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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


I just unlocked Devotion and now I'm tearing a hole through everyone. Does it need to be nerfed?

Tbh I don't find playing that way as fun. CAR with grappling hook and wall-running is way more fun to me, even if my K/D is lower with it.

IMO, yeah it really does. It's a 3-shot kill at any range and has really good stability, amped weapons or A-wall brings it down to a 2-shot body shot kill. It's insane.

Hemlock is a close second, it's a one-burst at close range, but at least range has some effect on its usability.
I just unlocked Devotion and now I'm tearing a hole through everyone. Does it need to be nerfed?

Tbh I don't find playing that way as fun. CAR with grappling hook and wall-running is way more fun to me, even if my K/D is lower with it.

I pretty much had your experience a month ago. In my first few days(in terms of time played) I discovered how good devotion+A Wall was in Complex and Crash Site was against low level players. So I used it everytime those maps came up and it felt good because it was practically the only time I would get 20+ kills and MVP(in PvP).

But I found it really boring. I want to be mobile and fly around the map with SMG'S instead. Jumping around a guy and killing him via hip fire while he's trying so hard to ADS is very satisfying to me. I rarely use the 201 anymore because its hip fire isn't as good as SMG's even though it's still pretty good.


Most people just play for kda and will abuse anything ...

Rayme any news on more insight on patch decision process?


Rayme any news on more insight on patch decision process?

I highly doubt we will get one because Rayme is going to ask whomever decided on some of this patch stuff and they're going to tell him "well, we looked at this on PC.."

he won't wear that egg. i guarantee it =D
I've never seen this before, taken from this video by Titanfall Legends.

Edit: I tried to Gif it, but failed. At 2m-ish Tone goes in for the Execution.

She gets it, and as part of the execution takes the final shot to take out the Titan.

At the same time, the Pilot somehow exited the Titan... And got taken out anyway.

Not sure if a glitch or bug of some sort, but looks cool



[SCENE: RESPAWN Headquarters, Break Room]

DKo5: So uh, Rayme, what did "GAF" think of the patches, any feedback?

[laugh track]

Rayme: Actually, this time there was some good feedback, something that perhaps, we could address.

DKo5: Oh yeah? What would that be?

Rayme: They want reasons why we make certain changes.

DKo5: Like what?

Rayme: Like, why we are nerfing the Volt. They want to hear our vision for the game.

waxinlyrical: Hey guys.

DKo5 & Rayme: Hey.

waxinlyrical: So uh, Rayme, any feedback from "GAF"?

[laugh track]

DKo5: He said they wanted to know why we nerfed the Volt.

Rayme: Well not ju--

Jayfresh: Hey guys!

DKo5 & Rayme & waxinlyrical: Hey.

Jayfresh: So uh, Rayme, any feedback from "GAF"?"

[laugh track]

waxinlyrical: They wanted the Volt nerfed.

[laugh track]

Vince: Hey guys, time to get back to work, we got to get this update out soon otherwise we'll miss early submission.

Rayme: Wait but...

Jayfresh: You got it boss!

[laugh track]

[fade to black]
I wish the game won't throw you into a match in progress while it's happy hour, I want to use my Double XP for an instant level up.

Edit: On second thought about using certain weapons, fuck trying to use the Alternator, I have better luck using the R97
I've been having some fun with the Devotion and Gun Runner or Runner Gunner or whatever its called. Debating if I should switch off Battery Boost for Amped Weapons... Or run both Hard Shield and A-wall lol
Just came across this post by Drew on reddit

...both Angel City's Most Wanted and Live Fire were started just before the game came out. Live Fire less so, but it was far enough along and fun enough in internal playtests we decided to get it out as soon as possible and announce it this week. We, unlike pretty much every other AAA FPS developer, don't have dedicated teams or studios for post-release content started 9 months before shipping. The guys and gals that killed themselves to ship the game are also the ones killing themselves to make more content and only recently were able to get started on said content. It takes time, and we hate shipping buggy stuff so we like to make sure whatever goes out is good and ready.

More at the link

ETA on patch? I wanna play before holiday ;(

Tomorrow on Trump time


I highly doubt we will get one because Rayme is going to ask whomever decided on some of this patch stuff and they're going to tell him "well, we looked at this on PC.."

he won't wear that egg. i guarantee it =D

My arrogance knows no bounds, it's true.

ETA on patch? I wanna play before holiday ;(

Server patch should be up tomorrow, barring disaster.

Client patch will be at least a couple of weeks. We'll be more specific when we know for sure. We're buttoning it up now, internally, and it's going well so far.


Oh, I had no idea it was gunna happen so soon! That's actually super perfect for me.
No promises yet! The journey from "seems fine here on our devkits in a playtest!" to "it's downloading at home" can be fraught with heartbreak and peril. ;)


No promises yet! The journey from "seems fine here on our devkits in a playtest!" to "it's downloading at home" can be fraught with heartbreak and peril. ;)

It's my birthday in 2 weeks, did you know that?

Now, I would ask for some Slone swag if there were any, but I'd settle for a 6-4 hoodie. I've found some resellers in the UK but I wanna make super sure they're official!

(ninja edit: if you saw what was there before, i was wrong)

edit2: I'll settle for the Marauder Corp hoodie actually

Rock that baby to Uni

No Love

My arrogance knows no bounds, it's true.

Server patch should be up tomorrow, barring disaster.

Client patch will be at least a couple of weeks. We'll be more specific when we know for sure. We're buttoning it up now, internally, and it's going well so far.

Can you let the guys at Respawn know those of us not named Swol Bro really appreciate the extra work on an already "finished" game? Just throw us a fuckload of paid DLC maps and let us fund Titanfall 3. Come on bruh


Here is just some pic that shows some good monitors and their input lag + response rate combined!
Red bar is input lag.



I just finished playing this on master difficulty, first time through and MAN what a good campaign.

At first I was not feeling it, getting used to the mechanics and the difficulty etc but a few missions in it all clicked and wow...

Cant wait to play the multiplayer now.

Every single FPS fan owes themselves to play this game.
Edit: On second thought about using certain weapons, fuck trying to use the Alternator, I have better luck using the R97

Really? The R97 is the only SMG that I don't like. The Alternator is a beast up close and even from far ranges, but only if you're really good at hip fire. I'm guessing you struggle with the gun because it has terrible ADS? That would make sense if true, it's not a console friendly gun since ADS is horrid and hip fire is actually better. But only if you're really good at aiming at tiny targets with a reticle you can barely see.

I still use it and find it very fun. But it sucks having to run away from every encounter with an enemy pilot at far ranges because I know I can't personally beat them.
Really? The R97 is the only SMG that I don't like. The Alternator is a beast up close and even from far ranges, but only if you're really good at hip fire. I'm guessing you struggle with the gun because it has terrible ADS? That would make sense if true, it's not a console friendly gun since ADS is horrid and hip fire is actually better. But only if you're really good at aiming at tiny targets with a reticle you can barely see.

I still use it and find it very fun. But it sucks having to run away from every encounter with an enemy pilot at far ranges because I know I can't personally beat them.

I rarely ADS with the SMGs in the game, the slow fire rate and low ammo is what kills any interest I have for the Alternator. It reminds me a lot of the Black Ops 1 Skorpion, only I enjoyed that weapon because it had Dual Wield to compensate for that slow fire rate.


I didn't know :D
Neat detail tho, no money is lost, Massenerhaltung!

Just realised (and edited my post), you should still be able to commit Sudoku. I think if you go back to 100% health the other team doesn't get credit. Haven't tested this though since, I care a little about kd now haha


A couple is mid February. Game came out in Oct, We got Angel City in Dec. At this point the dream of 1 map per month is dead 😣

Drew said they killed themselves to get this game out, so they got DEC off.

I think them working at a normal pace is better than working twice as hard to make up for their well deserved holiday.

I really think this should be in Gaming side, what he said


Only on PC! :D

I dont think anything can save PC TiF2 anymore, its too late.
Takes too long to put out simple balance patches or upgrade some things that should have been there from the start.
When the next "big dlc" comes out numbers might go up again from 3k to 5k for few days but then go down again.


I dont think anything can save PC TiF2 anymore, its too late.
Takes too long to put out simple balance patches or upgrade some things that should have been there from the start.
When the next "big dlc" comes out numbers might go up again from 3k to 5k for few days but then go down again.

10h trial @Origin Access could help a bit, or another free weekend.

But yeah, PC players are just not into fast paced shooters.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Any content patches on the horizon? Haven't had much motivation to play recently and some new stuff to unlock or play on would help
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