One of the things we did in the Rainbow Six Siege community when that game launched was we had some GAF private, competitive matches, where we got people to sign up onto teams and then played a pseudo competitive series. It was best of 5 or so, and I found it to be a pretty fun way to get my feet wet in terms of playing the game at a slightly more competitive level than what is seen in public matches, while at the same time, it was fun to meet new people that I likely wouldn't otherwise play against.
Would people be interested in doing that here?
The way it would work is I would set a date, ask people if they wanted to sign up and then we would randomise the teams (it's pseudo competitive, we don't want someone crushing everyone because they stacked the best players). I'm from the UK but I think the games are peer to peer so we would rotate host. Matches could be streamed / put onto youtube for others to spectate. I could organise this for PS4.
I don't remember all of the maps names or how I would place them but the best and worst maps tend to stand out to me. For me it really varies though, as some maps really work on certain objectives. I think that Crash site is pretty bad in Attrition and Bounty hunt, it's too large and almost linear, yet on Amped Hardpoint and Capture the Flag it can be petty fun.
Black Water Canal is my least favourite overall. I feel like it facilitates camping on the rooftops much more so than most others, and leaves players wanting to flank vulnerable as they have to jump across the canel, against good teams this map is easy to lock down and turns into a boring roof top fight. Even Amped hardpoint can't save this, you feel like a sitting duck on the bridge capping B, and in CTF, flag runs leave you very vulnerable as you cross the canal, it's just not flexible with its route options.
Boomtown is one of my least favourites. The slanted roof tops afford easy head glitching and generally annoying gameplay. This is really quite similar to Black Water canal, supporting roof top camping. In amped hardpoint, B is super annoying to cap, completely untouchable by pilots without making yourself a huge target. The trees asking you to return to the map are annoying also.
My favourite map is probably Eden, good balance of interior and exterior combat and I really enjoy hardpoint maps where B takes place inside. Lots of verticality to this map as gunfights frequently break out on any of the two floors plus roof tops in the maps centre. The flat roof tops are also nice for combat, preventing head glitching and camping.
My second favourite map is probably Homsstead. I know that this is the map that a lot of people hated in the beta, saying it's too open, but I don't often find I have difficulty crossing the field. Sure, it's a big killzone, but it's super fun to ski across the battlefield in this open space, combining stim, air strafing and bunny hopping to get around the entire map without losing momentum is a great feeling, and in my opinion it's quite nice to have a map with less stuff in the way of that. The Titan vs Titan combat here is quite fun for Titan's like Ion, Legion, Northstar and Tone (but horrible for Scorch and Ronin) and B is an interesting point to contest in amped hardpoint with flexible options to approach and cap. In CTF the map is a little weaker as it is admittedly hard to get the flag across the field when everyone is gunning for you.
I also really like Complex, especially for LTS and general run and gun pilot gameplay. Stimming around and gunning everyone down with an SMG then switching to Scorch for some area control, those are my favourite playstyles so it makes sense that I'd like this map, as it facilitates them very well.