Attrition or Bounty Hunt is your only hope, the other modes are dead.
wow.. just as dead as Titanfall. anyone thinking about buying the PC version avoid paying full price.
Attrition or Bounty Hunt is your only hope, the other modes are dead.
Winning or extracting.What makes your faction get a merit point? I haven't been able to figure that out, it seems random.
Can we talk about how shit the credits sequence is in this game?
It's so fucking cheesey, and damn the main characters face looks so dumb the whole time. Glad it's an FPS. That idiots mug would put me right off if I had to look at it for more than a couple of minutes.
Unlike the DOOM sequence...which was awesome.
Jack Cooper looks like Barney from Half Life 2.
wow.. just as dead as Titanfall. anyone thinking about buying the PC version avoid paying full price.
It's already been heavily discount at places like Amazon and Walmart for $30. It'll be $28 again on Black Friday at Walmart. Definitely need more players on PC. EA needs to give a free weekend of play or something.
even with free weekends and a heavy discount i still think it will be dead in 2-3 months. i cant put my finger on it but everything about the multiplayer feels.. wrong? i wouldn't be sad to see Titanfall 3 just sticking with single player.
the single player is on another level.
I haven't made the switch yet. What do you like about Volt above Alternator?Volt is the shit.
So long Alternator, it was nice knowing you.
You'll be fine. Just don't be in places where you need to ADS quickly. Stay at range or in the close range parts of the map. If you're not using the perk for faster ads, you should use that too. It makes a big difference considering the near instant TTK in this. Alternator is hip fire headshots from like a block away if you want a non shotgun weapon. Cloak spam gives you a solid jump on people in a lot of cases. Lots of options if you're willing to change things up.
Except all those maps were done before in the same engine? I don't think porting them over would be all too hard. We don't know what else is coming in December, it could be more than one map, or a new gamemode, or a new Titan.How long are you willing to wait? If we're getting 1 map in December... that's like 2 months after release, and maybe another map in another 2 months...
It doesnt seem realistically possible for them to work on releasing 3-4 maps at once.
They're both really good, but the Volt does way better at mid/long range while only performing slightly worse at close range.I haven't made the switch yet. What do you like about Volt above Alternator?
Glad to see you finally agree with the tech test impressions lol
I haven't made the switch yet. What do you like about Volt above Alternator?
I think they stealth nerfed the Alternator. Maybe I am crazy, but it definitely feels weaker.
Nah. I've felt the same for a few days now...
I felt the same about the Mozambique tho too which seemed much less likely to get nerfed tho. I wonder if it's just a general hipfire nerf or maybe just hit reg. instead. Idk something feels off to me too.
I've turned away after so many shots now thinking I have kills confirmed only to find the bullets completey miss![]()
A hipfire nerf would be atrocious for this game.
I think it's just been hit reg issues tbh... The servers have had some problems recently
You can still be very successful with the shotguns.
Tinúviel;224734659 said:I spent my first 100 merits to unlock Flatline and it's mid Gen2 now and i'm loving it and i followed same logic and spent my second 100 merits to R-97 and boy IT IS AWFUL.Like i don't understand it's purpose it has this crazy recoil and even hipfire not feel right.Car and Volt blow that thing out of water.
even with free weekends and a heavy discount i still think it will be dead in 2-3 months. i cant put my finger on it but everything about the multiplayer feels.. wrong? i wouldn't be sad to see Titanfall 3 just sticking with single player.
the single player is on another level.
Don't understand this at all. In fact, this game feels so right that it makes every other fps feel wrong. This game has ruined BF1 for me and even dishonored 2 , to an extent. If i can still find tlou matches consistently , this should be okay. Can't wait for the free dlceven with free weekends and a heavy discount i still think it will be dead in 2-3 months. i cant put my finger on it but everything about the multiplayer feels.. wrong? i wouldn't be sad to see Titanfall 3 just sticking with single player.
the single player is on another level.
Don't understand this at all. In fact, this game feels so right that it makes every other fps feel wrong. This game has ruined BF1 for me and even dishonored 2 , to an extent. If i can still find tlou matches consistently , this should be okay. Can't wait for the free dlc
Has this been posted here yet?
Things probably aren't great between Respawn and EA.
Poor Respawn 😢
Such a great game being sent out to die.
Has this been posted here yet?
Things probably aren't great between Respawn and EA.
Poor Respawn ��
Such a great game being sent out to die.
Will you make another Titanfall game?
We don't know yet. The game is, critically, a huge success. We're really happy with all the reviews and the positive sentiment. Sales, it's too early to tell. We'd definitely like to tell more of the story and the universe. I think it's pretty safe to assume that we'll explore more of it. EA might have announced more. Devin?
[Devin Bennett, a publicist for Electronic Arts, interjects, "What we've said is we're committed to the franchise."]
So, whatever the fuck that means.
Jack Cooper looks like Barney from Half Life 2.
Is this the name of the OT2?Tone is still overpowered.
And fuck map hack and sonar.
Wow, fuck EA. I feel bad for Respawn.
Is this the name of the OT2?
Back in and out of the amp zone to scrape some easy 2 points. I'm surprised it lets you do that.I really like Amped Hardpoint and seem to do much better score-wise in that mode than any other (usually lead my team) but boy does it go to shit once the Titans start dropping.
I had 3 games in a row where we had a healthy lead and just had to manage two points for a few more minutes but nooooo, everyone on my team starts calling in Titans and just trotting around doing fuck-all instead of defending/attacking the points. Lost all three games.
Am I the only person who just calls in my Titan and puts it in Guard Mode?
Is this the name of the OT2?
I really like Amped Hardpoint and seem to do much better score-wise in that mode than any other (usually lead my team) but boy does it go to shit once the Titans start dropping.
I had 3 games in a row where we had a healthy lead and just had to manage two points for a few more minutes but nooooo, everyone on my team starts calling in Titans and just trotting around doing fuck-all instead of defending/attacking the points. Lost all three games.
Am I the only person who just calls in my Titan and puts it in Guard Mode?