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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


I have absolutely no problems with Attrition.
Having a lot of fun, 2 maps weren't that good, but overall its really fun. Here go 500 hours again... 😄


Unconfirmed Member
My only gripe so far, and I don't think it is a gripe to be honest it's probably just me being rubbish, is that when you're a pilot I find the anti titan weapons useless, they barely make a dent in their health bar. Am I doing something wrong? Are there other decent techniques of what I can do as a pilot to help take down the titan? I know about the whole rodeo, taking out the battery thing, but I didn't manage to get close enough to the titans to do that last night. I'm new to this franchise so I'm still learning the ropes. I assume my anti titan weapon will get better with more unlocks.

Feels to me like pilot vs. titan is supposed to be swayed in favour of the latter, particularly when facing them head-on. The "feedback" for you might not be great, but every successful shot with an AT weapon is definitely making an impact. Every little helps when chipping away at their large health pools. You may also be able to distract them from a more critical target or prevent their advance for a moment as they turn to "deal with the pest". Be quick and persistent, and know when to take cover/fall back. Best to co-ordinate with other friendly pilots/titans alike if you're determined to destroy one outright, but don't expect to be taking them on single-handed until you have a bit more experience.

The battery thing is again, highly risky for pilots, but can be very satisfying. Don't make it a staple of your game plan, and definitely don't try and rodeo with no backup or other distractions around. There's a huge period of vulnerability when you jump off, during which time the titan is notified of your general direction, so make sure you have a clear escape route. (Of course, they can still turn while you rodeo, which can also leave you disoriented.)

This is just from my experience with the tech test. Looking forward to jumping into the full game this weekend!


Neo Member
This threads making it hard to choose between this or BF. Might just bite the bullet and pick this up now and BF a few months down the line (let's face it, the community on that will last for a while).

PC gamer? BF1.

Console? Titanfall 2 I would say.

BF1 runs like a dog on console where as TF2 is the total opposite. Actually had more fun with it than BF1 so far.
Campaign was absolutely terrific. One of the best FPS campaigns in years, right up there with Wolfenstein and DOOM. I really hope they continue this style of campaign with Titanfall 3, it's a real winner.

Now, onto the main course...
Campaign was absolutely terrific. One of the best FPS campaigns in years, right up there with Wolfenstein and DOOM. I really hope they continue this style of campaign with Titanfall 3, it's a real winner.

Now, onto the main course...
Wow, that good? Maybe i won't even wait till the Pro comes out...
Initially I thought the merit system was a little silly, but it grew on me really fast.

It'd be nice if I knew how I can earn more, though.

If you manually eject, Nuclear no longer procs


To prevent people from spamming it mercilessly. Now you can at least anticipate an enemy having it, because it only procs when they're in a doomed state. You also can't pair up auto-eject with nuclear eject. You can only take one or the other, and there are better perks.

Wow, that good? Maybe i won't even wait till the Pro comes out...

That good. It really can't be stated enough: the sheer variety on display in Titanfall 2 puts its competition to shame. It and Doom are both GOTY contenders (for me) on the sole basis of their singleplayer.

But Titanfall 2's multiplayer is eons better, so it wins out in the end. Sorry, Doom.


time to take my meds
Decided to vote with my wallet. Titanfall 2 over bf1 and cod this year.

I applaud the practice of free dlc after release.


Loving the impressions so far guys, I can't wait to get home from work and jump in, only problem is that the day is already dragging and checking the thread really isn't helping.

I've added myself to the list and network, if anybody is up for a few games tonight, feel free to add me - MrGuiltySparks (PSN)


To prevent people from spamming it mercilessly. Now you can at least anticipate an enemy having it, because it only procs when they're in a doomed state. You also can't pair up auto-eject with nuclear eject. You can only take one or the other, and there are better perks.

Nuclear Eject requiring doom means you can no longer have it as a strategy and it's very, VERY situational now.



Press - MP1st.com
My only concern or issue in MP right now might be that TTK is too fast. Maybe that and hipfiring is a little too accurate? I mean, I've managed to kill someone across another building by hipfiring the Alternator SMG. XD

I'm fine with the other stuff. I suck at chaining wallruns, but definitely something I can improve on. Everything else feels fantasic. I kinda like the balance between Titans and how they can't just flat out dominate (but still can if used well).

Does Attririon have titans or is it just pilot vs pilot?

Same question about Free For All mode.

Has Titans.


Ok GAF, you got me. Picked it up on the way home. Installed, and about to blast through the campaign. Who needs sleep on a Friday night - let's do this!


PC gamer? BF1.

Console? Titanfall 2 I would say.

BF1 runs like a dog on console where as TF2 is the total opposite. Actually had more fun with it than BF1 so far.
Excellent, TF it is then. My PC is need of an upgrade and my gaming laptop won't get me 1080/60 on BF, so I'll pick that up when I get a new PC.
Right, added myself to the spreadsheet!

The campaign was brilliant. Story did an okay job of setting up the premise but the level design was superb.
My only concern or issue in MP right now might be that TTK is too fast. Maybe that and hipfiring is a little too accurate? I mean, I've managed to kill someone across another building by hipfiring the Alternator SMG. XD

I'm fine with the other stuff. I suck at chaining wallruns, but definitely something I can improve on. Everything else feels fantasic. I kinda like the balance between Titans and how they can't just flat out dominate (but still can if used well).

Has Titans.

Great news, those pilot only modes(if there are any) just feel like any other fps.


Fantastic MP.

6v6 and 5v5 locked modes is dumb.

Lack of a proper party system is dumb.

Otherwise, everything else is aces.


A few first night thoughts:

-The tech test maps generally flow better now that I'm on KBM, but in general, my old criticism stands: way too much shit to get hung up on while trying to chain wall runs and they don't flow anywhere near as naturally as the TF1 maps(which is so fucking weird given their "lane" approach) . But being able to turn on a dime with stim or pull off crazy u-turns/swings with the grappling hook more accurately definitely eases my issues with them.

-Crash Site seems like a motherfucking mess. I saw someone joke in another thread about a map being just a large hallway because they saw all the action happening in a specific section of a map, but Crash Site might as well be a series of interconnected large hallways. Maybe I just need to chew on it more, but it feels like there's very few opportunities for vertical flanking. And when the Titans start dropping? Bumper Cars: The FPS. Ugh.

-Attrition seems...bad? Hard to put my finger on why, but it seems like there's a real slapdash quality to that mode now. Don't know if it's the inclusion of mini mechs or the distribution of the AI or the aggressiveness of the AI, but I feel like there's way more shit on screen happening that's taking away from the visual clarity of the mode. I also don't remember the AI outright confusing me with their gunfire in TF1. I rarely if ever mistook getting shot by the AI for getting shot by the enemy, but I'm jumping at one too many Spectres in this. Maybe it's because I'm actually getting shot by these little fuckers in the first place now, but that delineation between the "creeps" and "heroes" was real important to Attrition and the gunfire is tripping me up.

-Amped Hardpoint still seems to be Amped Hardpoint. And I don't know why. I don't want to spend time Amping points. Respawn pls. I know you got some blowback from TF1 for patching Hardpoint to prioritize capping points over defending them, but this is is taking it the other extreme. To the lamest extreme.

That aside...I'm softening on the game. Still a lot of flatness to the map design, a lot of weirdness with some of the modes, but I'm definitely coming around to the game. The weapons and grenades feel phenomenal, the movement feels like it's in a good place, I was never really against the battery mechanic(although as someone who loves using Stryder style mechs, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the shield) because there is a certain satisfaction to "healing" your teammates or your own mech, and granted all of this stuff was starting to coalesce by the second tech test. But my biggest turn is just having a mouse in my hand has really dulled some of the rougher edges around the map design. I'll see how everything goes long term, but i'm feeling a lot happier about it than I was a couple of weeks ago. Or, uh, a day ago.

Also, Ronin is bae.


Unconfirmed Member
By the way, if you play on PS4 in Asia please speak up or add your name to the sheet.

Probably not many of us, but would be good to know for timezone sake more than anything!

My ID is the same as here on PSN, and Bobio in the Discord. Hope to play some games sometime.
So what's the general consensus from you guys? Played beta wasn't feeling it too much mostly due to ttk, but a good sp always has me interested.

Dude, I love the single player thus far. Here's me playing the first hour or so of the campaign.

I can't think of the last time since the single player campaign in an FPS game had me that impressed. Outside of one jumping segment that I had to retry maybe 3 times at most, the controls and the level design have been great thus far. Also, the multiplayer I've played thus far seems improved over the tech test. The simple fact they added in attrition makes up for it.


Any word on length of single player?

Hoping for a good black friday deal on the game, somewhat enjoyed TF1 but with PSVR + BF1 running a little short on funds at the moment!
This game is, despite my complaints, really incredible. I'm quite concerned about Legion, but for now, I've had a fun session. GGs

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izuna/video/22902680

Anyone know what the new max is for bounties?

Hey, I have a question about that Titan you're using.

I don't get the RB (right bumper) attack. Seems weird. Am I supposed to be pressing and holding the button or something?

Also, switching range modes via Y. Would would close range be better than long range? In that case, wouldn't you just always want long range?

Any word on length of single player?

Hoping for a good black friday deal on the game, somewhat enjoyed TF1 but with PSVR + BF1 running a little short on funds at the moment!

Single Player from reports is about 5 to 8 hours. But it's all great content. No filler, no down moments, well put together that demands replays on harder settings.

But if you have no interest in the multiplayer, regardless of how well put together the single player seems to be, I guess it's hard to justify the full price for it.
Yeah, Attrition is too short, by about 200 points. Numerous times last night I saw teams get stomped without an opportunity for a second wave of Titans, or teams get cut short right in the middle of a momentum swinging run that could've been a fantastic comeback victory. There's just not enough room for the match to breathe and a narrative to form right now.

Final score should be increased to 600.
Maybe one more big grunt rush before or during the robot AI phase.


could never
Northstar is bae.



Yeah... I like this game.

Nailed that MP Respawn.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just played this for a good 6 hours straight. Think I'm level 17 or something now.

Some thoughts:

Maps in general seem a lot better than the beta which is good. Not sure on Crash Site, map has an incredibly strange flow...homestead is still by far the worst map in the game to me.

Titans are so far the biggest suprise in how fun I find the different kits. I was basically only ever Strider in TF1 but even the slow brutes in 2 are a blast to play. Legion can hold down areas against a single titan super well but is prone to getting overrun, Scorch just does crazy damage when everything lines up. Northstar feels really satisfying to use too which surprised me the most, I love the sound of the railgun firing. I've been struggling to do well with Ronin due to the very low health but I'm gonna try to focus on that more...I did kill myself 3 times tonight by phase dashing into a titan. I heard that the pilot version kills people if you pull it off, but it turns out Ronin doing it just kills himself, lol.

Didn't get to see much modewise, couldn't find CTF or LTS, not interested in the Pilot vs. and Amped Hardpoint would need to be a lot different from the beta for me to like it. Attrition has felt a bit odd but there's still a lot of chaos that can happen, most pressing so far is the mode feels like it needs to take way more points to win. They're over too quickly...me and Net Wrecker had a few matches where we got stomped pretty hard early, started to stabilize and mount a comeback but the score gets capped too quickly to pull it off. The radar is a bit annoying as well, though I noticed this in the beta with Bounty Hunt already. AI shooting looks just like a real player shooting, which makes things way more chaotic at times while TF1 made it clear where groups of AI were.

Bounty Hunt seems to have the same issues I had with it before, but having better maps always helps. The bank changes help a bit but I think the mode is just inherently too samey, I was finding when we were on Homestead that, sure, the banks were in different spots...but nothing else was. You know exactly where the first spawns are, the first AI titan, then the two AI points on opposite sides of the map caused us all to just group up and kill AI while ignoring the players...that stuff needs to be randomized or mixed together more to stay fresh.

The games feel is great, which stands out even more after playing the CoD:IW beta which felt SO BAD to use mobility in. The slide bunny hop stuff is more complicated than I expected since double jumps seem to stunt your momentum which I reflexively do too often.

Only other thing that stands out is some loadout stuff. I feel like there's too many shoe-in picks which makes a lot of the options feel more limited. I can't see ever not picking the Titan Dash for basically everyone since more mobility just trumps the rest, even if Nuke is dumb fun.

Also the Alternator is insane.


Can someone please explain this bit from the PSN Store about Titanfall 2:
One-time licence fee to download to multiple PS4 systems. Sign in to PlayStation Network is not required to use this on your primary PS4, but is required for use on other PS4 systems.
A one-time license fee? WTF?


As a huge TF1 fan I'll say that TF2 is different but I'm loving it so far. It's beautiful and plays brilliantly. Whether some of the changes from TF1 will are an improvement or not I can't say until I play more but there's no doubt that this is an amazing game that I'll sink a ton of time into (alongside BF1, which I'm also loving).


AAAAAAAAH! I really wanna play this! Work cant finish soon enough.

Wall running, titan merkage, all sorts of explosive falafel antics.....

Haven't been this excited to play a game for a while!


Press - MP1st.com
Yeah, Attrition is too short, by about 200 points. Numerous times last night I saw teams get stomped without an opportunity for a second wave of Titans, or teams get cut short right in the middle of a momentum swinging run that could've been a fantastic comeback victory. There's just not enough room for the match to breathe and a narrative to form right now.

Final score should be increased to 600.
Maybe one more big grunt rush before or during the robot AI phase.

I agree. Attrition matches end waaaay too fast. :)

Just played this for a good 6 hours straight. Think I'm level 17 or something now.

Some thoughts:

Maps in general seem a lot better than the beta which is good. Not sure on Crash Site, map has an incredibly strange flow...homestead is still by far the worst map in the game to me.

Titans are so far the biggest suprise in how fun I find the different kits. I was basically only ever Strider in TF1 but even the slow brutes in 2 are a blast to play. Legion can hold down areas against a single titan super well but is prone to getting overrun, Scorch just does crazy damage when everything lines up. Northstar feels really satisfying to use too which surprised me the most, I love the sound of the railgun firing. I've been struggling to do well with Ronin due to the very low health but I'm gonna try to focus on that more...I did kill myself 3 times tonight by phase dashing into a titan. I heard that the pilot version kills people if you pull it off, but it turns out Ronin doing it just kills himself, lol.

Didn't get to see much modewise, couldn't fine CTF or LTS, not interested in the Pilot vs. and Amped Hardpoint would need to be a lot different from the beta for me to like it. Attrition has felt a bit odd but there's still a lot of chaos that can happen, most pressing so far is the mode feels like it needs to take way more points to win. They're over too quickly...me and Net Wrecker had a few matches where we got stomped pretty hard early, started to stabilize and mount a comeback but the score gets capped too quickly to pull it off. The radar is a bit annoying as well, though I noticed this in the beta with Bounty Hunt already. AI shooting looks just like a real player shooting, which makes things way more chaotic at times while TF1 made it clear where groups of AI were.

Bounty Hunt seems to have the same issues I had with it before, but having better maps always helps. The bank changes help a bit but I think the mode is just inherently too samey, I was finding when we were on Homestead that, sure, the banks were in different spots...but nothing else was. You know exactly where the first spawns are, the first AI titan, then the two AI points on opposite sides of the map caused us all to just group up and kill AI while ignoring the players...that stuff needs to be randomized or mixed together more to stay fresh.

The games feel is great, which stands out even more after playing the CoD:IW beta which felt SO BAD to use mobility in. The slide bunny hop stuff is more complicated than I expected since double jumps seem to stunt your momentum which I reflexively do too often.

Only other thing that stands out is some loadout stuff. I feel like there's too many shoe-in picks which makes a lot of the options feel more limited. I can't see ever not picking the Titan Dash for basically everyone since more mobility just trumps the rest, even if Nuke is dumb fun.

Also the Alternator is insane.

Yep, agree there. Even BO3 felt slow and clumsy after. I get the same thing when bunnyhopping. I slow down. :( I know it's just a matter of jumping, hitting crouch and then jumping immediately when you touch the ground, etc. But for some reason, I lose momentum. :(

Alternator hipfire range is insane.

Northstar is bae.



Yeah... I like this game.

Nailed that MP Respawn.

Not bad. :D Nice chain of moves. That execution didn't count as a Titan kill, right? Since the match was technically over? Awesome stuff.
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