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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


Taken from reddit: I underlined parts i've tried to point out, and explain in here a few times

This is one of the best breakdowns i've seen yet. But like other reddit posters pointed out it omits other huge problems with these assault rifles that makes them so easy to use- mainly, the aim-assist while ADSing them, and the snap to ADS ability (which all guns have and which i was arguing with someone here about when using the CAR).

It's obvious that we need different balancing for pc and console...


if you're playing PvP*

um, no. this strategy can easily work on attrition, bounty hunt, etc. makes no difference which playlist.

maybe for someone of your bot farming abilities it's not as much as a problem to win out, but in general it's bogging the game down for most people.


um, no. this strategy can easily work on attrition, bounty hunt, etc. makes no difference which playlist.

maybe for someone of your bot farming abilities it's not as much as a problem to win out, but in general it's bogging the game down for most people.

My point is, you'll get your Titan.

Bounty Hunt in particular, it would be stupid to even be in that area.

I really don't find this stuff as game breaking as people make it sound. I personally don't like how amazing SMGs are at multi-kills etc.


My point is, you'll get your Titan.

Bounty Hunt in particular, it would be stupid to even be in that area.

I really don't find this stuff as game breaking as people make it sound. I personally don't like how amazing SMGs are at multi-kills etc.

You're assuming the other player won't farm bots, and won't kill your opponents fast enough to get his titan as well.

If i go by how often i dominate, how i often i win vs how often i lose then nothing is broken because nothing is OP enough for the general population to consistently beat me. That doesn't mean anything though. It doesn't mean these things aren't game breaking as a whole and by game breaking i mean making Titanfall play less like a mobile fast paced shooter and more like a COD/battlefield hybrid.

I personally don't like how amazing SMGs are at multi-kills etc.
Why? that's really strange you'd have a problem with this. To get multi-kills with any SMG, or to dominate with an SMG, period, you have to be mobile. Mobility is the name of this game. The risk is high for a player that is equipping an SMG and going full tilt parkour. If he's getting the multis he damn well deserves them.


You're assuming the other player won't farm bots, and won't kill your opponents fast enough to get his titan as well.

If i go by how often i dominate, how i often i win vs how often i lose then nothing is broken because nothing is OP enough for the general population to consistently beat me. That doesn't mean anything though. It doesn't mean these things aren't game breaking as a whole and by game breaking i mean making Titanfall play less like a mobile fast paced shooter and more like a COD/battlefield hybrid.

But you stated this dude is far out on Eden, right? He can't be farming bots. Plus, farming bots doesn't win you games in Titanfall 2's Attrition ~~ about 150 or so points in you have Stalkers incoming and later Reapers (which are the most important bots to kill).

If he's camping, unless he made his way behind an enemy spawn, he won't even see any bots (who generally spawn opposite). If he was behind an enemy Spawn, he'd get his Titan in 3-5 kills anyway. The Hemlok itself won't have any significant impact on the scoreboard for Attrition.

Finally, don't think competent players use that weapon anyway. They prefer SMGs so they can quickly get a bunch of kills at once, something with the Hemlok doesn't let you do. It's why even someone like GameSager doesn't have the same killstreaks with the Hemlok as other weapons. Besides, that sort of slaughter is due to an imbalance of player skill anyway (which of course is common).

I think that the Hemlok hate is catalysed by PvP being in the game.

My point is, while you agree it isn't super breaking the game, it also doesn't allow people to dominate.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member


Is there a good tutorial out there on how to slide hop?


The important thing here isn't the claw, but that you can literally queue a slide as soon as you make your first jump. There isn't strict timing with going from a slide back to a jump.

Air strafing is important, and that requires you to have your movement to only push along the X-axis (ideally the direction you want to turn). Don't move forward unless you're wall-running.


Gee, people really like my latest video. Might keep using Titanfall 1 music and upload full matches. Hopefully when I move I can stream. I want Hyperoptic internet \o/ (not that the consoles will benefit, nor the my Surface Book)


Taken from reddit: I underlined parts i've tried to point out, and explain in here a few times

This is one of the best breakdowns i've seen yet. But like other reddit posters pointed out it omits other huge problems with these assault rifles that makes them so easy to use- mainly, the aim-assist while ADSing them, and the snap to target ability (which all guns have and which i was arguing with someone here about when using the CAR).

not surprised at all. i used to run with hemlock, but now refuse to because i feel like it ruins the game. with smgs and shotguns, you at least have to be good at parcouring the map


you on ps4 right? until you get a proper controller, or go claw like a weirdo it's going to be very hard to pull off consistently and smoothly.

I disagree. Even without clawing or using Evolved control scheme, you have SO MUCH TIME to press jump then crouch.


I disagree. Even without clawing or using Evolved control scheme, you have SO MUCH TIME to press jump then crouch.

evolved is what again? jump on the bumper and crouch on a thumbstick? when i initially played the beta i had slide/crouch on a thumbstick because in Titanfall 1 i only used 1 paddle on the back. i did not like it, i could never time it right and it felt clunky. i hate clicking thumbstick in general though so maybe that's why. nothing beats the two paddle system.


ETA is when we get our next client patch out, which is subject to greater delays like certification, etc. Apologies for the delay, it was a result of us making changes to the levelling system late in the game and by the time we found out about the unlock problems it was just before we had our break in December. :(

Ah the Chrome skins you're talking about are Warpaints, not Camos. Unfortunately those will not be enabled for Prime. Technical limitations. There was a warning upon purchasing the Prime Titans in the Store that Nose Arts and Warpaints would not be supported on those. Nose Arts should be fixed in the future (should be in the next client patch out as well), but Warpaints are not feasible as of right now.

do you know if the next client patch will fix the instant charge rifle abuse / ion FPS tied to vortex shield stuff?
Anyone got good loadout ideas for Ion, Overcore and Zero Energy Tripwire's been what I've been using?

inb4 someone mentions amped vortex shield for dealing with Legion
Been away from the game for about 2 weeks. Dipped back in today to find two things

1. The quality of player has dipped massively. I'm on teams that don't know their arsehole from their elbow, whilst playing against teams exactly the same. The problem arises when you get two half decent player on the other team, as you have no chance of winning since your idiot teammates cannot help.

2. Have they nerfed the G2? Feels a lot weaker having used it in the last couple of games

3. Far too many people dropping out of games now too. Just finished a game on BH where we lost by 400, because 3 on my time decided they didn't want to fight for it. Left me 5v2. Cheers.


Good combo to have fun, but not to win

I have a higher win rate with it in Attrition than Hemlok etc. 91% actually.

It covers basically every base.  

Mozambique is up there with other powerful weapons, while the EPG as it stands is the best Anti-Titan weapon by FAR
EPG does a ridiculous amount of Titan damage with its splash

Still not convinced about the Moz. Just like the Mastiff the travel time screws it in most cases.


EPG does a ridiculous amount of Titan damage with its splash

Still not convinced about the Moz. Just like the Mastiff the travel time screws it in most cases.

Mozambique is like twice as good as the Mastiff haha

One shot kills are common too (unAmped headshots)
I have a higher win rate with it in Attrition than Hemlok etc. 91% actually.

It covers basically every base.  

Mozambique is up there with other powerful weapons, while the EPG as it stands is the best Anti-Titan weapon by FAR

You post a lot, do you seriously only play attrition? TIME TO TAKE THOSE TRAINING WHEELS OFF!

I'm kidding, play what you enjoy... but that combo will do nothing for you against skilled pilots using op weapons. I've played against teams rocking the hemlock and it's one of the most frustrating experiences out there. Especially when I'm using something like the alternator with no range.


You post a lot, do you seriously only play attrition? TIME TO TAKE THOSE TRAINING WHEELS OFF!

I'm kidding, play what you enjoy... but that combo will do nothing for you against skilled pilots using op weapons. I've played against teams rocking the hemlock and it's one of the most frustrating experiences out there. Especially when I'm using something like the alternator with no range.

Fuck sake

The whole "YOUR MODE IS SCRUBBY AND COMPETENT PLAYERS WILL BODY YOU IF YOU PLAYED THEM" is like the go-to disagreement for everyone.

So when Frothy/GameSager says Mozambique is S-class and EPG does most damage to titans, it must be wrong because I play Attrition.

I mean, if I had stuck with Amped Hardpoint, y'all be saying that mode people are playing the objective so ofc it's easier. If I said CTF, you'll would say how you don't even need to shoot as flag runner (you don't most of the time but nvm).

Of course, you have to play Pilots vs. Pilots, that's where the REAL tryhards are. But you know what? It's an entirely different balance because of the lack of Titans.

I've been asking for a while. I've even gone on PC with EPG+Mozambique. How do I fight these competent players you guys keep fighting?


I remember when I said Bounty Hunt was my main mode and everyone called it the scrub mode. Now Attrition is scrub mode.

Maybe Titanfall 2 is scrub mode?


It's not your fault.

At this point everything is pretty much scrub mode. I've attempted to play at all hours of the day and frankly it seems like all the good players stopped playing.

Yes, playing during peak hours between 5pm-9pm eastern seems to be the sweet spot, especially on weekends, it will get you at least some decent players in there but overall the matchmaking hasn't facilitated any type of actual challenge in this game.

You're still going to find your best players in CTF (when it's actually populated) and PVP will pit you against god awful hemlok/devotion teams. Attrition/bounty hunt being more populated doesn't mean you're more likely to run into decent people, It's actually the opposite. With the matchmaking the way it is the bigger the population the better the odds you'll be matched with shitty players.


IMO, the best players are always in premades where you won't be able to beat as a soloQ anyways. Like, there was this one EVA user who was wrecking. I simply ignored him and when I got in my Titan it was like...

Yeah, 1v4? Fuck this shit.

I always get those teams of people who don't drop their bloody Titans.

Bounty Hunt, actually, is the worst offender of this sometimes (behind LTS). Going up against a team of average players is almost impossible to beat as a soloQ. It's a little easier to deal with in Attrition.
I said play what you enjoy, didn't mean to piss you off.

And finding competent players is a struggle i deal with as well, it's very disappointing. (on xb1) Most of the players are trash across all modes.

And i said this before and I'll say it again, this is also why it pisses me off the lobbies are reset after every damn game. If we encounter a good team i want the opportunity to play them again. No idea why they decided to make it this way.


I'm not pissed off, but I do believe that there are some amazing combos etc. in this game that people are sleeping on because the narrative has to be that Hemlok is daft OP. It's a shame, but whatever unknown depth there is in the game, it gets drowned out by the complaint I'm sure every Respawn member has mocked over lunch.


Then they laugh and eat Chicken Salad Sandwiches, one with wholemeal and the other white.


On the assumption that Respawn won't just nerf whatever the consensus hates, it really should be up to us, a community, to band together and figure shit out we won't know about until months later that makes us chuckle at our old gameplay.
I'm not pissed off, but I do believe that there are some amazing combos etc. in this game that people are sleeping on because the narrative has to be that Hemlok is daft OP. It's a shame, but whatever unknown depth there is in the game, it gets drowned out by the complaint I'm sure every Respawn member has mocked over lunch.


Then they laugh and eat Chicken Salad Sandwiches, one with wholemeal and the other white.


I can assure you this never happened.

When we order sandwiches we don't get Chicken Salad, and if we do we aren't fancy enough to get some wholemeal and some white.


I can assure you this never happened.

When we order sandwiches we don't get Chicken Salad, and if we do we aren't fancy enough to get some wholemeal and some white.

Geez, I didn't know the office conditions were that bad. Do you at least get Soy and Linseed for special occasions? :S
On the assumption that Respawn won't just nerf whatever the consensus hates, it really should be up to us, a community, to band together and figure shit out we won't know about until months later that makes us chuckle at our old gameplay.

Months seems a bit extreme... I'd love to see an example or two where it took months for an amazing weapon to get discovered. The community is quick to discover the best guns and better players (especially those out to win) will flock to them and dominate.


Months seems a bit extreme... I'd love to see an example or two where it took months for an amazing weapon to get discovered. The community is quick to discover the best guns and better players (especially those out to win) will flock to them and dominate.

Not weapons in particular, but stuff like Big Punch as a dash eqv. quick disembark, nuke strafing etc. always comes much later.

If the meta is only going to change when Respawn makes a balance update, then it means this game has no depth. I'm of the opinion that the original game had so much more undiscovered, even.
There doesn't seem much to figure out.

In a game where movement is at the forefront tools are given to encourage a stationary play style. There have been several instances where I start with a mobile loadout only to mirror the other team's setup (A-wall/Hemlok/G2/Devotion)

Same problem with Tone. I want to play other Titans, but I have to frequently fall back on her to quickly deal with the enemy Tones.

Edit: I was eating so this reply was before the "not weapons in particular" post



Went to my brother's and bought his ChronusMax for £25, cancelled the order on mine (he wants a brook for simplicity).

Freedom from exams! Haha.

Gunna test out some PS4 games with the converter.

I wonder if the game has different sensitivities/curves on the PS4. Hmm...


I was going to ask this a while ago but never got around to it.

Did we ever get a reason why there are no suppressors in the game? I always use one so it's strange not to have one anymore in this game.
I was going to ask this a while ago but never got around to it.

Did we ever get a reason why there are no suppressors in the game? I always use one so it's strange not to have one anymore in this game.

They wanted the lesser experienced to know where they were being shot from.
you on ps4 right? until you get a proper controller, or go claw like a weirdo it's going to be very hard to pull off consistently and smoothly.

Slide hopping with Evolve is pretty easy, but you'll still find yourself feeling limited though. For me it was the melee button because I preferred mobility over needing easy access to the melee button for those random face to face encounters around corners and such. But when I tried playing Ronin again I found how even more limited I was.

Moving melee to the right bumper helped, but I was still having to take my thumb off the right stick for phase shift and to block. And those are buttons I want to use while moving as smoothly as possible. The better I want to get at this game the more I'm growing frustrated by the default controller. Really debating now about whether I should buy a custom controller or wait for that Collective Minds Strike Pack accessory. Patience isn't one of my best traits.


Looks like tbe Hemlok and Devotion haven't been touched, only the sentry :/

Was hoping for more from these patch notes tbh.
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