When an enemy is camping a flag/capture point with cloak i usually run holo pilot, my second favorite tactital after phaseshift. You get to grab the atention of the camper and to know his realtive position.
I don't find it that useful. Good players can tell a holo pilot from a player and while it can confuse sometimes I feel that it puts the encounter down to chance and I really don't like that. Sometimes they might fall for it, sometimes it offers no advantage at all and actively hinders you because it makes them aware of your immediate approach.
CTF is very competitive and you play with your boys, so I'm sure winning isn't an issue. Titanfall isn't an e-sports game - we're not having MLG tournaments. Extreme balance isn't fundamental. The reason this shooter is so fun because the individual can shine without having to rely on teamwork. For most people, cloak is not an OP ability - they can barely utilize it. The best players will make anything work.
This is a missconception, you don't need your game to be balanced to be an 'esports game', most esports titles polarise to certain gear / characters, or 'meta', so people asking for balance are not asking for esports, as this can exist with our without a balanced set of systems. I think that people want the game to be balanced because they would enjoy it more that way. In many instances it's not even a matter of balance, it's 'is this mechanic fun?' for me, that's why I don't like cloak and turrets. I think it's counterproductive to promoting a fast paced gameplay experience. I use amped damage all of the time but I think it's unfair, and unfun for the people I two-shot with an alternator at the other side of the screen.