It really is a rush
Agreed, the best rush in the MP is being the Last Titan Standing and pulling off the win against more than 1 Titan. I cant help but scream with delight when I have pulled that off.
It really is a rush
I was joking, kind of. Lol. Thanks for listening guys, you have a great game and balancing anything can't be an easy job. The good thing about their survey was that a lot of big things were around 50% and a lot seem to be knee jerk. When you learn the systems, nothing is terribly op. Balance is surprisingly great from the get go but small tweaks and adjustments are always great when done right. Thanks again, TF2 is my goty and many others' here as wellI listen everywhere. Discounting for environment is not too hard. The harder part is listening to the people that don't talk/post/play.
I was joking, kind of. Lol. Thanks for listening guys, you have a great game and balancing anything can't be an easy job. The good thing about their survey was that a lot of big things were around 50% and a lot seem to be knee jerk. When you learn the systems, nothing is terribly op. Balance is surprisingly great from the get go but small tweaks and adjustments are always great when done right. Thanks again, TF2 is my body and many others' here as well
Oh man, killing pilots while you have a fat stack of cash on you makes you feel like Captain Clutch.
Oh yeah, Amped Weapons + Mag Launcher is top tier. You can just FEEL the player in the enemy titan getting piiiiiiiissssseeedddd.
Spare battery is my bae, never comes off. Do love amped weapons, though.
Full video here
Edit: I have no idea why, but the share video on my PS4 is missing some seconds on that recording...the first kill with the smart pistol looks edited because of it, never seen this happening before.
I use dice roll now, but the only one I don't see a point in is the phase rewind. It just seems so situational.
I use dice roll now, but the only one I don't see a point in is the phase rewind. It just seems so situational.
Come on Horde Mode!!
LolGod I would double dip my sausage into the Vanguard Collection if this happens.
God I would double dip my sausage into the Vanguard Collection if this happens.
What's the Xbox one population like for this game?
Well too bad it was pushed back but glad they are going to talk about upcoming DLC. I am sure they have been hard at work. It would not surprise me if they have taken a lot of the Siege comparisons to heart that supporting the game for a while will be well rewarded with sales and (likely) non-gameplay affecting microtransactions.
For all of the questions about population I have never had an issue getting in any gamemode on PS4 yet. It is leagues faster than Siege which only has 2 game modes that are basically the same.
Yep, no problems getting a match even on weekdays.
I can't believe people think camping is an issue in anything but pvp. This is the least amount of camping I've seen in any fps. High ttk would make it impossible to kill good players. Good players as already go 30/0 and it is not hard to escape most situations by using your movement options in combination with your tactical or ordinance. As a north star player she could use a buff to flight core but that's it. Also, Robin is hard to master but godlike in the hands of a player that has taken the time to learn him. Swordcore or may size/reload could maybe use a buff
Man I'm not having fun.
I thought this would be my comeback to competitive FPS since COD4, but I'm overwhelmed.
Mainly playing Attrition. I've got quick enough reflexes to make some kill streaks but I haven't settled into a groove yet where I'm truly Zen/in the zone.
I keep switching between slow paced Sonar Knife with Hemlock to crazy ninja shit Grapple with Alternator.
Haven't unlocked anything but ticks and amped weapons so I default to amp.
Sometimes I feel like engaging Titans is useless and a quick way to get shot at, so I don't even bother equipping anti Titan.
I feel like I'm missing the point of the game.
How in the hell does somebody (a random on my team) get 2 points in Attrition? How is that possible?
He was there from the beginning of the match, and he wasn't AFK.
I must surely be the first videogame he's ever played right?
Yeah, run through sp firstAbout to pick it up from Best Buy. Any tips for MP? Is playing through SP a good way to get accustomed to the mechanics?
About to pick it up from Best Buy. Any tips for MP? Is playing through SP a good way to get accustomed to the mechanics?
Hard is more like normal but it gives you the freedom to move like a ninja and wreck the ai with the movement system. Boss battles are still to easy on hard but hardest forces you to play more defensively. Hard is best option to get used to the systemsGot it. I consider myself decent at shooters so I'll go hard first play through.
Just ran into some hackers. Yay!
they need to patch in the option to throw your dosh into the bounty bank as a visible wad of money, like Killing Floor.
Uh... I have the disc on PS4... why is the installation progress taking this long? Shouldn't it be done? How much of the game is on the disc?
What MP-modes is best for new users? And what mode is your favorite ones?
a kill confirmed /headhunter mode might be cool
Honestly after playing the gauntlet a bunch of times, I actually don't like the wall running in this game thus far. Feels too floaty and combined with a controller makes your aim turn to shit.
And even if you realize you're tethered, eject before my nuke goes off, and try to cloak... I will find you.
Honestly after playing the gauntlet a bunch of times, I actually don't like the wall running in this game thus far. Feels too floaty and combined with a controller makes your aim turn to shit.
So does Multiplayer not work until you start the campaign or...? I just bought TF2 for the PC and the multiplayer just keeps saying "Contacting Respawn servers"
Works for me.
Try changing Data Centers (lower left corner)
Clicked on Data Centers and the list is empty. I play Overwatch all the time so it can't be my connection..can it?
Having put so many hours in the game (halfway through gen 4), a lot of issues are apparent and glaring:
-These maps are terrible. Complex and crash site are trash
-Reapers have to lose collision detection. It ruins Attrition games late. You lose all mobility and fights are determined by who gets boxed in by their own minions
-Titan executions are still broken. People are still arguing as to whether you even need to hold the button or not.
-Melee is janky as fuck with pilots.
-Cloak needs serious tweaking
-Northstar could use a buff
-Ronin could use a bigger clip size for his primary.
-Tone is still cheesy bullshit and great at everything.
-Game needs legitimate perk options. Is there anyone not running low profile just because every other option is fucking shit?
-There needs to be a comprehensive and well-done stats and challenges system that will help provide longevity for the playerbase.
-Higher tickrate servers would be great. Tired of flopping over dead for no reason mid phase shift.
Bumper Jumper is your friend.
Tried that but can't get used it, I begin to fumble over the controls.
I think the issue also comes down to the Aim Assist which I can see when the reticle moves, it like decides sometime to not work. Not to mention my momentum just dies at some points. Like I'll jump to a new wall and all my momentum resets.
Tried that but can't get used it, I begin to fumble over the controls.
I think the issue also comes down to the Aim Assist which I can see when the reticle moves, it like decides sometime to not work. Not to mention my momentum just dies at some points. Like I'll jump to a new wall and all my momentum resets.
Huh. So I guess this game won't let you connect to the servers unless you disable every network adaper but the one you're currently using. Weird but ok
edit - going into multi blind, pray for me
I'm approaching gen 7
- G2a/hemlock range need reductions. Getting popped from across the map in 2 shots by a camping g2a is fucking stupid lol
Agree with most of your points but these guns are 3shot burst/single fire. They need the range. If anything it's SMG that need a range reduction. Hence why 90% of the pop is using them.