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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


I've played a few hours the single campaign (difficult: HARD) and I really like it, but...
I think the game is too easy.

Am I the only one?


TITANFALL 2 |OT2| No More Shortcuts

TITANFALL 2 |OT2| I will not lose another Pilot!

Since it's OT2:

TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Protocol two: uphold the mission


I've played a few hours the single campaign (difficult: HARD) and I really like it, but...
I think the game is too easy.

Am I the only one?

it's one of those games where I wasn't feeling challenged but didn't really want to bump it up above hard because hitscan enemies can get obnoxious when scaled up high enough.


Slowly turning from a "always last" Pilot into one that is mostly in the middle.
Still having a lot of fun but I wish I was more willing to take risks when it comes to the Titans.
I tend to stick to ION because I'm afraid to fuck up with someone I have not learned yet.
(ION seems well rounded)

The single player is not long enough to let me experiment, some sort of VR room like a fighting game (with bots) would be neat to just run around and test a unknown Titan.


It clicked for me around Level 6 if I recall correctly...(Level 40 now).....so maybe it's not the MP game for you, unless you're using a Titan that doesn't gel with you playstyle: who's your go-to Titan?

I find Scorch super fun, but Tone is still the best for actually winning IMO.

Which Titan are you using? I switched to Tone and I have a little more fun piloting it around than I did with the other Titans. Though, to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the Titan stuff either. I usually just eject out of it and let it run around on Auto-Titan mode. I feel that running around as a more mobile pilot is a lot more fun than the cramped Titan movement.

just use enhanced auto titan and run around with it as your buddy maybe if you dont like titan combat
Yea I just unlocked Tone and she does seem the best so far but still meh. I think I will try more auto titan stuff.

E92 M3

Sucks seeing all of the PS4 sales - hope the Xbox doesn't get left behind. I hate having to worry about population. Wish they could just combine the PS4 and XB1 pool.


I think I've become that guy who gets 2500 in bounty hunt. I always wanted to be that guy.

It's funny because my last couple matches started off with the usual spawn fuckery and I still pulled it off. It's hilarious to me that the most annoying respawn mechanics I've ever been subjected to are in a game made by a company called RESPAWN. I understand a lot of that is because players move around so fast and since 99% of players are solo and uncommunicative, people are all over the damn place and there is no spawn delay. But it doesn't make it any less irritating when I shoot someone, he reappears behind me while I'm reloading, and when I respawn it drops me in a little canyon with 3 enemy titans in front of me. And then I go from $450 to broke.

Anyways, I run the extra battery boost and frequently am trying to give batteries to people in order to get the MASSIVE amount of titan charge from doing so. What does the 'call out to ally titan' prompt when you have a battery even show to said player? Because I was spamming it on an Ion in a safe area trying to get him to stop and take my damn battery. Instead he turns towards me and starts backpedaling while frantically shooting at me. I had to tell him to calm down on voice chat in order to give him the damn battery.


Sucks seeing all of the PS4 sales - hope the Xbox doesn't get left behind. I hate having to worry about population. Wish they could just combine the PS4 and XB1 pool.

Yup, that'd be great. 400 players on Attrition in Germany last night. It's kinda worrying.
Enjoying this game so much. I'm about 2 missions from finishing it. Dabbled in MP for the first time. I'm a person who really isn't a fan of the FPS genres, but I loved TF1 and this game is really scratching my shooter itch. All my friend play BF1.

Looking for some gaffers to play with on PS4.



Slowly turning from a "always last" Pilot into one that is mostly in the middle.
Still having a lot of fun but I wish I was more willing to take risks when it comes to the Titans.
I tend to stick to ION because I'm afraid to fuck up with someone I have not learned yet.
(ION seems well rounded)

The single player is not long enough to let me experiment, some sort of VR room like a fighting game (with bots) would be neat to just run around and test a unknown Titan.

I just use a private bounty hunt game. You can kill all the grunts in first wave and get your Titan to 1v1 the ai Titan in the second wave. Attrition might work also but you don't get any ai Titans to mess with in that.

Even better if you get a friend to mess around with on the opposing team.
Even if some of my map concerns remain, man I am so glad I was so wrong about this game. Blowout losses suck, but I feel like more often than not most games come down to a narrow win/loss. It's a blast.

Also noticing less map hack users of late. Feels like the nerf might have done its work.

That said, boy does Phase Shift feel only about half useful. Can't keep track of how many times I've died from gunfire after shifting. Hope they work that latency out, otherwise I'll go back to Stim :/


Just realized the Thunderbolt does AOE damage while it travels through the air.

Even if the orb doesn't hit a titan if it passes close enough to it it will still damage them with those lightning sparks.

Also using the Devotion with the gunrunning perk actually works pretty well as an SMG. With my terrible aim by the time I get the crosshairs on them it's already ramped up and pretty much shreds them and anyone else who happens to turn the corner during the fight.

the way Devotion works is the recoil/accuracy improves as you fire it. So yeah I often start off just hipfiring. I don't expect to beat an SMG in close quarters but sometimes jumping around throws off their aim just enough for that gun to start crapping bullets all over the place and take them out.

I use extra ammo + faster aim down sights with the stock sights. This setup helps support the playstyle of ramping up your firing speed and going to town on anyone else who joins the fight partway.

And yeah I use Thunderbolt too. People like to huddle together for warmth or something in Titans and it's funny how often I hit more than one with the orb.


Pc population seems to have stabilized from what I have seen. Every night when I get on its between 5-6k and I never have issues with getting a game. Attrition, bounty and mixed mode are always populated. Hoping between black Friday and Christmas sales through population stays stable or increases in the coming months.


Press - MP1st.com
So when does the multiplayer click? I'm level 14 and have only played Attrition. At the beginning of a match it's ok but when I'm a Titan I'm not finding that bit fun.

That's odd. I kinda am digging the Titan combat a lot. I mean, I enjoy the gunplay a lot, too. But I find that I work on it so I can get my mech and just tear shit up. Use Ion or Tone in bigger maps and just kill enemies? I don't see how that can not be fun. :D

If people are getting tired of the multiplayer, try out Mixtape. Playing all the games modes might help alleviate some repetitive tendencies. I exclusively play Mixtape and love playing all the modes. The game is just too much fun seriously! Can't get enough of it!

I'm Gen2.48 now, and will regen again later. I honestly have not been burned out since I play it whenever I can (to the point I haven't played my other games), read the TF2 subreddit, watch vids and of course, read the thread here. Maybe it's due to me mixing stuff up a lot? I switch Titans almost every game (depends on the map) and even my entire loadout.

Game still hasn't clicked for me either and I don't know if it will. Being in Australia there is only about 150 people online and I was having issues with the connection jumping up and down. Changing regions would be unplayable I imagine.

Surprisingly, I've played in 200+ms games and it's OK. Not good, but good enough that I can play it. I find that a constant 200ms game is better than something that fluctuates. Connect to Asia Data Centers? You can easily back out if it's a hassle.

I don't think there's enough players to have any kind of effective skill based match making.

I think there is. On any given time, there's 10-12K players on PS4, with that number at 16-18K on weekdays even. More than enough, but think they're matching people based on connection which is better.

A weird thing to have to praise, but I agree. BF1's menus are so fucked up. Sometimes it feels like gaming is going backwards. The short times and lack of heavy front end let me go from the menus to a game half over already in progress in seconds usually.

First time I played BF1, I experienced that menu lag and thought it was my HDD being too full, or there was something wrong. Turns out, it's normal. That camo bug goes away if you're on PS4 Pro for some reason.

Any tips for Cod noob playing the multiplayer for the first time?

- Play the objective

- Adjust your loadout, Titan choice, etc. based on game mode and maps (contrary to CoD where people choose one "first-tier" weapons, etc.

- Help your fellow Titans when they're against another Titan. Firing anti-titan weapons, rodeing and the like will help a lot

- Don't blindly rush in when you're in a Titan, they can easily get taken down by two Pilots or even by a Titan that has its ulti ready

- Mobility is key BUT don't wallrun aimlessly and know when to stop and survey your surroundings. I find that I got killed a lot during my first few days since I wanted to be Mr. Johnny Wallrun.

- Don't be afraid to experiment, there's no "best" weapon, anti-titan weapon, etc. It's all a matter of preference

I've played a few hours the single campaign (difficult: HARD) and I really like it, but...
I think the game is too easy.

Am I the only one?

Nope. I played it on Hard right away and found that a bit too easy even. Combat is super easy since enemies are a cinch to flank.

Pc population seems to have stabilized from what I have seen. Every night when I get on its between 5-6k and I never have issues with getting a game. Attrition, bounty and mixed mode are always populated. Hoping between black Friday and Christmas sales through population stays stable or increases in the coming months.

Yep, PS4 as well. I haven't seen it dip below 15K all throughout the weekend. Mostly around the 17-20K range even. Once Black Friday and Christmas rolls around, I expect that number to spike.

TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Love is a BTtlefield

This is kinda good. :D


That sucks dude, how's the lag on the US servers?

Haven't tried it. Sometimes I get lag on the german servers. The ping is 50+ so I'm not sure it's worth it.

I think there is. On any given time, there's 10-12K players on PS4, with that number at 16-18K on weekdays even. More than enough, but think they're matching people based on connection which is better.

10K total. On each play list that's significantly lower. As I said, Weekend, 400 players on Attrition in Germany.


I just use a private bounty hunt game. You can kill all the grunts in first wave and get your Titan to 1v1 the ai Titan in the second wave. Attrition might work also but you don't get any ai Titans to mess with in that.

Even better if you get a friend to mess around with on the opposing team.

Thanks! I'll mess around with that.
Sadly no friends are interested in this :/

E92 M3

Hopefully the patch fixes all of the emblem issues. I realized last night that I didn't get some of the Tone regeneration ones.

Also, Alternator is probably one of my favorite guns in gaming.


Press - MP1st.com
Haven't tried it. Sometimes I get lag on the german servers. The ping is 50+ so I'm not sure it's worth it.

10K total. On each play list that's significantly lower. As I said, Weekend, 400 players on Attrition in Germany.

My ms is constantly at 90-100 and I don't notice any lag. I get like 120-170 points in Attrition mostly, even. :)

From what I've asked Respawn, it migrates people to another Data Center's playlist if the wait is too long or something. 10K total for a weekday at 9:30 am ET, 6:30am PT is definitely OK. It'll reach 15K and more once afternoon US time rolls in. :)


The numbers aren't so low I don't get games, I just think it makes it incredibly hard to do skill based match making with 400 people in a playlist. Sure it's possible, but I don't want to wait 30 mins for a match.

I'm like level 20 and I'm coming across people who have regen'd once or twice already. Kinda frustrating because they're WAY better than me, but doesn't ruin the game.


Sucks seeing all of the PS4 sales - hope the Xbox doesn't get left behind. I hate having to worry about population. Wish they could just combine the PS4 and XB1 pool.

There must still be a bias towards Xbox for that IP, since I get consistently 1300-1500 players online for Attrition on Belgian servers, whatever the day of the week.


We're a long way away but I wish OT2 was now just so we could get a new title...

Played a couple matches just now and the lag was pretty bad. People skipping across the map :/


We're a long way away but I wish OT2 was now just so we could get a new title...

Played a couple matches just now and the lag was pretty bad. People skipping across the map :/

I noticed this last night too on PS4, NY data center if that makes a difference (I am in NY).

Hitting playing who weee boosting and wallrunning was very difficult because they were teleporting slightly.
I've played a few hours the single campaign (difficult: HARD) and I really like it, but...
I think the game is too easy.

Am I the only one?

It feels like this game has a difficulty curve that is unfortunately similar to CoD. The second hardest difficulty is too easy but the hardest feels cheap, wish more games had difficulty curves like Halo which get both Heroic and Legendary right most of the time


TITANFALL 2 |OT2| The Frontier is Worth This Thread

Picked up Titanfall 2 last week and I'm loving the hell out of it. My only complaint is that I feel like the TTK in this game is a little too quick.


The numbers aren't so low I don't get games, I just think it makes it incredibly hard to do skill based match making with 400 people in a playlist. Sure it's possible, but I don't want to wait 30 mins for a match.

I'm like level 20 and I'm coming across people who have regen'd once or twice already. Kinda frustrating because they're WAY better than me, but doesn't ruin the game.

yeah on PC I find games about as quickly as I do with Overwatch if not faster. But you go into a competitive match in that game and it's almost always very close in terms of player rating and whether or not they are solo/grouped. Titanfall, you never know what you're gonna get. I can't think of many games that feel as bad when a steamroll happens, they've got a full organized team with 5 titans up and you have joe goober hiding in a corner with 0 points. It's possible to carry a bad team if the other one isn't organized, at least.


I like how much salt the OT title produces. The second OT should keep it.

Yup, that'd be great. 400 players on Attrition in Germany last night. It's kinda worrying.

PS4. Even with the Sony dominance in the mainland EU.

Um.. I have thousands of people online every evening in Amsterdam. I even connected to the Frankfurt server once and found over 1000 people on a random evening on Attrition. It might be your NAT.

The game has plenty of players on PS4 in Europe.

I do, but still :D
Is it a faction thing?
I'm not sure, but the grunts yell it every time you're around them, it's pretty funny.


Tone is hard to deal with but a team of Tone is unbearable. Like, seriously, especially now that I'm playing Legion, I find the lack of Ronin frustrating.


I northstar sniped a cloaked pilot yesterday by catching a glimpse of his jump jets and predicting where he'd be when he landed. I felt like Neo.

I'm getting pretty good at dealing with pilots as Northstar. I sometimes have some annoying streaks where I can't hit a damn thing though. Kinda funny thing I've noticed is how efficient she is at running shit over. No point shooting grunts one at a time, just dash over them.

edit: Tone is a problem for Northstar if you try to fight them like any other titan. I try to flank around the shields and absolutely never fly because you will be dead in a second from missiles. Tone will win in a straight up fight vs your core ability too. But it can't out-snipe you and I'm pretty sure the burn from your rockets can get around the barrier.
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