I too have played hundreds of hours of crucible/trials, with tens of successful trials runs and I never felt that Destiny's PVP was especially well refined. The myriad of variables introduced by the games RPG systems makes for some horribly unbalanced gameplay and competitive play like trials is sullied by some awkward design choices. Supers allow for clutch plays and supplement skillful gameplay, and a revive system that rewards the revived and reviving is just straight up stupid, coupled with peer to peer networking and it's on the low end of the multiplayer spectrum in terms of gameplay quality.
Destiny aside I think you need to spend more time with the game. You say there is no close ranged gameplay but that just does not match up with my experience. I run around with the Volt and Alternator as my primary weapons, parkouring around the maps with close and mid range as my dominant areas of gunplay.
I also frequently use this mobility in conjunction with powerups to create the dramatic turn arounds that you say aren't possible in the game due to the time to kill. If anything the time to kill makes many of these manuevers possible, I wouldn't be able to rush a room, wall run and slide around it while killing everyone inside if it wasn't for the fast TTK. The ability to move from target to target so quickly facilitates these plays.
Obviously there are pros and cons when it comes to the advantages of a higher versus lower time to kill, but I think suggesting that the TTK here is causing the game to play like some stagnant iteration of Call of Duty suggests that you haven't explored many of the games systems. I have not shared your experience at all, there are features in the game that I feel make long ranged encounters a little too encouraged, but mobility driven close ranged playstyles are still incredibly viable.
After only playing Tone I finally decided to mix it up by playing Ronin.
better quality GIF https://gfycat.com/AccomplishedDarlingBrocketdeer
After playing MP for a few more hours tonight, the sad reality is that I'm more frustrated than entertained.
I just realized how cluttered the HUD can be, I mean look at this mess!
I definitely have to to turn some shit off in the options.
After playing MP for a few more hours tonight, the sad reality is that I'm more frustrated than entertained. It's only now that I can put my finger on why it's enraging me so badly.
1. Time to kill is WAY WAY WAY too short. Two good body shots with a rifle is a kill. The result is no tension, no dramatic turnarounds made possible by quick thinking and mobility, just death after unsatisfying death. I find that with such a short TTK, good gun skills aren't as necessary or rewarded.
2. Weapon ranges are WAY WAY WAY too long. Most engagements are happening at super long distances because the maps need to accommodate titans, which means there's no short/medium/long game, only "long." By the time an enemy is on your radar, you're already dead, so that many of your deaths seem to come out of bloody nowhere the second you're exposed.
What's result? Instead of using the fast-mobility parkour mechanics, I'm instead huddling in windows and behind over because I know the second I step out into the open I'm going to be instantly shot dead because gambling on a lack of cover is punished so fiercely.
I've played hundreds of hours of the crucible/trials of osiris in Destiny in the last year, and it's set my expectations for strategic FPS combat extremely high. Compared to Titanfall, Destiny's PVP experience feels EXTREMELY nuanced, tense and dramatic.
I'm just not having fun, but the game is an obvious technical achievement. Am I alone here?
This is all I needed to hear to pass on the latest price drop. Low TTK kills a mp shooter for me. Nothing worse than the endless purgatory of run kill die repeat.
Still gonna get it for sp someday.
After playing MP for a few more hours tonight, the sad reality is that I'm more frustrated than entertained. It's only now that I can put my finger on why it's enraging me so badly.
1. Time to kill is WAY WAY WAY too short. Two good body shots with a rifle is a kill. The result is no tension, no dramatic turnarounds made possible by quick thinking and mobility, just death after unsatisfying death. I find that with such a short TTK, good gun skills aren't as necessary or rewarded.
2. Weapon ranges are WAY WAY WAY too long. Most engagements are happening at super long distances because the maps need to accommodate titans, which means there's no short/medium/long game, only "long." By the time an enemy is on your radar, you're already dead, so that many of your deaths seem to come out of bloody nowhere the second you're exposed.
What's result? Instead of using the fast-mobility parkour mechanics, I'm instead huddling in windows and behind over because I know the second I step out into the open I'm going to be instantly shot dead because gambling on a lack of cover is punished so fiercely.
I've played hundreds of hours of the crucible/trials of osiris in Destiny in the last year, and it's set my expectations for strategic FPS combat extremely high. Compared to Titanfall, Destiny's PVP experience feels EXTREMELY nuanced, tense and dramatic.
I'm just not having fun, but the game is an obvious technical achievement. Am I alone here?
TTK is fine.
You have enough time to react to shots most of the time (except Amped Weapons) and there is plenty of counters like Stim and Phase Shift for escaping and turning the tide.
So don't listen to this guy and try it for yourself![]()
I agree with him and many other people I guess that TTK should be longer.
There is very tiny chance to win fights if enemy happens to come from anywhere else than front.
Lets say they doubled TTK, it would be possible to respond to enemies and not just instadie when they come from side or behind (or camp in some corner).
It would not be too long for normal fights, also you would need to try aiming more headshots this way.
7PM PST Xbone (New York server) Mixtape
1. Cobalt Izuna
The reason I love Titanfall so much is that one person can carry the whole team (team shooting isn't required). Over the years, the TTK in Destiny increased and it has become more of a team game.
That's true but if you increase the TTK then factors like team shooting become a significant component of the game, which I don't think is what the developers wanted to achieve with this game.
You also drastically overpower anything designed to one shot. So, Titan's, which will still need to one-shot players via melee, become drastically more powerful when pilots have a longer TTK. One-shot weapons like the Kraber, need a complete overhaul, or become drastically more powerful, melee, becomes infinitely more viable as wall running and stimming up to people becomes much more achievable. Weapons like the Hemlock get crippled as their high-burst damage is only true when you do not account for the time between bursts, as soon as you need to use two bursts the TTK is very low.
Titanfall is designed so that a single player can cut a path through the battlefield in seconds, without having to lose momentum. I can run through a team and kill all of them in mere moments, and an increase to the time to kill would kill that. I'm not saying it would necessarily be a bad game with a significantly increased TTK, but it would be a very different game, and require a complete rebalance from its current state. At best I could see respawn increasing it marginally, but changing the TTK from 300ms, to 350ms isn't going to make a difference, people aren't going to survive if they're shot in the back or side.
What people looking for a higher TTK are asking for, is a completely different game that would need rebalancing from the group up, and that isn't going to happen. If you're going to be around here waiting for that change then I think you're going to be very disappointed. People comparing the TTK to the original Titanfall seem to forget that that game also featured fully automatic weapons with TTKs under 300ms. Even something as simple as respawn timers and match duration need review if the TTK is changed, as players get in and out of the battle at a slower rate, slowing the pace of the game and resulting in less action.
Sure, the low TTK doesn't emphasize sustained accuracy but target acquisition, positioning and mobility still give players ample opportunity to outplay their opponents, opportunity for skill to shine through and determine the best pilot. People who are on top now would still be on top, should the TTK be changed, because they are the players reacting faster, better using the movement systems and outplaying their opponents.
Anyone hoping they'd magically get better at the game with an adjustment in TTK is liable to be out of luck, anyone that currently enjoys the games movement systems and being able to singlehandedly influence the game in a huge way would be disappointed by the change. Emphasised TTK increases the value of team shooting, creating overwatches and generally, playing slowly, defensively. That isn't what this game tries to cultivate, if anything, we need to go in the opposite direction, nerfing features that facilitate this style of play like stealth and amped wall.
I do however think that amped damage needs a redesign. Maybe have it only apply versus Titans but cost less, or something along those lines. I don't actually find amped damage helps me all that much (since most of the time the TTK is low enough that the person I am shooting is going to die regardless of my DPS output) but it can lead to unfair moments, especially with certain weapons. Hemlock, DMR, Wingman etc. come to mind.
Maybe allow it to remove damage drop off and have the damage boost only apply to Titan's. That would then have utility as SMG users could use it to combat long range gunfights without drastically reducing the time to kill, merely giving those using shorter ranged weapons more of a fighting chance. Long range players already have ample tools like A-Wall and stealth to give them an advantage so reduced damage drop off (plus titan damage), rather than straight up damage increase would let the boost play as a counter to those overwatch situations without overpowering people in others.
I generally don't find that to be the case in Attrition. You need at least two high performers (100+) to carry the weight of two poor performers (50 or less) in general.
After playing MP for a few more hours tonight, the sad reality is that I'm more frustrated than entertained. It's only now that I can put my finger on why it's enraging me so badly.
1. Time to kill is WAY WAY WAY too short. Two good body shots with a rifle is a kill. The result is no tension, no dramatic turnarounds made possible by quick thinking and mobility, just death after unsatisfying death. I find that with such a short TTK, good gun skills aren't as necessary or rewarded.
2. Weapon ranges are WAY WAY WAY too long. Most engagements are happening at super long distances because the maps need to accommodate titans, which means there's no short/medium/long game, only "long." By the time an enemy is on your radar, you're already dead, so that many of your deaths seem to come out of bloody nowhere the second you're exposed.
What's result? Instead of using the fast-mobility parkour mechanics, I'm instead huddling in windows and behind over because I know the second I step out into the open I'm going to be instantly shot dead because gambling on a lack of cover is punished so fiercely.
I've played hundreds of hours of the crucible/trials of osiris in Destiny in the last year, and it's set my expectations for strategic FPS combat extremely high. Compared to Titanfall, Destiny's PVP experience feels EXTREMELY nuanced, tense and dramatic.
I'm just not having fun, but the game is an obvious technical achievement. Am I alone here?
The fact that you think Destiny PvP, which is the franchise's weakest facet, is "strategic, tense, dramatic and nuanced," kinda speaks volumes on everything you just posted.
No, Destiny PvP is not good. It's competent, but good or great? Nope. I've yet to hear anyone who plays Battlefield, Call of Duty, even Overwatch, say this. Well, maybe you. And yes, I play all these games, and I cannot stand Destiny's PvP, which relies on Supers, loot drop weapons more than anything else. Have they even fixed that melee lag yet? Not being cheeky, but last I played, it was still there.
You can disable most of this (on PC at least)
Well, almost nobody uses snipers and shotguns right now so I think a higher TTK would actually give reason to use these.
I'd list the other benefits that a higher TTK would bring but I've already said it multiple times in this thread. What I will say is that if you look at popular arena shooters over the years, a higher TTK is almost necessary qualifier. Fast movement speed matched with a quick TTK introduces the "randomness" factor that Respawn was trying to get away from in Titanfall 1, but I think they went in a weird direction and didn't entirely understand the origin of the issue. If I remember correctly they said it was more of a map design issue so they simplified a lot of aspects in that regard, but if you look at other higher TTK games with fast movement, the lack of "randomness" that makes a game feel fair comes from the ability to react to an attacker. This makes getting killed have that "fairness" feel to it, as in skill feels like it is involved in every encounter. Luckily Respawn has other things in place to make the game feel "fair", e.g. quick Respawn times, balanced weapons, etc.
The short TTK in Titanfall also reduces the utility of movement, imo. It's still very useful to get places when you're not in the middle of things, but it definitely paints you as a target otherwise. Still no idea why you're highlighted as orange when you're moving, that should have gotten immediately destroyed after the multiplayer test.
Woops, I gave a lot of my reasons again even though I said I wouldn't.
You're just scratching the surface my friendJust beatLoving it so far! My first Titanfall-gameAsh.
This game has the best melee attack ever
You're just scratching the surface my friend![]()
I feel likeCool. How far am I so far? In %-isch?
The melee attacks and assassinations or whatever are extremely satisfying.
This is all I needed to hear to pass on the latest price drop. Low TTK kills a mp shooter for me. Nothing worse than the endless purgatory of run kill die repeat.
Still gonna get it for sp someday.
So is it confirmed for the cinematic melees you need to hold down the melee button for both pilots and titans?
Pilots, yes. For Titans they just need to be in the Doomed state.So is it confirmed for the cinematic melees you need to hold down the melee button for both pilots and titans?
you can stay alive for surprisingly long periods on Titanfall 2, is all about smart and fast movement and using your titan, when you are on the zone you are like freaking Jaeger fighting as a pilot against titans while at the same time shit explodes around you.
i made a gif of people staying on line, lol.
Plenty of people use shotguns. The EVA is considered one of the best weapons in the game by most people who are playing this game at a high level. As for snipers, they are there if you want a challenge, but they will never be ideal. If they were, the game would be different. You complain that TTK is too low, but if you raise it while still allowing snipers to one shot you make them oppressively powerful. You make melee attacks more viable, and you make movement less important and aim more so.
The game played properly is incredibly fast. If you are finding that you are dieing often without a chance for retaliation, you aren't moving well enough. You aren't using stim or phase shift effectively. You said there are no dramatic turnarounds in this game but that's exactly what phase shift and to a lesser degree stim actually do.
I think you are looking for a different game honestly.
Oh shit that was sick. What gun was that? (not the smart pistol)
That is the Volt. It is my favorite gun in Titanfall 2.Oh shit that was sick. What gun was that? (not the smart pistol)
Increasing the ttk in any meaningful way would certainly turn this game into a punch out. Melee would be op not to mention that it could fundamentally change the game play and balance. Skill gap would become huge
Plenty of people use shotguns. The EVA is considered one of the best weapons in the game by most people who are playing this game at a high level. As for snipers, they are there if you want a challenge, but they will never be ideal. If they were, the game would be different. You complain that TTK is too low, but if you raise it while still allowing snipers to one shot you make them oppressively powerful. You make melee attacks more viable, and you make movement less important and aim more so.
Increasing the ttk in any meaningful way would certainly turn this game into a punch out. Melee would be op not to mention that it could fundamentally change the game play and balance. Skill gap would become huge
It would have to be raised to Halo level for that to happen. Not sure if I speak for others on my side of the issue, but when I say I want a higher ttk, I don't mean jump it from a half second to 3, I just mean I think it would benefit from 1.5x or something around there.
I play attrition solo and sometimes have to really sweat in order to win, but yeah some people need to be decent. One game I had 25 kills and 7 Titan kills lol. My teammates were dying so fast in their Titans and making really have to be all over the place to protect them lol.
As it is it's pretty balanced, i can play like a ninja and get rewarded as it is. When i started playing i used to get shot at every attempt at wall running but now that i get it, it is an advantage over players playing stationary. Just don't run on the open without a strategy, maps are big enough to have flanking routes.
Edit: Also, with higher TTK, campers might become a plague. As of now if you move fast you can get the drop on a camper pretty easily but with higher TTK it'l become a lot harder.