i wouldn't mind seeing cross play between x1 and ps4 at least.
Uniting the PS4 and Xbox pool would be amazing for the health of the game.
i wouldn't mind seeing cross play between x1 and ps4 at least.
I'm hoping at the very least this game ends up having a very passionate and consistent fan base like Warhawk on PS3. There weren't hundreds of thousands of players on at any one time but there were still plenty of activity for well over a year.
After 4 hours of practice I finally was able to beat the gauntlet with 33.60 sec lols.
Felt awsome as all hell, now finally can play the campaign, Respawn, next time put this at the end of the game lol, for OCD people like me.
That gauntlet run is something else, Funnily enough this was my sequence of events
Run gauntlet, tried for 4 + hours first night I got the game and couldn't get it; Played a ton of multiplayer, came back to it yesterday, and had it within 20 minutes, it was grenade aiming that was the problem for me, and once i figured that out, it became so much easier.
OnIs MP voice chat on or off by default?
Was this through the phone or chat?I just contacted customer service about it and they said keep the game and we will refund you $47.99...........I was like Uh....okay. They didn't have to do that but I wont complain.
I came here to complain about Ronin ..... This titan is easily the worst and it's not close, It's taken me about twice as long to level this guy up than it has any of the other titan's. I just got the double shockwave effect, and this is the first time it's actually been a tiny bit useful. It die's so quickly that I feel like Nuclear Ejection is a must on it.
I've tried all sorts of strategies, Stay far away and move in stealthily, full on go berserk/suicidal mode, none of them work for it, if you get too close to a titan like Legion your just toast, and even a pilot can screw up half your health pretty easily.
Was this through the phone or chat?
Ronin is my favorite Titan.
He's a complete glass cannon. He's one of the best Titans to get early, and one of the best Titans to get late. He's bad at the full Titan-on-Titan engagements because Ronin can rarely 1v2 or 1v3 unless you have sword core.
You just have to constantly be moving, flanking, and picking off stragglers. For killing pilots, don't prioritize using your gun. Ronin's melee is one of the best tools for killing pilots. Don't use regular melee against Titans - it doesn't do any extra damage. My Ronin is like Gen 6 now, I average around 4-5 Titan kills a game
Ahahaha I really want to pull off something like that (ideally from eject height) for a highlight reel I'm doing.
Do you still have the original clip in case I never manage it?![]()
I just got off the chat with them. I wasnt as lucky, only getting $10 a refund. They said someone would be contacting me in 24-48hrs with a code. We'll see.. lolChat.
Edit. My Prime membership expires next month. They could of just been being extra nice.
I just got off the chat with them. I wasnt as lucky, only getting $10 a refund. They said someone would be contacting me in 24-48hrs with a code. We'll see.. lol
Wait there's 16K on PS4 right now?If Respawn can roll out content every month or two, with maps, weapons, kits, etc. I can see this game having a lot of players. Heck, just now, there's close to 16K on PS4 and it's usually just at 13K. Glad it seems to be doing well with various retailer sales as well.![]()
Wait there's 16K on PS4 right now?
Currently 12.6K on XB1 peaked at about ~16K last night. Weird how XB1 has dropped about half while PS4 is increasing.
Yeah they added it to the game way later as a free update. The support for the original titanfall was excellent.
Horde Mode would be amazing and I am pretty sure we'll get it eventually
Anyone got tips for LMGs? LStar is just baffling me on how to use them properly. Seems like I fire at Pilots and they don't get damaged at all. Spitfire is way too slow for any head-on engagements.![]()
Yeah the energy weapons are broken. The projectiles need to be much faster.Energy projectile weapons in general have some issues, especially L-Star. Like why would you use a gun that needs as many shots to kill as a hitscan projectile, except it's way harder to land them and half of the shots don't register? Keep in mind the projectiles vanish when you die as well. I think the only success I had with it was at the start of one round on Crash Site where I was kind of just blindly firing at extreme range into a mass of AI and players, I got a bunch of kills that way.
I don't get why the Ares faction is at level 49. You're right about to regen, but you can't because you have to level it first. Then again, I don't know why they'd make factions locked behind levels after regeneration anyway.
Yup, she easily has the coolest execution too. Yeah I had my titan die three times in auto pilot because it spawned in opposite side of the map in enemy spawn. The spawns are really finicky on that map it's annoying. You can only spawn in 3 areas. Outside on opposite sides of the map, and the narrow space inside the corridor. Anyone know if warp fall would let my titan just teleport where I call it. Say I'm in dome on complex can I call it an it warp inside the dome? If so I just found a use for warp fall and which maps this will come in handy.Really loving Northstar, as of late (except on complex) like I said before, every time I switch Titans for a while, they become my new favorite. I wish her projectiles travelled a little faster, though. Although that might promote camping more on maps like homestead
They really need to look at improving the LMGs. Stunningly ineffective.
Also, Scorch is still my boy.
Really loving Northstar, as of late (except on complex) like I said before, every time I switch Titans for a while, they become my new favorite. I wish her projectiles travelled a little faster, though. Although that might promote camping more on maps like homestead
Have they announced a Double XP weekend? Ive had double XP in last few matches.
Have they announced a Double XP weekend? Ive had double XP in last few matches.
I had to force myself to play it on Wednesday, but it ended up improving my mood a lot. I've been going back to it now to keep myself from getting too down.I'm still not in the mood to play sadly. Perhaps I should force a couple games in.
Wow, uh... kinda amazed Amazon managed to mess this up that bad.Amazon sent me my preorder promotional code for Preordering Titanfall 2. The only downside was that the code was for BF1?
Just buy ACES and never pick another faction again. Barker for life.I don't get why the Ares faction is at level 49. You're right about to regen, but you can't because you have to level it first. Then again, I don't know why they'd make factions locked behind levels after regeneration anyway.
I came here to complain about Ronin ..... This titan is easily the worst and it's not close, It's taken me about twice as long to level this guy up than it has any of the other titan's. I just got the double shockwave effect, and this is the first time it's actually been a tiny bit useful. It die's so quickly that I feel like Nuclear Ejection is a must on it.
I've tried all sorts of strategies, Stay far away and move in stealthily, full on go berserk/suicidal mode, none of them work for it, if you get too close to a titan like Legion your just toast, and even a pilot can screw up half your health pretty easily.
The beta was not good for me but the retail game is amazing. Sorry Respawn for doubting you.
They really need to look at improving the LMGs. Stunningly ineffective.
Also, Scorch is still my boy.
Destiny was the best "feeling" shooter on the market. .
Not to throw this off topic but i never understood that. Destiny feels like complete shit to me. Nothing i want to do translates on screen quick of enough.
Ever since Halo 3 Bungie has introduced mechanical limitations to all their games. It's like they DON'T want you to do things fast, they don't want you to be as fast and as skilfull as possible. They want you to think slow, and move slow, and react slow and to be slow in general........
my time with destiny was 100 percent frustration.
I dunno, the Devotion's really good and fun to use. The Spitfire's also not that bad, either. I didn't like the L-STAR at all, but it works with the Gravity Star.Now that the old Rodeo system is long gone they do seem kind of useless in this game.