Well, almost nobody uses snipers and shotguns right now so I think a higher TTK would actually give reason to use these.
I'd list the other benefits that a higher TTK would bring but I've already said it multiple times in this thread. What I will say is that if you look at popular arena shooters over the years, a higher TTK is almost necessary qualifier. Fast movement speed matched with a quick TTK introduces the "randomness" factor that Respawn was trying to get away from in Titanfall 1, but I think they went in a weird direction and didn't entirely understand the origin of the issue. If I remember correctly they said it was more of a map design issue so they simplified a lot of aspects in that regard, but if you look at other higher TTK games with fast movement, the lack of "randomness" that makes a game feel fair comes from the ability to react to an attacker. This makes getting killed have that "fairness" feel to it, as in skill feels like it is involved in every encounter. Luckily Respawn has other things in place to make the game feel "fair", e.g. quick Respawn times, balanced weapons, etc.
The short TTK in Titanfall also reduces the utility of movement, imo. It's still very useful to get places when you're not in the middle of things, but it definitely paints you as a target otherwise. Still no idea why you're highlighted as orange when you're moving, that should have gotten immediately destroyed after the multiplayer test.
Woops, I gave a lot of my reasons again even though I said I wouldn't.
Ultimately low TTK does create some moments that feel unfair but they do result from your situational awareness. Obviously there are some that are much more difficult to avoid than others but generally speaking a good player will perform well with the low TTK, the experience isn't 'random', but it has more variance than with low TTK.
As for shotguns and snipers, the EVA is a monster and I don't think popularising snipers or one-shot weapons further would benefit the game. If they adjusted the TTK the one-shot or one-burst weapons (Wingman, Kraber, DMR, Hemlock, EVA and Mastiff) would need reconsidering. If you take the intro to crash site attrition as a battlefield example, the kraber is pretty powerful shooting up, or down that hill, any increase in TTK would make it much harder for Hemlocks and G2s to compete, and anything fully automatic wouldn't be especially viable at long range. In fact, an increase in TTK would be liable to kill mid and long range gameplay broadly, as people already have a decent time to react most of the time, due to the fact that they are harder to hit and bullet damage drops off.
Typically snipers and shotguns are hard to use because they would be annoying if they weren't, high skill ceiling rewarding only the best players, if they stayed the same and saw 'more use' with a universally higher TTK, then that could quickly craft an experience that those asking for a higher TTK did not intend.
Comparing this game to arena shooters does not make sense to me. There's a lot of battlefield clutter and it's clear that Respawn did not want the experience to be focused purely on movement and run and gun. They wanted to facilitate a range of mid, close and long range playstyles which is why a brief TTK is much more easily balanced relative to that experience. The low TTK makes every weapon viable because every weapon kills quickly. Weapons with a considerably faster TTK are not considered overpowered now, but when differences are extended over a larger health pool (longer TTK) the differences between weapons would become much more stark.
Also, I find it odd that you ask for the removal of the orange glow. The orange glow is something that makes the game feel less random, in an otherwise fast paced, and difficult to process environment. The orange glow supports mobility and a faster pacing to the game. It means I can run into the room and immediately discriminate the targets from their environment, it also means that the game can play with a number of light/dark environments without having to worry about how that affects the gameplay, especially valuable considering a number of interiors have quite dark and low lit environments in this game. In most instances, the orange glow favours the aggressor and I don't see much value in better facilitating experiences where players have an easier time hiding or camping.
Either way I think people speaking only of the benefits without any meaningful consideration to the system wide changes that would need to be considered to facilitate a higher TTK is a little reductive. I don't think a lower TTK is necessarily a bad idea but I do think a change like that is drastic, and incredibly unlikely post-launch. The only game that I can recall that made a significant change to its TTK was Uncharted 2, and the backlash on that change was so incredible that people still complain about wanting the game to feel like it did in Uncharted 2 pre 1.04 update. People have already grown accustomed to the games systems and would dislike the change because it is change.
If you want to make a game with a lower TTK, build it around that from the ground up. Weapons, balance, movement, maps, gametypes. Don't dump these changes out post-hoc. I don't think I would hate Titanfall 2 game with a higher TTK, but I don't think it's as simple as shifting the damage values to create a good experience and I don't think many of the day-to-day players that don't necessarily frequent forums and communities, would welcome such a drastic change.
Cant beat the second Boss yet,you get stuck in the environments so much,it slows you down and get pelted because of this,it was the same deal with Kane...the Assembly line section was great but man so many instant deaths in there lol...loving it though (playing on regular).
Just use your core on bosses if you find them difficult. Many of the cores will take them from pretty much full HP to zero. Bit underwhelming but it's an instant win.
So guys, how is the population for this game?
8-25k on PS4. Seems to vary significantly with time of day, day of the week, and whether there's some sort of event on Overwatch