Just got my copy in today from the 35 Amazon sale really loving the campaign and multiplayer so far.
I just can't get down with the volt. Feels weird for me lol.
I apologize if this has been covered, but which platform has the largest online community? I'm almost inclined to get for Xbox now and play the single player on the PC later.
I apologize if this has been covered, but which platform has the largest online community? I'm almost inclined to get for Xbox now and play the single player on the PC later.
I apologize if this has been covered, but which platform has the largest online community? I'm almost inclined to get for Xbox now and play the single player on the PC later.
I apologize if this has been covered, but which platform has the largest online community? I'm almost inclined to get for Xbox now and play the single player on the PC later.
I honestly suggest playing the SP first. It's a great way to learn how to play TF and it also gets you pumped about getting into the MP
Just beat the campaign, holy shit at many awesome parts keep getting thrown at you. Of course I wish it was longer but whatever, surprise of the year for me. Make more of it!!!!!
I had 48 mignion kills and 21 kills with 4 Titan kills in attrition, we still lost. 😢
This game, you can't be a one man army in order to get a win. Your team will 95% of the time shit the boat in order for you to lose.
I need more maps, and I need my stats page pronto! Pleeeeeeaaassseeee
I had a similar game earlier, not as good, but it sucks when you're playing so well then hear "it's close, we can still win this", and look up at the scoreboard like wtf are you guys doing?!
That feeling when you the only one to make it to the evac ship.
Barely made it haha
Try campaign first. Not only is it pretty good, but I felt like I had a good feel for the game after.Bought the game and fired it up tonight. Dear god is the multiplayer overwhelming. I feel likw there is way too much going on. Is there a beginner mode of some sort?
I recommend attrition and just shoot stuff and get used to the movement and mechanics (you should play with the mechanics in campaign). It's pretty jarring at first but once you get the hang of the fluidity every other shooter feels like molasses and just feels "off". You've been warned.Bought the game and fired it up tonight. Dear god is the multiplayer overwhelming. I feel likw there is way too much going on. Is there a beginner mode of some sort?
Try campaign first. Not only is it pretty good, but I felt like I had a good feel for the game after.
I played the open beta for multi and it didn't really click, but felt a lot better about it after campaign.
The campaign is really wicked good. I loved it.
Every game I play in pilot vs. pilot there's that one asshole that offsets my awesome game and goes 1 and 15. I find myself yelling at the screen "how?! Just how? Are you a potato?". Fun times
Man, I thought I'd be competitive since I managed to get top 3 in the gauntlet. Lol
I see a lot of "camping", like it's not this hyperkinetic thing I'm trying to pull off.
Any skilled videos in here to take note from?
Yeah I know what you mean. If you play Overwatch titans are very much like that. They each have their own skill set and a niche they fill. Play them like they weren't intended to and your going to have a bad time. Choose an equipment that suits your playstyle and a weapon that feels comfortable. Also don't run off of every surface just because you can. It's an addition dimension you have to work with but like any other you don't want to be in open lanes.I love the style and the movement. I just feel a bit like a kitten thrown into the deep end of a pool.Will play the campaign.
Personally haven't enjoyed a shooter campaign like this in awhileThe campaign is really wicked good. I loved it.
you won't regret it! ... probably ...I love the style and the movement. I just feel a bit like a kitten thrown into the deep end of a pool.Will play the campaign.
so leveling... how is everyone doing it?
Potato Pilots are a thing.
put your skills to use, play CTF.
Bought the game and fired it up tonight. Dear god is the multiplayer overwhelming. I feel likw there is way too much going on. Is there a beginner mode of some sort?
When you're just trying to have a good time playing Tit2 but the enemy team is all using Awall and Hemlocks![]()
Tried to invite you to our party all night!
After playing MP for a few more hours tonight, the sad reality is that I'm more frustrated than entertained. It's only now that I can put my finger on why it's enraging me so badly.
1. Time to kill is WAY WAY WAY too short. Two good body shots with a rifle is a kill. The result is no tension, no dramatic turnarounds made possible by quick thinking and mobility, just death after unsatisfying death. I find that with such a short TTK, good gun skills aren't as necessary or rewarded.
2. Weapon ranges are WAY WAY WAY too long. Most engagements are happening at super long distances because the maps need to accommodate titans, which means there's no short/medium/long game, only "long." By the time an enemy is on your radar, you're already dead, so that many of your deaths seem to come out of bloody nowhere the second you're exposed.
What's result? Instead of using the fast-mobility parkour mechanics, I'm instead huddling in windows and behind over because I know the second I step out into the open I'm going to be instantly shot dead because gambling on a lack of cover is punished so fiercely.
I've played hundreds of hours of the crucible/trials of osiris in Destiny in the last year, and it's set my expectations for strategic FPS combat extremely high. Compared to Titanfall, Destiny's PVP experience feels EXTREMELY nuanced, tense and dramatic.
I'm just not having fun, but the game is an obvious technical achievement. Am I alone here?
I've played hundreds of hours of the crucible/trials of osiris in Destiny in the last year, and it's set my expectations for strategic FPS combat extremely high. Compared to Titanfall, Destiny's PVP experience feels EXTREMELY nuanced, tense and dramatic.
I'm just not having fun, but the game is an obvious technical achievement. Am I alone here?
Destiny is a kiddie pool compared to Titanfall's water polo.
The pacing is dictated by end-all-be-all "Supers" that require little skill or thought.
Just because you've got an over shield and a spongy health bar doesn't mean there's tension. It just means you're a bullet sponge. Destiny is slow and dumb, not nuanced and dramatic. Lol
After playing MP for a few more hours tonight, the sad reality is that I'm more frustrated than entertained. It's only now that I can put my finger on why it's enraging me so badly.
1. Time to kill is WAY WAY WAY too short. Two good body shots with a rifle is a kill. The result is no tension, no dramatic turnarounds made possible by quick thinking and mobility, just death after unsatisfying death. I find that with such a short TTK, good gun skills aren't as necessary or rewarded.
2. Weapon ranges are WAY WAY WAY too long. Most engagements are happening at super long distances because the maps need to accommodate titans, which means there's no short/medium/long game, only "long." By the time an enemy is on your radar, you're already dead, so that many of your deaths seem to come out of bloody nowhere the second you're exposed.
What's result? Instead of using the fast-mobility parkour mechanics, I'm instead huddling in windows and behind over because I know the second I step out into the open I'm going to be instantly shot dead because gambling on a lack of cover is punished so fiercely.
I've played hundreds of hours of the crucible/trials of osiris in Destiny in the last year, and it's set my expectations for strategic FPS combat extremely high. Compared to Titanfall, Destiny's PVP experience feels EXTREMELY nuanced, tense and dramatic.
I'm just not having fun, but the game is an obvious technical achievement. Am I alone here?
On the one hand, Volt is basically over powered as shit and is the best gun in the game. On the other hand, I hate using it because I'm so used to how the rifles shoot. Go figure.I just can't get down with the volt. Feels weird for me lol.
I feel like Complex at least has some viable flanking routes that don't involve going around the entire map. Crash Site is just a murder fest, particularly if one team gains map control.Finally joined the rest of the class: crash site and complex are irredemable shit and should be removed from the game. So fucking tired of being trapped in tight hallways full of idiotic debris blocking the way and Reapers trying to crawl up my ass. I died half a dozen times in seconds on complex. Every time I'd take one step then die immediately. Just abominable.
The one thing I can remember about Destiny PVP, of which I played a lot because of Iron Banner and dumb things like the Thorn bounty, is - Fuck Blade Dancers.Like he said, Supers kinda ruin the Destiny pvp for me a lot. I still cant believe they let Titan hammers go as long as they did. It was clear from day 1 they were grossly overpowered.
If Iron Banner and Trials were not a thing I would have barely touched the PVP and I doubt I am alone in that.