Everything the robot faction says is imbued with innuendo: "make them beg for mercy".
drunk Barker is the best
famous rap singer
Who is it?
What faction is that? Sounds pretty fun, or at least, better than "The frontier is worth every part of this!" ugh.
6-4 is the best Faction
"The 6-4 are family and we'll kick your ARSE!"
I really enjoyed the campaign but I am struggling badly to get into the multiplayer at all.
Titanfall 1 felt like constant action to me, these maps have huge dead zones, I am often getting killed from behind not long after spawning as well which is frustrating. I seem to always be on the losing side too, I have maybe won 2 or 3 games in about 6 hours. I get what I think is a decent score but compared to folk on the other team it's not but then everyone on my team seems to have a low score.
Almost forgot to mention people camping on roof tops with the stealth thing on, instantly disappearing once you stop shooting seems OP.
What happens when I remove a battery? usually I try to leg it and put it in a friendly titan but i rarely survive long enough to do that. In TF1 i felt like i was doing something when I was rodeoing a titan.
I'm waiting on something clicking but it's not happening yet. Am I playing it wrong?
Your thoughts largely mirror mine. I feel the campaign in Titanfall 2 is one of the best single player experiences I've had this year, but the multiplayer hasn't grabbed me. This would be whatever, except for the fact that I loved, loved, loved the multiplayer in Titanfall 1 and was very, very good at it. Here I struggle to stay in the top half of the scoreboard and, yes, find plenty of dull moments during matches. I often feel like I just can't find anything to shoot at. It's so damn fucking weird because the mechanics and game feel are totally there, but something about the multiplayer feels really off.
I like the character, but all his comments being based on drinking gets old quickly.
But the only two factions that annoy me are the first two. There's something off with the new model of the female character (Sarah something ?), and Blisk's French dub is terrible, they hired a famous rap singer to do it and his voice is too recognizable (besides he's not that great of a voice actor)
Forced my self to use Volt for a few rounds. Really tried to find some use case for this gun.
My god this gun is bad. There is no redeeming quality as far as I can tell.
Forced my self to use Volt for a few rounds. Really tried to find some use case for this gun.
My god this gun is bad. There is no redeeming quality as far as I can tell.
This cannot be a serious argument. Respawn didn't consider that cloak would be used with non-sniper weapons? Nobody in their no doubt crazy extensive internal tests experimented with cloak and other weapons? Give me a break, you may as well have just come out and said "Respawn are all a bunch of idiots who can't design videogames!" Ridiculous.
Really? I've been using volt for several days now and do pretty decent with it, though I was doing well with the base assault rifle also.
What are considered the best guns in the game?
I tried the alternator and did just absolutely awful with it, lost almost every damn close quarters battle it seemed.
Pretty much all the anti titan weapons I have done OK with, I think the best for me have been the MGL and the Archer.
Woke up at 6am this morning to play Titan cause I'm ill. ZERO players in hardpoint.ZERO players doing Last Titan Standing. 80 doing attrition.
I'm in London.
Mind you, the attrition game ranow butterly smooth.
Hmmm I didn't realize people like Volt. Why do people use it over the ARs or SMG?
Personally I like Hemlock in the AR class and Alternator in the SMG class. But CAR is very good too.
I play with the Eva8 shotgun when I am bored too. Its a fun gun.
Are there any guides which explain exactly regeneration resets and what it grants?
Do you regen you character, guns and titan separately, for example?
Silencers are on the pistols at least.Personally I don't see a problem with cloak. Especially since they seemed to have removed the silencer attachments for this game.
Almost forgot to mention people camping on roof tops with the stealth thing on, instantly disappearing once you stop shooting seems OP.
What happens when I remove a battery? usually I try to leg it and put it in a friendly titan but i rarely survive long enough to do that. In TF1 i felt like i was doing something when I was rodeoing a titan.
I'm waiting on something clicking but it's not happening yet. Am I playing it wrong?
That seems to be the way people are playing it now. Camping on rooftops, camping in rooms, camping in the flanks. It doesn't help that the way the maps are designed means that if you aren't using a rifle, you're going to get slaughtered trying to cross any kind of open space, which only encourages more camping. I'm hoping there is some change to the meta to shake things up a bit anyway.
Every weapon/Titan has a separate regen - that never resets. When you regen your pilot everything you didn't purchase with merits becomes locked.
I don't get what the factions do?
I played the game on Xbox and now picked it up on PC aswell. I'm hooked
I don't get what the factions do?
As far as I can tell they only change the intro of each match, and the voice on the radio that keeps the score. Otherwise it's just another way to get merits by filling bars.
At the beginning I thought it would be a way to sort players by skill (lower ranked pilots not having access to later factions), but it doesn't seem so. As a matter of fact I'm not sure the other players in your team really share the same faction, sometimes I think I can hear the intro of other characters trough the voice chat.
I really enjoyed the campaign but I am struggling badly to get into the multiplayer at all.
Titanfall 1 felt like constant action to me, these maps have huge dead zones, I am often getting killed from behind not long after spawning as well which is frustrating. I seem to always be on the losing side too, I have maybe won 2 or 3 games in about 6 hours. I get what I think is a decent score but compared to folk on the other team it's not but then everyone on my team seems to have a low score.
Almost forgot to mention people camping on roof tops with the stealth thing on, instantly disappearing once you stop shooting seems OP.
What happens when I remove a battery? usually I try to leg it and put it in a friendly titan but i rarely survive long enough to do that. In TF1 i felt like i was doing something when I was rodeoing a titan.
I'm waiting on something clicking but it's not happening yet. Am I playing it wrong?
Your thoughts largely mirror mine. I feel the campaign in Titanfall 2 is one of the best single player experiences I've had this year, but the multiplayer hasn't grabbed me. This would be whatever, except for the fact that I loved, loved, loved the multiplayer in Titanfall 1 and was very, very good at it. Here I struggle to stay in the top half of the scoreboard and, yes, find plenty of dull moments during matches. I often feel like I just can't find anything to shoot at. It's so damn fucking weird because the mechanics and game feel are totally there, but something about the multiplayer feels really off.
Aye I really want to like this as well, but it's just not doing it. I am going to keep going over the weekend but if it's not grabbed me by then I guess I'll move on.
I can fully understand why they needed to change things from TF1, but in that I was never thinking "there are no enemies here, where is everyone?" part of this is just not knowing the maps but they do seem to have huge dead zones where nothing happens the majority of the time.
There have been a few times I had to look at the scoreboard as I was convinced half the other team had aborted and they only had 2 players as I couldn't find anyone to shoot, maybe they were just in stealth on a roof.
I even loved TF1 when I was losing, but here the losses feel brutal and when I'm not sure what's going on but have the highest score on the team it's disheartening to know that the other folks on my team are doing even worse than me.
As far as I can tell they only change the intro of each match, and the voice on the radio that keeps the score. Otherwise it's just another way to get merits by filling bars.
At the beginning I thought it would be a way to sort players by skill (lower ranked pilots not having access to later factions), but it doesn't seem so. As a matter of fact I'm not sure the other players in your team really share the same faction, sometimes I think I can hear the intro of other characters trough the voice chat.
That seems to be the way people are playing it now. Camping on rooftops, camping in rooms, camping in the flanks. It doesn't help that the way the maps are designed means that if you aren't using a rifle, you're going to get slaughtered trying to cross any kind of open space, which only encourages more camping. I'm hoping there is some change to the meta to shake things up a bit anyway.
When you take a battery, you get a big target painted on your back. Ideally you call in your own Titanfall or if you can, give the battery to a teammate. More likely, you get shot by the Titan you stole it from. lol
Yeah, or maybe find a way to reward movement in some way so that people don't feel like sitting behind A-walls in the first few minutes of Crash Site.This is where a higher TTK would be beneficial. People say that if you use your wall running skills carefully that you'll be fine, but as it is right now the main lanes are constantly being watched by campers and if you're going to move around a lot you have to run around the back of the map and move in behind everyone. Which is fine, but like I've said before it sort of defeats the purpose of all the maneuverability the game has given to you, or severely minimizes it.
Raise the TTK, more possibility of successful travel in the open, less camping.
Yeah, the CAR loses at range unless you fire first. You could run and gun with it and the EVA all the time in the old game, but some of the maps in this game don't really allow for that.I have been using the SMG as thats what I used in TF1, I may try an AR as I am constantly losing any long range fire fights. This game has much more long open spaces than the last one so dying at range is quite annoying.
Thanks for the battery clarification, sounds like i'd be better not taking them as mostly I get focused on and killed very quickly.
Have you guys tried Bounty Hunt? I only ask because it seems like the most fleshed out MP mode, to me at least.
I routinely am the game's leading scorer, sometimes doubling the next highest player, and I'm nothing special. I might have 6 or 7 kills, but $2500, while the second highest has 17 kills and $1300. I only mention this to illustrate that the mode rewards more than just straight up fragging people. There's a surprising amount of strategy involved.
What Titan are you using? Tone is an excellent all arounder. If you pick and choose your encounters and try to double team people, you can survive for a long time.
Watch some Bounty Hunt videos, it really is amazing.
Pretty sure everyone see their own intro.
Seems like an all encompassing way for people to select their favourite announcer voice in a way. And a way to dole out banners etc.
I think what helped me was to try everything slowly. There's so much to customize on your load outs, that you can try all kinds of combinations for a while. You could also try Mixtape to get into other game modes. It will help you understand the objectives of each mode better.I've not unlocked tone yet, im levelling up very slowly due to being terrible. I am using northstar the now but don't usually last very long.
I think I have been worse in Bounty Hunt than any other mode due to dying too much to really be any help to the overall team bank, when I'm doing well I get a couple of quick deaths and my money is cut down to 1/4 haha
I am trying to play the objectives, I just don't seem to be any good at it here.
They removed the whole IMC vs. Militia sides that the original game had. It's basically now just random pilots and npc's fighting each other, the factions are "neutral". You can be fighting for the militia side technically, but you are shooting at grunts and such that are wearing Militia colors.
In the first game players were randomly placed on the IMC side or Militia side, and the sides had unique visuals and npcs were unique models for that faction. Now it's all just generic guys fighting each other, the faction you choose simply changes the commander talking to you during a match and the npc you see at start of a match in the drop ship, but each player sees and technically play's for the side they chose, the game doesn't actually have separate factions.
Personally I don't see a problem with cloak. Especially since they seemed to have removed the silencer attachments for this game.
How long does the cloak last? I've not used it in multiplayer but in single player it only lasts a few seconds.
If someone uses the perk that lowers cooldowns for skills, which I would guess most people do, it's virtually perpetual. It's completely permanent if they also roll with tactikill and aren't absolute shit at the game.