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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


Legion OverCore.

That day 1 bug since the his original server sided Nerf.

Must have been some tricky issue to resolve.

... Haven't read the rest yet.

New logging to report player connection quality to help us track down reports of laggy games and disconnects.
Drastically reduced requirements for Match Loss Protection - Increased chance of not receiving a match loss for joining a game late that we do not expect you to win. When joining matches late if the game has progressed far enough you will see a message notifying you that you will not receive a loss.
Increased direct Pilot hit damage for Gravity Star.
Increased damage on the Flatline, R-97, Spitfire, L-Star, Double Take, EPG, and Thunderbolt.
Decreased damage on the Volt.
Regen no longer resets Pilot loadout names.
Assists count as Weapon XP again.
Nerfed Pilot Sentry.
Firestar will no longer display "Thermite Attached" if detonated on friendly Titans.
Fixed Ion Vortex Shield drain being framerate dependent.
Fixed bad AI navigation on Complex.
Fixed collision on Crashsite to prevent players from going into walls.
Fixed Legion Overcore not being available after using Smart Core.
Fixed "Fairfight category is incompatible".
Fixed various stability issues.

Lemme open my laptop I'm this MacDonald's and post impressions...
Is the reporting feature for all players in a match or yourself?

Edit: Would love to see text chat on consoles in a future update. Sending through PSN or XBL simply takes too long getting through all the menus when you're wanting to shoot a short message.

Legion OverCore.

That day 1 bug since the his original server sided Nerf.

Must have been some tricky issue to resolve.

... Haven't read the rest yet.

EPG got a buff for whatever reason. Not sure if that also applies to the splash damage?


On the assumption that Respawn won't just nerf whatever the consensus hates, it really should be up to us, a community, to band together and figure shit out we won't know about until months later that makes us chuckle at our old gameplay.
Um, good players tend to figure shit out pretty much before anyone else.
Not weapons in particular, but stuff like Big Punch as a dash eqv. quick disembark, nuke strafing etc. always comes much later.
Those things are a bit different than weapon balance and were discovered within 3 months of the game being released. We're at that mark already.


I haven't picked anyone but Ronin in a LOOOONG time
Annnnnndddd you were going on and on and on about Tone and how Ronin couldn't and would never match Tone.


sigh.... i'm going to edit and calm down. I'm sure they'll address some of the other stuff for the DLC. Right? Confirm this for us Rayme, please.

No Love

Rayme, comments on this patch? Are more fixes coming soon? Thank god for the sentry gun nerf. That thing is fucking stupid. How many no talent assclowns ruined games with their 3-5 turrets camping on roofs?


Respawn, I'm sorry that you have a community that will completely miss that there are more balance updates coming client-side. I really appreciate your guys passion to keep your fans happy, however entitled.

... Now for my impressions.

New logging to report player connection quality to help us track down reports of laggy games and disconnects.

Obviously good news, thanks for letting us know you're monitoring this.

Drastically reduced requirements for Match Loss Protection - Increased chance of not receiving a match loss for joining a game late that we do not expect you to win. When joining matches late if the game has progressed far enough you will see a message notifying you that you will not receive a loss.

I don't know how much this is by, but YES. Obviously, the ideal situation is to never see that message, but it was definitely too late in/didn't take into account other team's Titans before. I'm sure you got hard stats for this.

Increased direct Pilot hit damage for Gravity Star.

I'm going to assume this doesn't mean direct hits will be kills. I wonder if there's still time to Phase out. I think this was necessary, hopefully it wasn't done too much!

Increased damage on the Flatline, R-97, Spitfire, L-Star, Double Take, EPG, and Thunderbolt.

I can't really say for any other weapon, but I'm happy this is done for the EPG. I've been using this EPG glitch since I've practiced it, and I feel that the extra firerate I've been giving it is making the far different than intended. However, the damage increase from the glitch is only a little bit more than I think this weapon should. If you have affected Anti-Titan damage, I'll let you know if it's still "fun" for me.

Thunderbolt always felt entirely useless to me and I never understood why Frothy would rate it higher than Archer, but nvm. This is good.

Decreased damage on the Volt.

inb4 Swolbro

Regen no longer resets Pilot loadout names.

A LITTLE LATE DON'T YOU THINK?! lol. I guess I feel like regenning on other systems now at least.

Assists count as Weapon XP again.

Cool, I guess.

Nerfed Pilot Sentry.

Right decision. Hopefully it has been nerfed enough. It's was annoying in-game as well as hearing the complaints :). I hope, at least, Pilot Sentries aren't super good vs. Titans anymore.

Firestar will no longer display "Thermite Attached" if detonated on friendly Titans.

I've noticed this myself. Cool.

other bug fixes

Cool, cool cool cool.

Fixed Legion Overcore not being available after using Smart Core.

Noticed this straight away in the past. Was a huge nerf to Legion. I might try using him again.

Fixed various stability issues.

I hope this means better performance on Xbox One? :)


Um, good players tend to figure shit out pretty much before anyone else.
Those things are a bit different than weapon balance and were discovered within 3 months of the game being released. We're at that mark already.

I highly doubt this. I don't hold these "competitive" players to the same high regard you do. But this is just speculation on both of our parts.

Annnnnndddd you were going on and on and on about Tone and how Ronin couldn't and would never match Tone.

I never said "never win a match", I said that an equally skilled Ronin could at best trade. Anyway, Ronin solves the problem I did have, which was Tone being extremely boring to play against.


edit: nvm

DKo5, did the Charge Rifle fix remove it for the EPG too?


Where are these dudes heads at right now? I get it that they'll be patching more stuff for the DLC but WTF is some of this shit?

Buff to flatline? Really? As if this gun wasn't already becoming a meta by just being able to spray without aiming at all. Now they buff it? Why buff anything really? To lower TTK even more towards COD? Buff to 97 lmao. man.

What the hell is with the Volt nerf? I don't care anymore since i don't use the Volt, but why? NO ONE is using the Volt on CONSOLE. NOOO ONE. What's the purpose behind this other than these guys are patching everything according to how the game plays on PC (the lowest populated platform lol)

I would love a breakdown of their decisions here but i'm sure we won't get one.


first line first line first line first line

"respawn release patch notes pls"

"but they ain't 100% comprehensive yet"

"patch notes or i'm fucking done!"

"noooooo, here's some server sided stuff we did desu"

"fuck you respawn this doesn't patch everything i wanted you to patch i'm fucking done!"


Just looking at the format, I can see that they pushed this out before it was entirely ready. It's obvious more is coming. Let's appreciate what he have atm.


first line first line first line first line

"respawn release patch notes pls"

"but they ain't 100% comprehensive yet"

"patch notes or i'm fucking done!"

"noooooo, here's some server sided stuff we did desu"

"fuck you respawn this doesn't patch everything i wanted you to patch i'm fucking done!"

sure, until you read that they will be releasing more stuff, and on reddit they confirmed hemlok and devotion will be getting tweaked. no one is raging here about that.

so that's not the issue. the issue is they're buffing stuff that doesn't need to be buffed, and nerfing stuff that doesn't need to be nerfed.

worse, it looks like they're doing all this based on PC PLAY. that's completely asinine.
Volt nerf
Damage buffs

I really am curious how they came to these changes. Respawn, do you believe lowering the TTK would increase their pick rate? Or was it something else driving these tweaks?


Or was it something else driving these tweaks?

It's not obvious? They're doing this based on PC. The volt is still a godly weapon on PC.
Now, why they think this is the best course of action is beyond my fucking understanding. Maybe they think they'll capture that Overwatch crowd? Lol.


;( maybe it's because I've been up for 40+ hours but...

it's a shame that everytime Respawn makes an update to this game it's just negativity.

Chicken Salad Sandwiches are on me, Rayme.


;( maybe it's because I've been up for 40+ hours but...

it's a shame that everytime Respawn makes an update to this game it's just negativity.

Chicken Salad Sandwiches are on me, Rayme.

Well, maybe if they didn't do mind boggling shit with no explanation on how they came to these decisions there wouldn't be such an uproar. It's not that hard, really, it isn't.


Titanfall 2 Switch Leaked Screenshots!:




;( maybe it's because I've been up for 40+ hours but...

it's a shame that everytime Respawn makes an update to this game it's just negativity.

Chicken Salad Sandwiches are on me, Rayme.

We are the minority here.

I guess they will patch the game for the crowd.

I don't understand why Hemlock and devotion are not touched this time around but Im super glad my beloved thunderbolt gets a buff :D
;( maybe it's because I've been up for 40+ hours but...

it's a shame that everytime Respawn makes an update to this game it's just negativity.

Chicken Salad Sandwiches are on me, Rayme.

I laughed at the Volt nerf because of SwolBro

If my asking for context around these changes sounds negative then thats not my intention. Im genuinely curious.
Although I swap between 4 different guns in this game the Volt is my most used between those 4. I think it has the best combination of range and hip fire accuracy for a automatic weapon. So yeah I'm pretty sad to read about that nerf.

I hope the nerf only applies to far range shots and not all around. I'll give it a go and see how it feels. But if it's bad I might go back to the CAR or 201 as my go to gun.


I'm a bit mystified about the Flatline buff since it's already sleeper-good and is a 3-shot kill out to a pretty decent range (basically a super Alternator without the ability to tap fire for perfect accuracy). On PC it's arguably the best assault rifle from short range until you get to far enough ranges where the horizontal recoil is substantially wider than a pilot hitbox and landing hits becomes a crap shoot. I'm guessing/hoping the buff is just to the long range damage and might not have that much practical impact because of its unreliability at long range.

Also cautious to see how the R-97 buff turns out since it's pretty good right now (though admittedly worse than the other three SMGs).

Otherwise I'm really looking forward to the changes (especially the Ion Vortex Shield fix) and can't wait to see what the later patch has in store.


Neo Member
People really need to chill out and just put some faith into Respawn. Everyone was shitting on the tech test and they turned it around by listening to the feedback. They're probably still testing the tweaks to Tone/Hemlock/Devotion. I highly doubt Respawn would ignore all that noise especially since the reddit post mentioned more coming soon.

But I'm a bit bummed out about the Volt nerf though, I really dislike the CAR because of the disappearing dot.
People really need to chill out and just put some faith into Respawn. Everyone was shitting on the tech test and they turned it around by listening to the feedback. They're probably still testing the tweaks to Tone/Hemlock/Devotion. I highly doubt Respawn would ignore all that noise especially since the reddit post mentioned more coming soon.

But I'm a bit bummed out about the Volt nerf though, I really dislike the CAR because of the disappearing dot.

"Turning it around" is a bit of a stretch. They changed what they could or wanted, but level design and other things that have been repeated ad nauseam are still an issue.


Why is the Volt getting another nerf??

Can we get reduced damage on reapers please? nothing is worse than surviving a 2 on 1 titan battle with 1/4 health and a lame ass reaper dooming your titan. makes me want to shut off the game.
There are times when I just want to throw this game into the sun because of Reapers. Im on foot nailing Titans with the Charge Rifle and out of no where a Reaper jumps up where I am and launches me into orbit. Then I die because everyone now sees me.

*I dont really want to toss this game. I find it hilarious but annoying.
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