Berserking Guts
I just... don't like this multi at ALL. Still gonna keep trying. Because I really want to. But maaan.
Is Volt really better tham the Car? I don't see anyone running Volt on PC.
Use assault chip on your titan then, especially on Tone and Ion, you'll be surprised how many kills they can pick up.
Just got this game last night and played a couple rounds this morning. Is the sniper Titan really that bad? Rail gun was my favorite in TF1
Anyways, has anyone else been using Northstar's 'makeshift electric smoke' technique? I've gotten several pilot kills by just firing my rocket into a building at close range and letting them burn in the fire. I take damage, but it's worth it. Maybe you need the ability that buffs rocket burn radius, but it's not like any of the other abilities are worthwhile.
I just... don't like this multi at ALL. Still gonna keep trying. Because I really want to. But maaan.
actually I noticed that most players ignore the batteries (on PC)
Just fired it up on the pro. Wow, this thing looks razor sharp. I purposely repeated a mission on the old ps4 to compare on my ks8000. I'm a believer. Even without DVD, the 1440p scaled to 4k looks like 4k on this thing!!!
Maybe he meant HDRWhat's DVD stand for?
Maybe he meant HDR
After putting more time into the multi I'm finding that I like the on foot combat a lot better than being in a Titan. I _really_ like the free running stuff a lot. I think I'm gonna stick to that in Attrition and basically use my Titan drops as bait.
Oh ok that makes a lot of sense. I'm considering picking up a Pro and double dipping on TiFa2(this is how I think it should be shortened) just to play it downscaled without any jaggies.
Just fired it up on the pro. Wow, this thing looks razor sharp. I purposely repeated a mission on the old ps4 to compare on my ks8000. I'm a believer. Even without DVD, the 1440p scaled to 4k looks like 4k on this thing!!!
Hah, I usually play Ronin, so I need the shield (from the battery pick-up) to do early-round scouting while I do the sword block move. I usually absorb lots of chip damage from my shields, but it really helps to spot enemy Titans out early, so the trade-off is worth it. It only gets dicey when enemy Ronin players have the same idea, but that's kind of rare in my experience.
Also, another great article from Waypoint, this time touching on why Respawn isn't detailing everything in their patch notes. Read it here:
Just got this game last night and played a couple rounds this morning. Is the sniper Titan really that bad? Rail gun was my favorite in TF1
What's DVD stand for?
After putting more time into the multi I'm finding that I like the on foot combat a lot better than being in a Titan. I _really_ like the free running stuff a lot. I think I'm gonna stick to that in Attrition and basically use my Titan drops as bait.
Anyone play this and BF1? Looking for recommended settings to get it to "feel" like TF2. BF1 feels so slow and sluggish(input lag?).
Is the player population still decent on PC? I'm still looking into picking this up. I really don't want to go to a controller for multiplayer, but if the PC multi is already dead I may wait for a price drop, or jump on the $35 deal for a console version posted earlier.
about 1800 in my region tonight (UK) Seems low at times but I never wait long for a game. How long that lasts is anyone's guess
I just... don't like this multi at ALL. Still gonna keep trying. Because I really want to. But maaan.
I am on the Pro and not having stutters, maybe it was a one time thing?Is anybody else on PS4 Pro getting stutter? Campaign runs just as smooth if not better than on the standard PS4, but the multiplayer is getting some slowdowns that were definitely not there.
Stupid PS4 Pro with its super long transfer times means I won't be able to rank up at least until five hours from now.
It seems the various Black Friday deals are doing its work. I mean, lots of thread have people snatching the game up even if some erroneously think the game is in "bomba" price mode, hence why it's low. Someone on Respawn confirmed that it's retailers who are doing it, and yeah, I gather as much as well.
Very good news for TF2 MP fans since that means more and more people will be online, and more Titans to crush (Black Friday and Christmas noobs). That said, I hope no one gets too frustrated going up against high level and experienced players too much.
Stupid PS4 Pro with its super long transfer times means I won't be able to rank up at least until five hours from now.
It seems the various Black Friday deals are doing its work. I mean, lots of thread have people snatching the game up even if some erroneously think the game is in "bomba" price mode, hence why it's low. Someone on Respawn confirmed that it's retailers who are doing it, and yeah, I gather as much as well.
Very good news for TF2 MP fans since that means more and more people will be online, and more Titans to crush (Black Friday and Christmas noobs). That said, I hope no one gets too frustrated going up against high level and experienced players too much.
I bought two more copies for friends so it's doing its job.
I think I might do the transfer overnight. Ill get home Saturday and open it up and start the transfer when I am down playing for the night.
So, no one every plays any other Titan than Tone? At least based on the last ten matches I played. Okay.
Tone's core was already nerfed. Tone is fine. I don't understand this fascination with wanting to nerf Tone. She is perfectly balanced. Get in her face and she will go down. Let's be real here: people just don't like how Tone plays. It requires a different strategy and most people don't want to go out of their way to kill her.
I hope, unlike other developers, Respawn holds strong and not listen to the complaining. I will be VERY disappointed if Respawn makes the game worse for me. It's already a tough enough battling against good players. Nerfing Tone will make her useless.
Full disclosure: I main Scorch and Tone.
Tone's core is still one of the most powerful and compared to other titans it's one of the fastest to call down.
She isnt' balanced. She's a tad too good for all situations compared to the other titans. Not to mention she's the easiest to use. She needs a slight tweak, like i suggested, and she'd be far more balanced and not as lethal in the hands of pretty much anyone.
There's no argument to be had here. Any time a team is losing in LTS the next thing you see is 3 or 4 people all switching to tone.
What system? Always varied on ps4So, no one every plays any other Titan than Tone? At least based on the last ten matches I played. Okay.
I like all the titans but she is definitely the most boring to play. Can't comment on LTS but I always see varied teams"Everyone plays Tone" is grossly exaggerated in my opinion and honestly it's very tiring.
"Everyone plays Tone" is grossly exaggerated in my opinion and honestly it's very tiring.
Going to be realistic and acknowledge I was looking for the tiniest push to buy the game. That will do, goodbye $59.99!
Edit: Totally forgot Origin has a return option as well, would've jumped a lot sooner had I realized that.
"Everyone plays Tone" is grossly exaggerated in my opinion and honestly it's very tiring.