Still playing and loving the game, but haven't checked in here for a while. And you're still all whining about the title of thread...
What is the opinion on using Scorch? I had been playing Tone up to level 8 and enjoying him but was playing Scorch a bunch last night and found him to be quite powerful on groups.
I find success with him in close-quarter maps like Crash Site, Complex, etc. If you can corner a Titan, you can damage them without even seeing them.

I managed to kill a Titan by lobbing a gas canister and just trapping him in one area of Crash Site.
His main issue for me is taking out Pilots in ledges, etc. Since it takes a long time for your thermite launcher to reload. In tight maps, though, Pilots will literally be something easy to cook.
Has there been word on what we can expect for DLC besides maps? Additional Titans, pilot types, game modes?
I think maps, modes (Frontier Defense is almost a lock), and some new weapons, etc. I assume we'll see at least one more new Tactical since the placement of 'em really seems weird.
Is the player base for this stronger on the Bone or PS4?
Help me decide which to go with.
I think it's bigger on Xbox One. I play on PS4, and there's like 12K players now. Usually 16-18K on weekdays (or more) and 20K+ on weekends. Not bad.
Honestly I would think we need to poke fun at all of the people asking if the game is dead or not.
Titanfall 2 |OT2| Is this game dead yet?
Hahaha! You know some people will see that as a negative and not get the joke. xD
I just hit Gen3! Woo! Will get the Alternator and G2 to regen before diving back to other guns again. That progression system is really something. It's better than Call of Duty's since it constantly teases you of what you'll get. I also get excited getting Advocate Gifts but only managed to get 1-2 good items. Most are Coliseum tickets or banners that I don't dig.
Those wondering about Titan executions, I think it's not a hold but just a front melee. That said, I rarely do it since it takes too long. If I get bonus points for it, I'l do it but I find I'm just compromising my death machine a few seconds.