Radical Edward
Jump off if they pop it, repeat?I mean yeah, you can tell when it's active, but there's no way to know if the titan has it ready to use the moment you get on them.
Jump off if they pop it, repeat?I mean yeah, you can tell when it's active, but there's no way to know if the titan has it ready to use the moment you get on them.
What? Phase Shift is currently the best defensive ability. You get two charges, and one is more than enough if you're moving quickly when you trigger it.IMO, it should be "Snipers: Current method (thereby allowing them to play stealth). Everyone else: As soon as they fire a bullet, the cooldown starts and cloak is turned off. Similar to the campaign way, IIRC."
Phase Shift should also have a bit longer (or less disorientating) duration. You can't cross the roads if you use it defensively. So I can understand the current duration for offensively, but geez.
They should make it so Holo Pilot shoots at enemies (does no damage).
Someone got me twice really good with it yesterday. They sent it our of the building they were inthat would be great, although when i've used it, it kinda works already. I send it as a scout usually as a distraction and to know where the enemy is.
Cloak change incoming (ish).
It's pretty greatI still say Stim is the best Tactical. It's saved my ass so many times. And it's a great way to close the distance between you and the guy who just vanished behind a corner.
I think they should make them just stop and stand there if they hit an obstacle instead of disappearing.They should make it so Holo Pilot shoots at enemies (does no damage).
It's pretty great
I think cloak needs just a little something to make it more visible to pilots. It's very flat for lack of a better term right now. I think adding some noise or some kind of crawling to it is all it really needs. The recloak when you stop shooting is a pretty huge buff from the original, but I'm ok with that, as the other abilities are mostly quite good.
Cloak + Low Profile in LTS though... I don't know. I feel like it makes a decent pilot too strong. Impossible to goose without some lucky contrast coming from random smoke or something, and very hard to deal with Archer guy when he recloaks half a second after shooting out a rocket with a big chunk of your Titan's health's name on it.
I still say Stim is the best Tactical. It's saved my ass so many times. And it's a great way to close the distance between you and the guy who just vanished behind a corner.
As a guy who loves stealing batteries and taking on titans as a pilot, i agree. Vs pilots, it does it's job at making you hard to see and rarely gets me out of disadvantageous fire fights the way stim or phase do. Most maps, it isnt difficult to pick out cloaked players. However, when i first tried it out, i was surprised how long it lastedCan't believe all the cloak hateI myself am a cloak user and use it mostly for pilot vs titan.
I play with a 200ms ping and can spot them most of the time ESPECIALLY if they run around in the middle. So I am baffled how some of you cannot see them.
I'll be pissed if it gets nerfed as it is a godsend vs titans and allows me to tackle them 1 vs 1
Dewanddorritos website.Got some Mountain Dew and Dorritos. Where do I enter the codes on PS4?
Stim seems like a really well designed skill. It is super versatile and has tons of uses, but isn't some brain-dead set and forget ability. Stuff like Stim and Phase Shift require quick thinking and strategy. They're what you want skills to be, I think.
If there's one take away from Overwatch, it's that people are never happy with whatever counters their favorite thing. Nerf it!
Am I alone in liking Crash Site? Everyone I talk to seems to hate that map.
Ugh I spent 100 points on that last smg. It kinda sucksrate of fire is good...everything else...yikes .
I like it lol im a sucker for bunker hill type maps.
The Anti-Rodeo measures is really bullshit cause there is no way to know when it's on.
What's the most op gun in TF2 ? Ask 10 people and you will get a variety of answers. Hell, my fav gun changes on a daily basis. Started with car, then g2, then hemlock, the volt, then alternator, now im all about the eva 8.
Cloak change incoming (ish).
Yep, this is true. Some people can't adapt and will instead bitch about things that work for them. Never mind that if that thing is used by 90 percent of players since it's the only viable option.
Am I alone in liking Crash Site? Everyone I talk to seems to hate that map.
i have no problem with it and tend to do pretty good on that map
Legion doesn't feel as OP as people said he is, what's the 'correct' way to use him?
I hope we get a legacy map pack at some point.
These maps are decentbut nothing beats the likes of Fracture, Nexus and Smugglers Cove.and some are fucking awful
Legion doesn't feel as OP as people said he is, what's the 'correct' way to use him?
Legion isn't OP at all. He's Bastion from Overwatch. Bad people get obliterated by him and good people don't unless the pilot is equally or better skilled. He's the slowest Titan, his shield locks you into ADS, he has only straight line damage, etc. When I'm playing Ronin I sprint at every Legion I see immediately knowing it's an easy kill unless they're especially good. Ion forces him into weird stalemates where neither can shoot. Scorch can melt him in second unless they're rolling with dash core, Tone doesn't break a sweat versus anyone.
Legion is almost entirely positioning. You want to be in places with good line of sight to multiple areas, limit potential flanking avenues, learn the tiny peaking places where you can shred a Titan's knees without exposing yourself at all. A Legion just loping down the middle of a lane is usually just a free kill who heard Legion was easy to use.
All of this is based on attrition. I couldn't speak to him in other modes.
Thanks for the tips!
I could have sworn in the first week people were going on about how Legion and Tone were OP. Cobalt had made multiple posts about it lol ^^;
There needs to be a tutorial or a short intro video for Bounty Hunt and Attrition or something. Me and another teammate each had 1500 points a piece in bounty hunt but we lost horribly because no one else on our team broke 300.
Legion did get some tweaks, but nothing too crazy. People are just better at the game now that it's not newer. The exact same thing happened with Bastion in Overwatch - people were losing their shit at how broken he was then a week later people realized he's fine of you just don't run directly at him.
Just try and think ahead with Legion. You're a giant turtle, so you're not going to beat anyone with him on reflexes. If you bait people, play near corners, and use the geography, you'll beat most people easily.
Legion doesn't feel as OP as people said he is, what's the 'correct' way to use him?
Cloak change incoming (ish).
What set ups do you run with him? More bullets?
As a single player experience, I think it's great but not amazing.
The most trouble I have with Legion is when it seems like he always has that damn shield active.
What set ups do you run with him? More bullets?