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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


Just read my post

best post of that fucking thread. you destroyed.

wow, some of those kids man. they had a complete meltdown lol. someone should crop his face when he sticks his tongue out from now on every time a switch debacle happens which i assume will be plentiful.


Subete no aware
Yeah, I feel like Attrition is completely broken now because people who don't know how to play, for whatever reason, not only do not contribute to the team score, but they actively feed the enemy.

I can see why people just rage quit the game now, through no fault of their own. I hope they just include a pure deathmatch/skirmish mode for 6v6 at some point because Attrition is basically dead as a mode unless you are playing group vs group. :/


Yeah, I feel like Attrition is completely broken now because people who don't know how to play, for whatever reason, not only do not contribute to the team score, but they actively feed the enemy.

I can see why people just rage quit the game now, through no fault of their own. I hope they just include a pure deathmatch/skirmish mode for 6v6 at some point because Attrition is basically dead as a mode unless you are playing group vs group. :/

Try 8v8, it's like attrition but no AI (also has hardpoint, but W/E)


I'm telling you, once this update comes out, I can't wait to go back to Bounty Hunt.

I'm anxious about the changes.


man fuck, just signed into my bro's PS4 account and a million games just popped up, he has like every single exclusive or smth

;( kinda wish I could afford to keep this now

edit: And easy mode Titanfall 2 to boot :eek:


man fuck, just signed into my bro's PS4 account and a million games just popped up, he has like every single exclusive or smth

;( kinda wish I could afford to keep this now

Get a used normal one bra.

It's really worth it for the exclusives alone


Subete no aware
Try 8v8, it's like attrition but no AI (also has hardpoint, but W/E)
Yeah, the problem is that it's a playlist and not just a dedicated mode. At that point I'd rather just play PvP if I did 8v8.

I honestly don't know if people don't understand Attrition as a concept, or if they're just so bad that they can't even shoot the AI before they're killed by another player. I've seen people with as low as 1 point in an entire match.

I can't imagine what it must feel like at the bottom of the scoreboard when you play for 10 minutes and only get 1 AI kill, but as an average player, when I see that I just get frustrated because I know there's nothing I can do to win. It actually makes me understand why MOBA people are such assholes to other players, because one bad teammate essentially ruins your entire match. The only upside is that at least these Attrition matches aren't 30 minutes long.


Yeah I know ;)

When you return you WILL teach me how to play on console :p

Just watch what I do in my videos.

Take advantage of the super powerful EPG no one is using

and CLAW!


it says I need to get a controller to use this. I could just get a Chronus Max/Brook instead.


Just watch what I do in my videos.

Take advantage of the super powerful EPG no one is using

and CLAW!


it says I need to get a controller to use this. I could just get a Chronus Max/Brook instead.




Hmm... wondering...

The Chronus Max has more value actually since I'd also want to use a 360 stick etc. on Xbone.

edit: oh well, people are claiming it has no input lag in a few videos :eek:


Honestly, is the regular PS4 quieter than the Pro? I really hope so. I usually play with minimal volume after hours and it's a shame that the Pro was louder than what I had going through the speakers.
either of you check gamestop? put in your zip codes at the product page. Looks like there's 3 stores a bit south of me carrying these.

I just did that that, unfortunately the closest store is a 3 hour drive away. I don't know if I can bring myself to ask a friend to tag along for a 6+ hour drive so that I can buy a new video game controller. So it's either wait two weeks or buy a custom controller.

I'm a impatient guy so I looked into your suggestion again. But I've seen several reviews say that it took them over a month to get their controller. I just can't deal with that lol. I'll just wait two weeks for the next shipment of those PS4 Strike Pack.
I just did that that, unfortunately the closest store is a 3 hour drive away. I don't know if I can bring myself to ask a friend to tag along for a 6+ hour drive so that I can buy a new video game controller. So it's either wait two weeks or buy a custom controller.

I'm a impatient guy so I looked into your suggestion again. But I've seen several reviews say that it took them over a month to get their controller. I just can't deal with that lol. I'll just wait two weeks for the next shipment of those PS4 Strike Pack.

Ring up Gamestop? Maybe they can have it delivered to your store?
Ring up Gamestop? Maybe they can have it delivered to your store?

I guess it's worth a shot. Admittedly I would prefer not to shop at Gamestop just because I'm don't like how they treat their employees. But I don't mind breaking that rule to get this controller early if possible. I'm still very addicted to this game and want to play it as best I can while it's still populated.


Whoever said that map selection was fixed was lieing :(

Crash Site every other match (once got into crash site 3 out of 4 matches back to back). There are maps that I don't see anymore, that when they pop up for me I'm like "oh I forgot this map exists"

Also can someone explain how KDR works in this game? Pilot kills only? Includes titan kills? minions?

If I only killed Titans in an attrition match, and I killed 5 of them without dieing would I have 5.0 KDR? Same for minions?


Whoever said that map selection was fixed was lieing :(

Crash Site every other match (once got into crash site 3 out of 4 matches back to back). There are maps that I don't see anymore, that when they pop up for me I'm like "oh I forgot this map exists"

Also can someone explain how KDR works in this game? Pilot kills only? Includes titan kills? minions?

If I only killed Titans in an attrition match, and I killed 5 of them without dieing would I have 5.0 KDR? Same for minions?

You have two separate K.Ds -- one vs. Minions

and one vs. Pilots

Killing a Titan with a Pilot in it counts.

But I can't tell you with 100% certainty because a LOT of stats are broken.

KD REALLY doesn't matter when you consider that it includes your deaths by basically anything in the game.


I mean. Look at this shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXsPveYkXwE


Yeah, I feel like Attrition is completely broken now because people who don't know how to play, for whatever reason, not only do not contribute to the team score, but they actively feed the enemy.

I can see why people just rage quit the game now, through no fault of their own. I hope they just include a pure deathmatch/skirmish mode for 6v6 at some point because Attrition is basically dead as a mode unless you are playing group vs group. :/
I actually had 2 or 3 decent attrition matches today. Mainly cuz i got matched up with a pair of decent kids on the opposing team twice, and then in the third game a 4 man.

Ring up Gamestop? Maybe they can have it delivered to your store?
yeah that's a good idea. they will do it to. just have to walk in the store and ask.

i thought about getting a ps4 to double dip Titanfall but then i thought what for? the player base is even worse on there.

i'd want to get a PC to participate in some of their tournies, now that would be worth it.


i thought about getting a ps4 to double dip Titanfall but then i thought what for? the player base is even worse on there.

i'd want to get a PC to participate in some of their tournies, now that would be worth it.


don't bother picking up a PS4 just for this game, haha. You'll be wanting a converter to go with it and you've essentially just changed the population.

PC is amazing though. The lower input lag is night and day


Taken from reddit: I underlined parts i've tried to point out, and explain in here a few times

Before I even start, everything I intend to discuss is from a console perspective.
We all have different experiences in game. Our experience vary depending on our skill levels, our server, who we play with, and how often we play. Some players hardly ever deal with the Hemlok/Devotion, to them it's a non issue. Some player feel that they can't squeeze a match by without a Hemlok/Devotion player triggering them. Forget all of that, lets look at the numbers of some popular weapons. Reminder, we're talking about on consoles. All numbers are taken from here. Hats off to the people involved in gathering these values. I was not involved in and I have not tested all of them, so I am trusting that their numbers are as accurate as possible.

If you are interested in seeing how other weapons compare, simply follow the link and check for yourself. I chose these weapons because I think it's fair to say that they are the most commonly used weapons on consoles. TTK stands for time to kill. All values are assuming bodyshots only. Refer to the link above if you're interested in how headshots and amped weapons change these values.

So let's explore these numbers and maybe we'll get to the bottom of why there are multiple posts every single day complaining about certain weapons.

Lowest(minimum) TTK goes to the Hemlok and Devotion at 0.13s. The highest(minimum) TTK goes to the G2A5 at 0.29s. The Lowest(maximum) TTK goes to the G2A5 at 0.29s with the highest(maximum) TTK going to the R201 at 0.67s.

Time to Kill
Maximum TTKs represent the time-to-kill assuming perfect accuracy while doing minimum damage, basically cross mapping a player.

So let's compare the lowest(minimum) TTK of 0.13s to the average minimum TTKs of the listed weapons. The average minimum TTK of the other 4 weapons is about 0.23s. So the Hemlok and Devotion, optimally, kill about a tenth of a second faster than the competition- about 76%. When it comes to killing players in the least amount of time, the Hemlok and Devotion are only matched by the not-listed Sidewinder SMR. If you've ever used an SMR though, you realize that you are rarely going to 2-shot anybody. If the enemy is far away you're lucky to 90-shot a player with the SMR, unless they've surgically removed their left thumb. Anecdotal, I know, sorry.

On the opposite end, the lowest(maximum) TTK of 0.29s for the G2A5 is about twice as fast as the average of 0.576s for the 5 other weapons. The G2A5 obliterates this category in an optimal setting.

What we have so far: The one burst Hemlok, and max rate of fire Devotion delete players like no other commonly used weapon. If you want to tryhard on homestead, use a G2A5. But let's consider hits to kill and how that effects gameplay in a more realistic setting.

Hits to Kill
Two weapons stand out, the G2A5 and the Devotion. They both require 3 hits regardless of range. This allows for outstanding versatility because there is no range where the weapon is utterly useless and you know that 3 hits nets you a kill every time. (Anecdotal)Certainly in CQB each of these weapons feel clunky, especially the G2. The Devotion can make it work with sustained hipfire and getting crafty, but it doesn't handle CQB as well as an Alternator or CAR. Hipfiring the G2 is an experience with RNGesus that I wouldn't rely on. Regardless, these weapons remain effective at every range.

The R201 and the CAR suffer the most from damage falloff. The further you try to extend the reach of these weapons, the more likely you are to fail. Best of luck landing 10 shots at a range that requires 3 from the G2/Devotion. These weapons also suffer from having a million different falloff points. It's difficult to know for sure exactly how many bullets you need at certain ranges. The Hemlok can technically 2 burst at range, but that is still slower than a G2A5 and Devotion which are both more reliable. The alternator does not suffer from as many falloff points and requires less hits to kill than the CAR and R201, but it relies on accurate hipfire (ADSing at range is much more difficult than tap hipfiring).

Applying this to gameplay
Things are going to get fairly anecdotal here, but this is meant to be a discussion of how the presented information plays out.

The Hemlok is terrifying in its one burst range. I think this is why a lot of console players loathe Hemlok heavy teams. It achieves this without requiring remarkable precision because it doesn't require any headshots. This doesn't mean that anybody with two thumbs can grab it and go on a one-bursting extravaganza. A great player can do it consistently but an average player may only land it sometimes. Here's the thing, the Hemloks optimal TTK is a reality. TTKs are often unrealistic. I mentioned the SMR earlier, that is an unrealistic TTK. Well, how often do you kill somebody with the first 4 shots on a R201 or CAR? How about the first 3 on an Alternator, Devotion or G2A5? The 0.13s TTK happens and it's memorable every single time. Getting one bursted feels a lot like getting sniped; it's jarring. One moment you're cruising, the next you're dead. The rest of these weapons don't really do that. You generally have enough time for an 'oh shit' when an R201 or CAR is coming for you.

The Devotion is definitely capable of landing the 0.13s TTK, but it at least has the decency to announce itself to the entire world. The spinup means that its actual best TTK is 0.4s, the first three bullets fired. Anything past that and you've ignored the song of the Devotion. Due to that reason, I don't think the 0.13s TTK is what makes this weapon the target for so much hatred. It's the 3 hits to kill at all ranges and the potential magazine size of 66, combined with easily controlled recoil while hipfiring or ads. The R201 experiences damage falloff at about 45m, the SMGs experience falloff around 20-30m. Past a certain point they end up with longer TTKs than the Devotion, while requiring more bullets to kill. The Devotion simply doesn't care about boundaries. It will come into your home and go directly to the fridge and drink straight out of the milk jug and then leave it on the counter. Devotion don't give a fuck.

The upside of the R201 and SMGs is that you have an easier time of combining the gun with the movement than you do with the Devotion, G2 or Hemlok. But the movement system requires that you be accurate while slidehopping, airstrafing, and wallrunning. On console, unless you have a controller with paddles, the movement is not easy. It's genuinely surprising to run into slidehoppers, so for a lot of players this upside is irrelevant. I think a lot of players use the R201 and SMGs because they're fairly consistent, have excellent hipfire, and they don't feel like a piece of shit for using it.

The G2A5 is a lowkey god when you control the engagement range. I know this post doesn't consider amped weapons, but this thing is absolutely bonkers with amped weapons popped. 2-shot cross maps are relatively easy and IMO no other weapon can contest this weapon at long ranges. Unless you're the random Kraber master, but luckily there's only like 3 of those in existence. Even without Amped weapons a 3-shot is still quick and reasonably easy to do.

I tried my best to let the numbers guide my thinking, but I am human and it's difficult to remain objective. If, for whatever reason, you are interested in my stats and how that may have effected my points/analysis here they are: I have ~7 days play time, ~15k kill, 78% win rate, 2.7kd(vs players). I typically play Bounty Hunt with 1 or 2 friends. https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/5ozg45/console_weapon_balance_using_numbers_mostly/

This is one of the best breakdowns i've seen yet. But like other reddit posters pointed out it omits other huge problems with these assault rifles that makes them so easy to use- mainly, the aim-assist while ADSing them, and the snap to target ability (which all guns have and which i was arguing with someone here about when using the CAR).
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