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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"

When they nerf those 3, mark my words, we will see EVAs and Carbines.

These two are good at what they do but they are not the one size fit all solution like the currently OP weapons. And at least you have to be good at movement to be competent with the EVA.


When they nerf those 3, mark my words, we will see EVAs and Carbines.

I don't understand why you think this. The carbine is only good in the hands of someone decent and the EVA without mobility is complete garbage.

still waiting to hear why Volt was nerfed again on console.... people on reddit are baffled by this as well. But so far only
crickets......just crickets....


I don't understand why you think this. The carbine is only good in the hands of someone decent and the EVA without mobility is complete garbage.
Yea was about to say at least those 2 weapons take skill to use, the problem with Hemlock/Devotion is they take 0 skill to get kills with.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
The game has become a bore.

I'm sorry to say this SwolBro but I'd say you have become the bore

Your comments are generally quite insightful, but fuck me is it tiresome to sift through all your foot stamping just to get at those nuggets of gold. It's embarrassing to read and generally makes the thread unwelcoming.

Try to respect the fact that Respawn are hard at work trying to make the game better. It's clearly in their best interests to do so.

Respect the fact that they most likely have a clearer idea of the bigger picture than we do, and offer suggestions to help them understand our perspective.

Respect the fact that they don't have to come in here at all.
I can understand why they nerfed the Volt. It was a smg just could perform like an AR at longer ranges (I'm on PC). However, why wouldn't they nerf the Hemlock or Devotion? Those are even bigger offenders.


I can understand why they nerfed the Volt. It was a smg just could perform like an AR at longer ranges. However, why wouldn’t they nerf the Hemlock or Devotion? Those are even bigger offenders.

They'll be nerfed (confirmed) with the client upgrade (my guess)


Fun for some people is having a challenge. There's a lot of players that are fairly competent at shooters and without even a semblance of a challenge there's going to be no point.

I hear Team Fortress 2 & Counter Strike have active competitive communities, maybe you could find some players on par with your sill level there? If a game is no longer fun, or challenging in your case, it's time to move on. Pushing yourself to "enjoy" something will tarnish what you once enjoyed. & if positive changes (the kind of changed you want) happen in the future, you're not going to want to come back because of the time you forced yourself to play something you didn't enjoy.

Sadly, this is exactly what happened to me with The Division. I was a die hard early on & put way too much time into the game while it was absolute garbage. Now that the game has basically been re-released & is in a much better state, the thought of going back & playing it is nonexistent.

Apologies if I'm coming off as a dick. I say these things because it's clear you care more about Titanfall than most & I genuinely do not want you to end up hating something you care so much about.


People walk around with the EVA more than you think. It happened at some point in the original. People will kill you faster than you thought possible so it switches up the encounter design.


I picked this up today because of the PSN Sale, had already beaten the single player during a rental, and I can't wait to really dive into the multiplayer. Hopefully I'll be playing with you all soon!


What's actually different about the Flatline that you have an issue with? The adjustment is not what you're describing, nor severe.

Oh, i dunno maybe the fact that no one asked for a flatline buff. Never saw a single post saying "yo, the flatline needs a buff it's under utilized" .
Never asked for it! If only there were people who's job it was to play, observe, question, test, iterate, and adjust balance as the game needed it.

You never answered what the adjustment was that you found so offensive.

You don't really have to aim with it [...]
You should try! It's so much better when you do.

And for the record the flatline is still probably the least effective AR.
...I need to drink more.

But nerfing Volt? Again?
Afaik this was the first adjustment.

(Fakest of edits: Yup. I see it in the Angel City's Most Wanted patch notes, but I think that was an error. Could be wrong, I'll ask. But this is almost for sure the first adjustment to it since release.)

There is no logical explanation to nerf the Volt on console. None. Zero. I'm still waiting on one, and still not gotten anything, anywhere, from anyone. People have asked on Reddit as well, and no response at all. It's cool if no one cares to give one but you can't blame people occasionally going off their rockers.
There was. There is! It's not seen as a PC-only issue, despite your insistence.

So what changed with the Volt? Less effective at range? I am playing so bad with the weapon, but I tend to rotate between so many guns that it always takes a while for me to get back in to their rhythm, so I can't tell if it is the nerf or not.

Edit: I'm not happy to hear the Volt got another nerf, but after spending some time with the weapon, I don't really know what got changed. Was this weapon a 4 or 5 shot kill generally? As of right now, it still feels like I can use the weapon effectively.
This is actually the first change to it (despite older patch notes, looks like we messed those up).

At very close range, it was 4hk, but easily 3hk if the target was slightly injured.
Now it's 5hk, but easily 4hk if the target is slightly injured.
(Mid to extreme distances are effectively the same as before.)


Wait a second...

If the Volt nerf didn't make Most Wanted like Film Grain slider... that makes SwolBro's posts full of nocebo



So the "first" Volt nerf that Swol cried out loud didn't even exist in the first place?

Wait a second...

If the Volt nerf didn't make Most Wanted like Film Grain slider... that makes SwolBro's posts full of nocebo

Hah, well; that's not exactly fair to him (or anyone else that weighed in). It's VERY easy to think you see something after someone tells you it's there, especially in such a chaotic game. =)


If it's a played-out Portal reference... that would be somewhat appropriate, given where our engine started from. ;)

I could merge the two.

'The Volt was a lie'.

(I just think you deserve a cake for sticking around this BS and still being cool. Or doughnuts. You 'Murican's like them right?)


Thus starts the trend of devs secretly putting one BS patch note out and pissing themselves as the fanbase wanks into a fury over them.


Never asked for it! If only there were people who's job it was to play, observe, question, test, iterate, and adjust balance as the game needed it.
I don't even understand what that means. Those same people didn't realize the sentry-turret was broken, the hemlok was the most fucking OP thing ever seen in Titanfall (1 or 2), the devotion, and an invincible A-wall. That argument is not convincing to say the least.

You never answered what the adjustment was that you found so offensive.
My initial outburst was based on what i heard, and not what i was experiencing. On normal terms that's grounds for dismissing my rant as a ill informed knee-jerk reaction. However, i was already complaining about the Flatlines ability to spray prior to any buff. In general i did not want to see yet another AR weapon buffed to be made stronger on console considering how ridiculous the aim-assist/snap to target is on console.

...I need to drink more.
No, you need to understand where I, and people like me are coming from. We want console play to be like PC play, or at least attempt to be like PC play which means MOBILITY at the forefront.

When there are weapons that are incredibly effective on console because of aim-assist/snap to target functionalities it's going to zap any little mobility there was to begin with. Having yet ANOTHER AR that is effective from almost all ranges is a problem and counter to that philosophy.

Afaik this was the first adjustment.

(Fakest of edits: Yup. I see it in the Angel City's Most Wanted patch notes, but I think that was an error. Could be wrong, I'll ask. But this is almost for sure the first adjustment to it since release.)

Oh, now this is rich. So, this ENTIRE TIME you failed to realize the Volt was never patched previously? Hmm......you're opening the door up for conspiracy theories now lol.

There was. There is! It's not seen as a PC-only issue, despite your insistence.
Even if the Volt wasn't previously adjusted, it still makes absolutely no sense to nerf it now. Your back-end numbers should still show the volt under utilized on console.

Wait a second...

If the Volt nerf didn't make Most Wanted like Film Grain slider... that makes SwolBro's posts full of nocebo
If you go back and read some of my posts you'll notice Volt nerf talk coincided with the increase in FOV. That could have thrown my aim off with the volt but it still wouldn't explain why i can perform with the CAR like i used to with the Volt pre FOV change unless the CAR is that much more accurate, which it could be.

i also find it a bit of a stretch that NOBODY at Respawn noticed the Volt nerf talk during Angel City patch or subsequently afterwards. Not to mention i wasn't the only one talking about this, Gamesager also felt the effects, but he also increased his FOV to 90.

I should take this to reddit and see if any of the PC guys concur.


Where from?
I should have taken the flight to London and borrow that hoodie from you ;D

If you came to London, we weren't going to talk about "that game".

I found out that I didn't play the beta on my Birthday, it was actually Valentine's Day.

I was hoping to get this for my bday but it was super on sale on Amazon UK.


SwolBro, that's what nocebo means.

You're not to blame for it, it happens.


Just find a way to play this on PC. It's really not what you keep claiming it is like. It's not "COMPLETELY DIFFERENT" like you say. Great players are as rare and people just camp with Krabers/DMR instead of the Hemlok lol


Oh, now this is rich. So, this ENTIRE TIME you failed to realize the Volt was never patched previously? Hmm......you're opening the door up for conspiracy theories now lol.

Nope; it means the people writing the patch notes was misinformed on what changes were making it from our dev environment to the live environment. Shouldn't happen, but it's a process issue and not so much a one-person-messed-up issue. The way we're doing things as of this next client patch, this kind of confusion shouldn't come up.


Nope; it means the people writing the patch notes was misinformed on what changes were making it from our dev environment to the live environment. Shouldn't happen, but it's a process issue and not so much a one-person-messed-up issue. The way we're doing things as of this next client patch, this kind of confusion shouldn't come up.

Dude new achievements with dlc yes or no?


A QoL improvement that I would absolutely love is that any weapon changes automatically keeps whatever camo was on it before. It's slightly annoying having it switch back to the default camo each time.


Nope; it means the people writing the patch notes was misinformed on what changes were making it from our dev environment to the live environment. Shouldn't happen, but it's a process issue and not so much a one-person-messed-up issue. The way we're doing things as of this next client patch, this kind of confusion shouldn't come up.

Ok, gotcha. So, run me through this if you would be so kind:

Testers/balance guys going through notes and what not realize the Volt was in fact not nerfed. They pull up numbers on each platform to see what's going on and still see PC Volt utilization at extreme levels, while console utilization are at low to nonexistent levels: Proceed to nerf gun across all platforms. Where's the logic here?

If in fact the gun was never nerfed, which just boggles my mind (we're going from this isn't a PC centric patch to the gun was never nerfed to begin with) then that leads us to some pretty staggering conclusions. Either:
  1. Patch notes can cause mass delusion or
  2. A select few across twitch,neogaf, and reddit can influence an entire player base
Which is it? Because after the supposed "nerf" that never happened the Volt dropped off the face of the console landscape. Unless i'm crazy in my own little bubble? For scientific/psychological purposes i'd love to see actual numbers.

I find this all odd because not only did my own circle of friends, admittingly all of which adjusted their fields of view to higher values, but the general player base on reddit, on live, some others even on here, all attested to the volt feeling a little less effective.

This sudden change of perspective did not happen with Tone, however. Tone was nerfed, and everyone still said NO it's OP. Yet, the Volt on console was dropped completely? odd indeed.


Bruh, Forthy himself said "I don't know what they changed, it feels the same." in his FIRST video on the Angel City Update.

At the very least, it was clear that even if it had been changed it was minimal.

The prior post when you said you were done was based on 2nd hand information, so perhaps don't surround yourself with people who are super negative about the game?

Respawn went on Holiday straight after that update ~~ they missed the film grain update, it's a mistake, but it also means you made a mistake too.


Bruh, Forthy himself said "I don't know what they changed, it feels the same." in his FIRST video on the Angel City Update.

That means nothing. PC folk also don't feel the hemlok is OP.

This could all be because of the FOV change. That could explain it. I'm not discounting that. PC players tend to play on higher fields of view in general, so they were already at 90 or above for the most part.

And go away with that stupid crap about being super negative about the game. You've had your rants aplenty.


That means nothing. PC folk also don't feel the hemlok is OP.

This could all be because of the FOV change. That could explain it. I'm not discounting that. PC players tend to play on higher fields of view in general, so they were already at 90 or above for the most part.

So you are, again, implying that Rayme is lying to you?

Sounds like it, sorry if it's not the case :D


So you are, again, implying that Rayme is lying to you?
Sounds like it, sorry if it's not the case :D
I never implied he lied. I always said he could have been misinformed and behold the cacophony that is coming out.

I don't see how this discredits or is a sly to my stance at all. If anything it reaffirms it louder: The Volt never needed a nerf on console. Period.

it amazes me that he talks so condescendingly to someone who makes a game that he loves

Not sure how i'm being condescending? I'm not throwing a couch at him or anything.
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