Sure, but i can imagine some frustration inside the group of developers.
Have to agree. Not to mention, campers are easy targets in this game. Love it when they are on the roofs in homestead since they are so easy to kill. Sitting ducks really.
Not getting all the cloak hate, either. I use most of the pilot classes and find a good phase shift or stim user much harder to kill. I use cloak a lot on certain maps and will agree that it lasts, maybe, a tad too long. Does anyone know how long it's active for?
Have to agree. Not to mention, campers are easy targets in this game. Love it when they are on the roofs in homestead since they are so easy to kill. Sitting ducks really.
Not getting all the cloak hate, either. I use most of the pilot classes and find a good phase shift or stim user much harder to kill. I use cloak a lot on certain maps and will agree that it lasts, maybe, a tad too long. Does anyone know how long it's active for?
So I've got a few friends on the fence about buying this even though I've given it a really solid recommendation. I think one big reason they hesitated was that Walmart was selling the game for 30 dollars this week but the PS Store is still full price. So they want to buy it digital but they feel like they are paying too much if the physical copy is less. Whatever.
Anyway, my question is do we think this will see a sale on the PS Store anytime soon or is it only physical copies for Black Friday sales that will see a cut?
Less campy? This is the least campy game I've ever played. Has the definition of camping now changed so completely that it means any player that doesn't get all their kills exclusively whilst wall-running or 360 no-scoping?
I've seen matches where no one moves because everyone is just camping the lanes with cloak. It's kind of ridiculous at times.Seems anything involving not running while you get killed is "camping." It's not. Also, camping is a viable strategy (I used it to great effect in past Call of Duty games). People can choose to wallrun or choose to play the way they want to. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
The average skill level in this game is atrocious. Every single game there's someone below 20 points in Attrition who has been there from the start. Even seeing gen 2+ getting those scores.
The average skill level in this game is atrocious. Every single game there's someone below 20 points in Attrition who has been there from the start. Even seeing gen 2+ getting those scores.
It's like that in every game.
Battlefield 1 let's me scream at my monitor becaue people are just DUMB IDIOTS
The average skill level in this game is atrocious. Every single game there's someone below 20 points in Attrition who has been there from the start. Even seeing gen 2+ getting those scores.
The average skill level in this game is atrocious. Every single game there's someone below 20 points in Attrition who has been there from the start. Even seeing gen 2+ getting those scores.
That's what happens when so many people don't how to play a shooter with so many mechanics (on consoles).
Will you make another Titanfall game?
We don't know yet. The game is, critically, a huge success. We're really happy with all the reviews and the positive sentiment. Sales, it's too early to tell. We'd definitely like to tell more of the story and the universe. I think it's pretty safe to assume that we'll explore more of it. EA might have announced more. Devin?
[Devin Bennett, a publicist for Electronic Arts, interjects, "What we've said is we're committed to the franchise."]
So, whatever the fuck that means.
I'm mostly on PC so it's not even just console players.
Ouch @ the end of this interview with Vince Zampella
The average skill level in this game is atrocious. Every single game there's someone below 20 points in Attrition who has been there from the start. Even seeing gen 2+ getting those scores.
Haha reminds me of when I played BF3
Ouch @ the end of this interview with Vince Zampella
You're also not limited to only those within your region. Most games will shift region for you once it can't find a game, this game doesn't and you have to do it manually, but the moment that a game like Call of Duty places me against a French group of players I don't assume that the game is dead. They should probably hide the regionalised matchmaking numbers in this game, honestly.
It's like that in every game.
Battlefield 1 let's me scream at my monitor becaue people are just DUMB IDIOTS
Or perhaps they are new to the genre and you should give them a break.
I just figured out that, with Tone, if you're getting rodeod you can just look at a wall, shoot it with the 40mm, and kill the attacker with zero damage to yourself.
Can we talk about how shit the credits sequence is in this game?
It's so fucking cheesey, and damn the main characters face looks so dumb the whole time. Glad it's an FPS. That idiots mug would put me right off if I had to look at it for more than a couple of minutes.
Unlike the DOOM sequence...which was awesome.
Tinúviel;224705274 said:Even though i think TF2 is best shooter of this year i can't instantly say that i'm on board with TF3 idea.Activision fired these guys because they wanted to do something else rather then MW3 or even MW2,instantly making TF3 after TF2 is kinda opposite of their own philosophy.They are probably the one of the most talented FPS studio out there and i now want to see next big thing coming from them.
My own opinion is that i want them to make another MW2 levels of big shooter but of course that shouldn't be exact copy of neither CoD nor TF.I prefer it to be more traditional FPS without Titans and for multiplayer it should be not as big as BF but not as small as CoD if you know what i mean.
With their story telling and design quality i believe there is still lot to tell from "Modern Warfare" or even WW2 era.
Not half the team and several ranks in, nope.
Infinity Ward got fired because Activision wanted to do something else? Lol. So Activision carries on with a very similar formula for years and then changes it when they catch wind of what Respawn is doing and copies them? That makes sense.Tinúviel;224705274 said:Even though i think TF2 is best shooter of this year i can't instantly say that i'm on board with TF3 idea.Activision fired these guys because they wanted to do something else rather then MW3 or even MW2,instantly making TF3 after TF2 is kinda opposite of their own philosophy.They are probably the one of the most talented FPS studio out there and i now want to see next big thing coming from them.
My own opinion is that i want them to make another MW2 levels of big shooter but of course that shouldn't be exact copy of neither CoD nor TF.I prefer it to be more traditional FPS without Titans and for multiplayer it should be not as big as BF but not as small as CoD if you know what i mean.
With their story telling and design quality i believe there is still lot to tell from "Modern Warfare" or even WW2 era.
More Titanfall card games!
Tinúviel;224705274 said:Even though i think TF2 is best shooter of this year i can't instantly say that i'm on board with TF3 idea.Activision fired these guys because they wanted to do something else rather then MW3 or even MW2,instantly making TF3 after TF2 is kinda opposite of their own philosophy.They are probably the one of the most talented FPS studio out there and i now want to see next big thing coming from them.
My own opinion is that i want them to make another MW2 levels of big shooter but of course that shouldn't be exact copy of neither CoD nor TF.I prefer it to be more traditional FPS without Titans and for multiplayer it should be not as big as BF but not as small as CoD if you know what i mean.
With their story telling and design quality i believe there is still lot to tell from "Modern Warfare" or even WW2 era.
I'm guilty of being this guy once in awhile, this game sort of funnels you into a certain play style (SMG or R201) if you want to get a high score and I don't really enjoy that.
You can be VERY successful with shotguns. I am consistently at the top of the scoreboard and that's all I use.You can still be very successful with the shotguns.
I was able to do it once during the Tech Test, but I finally got it in the final game!
I was able to do it once during the Tech Test, but I finally got it in the final game!
You can be VERY successful with shotguns. I am consistently at the top of the scoreboard and that's all I use.