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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


I'm assuming it's due to the election, but the number online has dropped to 6.5k. Never seen it that low, but I still get games pretty quickly. Hope it's just temporary


Okay, so I have no idea what's going on.

I have a GTX 970, i5-2500K @ 4.2, and 16 GB of RAM. I simply cannot play the single-player without the FPS dipping below 60 a lot. I saw Digital Foundry's XONE and PS4 video, and they run at 60 no problem. Why the heck is my system not able to hold a 60, even at medium?


Okay, so I have no idea what's going on.

I have a GTX 970, i5-2500K @ 4.2, and 16 GB of RAM. I simply cannot play the single-player without the FPS dipping below 60 a lot. I saw Digital Foundry's XONE and PS4 video, and they run at 60 no problem. Why the heck is my system not able to hold a 60, even at medium?

Turn textures to Very High

Oh it looks like you set everything to medium... :'( what settings do you have?


For as low as everyone keeps saying the players online are I have never had an issue getting into a game. It moves very quickly and coming from Siege which only has 2 game modes this is much much better. Its still early and the word of mouth is working. There will not be issues if they consolidate some playlists soon imo.

This is PS4, I know a lot of people who are just now buying the game as well.
For as low as everyone keeps saying the players online are I have never had an issue getting into a game. It moves very quickly and coming from Siege which only has 2 game modes this is much much better. Its still early and the word of mouth is working. There will not be issues if they consolidate some playlists soon imo.

This is PS4, I know a lot of people who are just now buying the game as well.

The game is very well populated on PS4. Behind Call of Duty and Battlefield games, but still far more popular than the majority of other titles.

It has a far stronger population than games like Unchated 4 MP, for instance. So it's sitting at the lower end for triple A titles, but no where near the status of being 'unpopular' or 'underpopulated'. I very much doubt that this game is going to die any time soon.

I consider my 600 person friends list a reasonably representative sample of what the 'core gamer' is playing, and of my friends:

29 play Titanfall
38 play Rainbow Six Siege
14 have played Modern Warfare Remastered
13 play Infinite Warfare
79 have played Overwatch
94 play Black Ops 3

Obviously this is biased by my own personal preferences in regards to making social connections, it's not a random sample, I don't add 13 year old children, who may, or may not, all be playing Infinite Warfare. Nevertheless, the game seems pretty popular at least within my social circles which can be labelled as 'FPS players in the 18 to 35 age range'.

Also, it's quite funny that on my friends list, more people have played Modern Warfare Remastered than Infinite Warfare, considering you have to buy the latter to own the former...


Is this game really laggy at times for anyone else ? I used to think it was I just suck, or maybe I was rusty and that it was just the game, but There are times when I will see a pilot in front of me like dead in front, and they just move in jumps, almost like they are teleporting (no they are not phasing) and entire frames are being lost, it has even happened to me with Titan's in front of me, It's just really frustrating and I don't know if its me, my network (I really hope not as this is the best that time warner offers in my area and is a business class line), the Playstation network, or some people having bad internet connections

E92 M3

I can't stop playing the MP - it's honestly so much fun. I was killed around corners a lot yesterday, but that can be forgiven.


I can't stop playing the MP - it's honestly so much fun. I was killed around corners a lot yesterday, but that can be forgiven.
This is my go-to game when I just want to have some fun. Playing hyper competitive games can get pretty tiresome.

I never really care if I win or lose here. I always have some cool shit happen one way or another, so it's always enjoyable.
This is my go-to game when I just want to have some fun. Playing hyper competitive games can get pretty tiresome.

I never really care if I win or lose here. I always have some cool shit happen one way or another, so it's always enjoyable.
This is why I enjoy this game's multiplayer so much. I don't care if I win or lose. I just have fun killing people and grunts.


might keep using the threat highlight scope for Devotion. It seems to be able to see through drop pod smoke making it an even more efficient grunt farmer.

I've unlocked a bunch of weapons I haven't had time to try out yet. Pretty much only have time for one match a night at most. Maybe I'll try Volt next since 99% of people seem to be using that now.


Smoke can be horrifying. I was trying to take out a Ronin. I rodeo, he pops smoke. I'm staring at the smoke with my mag launcher and a Legion just emerges out of nowhere and I GTFO. Both were chasing me. And this was all on Crash site so everything was cramped.


Smoke can be horrifying. I was trying to take out a Ronin. I rodeo, he pops smoke. I'm staring at the smoke with my mag launcher and a Legion just emerges out of nowhere and I GTFO. Both were chasing me. And this was all on Crash site so everything was cramped.
Yeah man smoke is awesome. Love popping it as Ronin and phase dashing through the smoke and behind my enemy. Haha watching them so dumbfounded they're dead before they even realize what happened. I've had guys still moving forward trying to find me while I shoot them in the back. I can only assume their thought is I'm going to kill this guy before the guy behind me gets me.

Also It sucks that as a pilot phase dash kills an enemy if you phase into them but the same isn't true about Ronins. In fact if you phase shift I side of someone as Ronin, Ronin dies. At the very least both should die.


Neo Member
Going for better and better times in the gauntlet is so much fun. I remapped circle to R1 and used the bumper jumper button layout to have L1 for jump and R1 for slide and it took me a while to get used to, but after about an hour in the gauntlet I managed to get third place. It seems like the faster times use a few more shock grenades which is pretty inconveniently mapped to circle now :\ The xbox pro controller probably helps a lot with this. What are other ps4 players finding to be the best setup for running the gauntlet?


Thanks for useful info. I'm leaning towards PS4 version.

Last night the ps4 version only had about 14K online which is a pretty big drop from the 22K it had until COD came out.

I am loving the game but I am not sure how much legs the online community has. It's a shame because this games MP is far superior to that garbage infinity war put out last week.


Did they change the grunt ai from Titanfall 1?

they still kind of just stand around and occasionally take potshots, if that's what you mean. They aren't meant to be dangerous, they are there to be fought over for points. Stalkers are slightly more dangerous/aggressive/durable but still kind of nothing.

Now Reapers are fuckers when you're on foot. I keep underestimating them and they do something like jump half a mile at me.


they still kind of just stand around and occasionally take potshots, if that's what you mean. They aren't meant to be dangerous, they are there to be fought over for points. Stalkers are slightly more dangerous/aggressive/durable but still kind of nothing.

Now Reapers are fuckers when you're on foot. I keep underestimating them and they do something like jump half a mile at me.

They used to cheer you up in 1 or run in fear - sometimes they were fighting 1on1 and sometimes they were carrying wounded soldiers across into safety.

I haven't noticed any of this yet.
They used to cheer you up in 1 or run in fear - sometimes they were fighting 1on1 and sometimes they were carrying wounded soldiers across into safety.

I haven't noticed any of this yet.

pretty sure all of that was removed, they are half the AI they used to be.


Neo Member
Got my Platinum today, this game deserved to be completed!
The Gauntlet trophy was a nightmare, but in the end i got it for 32.50 seconds.
I'm almost proud lol :)
I just copied the route Gamesager posted and managed it after a few tries.

Watch this video if you haven't yet

WTF i had NO idea there was a EPG1 up there! lol that's epic!

I'd REALLY love an entire series of "trials" courses as a different game mode completely.

Hell, throw it in online multiplayer and allow people to "race" live online.... side by side in identical courses... and even mass races with everyone on the same course just trying to beat each other. Let the hijinks ensue! It would be like American Ninja Worrier meets Thunder Dome...

Hell, that might even be MORE fun to me personally than the real multiplayer lol!

You heard it here first Respawn (i'm sure one of you guys already thought of it internally) give us some online race game modes!
How do I bunnyhop without loosing speed and how do I double jump like in that video (I tend to loose momentum)

You have to pre-load your crouch as soon as you jump each time... if done right your gun will almost always remain in that horizontal position it is when you're crouched. Notice how it's always "sideways" as he hops?

To keep momentum with wallruns make them as quick as possible and jump often. Longer you're on the wall the slower they'll be.
Going for better and better times in the gauntlet is so much fun. I remapped circle to R1 and used the bumper jumper button layout to have L1 for jump and R1 for slide and it took me a while to get used to, but after about an hour in the gauntlet I managed to get third place. It seems like the faster times use a few more shock grenades which is pretty inconveniently mapped to circle now : The xbox pro controller probably helps a lot with this. What are other ps4 players finding to be the best setup for running the gauntlet?

Why not just use Evolved control scheme that puts crouch on right stick click?


I'm assuming it's due to the election, but the number online has dropped to 6.5k. Never seen it that low, but I still get games pretty quickly. Hope it's just temporary

yes, pretty much. there's a very depressed atmosphere around where i live. i'm sure people don't feel like gaming.


Un Rama
Platinum get! I was expecting to have a harder time than I did. The only boss I got hung up on was Slone. The game is easy enough if you just sonic the hedgehog through levels.


Press - MP1st.com
Somebody must be happy about all of it though.

Don't want to touch on anything regarding politics, but for some odd reason, my PSN Friends list is kinda barren now.

I mean, I have 33 friends online (it's usually 40-60 at this time) and I see one personplaying TF2, one person playing BF1, one person playing IW. No idea why but I think the election has something to do with it? I mean, people are too busy, etc. to actually game.

Sorry if a little off-topic! Didn't want to create a new thread just for it and noticed this anomaly now.


Don't want to touch on anything regarding politics, but for some odd reason, my PSN Friends list is kinda barren now.

I mean, I have 33 friends online (it's usually 40-60 at this time) and I see one personplaying TF2, one person playing BF1, one person playing IW. No idea why but I think the election has something to do with it? I mean, people are too busy, etc. to actually game.

Sorry if a little off-topic! Didn't want to create a new thread just for it and noticed this anomaly now.

I noticed it too.There were significantly less people online in TF2 last night.


Press - MP1st.com
I noticed it too.There were significantly less people online in TF2 last night.

Yep, there's like 13K on PS4 now, which usually is 16K+. Upside is, I honestly don't think it's the player base dropping off due to my friends list just not having people online. o_O

I usually have 3-5 people playing BF1 now, even. Just one now. IW on PC is at like 7K on PC, too. Definitely not the norm, I think. Most likely people reacting to the election or something similar.

On topic: I've been using the CAR since I regened, and yeah, it's an awesome gun. I'm trying to hit Gen 2 on most guns and it's harder than it sounds. I have problems with LMGs and I get so annoyed that I just switch back to the ARs and SMGs. Spitfire is slow, LStar overheats too quickly and Devotion is hard when encountering someone head-on. I find I can do well with it if I use A-Wall or Cloak and kinda camp a bit.

Any tips for those who like using LMGs?
I want to pick this game up, but whats the best platform? Everything being equal I would prefer to buy the PC version. However, I heard that the online commuinty of TF2 on PC is basically nonexistent. So is the ps4 version the standard?
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