomed state (unless in melee range :p) most of the time I finish the match with my first titan. Always get it in the first 30 secs of the match.

Yeh totally agree that every titan is great in the hands of someone who knows how to play the game properly, that's why I find it crazy that people on here (who I assume know how to play the game properly) would gravitate to what I find a boring playstyle in Tone.
Just finished the campaign. For all the talk the
Press L1 to Time Travel
moment got, I thought the
smart pistol rampage
was even better. So many awesome moments in the game. I do think they missed a pretty obvious opportunity to make
"Prepare for titanfall!" as you get BT back
into a huge triumphant moment, though. I expected something along those lines to be a much bigger event.

I really hope the sales have been better with all the positive word of mouth the game has been getting, I just need to see what they'd do with a sequel.


Do you also have that weird bug where sometimes you eject from your titan with a different weapon than that you had when you entered ? I'm pretty sure I didn't have that Kraber at the beginning of the match. :p
Do you also have that weird bug where sometimes you eject from your titan with a different weapon than that you had when you entered ? I'm pretty sure I didn't have that Kraber at the beginning of the match. :p

Dropped weapons near your Titan as you entered. Had it happen a few times
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