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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"

Its like all the scumbags are playing right now. Going up against teams using Devotion and Hemlok only. And of course my team is incapable of anything.

Tap firing seems much easier on PC than on a controller, unless you have one of those modded/elite controllers with shorter trigger pull distance or they make autofire controllers now.

Its not input method.
Its the scenarios where I require ADS, and in those scenarios the Flatline wins out.



Okay, so bae will fucking kill me if I turn this game on so can someone PLEASE check the EPG? <3 I'll think lovely thoughts about you.

To be fair he heard the Flatline might be OP now. Obviously we should pack it up and find new jobs at the local McDonalds. Rayme, lemme know if you get any leads on some busboy openings anywhere.

p.s. <3

So, the Flatline just turned into an Alternator with Carbine like range? that's what i'm hearing. It's another fucking OP AR weapon lol.

Let this franchise die. There's no point. It's one fucking mistake after another. You'd think these dudes would have learned a thing or two after the tech test disaster but nah- let's continue to release dumbfounding balancing changes to the utter dismay of our fans.

Cue up the "but balancing is hard" and "you change one thing and another thing is broken" "you can't make everyone happy" and all the other nonsense i hear when devs make completely boneheaded decisions that no one asked for.

No one asked for a goddamn flatline buff. NOBODY. On the contrary, i heard people complaining about how you don't actually have to aim with it. At one point it was actually banned for the first PC ctf tournament.

I'm done. Downloading Rainbow Six Siege

from reading some Reddit: Volt takes ~1 more bullet at range.

That seems so minor but feels so big at the same time. I always stick a HCOG Ranger on my Volt for really far distant shots and just hip fire at closer ranges. Although I thought the CAR seemed just as good I preferred the Volt just because I liked the look of the gun more and the laser shots seemed cool. Now I might go back to the CAR as my go to gun with the continuous nerfs to the Volt.



Okay, so bae will fucking kill me if I turn this game on so can someone PLEASE check the EPG? <3 I'll think lovely thoughts about you.



Frothy was using the EPG on stream earlier today and said the splash bug is still present. I didn't see him try quick switching though
is the flatline an ads or hip fire weapon? after using the alternator and volt so much, i feel like the game is way more fun with the guns you don't really need to ADS with.


The Flatline is like the R-201, the hipfire is totally serviceable in close range (not as good as the SMGs though) and you ADS for mid-long.


oh, i've completely ignored the r-201 because i'm still sick of it from the first game. what about the devotion?

Fuck devotion.

It's hip fire is middling, but it's range and ROF are ridiculous. You can easily kill people from across the map with ADS. The ROF and damage per hit (with minimal fall off over distance) are high enough to completely mitigate the lack of accuracy.


I mean, the Flatline does feel pretty different from the R-201--slower, harder hitting, heavier recoil, "chunkier" in a word. And the 201 in this game feels pretty different from the 101 in the first game, the hip fire is much better but it's less of a laser in ADS.

With the Devotion you can pretty much cross-map people with the hipfire once you get it up to speed but it's going to be nerfed soon.
Lack of impressions is killing me.

It was a small patch with a few updates, not sure what you're expecting. Lastnight i played for 2 hours and honestly wouldn't have known a patch even happened.

The only thing that i used though that was affected by the update was the sentry... And i still got kills with it so i was happy, ha.

Give it a few days... If anything was handled poorly it will slowly start to reveal itself.


What's actually different about the Flatline that you have an issue with?

Oh, i dunno maybe the fact that no one asked for a flatline buff. Never saw a single post saying "yo, the flatline needs a buff it's under utilized" .

Maybe because it's a weapon with a huge clip size, when adding extended mags makes it effectively a spray to kill weapon. You don't really have to aim with it and that's what we need on console isn't it? More weapons that can be carried by an overly generous aim-assist.

The adjustment is not what you're describing, nor severe.
Sure, you didn't go and create another devotion/hemlok. Thanks for that i guess.

Cool. Cool cool cool.
Sorry, but the loss of patience is causing temporary lapses in restraint.

I get the 97 buff. That was a welcomed one on console because no one was using it. But nerfing Volt? Again? I know you've repeated multiple times you guys don't balance this based on PC, and i believe you're genuine on that statement but i'm still skeptical SOME ONE in that office is making certain decisions, unknown to you possibly, based on PC.

There is no logical explanation to nerf the Volt on console. None. Zero. I'm still waiting on one, and still not gotten anything, anywhere, from anyone. People have asked on Reddit as well, and no response at all. It's cool if no one cares to give one but you can't blame people occasionally going off their rockers.

Some of you need to realise you're talking to an actual person, not a robot dog.
General rants are exactly that, general. no one is attacking a person, individually.

I've made more than enough posts laying out detailed criticisms. If i blow a gasket and it elicits a response then hey. At this point anyone following this thread should know all i want is for the franchise to be the best it can possibly be, after all it's the only game i actually play.


I don't get it... it just sounds like the Flatline has turned into what you wanted your SMGs to become once they nerf everything else.

I mean, if you only care about this game when it's competitive where the community "bans" weapons, and kick butt when it's not, what's the problem?

Respawn may be trying to make weapons perform to their original vision rather than keep whatever meta sans OP weapons set in stone.

It could also be that more people are using the Flatline since the buff, and are assuming that what they think is powerful about it hasn't actually changed/placebo.


Also, while I don't think you have to be formal when addressing the devs, but I don't understand why you'd ask for them to lose their jobs. They made a game you like more than others, just that they're not giving in to your requests (or perhaps, they are but as they said, server sided patches don't let them adjust everything).


AGREED. MP achievements never lead to anything good.


I love Overwatch's MP Achievements. They reward you constantly for cool shit you can do in the game. Not great for getting 1000/1000 because it requires you to play a certain way, but I don't think people do that in Overwatch.

Titanfall 1's MP Achievements had some bad eggs (I Killed Them All and that horrific Daily Challenge/Credit one), but mostly they brought life into it.

Achievements are a nice way to reward players for doing cool and interesting stuff (Goosing as Pilot/Northstar should have been one) and also teaches players to try new stuff.

Using Phase Shift to escape a Grapple. Kill a Pilot who has taken your Battery. Put a battery into a friendly Titan. Crush a Titan with your own. Execute a Pilot etc. All of these things are fun to go for and open the game up for people.


Neo Member
Lack of impressions is killing me.

Only played for like 3ish hours.

R-97: Probably my favorite gun now. It was already pretty strong, but it's nuts now. It feels stronger in the midrange
Volt: It makes me sad
EPG: I feel like I got some kills that I usually wouldn't get, so it does feel a bit more reliable.
Flatline: It's like the Terminator and a Stormtrooper had a baby and you never know which one you're gonna get. I've had some ridiculous longe range kills.


I don't get it... it just sounds like the Flatline has turned into what you wanted your SMGs to become once they nerf everything else.

In essence you're correct. However, there's some pointed differences between how the flatline is compared to the other SMG's.

The flatline clip size (especially with extended mags) coupled with it's power and rate of fire allows a player to miss and yet still get a kill. Essentially, you can jump into an engagement and spray the fuck out of the gun, miss a ton of times and yet still get the kill. That's a problem.

You miss with the CAR you're fucked. At mid you have to out gun your opponent with the CAR, or any other SMG really. The flatline melts at mid range. At distance you have to be more precise but it's still far better than any other SMG at range.

As of right now the Flatline won't even seem like that big of a deal because of how absurd the hemlok/devotion is. I'm worried what this will be like in CTF to be honest.


And for the record the flatline is still probably the least effective AR. That's not saying much though considering hemlok is utterly broken and the G2 in the hands of a decent player is a monster weapon. The devotion and hemlok are so OP it's comical at this point though lol. The sentry-turret is finally what it should have been months ago- a support boost. Also, phase shift+97 is absurdly powerful.


And for the record the flatline is still probably the least effective AR. That's not saying much though considering 2 are utterly broken. The devotion and hemlok are so OP it's comical at this point. The sentry-turret is finally what it should have been months ago- a support boost. Also, phase shift+97 is absurdly powerful.

Devotion is a LMG not an AR. Hemlock does bug me when I am bounces across the map top speed and die before I know I have even been shot. What changes were made to the turret specifically?
AGREED. MP achievements never lead to anything good.

This is a tough one, but for the most part i agree. My experience with challenges/rewards/achievements in multiplayer games has mostly been trash. I get the intention, but countless times it has led to players playing like shit just to acquire some stupid achievement or something.

I'm guilty of this in Destiny since they decided to mix pve quests into pvp... I had the choice of either playing multi normally and completing the quest over time. Or playing like an idiot, sometimes completely screwing over my team, in order to complete the quest as fast as possible... And of course I'm not the only one who felt this way which led to a lot of unbalanced, bullshit multiplayer matches.

Achievements have the potential to do the same thing if not done right.


Finally completed the campaign on master last night. To my surprise, it went much better than I anticipated. I wasn't looking forward to the
fight, but I received some pro trips from a friend that helped me take him down rather quickly.

From here I just need to replay the game again to get the collectables & a few of the misc trophies I missed. For whatever reason, I was hell bent against getting this game -- I was actually the last person within my group of friends to pick it up. I thought it was "overhyped", or told myself "I have a ton of other shooters to play", I could have given reasons to not buy it all day. I finally took the plunge & after beating the campaign twice & (so far) regen'ing 3 times, I feel safe in saying my only regret is not buying this game sooner.

GG Respawn. For what it's worth, I FELL IN LOVE with BTs character. His computerized responses to Jacks sarcasm were hilarious & the "thumbs up" scene was perfect. Thanks for the great campaign & awesome multiplayer, JOB WELL DONE.

PS - can we have a double XP weekend soon? Please & thank you :D.

I edited my post right as you commented. Devotion might as well be an AR.

Sentry-turret won't drop you in split second now

How's Rainbow Six?


mid-day there's 6k XboxOne people on worldwide on Titanfall 2. On Titanfall 1 there's 1,500 people including 4 from my friendlist. 0 people on my list are playing Titanfall 2.

45 people are on Titanfall 1 CTF.
0 people are on Titanfall 2 CTF.

You'd think Respawn would throw us a bone and put CTF on the front page considering since Titanfall 1 it's been the most vocal and dedicated crowd on Reddit and in the game in general but nah. fuck em.

Enthusiasm for the game has plummeted through the floor. This isn't "hate" talk or whining, it's what i've noticed despite efforts to get people excited about the game. The people i thought would never ever ditch the game have ditched it. Completely.

The formula of catering to casual crowds while offering nothing even remotely resembling competition in a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER is proving to be a bad combination in 2017.

So how fast it kills now? 1sec instead of 0,1sec?
So add 20tick to that 1sec and its gonna be instant anyway wohoo!
It's actually tolerable. You can stim right to it and kill it before it drops you. It only seems effective if there's someone hiding behind it.


Omg. They are putting better mix tape in the game. They already have the best solution coming...

Ok? We have no idea how that will actually play out. It could be great or it could be shit. it very well could be too little too late considering people have been begging to put CTF back on the front page for months.

And before someone comes in asking "what's the obsession with CTF" well when the games matchmaking has 0 competitiveness built in, CTF is about the only place you could possibly find a decent match that is somewhat of a challenge.

There is simply 0 reason to play this game. How many skins do people really care to unlock? No competitiveness, very little in the unlocking department= whats the point? Really, what is the point?

After steamrolling kids that don't know how to parkour for the 1000th time what is the damn point? To post a gif of you obliterating kids that don't actually shoot back at you? or that don't even move while you're hopping over their heads? The only time anyone remotely decent at this game dies is when some asshole is sitting on the far edges of the map picking you off with a hemlok/devotion.

The game has become a bore.
GG Respawn. For what it's worth, I FELL IN LOVE with BTs character. His computerized responses to Jacks sarcasm were hilarious & the "thumbs up" scene was perfect. Thanks for the great campaign & awesome multiplayer, JOB WELL DONE.

PS - can we have a double XP weekend soon? Please & thank you :D.

Ditto to all of this. I'm not exactly what you'd call a big FPS fan (I think the last one I played before this was World at War) but this game has sucked me in. The campaign was great, and the multiplayer has kept me hooked.


Ok? We have no idea how that will actually play out. It could be great or it could be shit. it very well could be too little too late considering people have been begging to put CTF back on the front page for months.

And before someone comes in asking "what's the obsession with CTF" well when the games matchmaking has 0 competitiveness built in, CTF is about the only place you could possibly find a decent match that is somewhat of a challenge.

There is simply 0 reason to play this game. How many skins do people really care to unlock? No competitiveness, very little in the unlocking department= whats the point? Really, what is the point?

After steamrolling kids that don't know how to parkour for the 1000th time what is the damn point? To post a gif of you obliterating kids that don't actually shoot back at you? or that don't even move while you're hopping over their heads?

In this case, people will have to disable CTF from their playlists. Maybe. People. Don't. Like. It?

Especially since it super requires teammates?

Also, if the casuals merely moved to that mode, you'd still be saying how shit the players are.


In this case, people will have to disable CTF from their playlists. Maybe. People. Don't. Like. It?

Especially since it super requires teammates?

Also, if the casuals merely moved to that mode, you'd still be saying how shit the players are.
All scenarios look grim. I agree. But at least, man, at least in the original Titanfall 1 ctf you'd get a basket of really good players playing everyday to go up against regardless of hour of the day. Yeah sure it'd be you and shitty players vs that one guy and shitty players but at least there was someone there to challenge. We don't even have that now! Fuck. The only time you can find those matches are at peak hours, and that only lasts for an hour or two.

Gotta make sure to run right home after work to get into some playable CTF matches on Titanfall 2!!!! No thanks.


Impressions on PC

Flatline: already very strong and feels a bit stronger, if I had to guess I'd say the three-shot kill range is a little higher now. It doesn't seem like they've touched the recoil so it's still practically ineffective at very long range. Didn't really need a buff IMO.

R-97: this thing is beastly now, kills significantly faster at mid-long range. Might now be the best SMG. This gun also didn't really need a buff but we'll see how it turns out.

Spitfire: I haven't used it but from watching other people and stream impressions it seems to be in a much better place and is actually viable now.

L-star: same as the Spitfire. Once the Devotion gets nerfed I'm thinking the balance among the LMGs should be much better.

Volt: feels significantly worse now (one, maybe two more bullets to kill at every range?)--lost many duels that I would've won prior to the nerf. It was the best SMG before and is still very accurate so time will tell where it ends up.

Pilot sentry: it's now much easier to kill and I think it can be stepped on by Titans. Welcome changes even though sentry wasn't particularly OP on PC.

Ion: as someone who plays at 144 FPS, the bug fix makes Ion feel MUCH better. It is actually possible to block a Tone salvo without using 2/3 of your energy now. Ion may already be stronger than Tone and we haven't even seen the inevitable Tone nerfs yet. I think Laser Shot's hitbox against pilots is a bit too generous.

I don't have anything to say about the Double Take, EPG or Thunderbolt yet.

It is very weird losing duels with the Volt to the Spitfire now



Foreign concept, I know, but lets just pretend a fair amount people still play video games for that reason & not just to be superfuckingPR0.

Fun for some people is having a challenge. There's a lot of players that are fairly competent at shooters and without even a semblance of a challenge there's going to be no point.


Gotta make sure to run right home after work to get into some playable CTF matches on Titanfall 2!!!! No thanks.


At least you get a good connection to US.

East US ain't working for me as much as it used to, which I assume is due to how the netcode/servers are.

I happened to like Bounty Hunt and FFA, so when they died early on, it sucked for me too.

But I really think at least 30% of the population will keep all the modes enabled or at least most of them.
man you just take this shit way too seriously. if you're getting bored then play something else for a while. it gets tiring to hear constant hyperbolic negativity.


So what changed with the Volt? Less effective at range? I am playing so bad with the weapon, but I tend to rotate between so many guns that it always takes a while for me to get back in to their rhythm, so I can't tell if it is the nerf or not.

Edit: I'm not happy to hear the Volt got another nerf, but after spending some time with the weapon, I don't really know what got changed. Was this weapon a 4 or 5 shot kill generally? As of right now, it still feels like I can use the weapon effectively.


To be fair he heard the Flatline might be OP now. Obviously we should pack it up and find new jobs at the local McDonalds. Rayme, lemme know if you get any leads on some busboy openings anywhere.

p.s. <3

Not sure I'd want you guys making my cheeseburger, the cheese would be OP and the chicken nuggets would one burst you from accross the store. Stick to games.



Flatline: already very strong and feels a bit stronger, if I had to guess I'd say the three-shot kill range is a little higher now. It doesn't seem like they've touched the recoil so it's still practically ineffective at very long range. Didn't really need a buff IMO.

R-97: this thing is beastly now, kills significantly faster at mid-long range. Might now be the best SMG. This gun also didn't really need a buff but we'll see how it turns out.

Spitfire: I haven't used it but from watching other people and stream impressions it seems to be in a much better place and is actually viable now.

L-star: same as the Spitfire. Once the Devotion gets nerfed I'm thinking the balance among the LMGs should be much better.
Can't wait for the Hemlock/Devotion/and hopefully G2 nerfs so the weapon variety in matches would be great.
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