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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


What GPU do you have in your surface book Izuna, processor, gpu? I wonder if Titanfall 2 would run on my surface book too.

The last game I tried to play on it was Redout which doesn't run, then I stopped trying to play many of the latest PC games.

I have the standard i5/dGPU version. Titanfall 2 demands at least 1.5gb of VRAM so you have to uh... do this to it

Playing anything later than 7th Gen isn't a great idea. DOOM would have worked if MS didn't make OpenGL garbage on this. I dunno if the Performance Base has that area improved, I should think so.

Performance Base would do super well on this game. Sadly, that thing costs more than all the food I ate last year.

I play on both a 4k TV and a 1080p monitor. I do think the 4k TV looks noticeably better. Of course not the hugest difference but I feel I'm clearly seeing a higher resolution along with the other benefits that the Pro gives the game. Plus I can play at 100 FOV without worrying about the frame rate.

I actually do play more on my 1080p monitor and though I think it's fine, I definitely feel it's a step down. But if you only play on a 1080p monitor I can understand why you feel the benefits weren't enough. It just doesn't look as sharp and crisp to me.

Yeah, for the most part, SS appears as better Anti-aliasing (which is basically its purpose). I definitely don't need that in a game such as Titanfall.

And take it easy on us PS4 guys. We're over 2 years behind you guys on this series. If and when the 3rd one comes out I think it'll feel pretty even between all 3 platforms when it comes to the average player base.

Oh, I'm not talking about PS4 TitanGAF, haha. Y'all are just as good and some are absolute killers. You don't give yourself enough credit I think, you're far better than I was 3~4 months into the original too.

What I'm talking about, are the people I go up against that WALK on the ground, lol.

I haven't been up against many people that are carrying the other teams. On PC or Xbox you'll come up with low-key theDidacts that'll fuck up every 10th game or something, haha.


Wouldn't really affect my experience. It might just give birth to more EVAs, and fuuuuuck that lol.
Not sure why you think that and if that was the case what's the problem? To be good with the EVA you have to have serious mobility. A stationary devotion player won't magically be great at movement and decide to pick up an EVA.

If you can't make a run and gun playstyle work now, then I have doubts that you will be able to make it work post any nerfs. Ultimately, in this current climate what your opponent is using isn't even that relevant in most of the matches, if your mobility is decent then the average team isn't even going to see you coming.
I'm not sure about that. I think it will improve mobility for most people, because they won't have to worry about getting swatted from across the map. It will actually force people to move and engage at closer range.

When you're a kid with no job or responsibilities, plenty of time to obsess over one game.
OR you're a person that only plays 1 fucking game the entire generation. haha.

The entire original Xbox gen i played Halo 1 and Halo 2. Nothing more. I didn't even own another game besides those two. Xbox 360 i played Gears of War 1 and then ShadowRun until the gen was over. I played some Halo 3 but dropped it pretty quickly and went back to ShadowRun. That's it. So far this gen i've played Titanfall 2, that's it other than Titanfall 1. I dabbled in Overwatch for about a week, and Destiny for like two weekends before saying screw that. That was the extent of my gaming in the three gens.

I don't see much purpose in this narrative. You're telling us that people with 2.3 years of experience are better than people with .3 years of experience. You aren't wrong. And as far as the best PC players being better... they use a different set of inputs, it's not really fair to say that they are better, or worse.

Taking time out of the equation though there are two major factors that affect the highest level of play

a) incentive to get better (tournaments and their prize pools)
b) the size of the community

None of the versions of Titanfall really provide the average player much incentive to get better, there's a lack of ranked play, official support etc, so that's not a huge factor here. The size of the community is likely to be a factor in the long term. There's a reason China win a lot of Olympic medals, for instance.

The point is, the PS4 has the larger userbase so you just have to give them some time and a lot of good players will crop up. People like you have 2 years on them, and people like me, and for people like me that just got into Titanfall 2 with the PS4 version, it's not easier, it's not easier than it was when you first got into it on the XBOX ONE, so saying things like 'it's easy on PS4' kind of diminishes the achievements of people on this platform, especially if there are people here struggling to do well on the PS4 version of the game. I can't imagine it makes them feel all that great about their performance.

Personally I have had the chance to try out the PS4 and PC versions a fair bit (though mostly on PS4) and didn't find the experience to be especially distinct, I played with a PS4 controller on both and was easily able to top the team consistently on the PC version. While obviously the mouse and keyboard does enable greater theoretical accuracy, the average PC player is just as poor with their movement, and average accuracy than they are on console (helped significantly by the aim assist). I've only played a handful of matches on the XBOX ONE version, it did seem as though there were more people that knew what they were doing in terms of movement, but they didn't seem remarkably better at the game as a whole.

Kind of reminds me of a match I played the other day on PS4, where there was this player with amazing mobility, but he landed very few kills. That's what I experienced when I played the XBOX ONE version, it felt as though people had a better grasp of the games novelty (familiarity with the movement systems), but they weren't necessarily any better at first person shooters broadly. Obviously that did make them a little better at the game overall, but not significantly enough that I found it difficult, even with a relatively unfamiliar controller. PS4 players just need a little time to catch up for what they lack as a result of inexperience.
The input argument can be applied to Xbox vs PS4 as well. The One does have the elite controller, you will run into a lot of people using the elite. That does make a big difference. No matter how much time the Sony crowd has with Titanfall it won't make them anywhere close to the better players on the One unless they opt for a better controller set up. I also throw in the logic of bumper jumper in there. Tons of xbox players have been using bumper jumper since halo 3 days, right? I mean, that's a long time yet majority still do not use bumper jumper. I can only imagine what the numbers are on PS4 considering they haven't been that much of a shooter platform compared to the Xbox.

If you add all that up it's hard to imagine the specific player base on the Sony platform being all that great at shooters in general.


I thought this was funny :) You would think that Pilots would learn.

TitanFall 2 | Deja Vu



I do apologise for the comparisons, it isn't a particularly useful narrative, but it is something I observed. I feel that PS4 has a larger userbase in general, which means more casuals. The only reason why Titanfall 2 has a bigger population on Xbox is because it has the vets from the original, I think. That, and the fact that if people want to play CoD, they'd be inclined to play it on PlayStation.

That being said...

Sharing clips on PS4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xbox.

Sure, Xbox is far easier to make smaller clips, but for larger ones like full matches and quality, PS4 is just so much better. I can put clips on a USB stick and upload at my Uni's internet. Making .gifs takes a little longer because I gotta upload to YouTube first, but I can have it upload in the background.

And another thing, I can upload when I want, and not have it be automatic (when I record a clip on Xbox, it'll sometimes screw with my ping).

I wonder if they'll ever improve the Xbox's sharing.


I do apologise for the comparisons, it isn't a particularly useful narrative, but it is something I observed. I feel that PS4 has a larger userbase in general, which means more casuals. The only reason why Titanfall 2 has a bigger population on Xbox is because it has the vets from the original, I think. That, and the fact that if people want to play CoD, they'd be inclined to play it on PlayStation.

That being said...

Sharing clips on PS4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xbox.

Sure, Xbox is far easier to make smaller clips, but for larger ones like full matches and quality, PS4 is just so much better. I can put clips on a USB stick and upload at my Uni's internet. Making .gifs takes a little longer because I gotta upload to YouTube first, but I can have it upload in the background.

And another thing, I can upload when I want, and not have it be automatic (when I record a clip on Xbox, it'll sometimes screw with my ping).

I wonder if they'll ever improve the Xbox's sharing.

Yeah dude, PS4 has Sharefactory too. You can see in my clip above that Titanfall even has custom intros you can add to your videos. It's awesome!
Tried one more match for the night.



How is it even possible to finish a match with 19 points? My first match ever in TF1 I did better than that.

I least I managed to drag them to victory this time.


Not sure why you think that and if that was the case what's the problem? To be good with the EVA you have to have serious mobility. A stationary devotion player won't magically be great at movement and decide to pick up an EVA.

Gee I had the perfect clip to show what I dislike about the weapon, but nvm.

Since it's a shotgun, it switches up the encounter design enough that certain kills I think are guaranteed when I see someone ain't, because the DPS for the EVA is 0.

Doesn't make me rage, but I do remember in Titanfall 1 when the general population was Gen 2 players and everyone was using the EVA for a challenge. That wasn't the most fun week, haha.

Yeah dude, PS4 has Sharefactory too. You can see in my clip above that Titanfall even has custom intros you can add to your videos. It's awesome!

I was going to say that ShareFactory was my least favourite part actually, haha. The encoding settings for gifs needs some work (should use whatever imgur VID2GIF is using), and it's jarring that ShareFactory requires you to exit a game. :S (Upload Studio on Xbox doesn't need this).

But then again, Upload Studio vs. ShareFactory is like Apples and Oranges. It doesn't matter though since PS4 will let me edit all my clips in Premiere Pro on PC without having to pull crappy 720p footage! haha.


True pros claw.


It's also not super fair to judge your team (from this new perspective I have). Attrition Points are going to be distributed one way or another and First to Fall is always going to have a chance to get much higher. If you notice, regardless of how good the players are, the MVP is usually always higher than 2nd place etc.

Like, I forgot who the GAFfer was that I played with, but we were matchmade with a dude on our team that did 200+ because he freaking dominated. The most I could possibly get was like 90 and I killed everything I saw.


Gee I had the perfect clip to show what I dislike about the weapon, but nvm.

Since it's a shotgun, it switches up the encounter design enough that certain kills I think are guaranteed when I see someone ain't, because the DPS for the EVA is 0.

Doesn't make me rage, but I do remember in Titanfall 1 when the general population was Gen 2 players and everyone was using the EVA for a challenge. That wasn't the most fun week, haha.

I was going to say that ShareFactory was my least favourite part actually, haha. The encoding settings for gifs needs some work (should use whatever imgur VID2GIF is using), and it's jarring that ShareFactory requires you to exit a game. :S (Upload Studio on Xbox doesn't need this).

But then again, Upload Studio vs. ShareFactory is like Apples and Oranges. It doesn't matter though since PS4 will let me edit all my clips in Premiere Pro on PC without having to pull crappy 720p footage! haha.

Ah, I don't have an Xbox so I can't tell ya anything g about upload studio. I will say that the PS4 pro captures 1080p footage :)
The input argument can be applied to Xbox vs PS4 as well. The One does have the elite controller, you will run into a lot of people using the elite. That does make a big difference. No matter how much time the Sony crowd has with Titanfall it won't make them anywhere close to the better players on the One unless they opt for a better controller set up. I also throw in the logic of bumper jumper in there. Tons of xbox players have been using bumper jumper since halo 3 days, right? I mean, that's a long time yet majority still do not use bumper jumper. I can only imagine what the numbers are on PS4 considering they haven't been that much of a shooter platform compared to the Xbox.

Why do you think the elite makes a big difference out of curiosity? I spent a month playing with different paddled layouts and while they are nice, in terms of mobility it's not any worse than the PS4s evolved layout. The only real limitation is the inaccessibility of the melee button, but when does that really come into play? Not very often at all.

Plus, if you're on PS4 then you're playing with PS4 controllers, etc. therefore moving to PS4 and saying it's easier because of that input device doesn't make sense, as it's a relative playing field, you're using the same thing.

You might think that the PS4 isn't a 'shooter platform' but PS4 numbers are much larger than XBOX ONEs, even if a proportionately smaller number of players play shooters on the PS4, that number is still significantly larger than the number of people that play shooters on the XBOX ONE. There's a much larger community for shooters on the PS4, and the diversity of the platform doesn't take away from that.


Like, I forgot who the GAFfer was that I played with, but we were matchmade with a dude on our team that did 200+ because he freaking dominated. The most I could possibly get was like 90 and I killed everything I saw.

The worst is when you feel like you're dominating, then look at the score, only to realise every single kill you've got is an assist.

The only real limitation is the inaccessibility of the melee button, but when does that really come into play? Not very often at all.

I'm thankful for the Evolve control scheme for improving my mobility but at the same time it's basically the reason why I can't play Ronin and why I've become worse at using melee during random face to face encounters in hallways and other close quarter locations.

I know I could use bumper jumper instead but that would mean I'd have to take my thumb off the right stick. In the end I prefer the best layout for pilot mobility over easy access to the melee button and the ability to play Ronin as best as I can.


Usually people with super low points are those that have been thrown into the game at the last moment because someone left.

Nah, I was watching this player from the start. I pull up the scoreboard between every death or Phase if I can. I got a sneak peak at his playing at the end of the round during the epilogue.

Dude should play Campaign. Would probably have a lot more fun.


I got out-carried one game and ended up rematching the dude. I hit it hard. Lovely message from him.

Next time, before you say you had the worst team, check how low the points are for the other team's worst players and check your own minion kills.


I have no problem with this game's matchmaking. It isn't post-patch Titanfall 1, so thank god for that. <3


I have to admit, my minion kills are always low. I don't bother with them until I'm in a Titan, mainly because I don't want to give away my location by shooting.

Should just toss out a fire star every time.


Melee not very often? Not for me. Either as pilot or Titan i do a lot of melee kills.

Mash that melee button as Ronin.

Only way to win.

I have to admit, my minion kills are always low. I don't bother with them until I'm in a Titan, mainly because I don't want to give away my location by shooting.

Should just toss out a fire star every time.

When Reapers spawn, it's more useful to go after them than a Pilot who is shooting you with a Charge Rifle on some roof somewhere.


Neo Member
So I've been dicking around with lesser used weapons and I have to say, the EPG and Mastiff are just so much fun once you get the hang of them. Especially the EPG since it gives me a good excuse to use the Wingman Elite. Way more satisfying to get multikills with those than the regular guns.

Also, wtf is wrong with the Cold War? If you hit someone directly with a burst it won't kill, but shoot it at their feet and they die. That coupled with its long reload time makes the weapon just way harder than it should be.


I have to admit, my minion kills are always low. I don't bother with them until I'm in a Titan, mainly because I don't want to give away my location by shooting.

Should just toss out a fire star every time.

Mine is the opposite. Most of the time, i'm in top2 minion kills in Bounty Hunt or Attrition. Fills the Boost / Titan meter faster. Yeah, died a couple of times because someone lurking saw/heard me but it's worth if i can get my Titan a minute earlier and also help to win the round.

Sometimes wonder when one team in Bounty hunt has only like 100 point after 2 minutes of play...


While there are people that get thrown into a match and end up with 10 pts I have often witnessed people being there from the start and finishing with 7


I just find it hard to believe. My girlfriend who's never played an FPS before is able to get 7 points by accidentally throwing a grenade at the ground.

Most likely AFK or something.


I just find it hard to believe. My girlfriend who's never played an FPS before is able to get 7 points by accidentally throwing a grenade at the ground.

Most likely AFK or something.

Nah, some people just can't kill pilots. Gotta remember that average movement in this game is enough to complete Mirror's Edge with ease. If you're unable to climb up anywhere -- and the fact that minions spawn away from your own -- it sort of makes sense.

These sorts of players you'd never play with because of SBMM in other games.


Why do you think the elite makes a big difference out of curiosity? I spent a month playing with different paddled layouts and while they are nice, in terms of mobility it's not any worse than the PS4s evolved layout. The only real limitation is the inaccessibility of the melee button, but when does that really come into play? Not very often at all.
It's not only about jump being on a bumper, where is crouch/slide? Where is your tactical? With an elite not only can you have slide on a back paddle, you can have your tactical on a bumper, making the whole process of slide hopping and initiating a tactical a lot faster and smoother. Also, Inaccessibility of the melee isn't a small problem when you start talking about Titan combat. The elite controller does help with your Titan play a lot as well.

elitist post warning: i feel like a lot of my views run into a roadblock here. since none of you actually play against really good players some of what i say either takes a while for you guys to notice, or you'll never actually notice.


It's not only about jump being on a bumper, where is crouch/slide? Where is your tactical? With an elite not only can you have slide on a back paddle, you can have your tactical on a bumper, making the whole process of slide hopping and initiating a tactical a lot faster and smoother. Also, Inaccessibility of the melee isn't a small problem when you start talking about Titan combat. The elite controller does help with your Titan play a lot as well.

For this, I just Claw and I can hit everything. <3

TBH, PS4 players can just use Scuf controllers just as Xbox players can use the Elite.


I really wish the melee didn't work like this. I don't like this system where only one can melee at a time. You go in with Sword Core, and you can't get the kill because the opponent is mashing melee. I would really prefer it to trade. It's okay because most of the time I can get revenge on the Titan or Ejecting Pilot etc. to trade it out, but it makes Sword Core feel like it doesn't work as intended.

I'm certain these players aren't using the melee in this way because they understand that it makes them invincible...

No Love

It's not only about jump being on a bumper, where is crouch/slide? Where is your tactical? With an elite not only can you have slide on a back paddle, you can have your tactical on a bumper, making the whole process of slide hopping and initiating a tactical a lot faster and smoother. Also, Inaccessibility of the melee isn't a small problem when you start talking about Titan combat. The elite controller does help with your Titan play a lot as well.

elitist post warning: i feel like a lot of my views run into a roadblock here. since none of you actually play against really good players some of what i say either takes a while for you guys to notice, or you'll never actually notice.

Agreed. You need an Elite controller or button switching. I don't know why Respawn didn't just allow you to customize the buttons the way you want. They'll throw in yaw pitch speed in the super special advanced controls tweaking but don't let you assign custom button layouts to your controller?

Rayme, you reading this? I should be able to put Jump on L1, Slide on R1, tactical as X, O as whatever, Melee on R3.


TBH, PS4 players can just use Scuf controllers just as Xbox players can use the Elite


I really wish the melee didn't work like this. I don't like this system where only one can melee at a time. You go in with Sword Core, and you can't get the kill because the opponent is mashing melee. I would really prefer it to trade. It's okay because most of the time I can get revenge on the Titan or Ejecting Pilot etc. to trade it out, but it makes Sword Core feel like it doesn't work as intended.

I'm certain these players aren't using the melee in this way because they understand that it makes them invincible...
if the elite controller population is small and that's a first party product offered by Microsoft can you imagine what the population of scuf players are?

Agreed. You need an Elite controller or button switching. I don't know why Respawn didn't just allow you to customize the buttons the way you want. They'll throw in yaw pitch speed in the super special advanced controls tweaking but don't let you assign custom button layouts to your controller?

Rayme, you reading this? I should be able to put Jump on L1, Slide on R1, tactical as X, O as whatever, Melee on R3.
But the system itsel lets you assign buttons doesn't it ? I thought Sony had buttton mapping for a while now


if the elite controller population is small and that's a first party product offered by Microsoft can you imagine what the population of scuf players are?

But the system itsel lets you assign buttons doesn't it ? I thought Sony had buttton mapping for a while now

Tbh, I would think it's probably the same. The Elite controller is MS tapping into the Scuf market. But I don't have any sales figures to draw from.


Yeah, and on the PS4 it's better because you can enable and disable the custom controls easily in a quick menu.

On Xbox, without an Elite controller, it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep configuring your controls depending on the games.

I don't use any of these though, but I might give myself hair triggers on PS4. Hmm (swapping R1/R2 in both.)


Tbh, I would think it's probably the same. The Elite controller is MS tapping into the Scuf market. But I don't have any sales figures to draw from.


Yeah, and on the PS4 it's better because you can enable and disable the custom controls easily in a quick menu.

On Xbox, without an Elite controller, it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep configuring your controls depending on the games.

I don't use any of these though, but I might give myself hair triggers on PS4. Hmm (swapping R1/R2 in both.)
the elite sold like hot cakes dude .

Anyways, case in point about playing really good players. Played one of the best titanfall 1 LTS players yesterday in LTS.

Tone+pulse echo+overcore

What a damn joke build . Didn't even occur to me to run pulse echo . Not sure how viable it is for CTF but for LTS that's the fucking meta, Christ fuck.


First time i encountered a good scorch player who used the shield aggressively to deal damage. And damn he did. Stayed on my ass all round. Chapeau.

Tried the normal mapcycle for a while but I keep coming back to 24/7 angel city...


I hate Angel City. Always someone in the corner on the rooftop with devotion killing me from across the map.

No sorry, always a whole team in a corner on a rooftop with devotion killing me from across the map.
It's not only about jump being on a bumper, where is crouch/slide? Where is your tactical? With an elite not only can you have slide on a back paddle, you can have your tactical on a bumper, making the whole process of slide hopping and initiating a tactical a lot faster and smoother. Also, Inaccessibility of the melee isn't a small problem when you start talking about Titan combat. The elite controller does help with your Titan play a lot as well.

elitist post warning: i feel like a lot of my views run into a roadblock here. since none of you actually play against really good players some of what i say either takes a while for you guys to notice, or you'll never actually notice.

Tactical is L3, slide is R3, that means autosprint is on though which means gunrunner is also on, depending on the mode its worth switching that off. With Titan combat I have to claw if I want to melee. I don't see it as a big deal as aiming in Titan combat isn't especially difficult and I very rarely want to aim and melee at the same time.

And come of it, I've played in plenty of competitive scenes with plenty of players with various idiosyncrasies in respect to the controllers they're using and the options they have and yet everyone manages to find a way to remain competitive. Even on early Halo days where using claw was an advantage for some players, players not using it were still able to remain competitive. Minor differences in the accessibility of buttons do make a difference but it doesn't prevent you from being very good at the game. Players not using claw weren't suddenly automatically defeated by players who were, in the same way needing to press X to access your tactical ability isn't going to kill you either.

Heck, I play in the FGC where you see all sorts of weird controllers being used. If we were being objective about it no one would use anything but the hitbox controller yet people win with all manner of different devices even when on paper, they're disadvantaged relative to their competition.

Larger fundamental differences in button accessibility that are severe enough to affect your playstyle will make a difference of course (for instance if you can't slide hop around due to button placement), but Evolved is good enough in that regard. If you aren't using Evolved on a regular controller though then I have no idea what on earth you're doing.

That aside, PS4 players can also use Scuf controllers, the Nacon Revolution or Razer Raiju (though I wouldn't recommend the latter due to bad experiences).

Banned from what? /r/titanfall?


I hate Angel City. Always someone in the corner on the rooftop with devotion killing me from across the map.

No sorry, always a whole team in a corner on a rooftop with devotion killing me from across the map.

That's the moment you pull out the Hemlock :)


Tactical is L3, slide is R3, that means autosprint is on though which means gunrunner is also on, depending on the mode its worth switching that off. With Titan combat I have to claw if I want to melee. I don't see it as a big deal as aiming in Titan combat isn't especially difficult and I very rarely want to aim and melee at the same time.

And come of it, I've played in plenty of competitive scenes with plenty of players with various idiosyncrasies in respect to the controllers they're using and the options they have and yet everyone manages to find a way to remain competitive. Even on early Halo days where using claw was an advantage for some players, players not using it were still able to remain competitive. Minor differences in the accessibility of buttons do make a difference but it doesn't prevent you from being very good at the game. Players not using claw weren't suddenly automatically defeated by players who were, in the same way needing to press X to access your tactical ability isn't going to kill you either.

Heck, I play in the FGC where you see all sorts of weird controllers being used. If we were being objective about it no one would use anything but the hitbox controller yet people win with all manner of different devices even when on paper, they're disadvantaged relative to their competition.

Larger fundamental differences in button accessibility that are severe enough to affect your playstyle will make a difference of course (for instance if you can't slide hop around due to button placement), but Evolved is good enough in that regard. If you aren't using Evolved on a regular controller though then I have no idea what on earth you're doing.

That aside, PS4 players can also use Scuf controllers, the Nacon Revolution or Razer Raiju (though I wouldn't recommend the latter due to bad experiences).

Banned from what? /r/titanfall?
right, like you said large differences in button accessibility.... that's what I'm talking about . Good players will be good players regardless of what they use but comparing today's situation with how halo used to be isn't really a straight comparison. Most players back then used default set ups, and halo isn't titanfall .

This is a game where yOu need to at least have slide and jump always at your finger tips. I've seen some players in titanfall 1 still wreck but they strictly played defense. Still, even that player once jumping to the elite became godlike. Ive seen average players turn into good players and good players turn into great players after upgrading to the controller

The more people adopt the elite the better the average player base will be as a whole.
The only ranged weapon I can tolerate using is the G2, really. But sometimes I'll loadout with the devotion if I really hate the map and don't want to bother.

Like Crash site pilot versus pilot, if I load out with the alternator then I have to work my way up the hill to kill the opposing pilots. Sometimes this means taking a hard flank and going all of the way around, and while often this is fruitful, if I fail and die then it's a huge amount of time wasted.

At the same time someone can just sit where we spawned and rack up a tonne of kills. In some instances if my team mates are decent, my opponents will be dead by the time I make the flank.

In other instances, I will end up killing someone along the way (in the crash site area or such) and because of this he gets to spawn back with his team mates at the top of the hill with full awareness that I'm coming and the way that I'm coming from. In many cases this player will camp out an obscure location, normally I can kill them because they're usually naive enough to believe they can run at the direction they believe me to be at and land the kill, yet why would that succeed when they failed before?

Regardless there's a huge amount of risk associated with that playstye on particular maps and it's the map design on these particular locations that really makes the Hemlock, Devotion and G2 feel oppressive. Why should I spend a minute flanking around the opposing tea when I can just set up shop with a devotion and mow down the enemy team in seconds? Not only that but if I die with this playstyle I get to spawn right back where I want to be, at the bottom of the hill in a good position to begin the same playstyle, whereas with a mobility orientated playstyle I receive more punishment when I die (far more time is wasted) and in general it's just a lot more work to pull off successfully.

The problem is that these weapons have both a very low skill ceiling and skill floor, and this is made much worse in some of the maps. Even as someone that mains SMGs almost exclusively (even above using my Titan), I find myself feeling the desire to switch just because the design of the game is overly punishing towards my playstyle when compared to using these ranged weapons.

right, like you said large differences in button accessibility.... that's what I'm talking about . Good players will be good players regardless of what they use but comparing today's situation with how halo used to be isn't really a straight comparison. Most players back then used default set ups, and halo isn't titanfall .

This is a game where yOu need to at least have slide and jump always at your finger tips. I've seen some players in titanfall 1 still wreck but they strictly played defense. Still, even that player once jumping to the elite became godlike. Ive seen average players turn into good players and good players turn into great players after upgrading to the controller

The more people adopt the elite the better the average player base will be as a whole.

I agree with you but the Evolved layout does that, it puts both slide and jump at your fingertips. You click the right stick in to slide, jump with L1, it's pretty simple to use.

The rest, the inacessibility of your tactical, melee etc. there are work arounds for. In general I would say not having a controller with bumpers is inconveinient and awkward more than it is competitively invalid. It's not nice having to claw to press tactical or melee, but it's not something that influences the moment to moment gameplay in the same way the accessibility of jump and slide do.


need to vent but why dont people know how to attack titans!!!
just because your a pilot doesnt mean you need to run from them!!

anyway, love scorch. trap a titan and flame shield the hell out of them.
with a good team, scorch can really control the playing field

having fun running eva and phase shift. so good

and need to agree with you guys earlier, the elite controller is god


need to vent but why dont people know how to attack titans!!!
just because your a pilot doesnt mean you need to run from them!!

I think it does. No way I'm going to see a titan coming towards me and not run. If the titan sees me, I'm dead. Attacking titans is all about surprise and vantage points.

If a titan doesn't see me, then I'm going to start fucking with it. Fire star then as many Archer shots as I can manage before I have to relocate.


Nah you guys have got to get on MGL, even if the Titan sees you, it doesn't mean you need to be in it's line of sight to keep spamming grenades at it. The wonderful thing about the MGL is that the grenades are magnetic and they launch (hence the name).
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