What's the Xbox one population like for this game?
What's the Xbox one population like for this game?
I just realized how cluttered the HUD can be, I mean look at this mess!
I definitely have to to turn some shit off in the options.
My Titan is ready
I can get a game in under 15 seconds on Xbox - zero population concerns. Titanfall 2 is one of the best shooters of the year.
I can get a game in under 15 seconds on Xbox - zero population concerns. Titanfall 2 is one of the best shooters of the year.
I'm starting to get 1 second freezes while playing multiplayer on PS4 Pro.
It's so damn annoying, anyone else?
For all of the questions about population I have never had an issue getting in any gamemode on PS4 yet. It is leagues faster than Siege which only has 2 game modes that are basically the same.
How frequent?
Cant speak to PSPro, but this happened in Halo 5 anytime somebody dropped from the match in Halo 5's DIDO modes. Maybe a similar issue?
I'm in a bit of a bind about buying this or Overwatch. Can someone in this topic sell me on Titanfall 2?
I'm in a bit of a bind about buying this or Overwatch. Can someone in this topic sell me on Titanfall 2?
You see fine work, I see some dipshit who made some leading question survey and is trying to represent Reddit-think as the be-all and end-all of how Titanfall should be balanced. Haven't seen polling data this useless since POTUS2016.
Depends entirely on what types of shooters you like, what your experience with the genre is, how much single-player means to you, etc.
Honestly, you cant go wrong with either. Theyre both brilliant.
You see fine work, I see some dipshit who made some leading question survey and is trying to represent Reddit-think as the be-all and end-all of how Titanfall should be balanced. Haven't seen polling data this useless since POTUS2016.
soooo ...biggest deposit i've made in bounty hunt...over 1k, it won the round, there was even cash left once the match ended lol.
Hopefully a sign of new players trying the game. The more the merrier![]()
It really is a rushI had around $1300 in a game once and I was freaking out running to the bank with all that in my pockets.
I can't believe people think camping is an issue in anything but pvp. This is the least amount of camping I've seen in any fps. High ttk would make it impossible to kill good players. Good players as already go 30/0 and it is not hard to escape most situations by using your movement options in combination with your tactical or ordinance. As a north star player she could use a buff to flight core but that's it. Also, Robin is hard to master but godlike in the hands of a player that has taken the time to learn him. Swordcore or may size/reload could maybe use a buff
Uuugh, respawn, don't listen to reddit. They all team stack tone. Also regen shields are poo battery system is great. If you want to spawn with battery use the friggen boostYou see fine work, I see some dipshit who made some leading question survey and is trying to represent Reddit-think as the be-all and end-all of how Titanfall should be balanced. Haven't seen polling data this useless since POTUS2016.
You see fine work, I see some dipshit who made some leading question survey and is trying to represent Reddit-think as the be-all and end-all of how Titanfall should be balanced. Haven't seen polling data this useless since POTUS2016.
Space ninjas with robots. It's an extremely fun shooter where player creativity can lead to many different styles. Respawn worries about "Fun" before anything else and love the community a lot. Also, it's a lot faster than Overwatch.
What does your FPS career look like?
It really is a rush
I agree. I'm glad cloak helps snipers cause they need it. It's a play style people enjoy so removing it would be detrimental to their fun. It isn't usually an issue though and they don't dominate the scoreboard or anything. When I see them I make it my mission to take them out just like I make it my mission to steal and gift as many batteries as I canCamping in the traditional sense isnt an issue. Between the kill cam and the TTK, you cant just plant your ass in one place and wait for people to cross your path. You'll get killed quick, either by way of revenge or by wsh of team communication.
There is an issue with cloaked snipers camping an 'area' where they shoot and then reposition relatively close by. Its irritating, but not broken. Generally speaking, the opportunity cost of not seeking out engagement or even bots, will decrease their impact as far as both score and titan drops, ultimately weaking the teams ability to win.
Oh man, killing pilots while you have a fat stack of cash on you makes you feel like Captain Clutch.Yeah i was pretty freak out too, i even had to kill 2 enemy pilots in my way to the bank...the rush.
I'm starting to get 1 second freezes while playing multiplayer on PS4 Pro.
It's so damn annoying, anyone else?
Xbox has a larger community right now.
I would like it if you came to PC as it's the better version if you can run it all bells and whistles switched on.
Don't listen to it and go in with an open mind. Map hack isn't an issue and neither is ttk. when you get used to it, it feels perfect. Half the maps are pretty great and half are OK. A few don't lend themselves to LTS. Most of the complainers want this game to be halo or TF1. If you give it time and learn the different systems and titans, you will find goty material. At the current price, it's a no brained the so is worth it, aloneI've played a lot of Battlefield. I also played the shit out of the original Titanfall, but I've heard bad things about the maps and the TTK in Titanfall 2, as well as things like overuse of map hacking skills.
I've played a lot of Battlefield. I also played the shit out of the original Titanfall, but I've heard bad things about the maps and the TTK in Titanfall 2, as well as things like overuse of map hacking skills.
Man I'm not having fun.
I thought this would be my comeback to competitive FPS since COD4, but I'm overwhelmed.
Mainly playing Attrition. I've got quick enough reflexes to make some kill streaks but I haven't settled into a groove yet where I'm truly Zen/in the zone.
I keep switching between slow paced Sonar Knife with Hemlock to crazy ninja shit Grapple with Alternator.
Haven't unlocked anything but ticks and amped weapons so I default to amp.
Sometimes I feel like engaging Titans is useless and a quick way to get shot at, so I don't even bother equipping anti Titan.
I feel like I'm missing the point of the game.
You are still going to be killed by a nuke if you don't eject soon enough.
Uuugh, respawn, don't listen to reddit. They all team stack tone. Also regen shields are poo battery system is great. If you want to spawn with battery use the friggen boost
I've played a lot of Battlefield. I also played the shit out of the original Titanfall, but I've heard bad things about the maps and the TTK in Titanfall 2, as well as things like overuse of map hacking skills.
Man I'm not having fun.
I thought this would be my comeback to competitive FPS since COD4, but I'm overwhelmed.
Mainly playing Attrition. I've got quick enough reflexes to make some kill streaks but I haven't settled into a groove yet where I'm truly Zen/in the zone.
I keep switching between slow paced Sonar Knife with Hemlock to crazy ninja shit Grapple with Alternator.
Haven't unlocked anything but ticks and amped weapons so I default to amp.
Sometimes I feel like engaging Titans is useless and a quick way to get shot at, so I don't even bother equipping anti Titan.
I feel like I'm missing the point of the game.
I always see a good mix of engagement ranges, depending upon the map and how much I stay on the move. Its long range battles for firing to and from rooftops, close range battles indoors or in cramped areas, and medium range battles for everything else. If you're only seeing long range fights, that's because your playstyle is keeping you at range.2. Weapon ranges are WAY WAY WAY too long. Most engagements are happening at super long distances because the maps need to accommodate titans, which means there's no short/medium/long game, only "long." By the time an enemy is on your radar, you're already dead, so that many of your deaths seem to come out of bloody nowhere the second you're exposed.
Unlock more and experiment you will eventually find something that works. Engaging titans is key to building your own Titan and really helps out the team/build score. A good bunch of pilots hitting titans can do serious damage and are really annoying.Man I'm not having fun.
I thought this would be my comeback to competitive FPS since COD4, but I'm overwhelmed.
Mainly playing Attrition. I've got quick enough reflexes to make some kill streaks but I haven't settled into a groove yet where I'm truly Zen/in the zone.
I keep switching between slow paced Sonar Knife with Hemlock to crazy ninja shit Grapple with Alternator.
Haven't unlocked anything but ticks and amped weapons so I default to amp.
Sometimes I feel like engaging Titans is useless and a quick way to get shot at, so I don't even bother equipping anti Titan.
I feel like I'm missing the point of the game.
Uuugh, respawn, don't listen to reddit. They all team stack tone. Also regen shields are poo battery system is great. If you want to spawn with battery use the friggen boost
I listen everywhere. Discounting for environment is not too hard. The harder part is listening to the people that don't talk/post/play.
I listen everywhere. Discounting for environment is not too hard. The harder part is listening to the people that don't talk/post/play.
I listen everywhere. Discounting for environment is not too hard. The harder part is listening to the people that don't talk/post/play.
You see fine work, I see some dipshit who made some leading question survey and is trying to represent Reddit-think as the be-all and end-all of how Titanfall should be balanced. Haven't seen polling data this useless since POTUS2016.
I mean, yes, there is a measure of self selection bias introduced by polling members of one message board.
But looking at the survey he posted, few of the questions were particularly leading and 1300+ responses is a significant sample.
I dont have any huge problems with it.
Man I'm not having fun.
I thought this would be my comeback to competitive FPS since COD4, but I'm overwhelmed.
Mainly playing Attrition. I've got quick enough reflexes to make some kill streaks but I haven't settled into a groove yet where I'm truly Zen/in the zone.
I keep switching between slow paced Sonar Knife with Hemlock to crazy ninja shit Grapple with Alternator.
Haven't unlocked anything but ticks and amped weapons so I default to amp.
Sometimes I feel like engaging Titans is useless and a quick way to get shot at, so I don't even bother equipping anti Titan.
I feel like I'm missing the point of the game.