Yeah, I agree. It's amazing how empowering it is when everything clicks.
Not bad on PS4 at least. Usually at 12-15K on weekdays, with weekends hovering at 18K-20K,
Why? Black Friday should help. Christmas and end of year awards should help as well.
Lots of people bought BF1 since it's a good game. Both are.

BF1 has the added benefit of being a familiar franchise and a hardcore player base already set.
Yep. Agreed. But if Respawn does it now, people would be, "OMG! Gaem is ded!1 Respawn hiding playuer counts1!" or something. I wonder what would happen if Respawn puts in artificial numbers and whether people would care or not.
Long story short for player count (at least on PS4): Afternoon to evenings US time is good (12-15K and up), twilight hours drop down to less than 10K but depends. Game modes like Attrition and Bounty Hunt are easy to get into (can't say for the rest since I don't play those).
Yep. Annoying thing is, TF3 will have the same people saying the same things. I mean, you know, instead of just enjoying or buying a game since it's fun. Respawn should make a boots to the ground MP game
and then go back to TF3 so that people just realize what they're missing and all that.
Worse bit is how some people are all doom 'n' gloom every time as if they know the player population of every game on every platform at every hour of the day. Even sales. We don't know how many it sold, but some think it's super abysmal even if there's no proof. And basing it (sales) on UK sales which only tracked physical for two days, isn't a good measuring stick. Ditto with an analyst report that lowered its estimates from 5-7m from 9m. (Those wondering, Activision PR has not sent out an email on how well Infinite Warfare did, which never happens. Usually a press email on how X CoD earned in 24 hours or for the week, is sent out. First time in recent memory this hasn't happened).
What's even weird here is how games like Dishonored, BioShock, etc. are considered a success if they sell 2-4m, but a game like TF1 or TF2 is considered a failure if they sell the same or more, even if the other games' budget are bigger. I've said it repeatedly, but I know for a fact that TF2 didn't cost as much as a CoD game to make. Respawn isn't a studio with hundreds of employees.