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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.

My friends invited me to play some BF1 tonight and I had to quit after the second match. We all put TF2 in right after. Everything was so sluggish and stiff. Evolved control scheme has also ruined muscle memory for other shooters


Press - MP1st.com

That's awesome. Haha!

Pretty on the nose tbh.

Ronin was my most played for awhile but Tone is by a pretty wide margin now (near gen 3 on it). Basically when I play a Titan like Northstar, Ronin or Scorch I have fun but look at the score and sometimes feel like "welp need Tone to win" then make a comeback.

It's way easier to carry a match to victory with Tone moreso than any other Titan.

I've been trying to care about that less as I just make fuck around loadouts to level up though. But it's also really hard to not just snap pick Tone or Legion on maps like Crash Site or Complex.

Exactly what I've been doing. I dick around with LMGs, and other kits just to level up since I want to hi Gen10 or whatever max there is. Thing here is, I don't really care about these things in past shooters like CoD or BF. For those games, I usually choose a gun I cam dominate with, and use it all the time. For some odd reason, I don't care in TF2 since it's fun just messing with loadouts. I don't have a main Tactical now. I use Stim, Cloak, Hook -- basically, what tickles my fancy at the time. :D

After taking each Titan to lvl 5 I just sort of latched onto Tone and will probably try to regen her before going back to the other Titans. She just feels fun. I don't have a particular game plan when a challenge rears its head, aside from switching pilot load outs.

I'm going to try and ignore as much of the meta for T2 as I can, because I'd rather just have a good time using stuff I naturally enjoy, rather than have people telling me what is OP/needs nerfing/to use in any given situation.

I like that T2 doesn't seem to rely too much on team comp despite the "heroic" nature of the Titans. I'm sure this will factor to a degree at professional level, but at least in public matches, it seems everyone can be effective in their own way, without being labelled a detriment to their team before they've even left the dropship.

Tl;dr: Tone best wifu.

Yep. Same reason why I hate playing BF sometimes. A bad teammate/squad can make the game hell. In TF2, it's like a more team oriented Call of Duty (sorry for the comparison) but with a better version of TDM (Attrition) since you can contribute without killing a lot of Pilots or Titans. I sometimes farm grunts and get to the top of the scoreboard because of it.

I gather, a few more franchise entries (maybe TF3, even) and we'll see competitive Titanfall matches. Not a fan of those, to be honest, but I can see that happening since the core game of TF is ripe for professional stuff.


I was wondering what the point of the warpfall was...

Until I saw 3 titans clustered up, fighting 2 of my team. Dropped my titan on them, ding, 3 titan kills, ding 3 pilot kills.

So satisfying.
Getting into my stride in multi now. Took a while for it to grow on me, I initially preferred the first game. But, Holy Cow, Titanfall 2's multiplayer is extraordinary, especially when you start playing well as Pilot AND Titan. Something unlikely/ brilliant/ unbelievable/ shareable happens in every single match. That's not easy for a game to do.

Player numbers are depressing, seems to be around 14,000 on PS4 on average. Deserves to be 10 times that.

No Love

My friends invited me to play some BF1 tonight and I had to quit after the second match. We all put TF2 in right after. Everything was so sluggish and stiff. Evolved control scheme has also ruined muscle memory for other shooters

I really don't get why there isn't a Skirmish only playlist.

Backup battery is so good.

Sorry I didn't mean that.

Getting into my stride in multi now. Took a while for it to grow on me, I initially preferred the first game. But, Holy Cow, Titanfall 2's multiplayer is extraordinary, especially when you start playing well as Pilot AND Titan. Something unlikely/ brilliant/ unbelievable/ shareable happens in every single match. That's not easy for a game to do.

Player numbers are depressing, seems to be around 14,000 on PS4 on average. Deserves to be 10 times that.

There is so much truth in these posts.


Getting into my stride in multi now. Took a while for it to grow on me, I initially preferred the first game. But, Holy Cow, Titanfall 2's multiplayer is extraordinary, especially when you start playing well as Pilot AND Titan. Something unlikely/ brilliant/ unbelievable/ shareable happens in every single match. That's not easy for a game to do.

Player numbers are depressing, seems to be around 14,000 on PS4 on average. Deserves to be 10 times that.

Concurrent PC numbers also make me sad. It was 5k yesterday.
But attrition games are found in an instant.


I'm still not in the mood to play sadly. Perhaps I should force a couple games in.

Apologies if people are waiting to join Xbox TitanGAF, I haven't been on since the election result.



Well think the early $35 sale was a good idea. I had no intention of picking this game up. I read good reviews by you guys here. Then tonight at Target they had a copy left for ps4, and with my new Pro at home I decided to pick it up. Will get into the sp this weekend.
Just played attrition on drydock and could not believe how much camping was going on. They were trying to turn the long corridor area into a meat grinder where teams stand across from each other and just shoot like it's the Civil War era. They were stupid and easy to kill cause they kept going back there but who wants to play titanfall like that? I've not been one to complain about campers but this was really dumb

There also seems to be alot of lag for me on the west coast of the US

Getting into my stride in multi now. Took a while for it to grow on me, I initially preferred the first game. But, Holy Cow, Titanfall 2's multiplayer is extraordinary, especially when you start playing well as Pilot AND Titan. Something unlikely/ brilliant/ unbelievable/ shareable happens in every single match. That's not easy for a game to do.

Player numbers are depressing, seems to be around 14,000 on PS4 on average. Deserves to be 10 times that.

When you get comfortable in the MP it's incredibly satisfying and yes it is depressing. Hoping holiday deals help the game sell


This would be amazing, especially since there's loads of people playing with controller already on PC.

I disagree.
It's insane the plays I'm able to do with a mouse vs a controller. The tracking alone of a mouse following someone wallrunning is imense vs a controller.

This is the game where I defend split pools unless they at least give the option for M&KB on the Xbox.


Just played attrition on drydock and could not believe how much camping was going on. They were trying to turn the long corridor area into a meat grinder where teams stand across from each other and just shoot like it's the Civil War era. They were stupid and easy to kill cause they kept going back there but who wants to play titanfall like that? I've not been one to complain about campers but this was really dumb

There also seems to be alot of lag for me on the west coast of the US

camping has dropped considerably and will continue since people are becoming familiar with the maps. the change to map hack has helped as well.
camping has dropped considerably and will continue since people are becoming familiar with the maps. the change to map hack has helped as well.

I think I just somehow ended up in a match with 5 campers cause the entire team kept going back there and we destroyed them. I haven't complained about camping in this game because aside from the occasional death from campers, they're very easy to deal with on most maps.

Btw have they done anything to the melee? It's seems very unreliable for me lately. Not sure if they did something or if it's just lag


I can't quit Tone because her weapon is just too fun. Honestly not super attached to anything in her kit individually, but I can't give up that 40mm gun. Gives the precision I need for Pilots and good steady damage v.s. Titans.

Let us customize Titans again.


PC matchmaking is starting to get some issues, maybe I should move away from just doing the bounty hunt playlist and do mixtape or something. I ended up being matched against the same people (obviously a full organized team) 3 times in a row. Again. I don't think I saw a living teammate once in two of those matches, one of them I was essentially the only one who got any bounty points. It's too bad literally nobody I know plays this game, and a little funny that Origin happily points this out on the launch page.

Despite the loss train I did have one great moment on crash site. I was waiting on the dropship for evacuation and ended up dooming another Northstar in a 1v1 while taking no damage myself. In his hurry to backpedal away he blocked off a Scorch and a Legion coming up the cramped hallway just enough to buy me time to drop a tether and get away. Not often you can escape successfully with the rest of your team dead and the enemy with a full squad of active titans.

Backup battery is so good.

Sorry I didn't mean that.

the best part of the extra battery is how much faster it gets you your own titan. Feels like you get half a charge from that. Although a shield on Northstar is very valuable in itself. The only problem I have are teammates that suck so much they never get titans or spread out across the map making themselves unreachable, so I can't use the battery on others as much as I like.

E92 M3

They really did. Few things this game needs though in my opinion.

More maps, preferably the best ones from the last game since I know those are great, at least Angel City is confirmed.

I really want them to bring back Frontier Defense. For both co-op and solo.

Stats. I don't like when games don't show me my stats, I want to know how many kills I got, how I'm doing with this gun vs that gun. How many hours I've played etc.

Challenge tracking. So many times I complete a challenge and the green bar just flashes too fast for me to see.

At least Stats and more maps are on the way. That's 2 out of 4.

I don't expect us to get more than 4 maps though to be honest. No season pass does not equal 3-4 map packs with a few maps in each. It'l more than likely be a couple new modes, 3-4 maps and a shit load of cosmetic items, banners and patches.

As you said at least 2 out of the 4 are coming. Respawn are incredible about keeping the game updated. I figure with Angel City a big update will come.

Tone is like the arc cannon. People realize it's powerful and they rather have fun with something else but soon as a challenge arises or they're losing out comes the Tone(s)

Personally, I've always used the 40mm in R1 with the Ogre body. Tone is just a natural fit for me. For others, she feels comfortable and safe. She can do a bit of everything, but her CQC game is truly horrible.

It does look cool. The only thing that bugs me about that execution is the way the victim's legs spring up and then snap back down. Very rigid, unnatural animation.

Yeah, would be cool if they fixed that but I imagine that's too much of a hassle.

I was wondering what the point of the warpfall was...

Until I saw 3 titans clustered up, fighting 2 of my team. Dropped my titan on them, ding, 3 titan kills, ding 3 pilot kills.

So satisfying.

Do you have a clip? I'd always use warpfall in R1, but these days giving up the dome shield is too much.


PRO TIP FOR EVERYONE: If someone throws a firestarter at your Titan, use a smoke to negate the damage.


my problem with warpfall is that the titan drop location is super buggy and sometimes it ends up on the complete opposite end of the map for no reason. The shield is useful in its own way as well and can provide cover for you or your team.
I keep hearing about Frontier Defence. What is it?

my problem with warpfall is that the titan drop location is super buggy and sometimes it ends up on the complete opposite end of the map for no reason. The shield is useful in its own way as well and can provide cover for you or your team.

Yeah that's what puts me off.
I Would like Marked for Death to make a return? Nothing is as intense when you see "YOU ARE THE TARGET" come across your screen and then the entire other team is hunting you down.


I'll say it again. It needs its own progression system.

Look at ME3.
Look at Lost Planet 2 (demo).

kthxbye Respawn

I'm not convinced Marked for Death will work in this game... Smart Core, barely anywhere to hide as a Pilot... Maps like fucking Homested...

The Colony was already bad for that mode. I can't imagine it in this game.

Great mode though.


my problem with warpfall is that the titan drop location is super buggy and sometimes it ends up on the complete opposite end of the map for no reason. The shield is useful in its own way as well and can provide cover for you or your team.

warpfall isn't as good as it was in the first game. i also find bubble shield to be the better option this time around, especially with titans having no shield.
Got a little extra money and I'm really considering picking this up on PC... but I'm worried about player counts. Someone assuage my fears.
I've never had an issue getting into games, but I always play mixtape. Game is just so much fun. I'm not even bothering with battlefield 1 right now.


Got a little extra money and I'm really considering picking this up on PC... but I'm worried about player counts. Someone assuage my fears.

While the numbers are not as high as on console, I barely wait longer than 30 sec to find a match or mixtape, attrition or bh.

Come and join us.


I disagree.
It's insane the plays I'm able to do with a mouse vs a controller. The tracking alone of a mouse following someone wallrunning is imense vs a controller.

This is the game where I defend split pools unless they at least give the option for M&KB on the Xbox.

I know the advantages of m&kb over controller and I'd never use a controller myself, but this game has an abnormally high amount of control users on PC, I dunno why but it seems to work for them.

It's either integrate cross play or have a very small player pool going forward. For 99% of FPS games I'd say cross play shouldn't happen, but with how well controller players are doing on PC I don't think it's as big a deal here.
Huh, well fuck, I had no idea the first game had that :lol

Sounds rad, I'd be all in for that.

Yeah they added it to the game way later as a free update. The support for the original titanfall was excellent.

Horde Mode would be amazing and I am pretty sure we'll get it eventually

my problem with warpfall is that the titan drop location is super buggy and sometimes it ends up on the complete opposite end of the map for no reason. The shield is useful in its own way as well and can provide cover for you or your team.

The titans drop pretty quickly anyways so I would rather have the shield


I'm hoping at the very least this game ends up having a very passionate and consistent fan base like Warhawk on PS3. There weren't hundreds of thousands of players on at any one time but there were still plenty of activity for well over a year.


I know the advantages of m&kb over controller and I'd never use a controller myself, but this game has an abnormally high amount of control users on PC, I dunno why but it seems to work for them.

It's either integrate cross play or have a very small player pool going forward. For 99% of FPS games I'd say cross play shouldn't happen, but with how well controller players are doing on PC I don't think it's as big a deal here.

i wouldn't mind seeing cross play between x1 and ps4 at least.


I know the advantages of m&kb over controller and I'd never use a controller myself, but this game has an abnormally high amount of control users on PC, I dunno why but it seems to work for them.

It's either integrate cross play or have a very small player pool going forward. For 99% of FPS games I'd say cross play shouldn't happen, but with how well controller players are doing on PC I don't think it's as big a deal here.

It's the aim assist. I'm not sure if I like the controller support on PC and I'm not sure if cross play is a good idea.

There are two different control methods with their own advantages. There wouldn't be a level playing field, no matter what you do.
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