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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


I dont believe I have ever really been frustrated by another enemy cloaking all the time, they really are not that hard to see. Unfortunately my bigger issue is how easy it is to pick out Pilots on the map as they are lit up like a christmas tree streaking across the map.

Decided to play a quick player vs player match this morning.... got into a room with half the team cloaked, and a bunch of people running devotion+sentry turret. Have you any idea what that was like?

Sometimes i wonder what the devs over at Respawn, or any company for that matter are thinking when they propose shit like this.

Do they sit around and think "how can we make our game focus on movment?"

"oh i know lets throw in a fucking sentry turret plus some guns that take 1 bullet to kill you if they hit you in the leg!"

Titanfall 1 was great because it was a COD style game that wasn't COD stupid. It had intense mobility, ways out of death like strafing and stimming. It had a carbine that was viable for everything but not horribly overpowered where it didn't require you to aim.

If i was a dev at a company trying to create a fast paced mobile shooter i wouldn't introduce stupid shit into the mix. I'd make guns viable with specific trigger patterns and spreads. I wouldn't just make a gun that is fucking powerful as hell that requires no aim at all.

That's what i don't get about game development- why are things like this so hard to execute when the logic is so simple?
Random question for those who have completed the campaign. I just beat it yesterday and had an absolutely incredible time. My only real complaint is that any "choose your dialogue option" scenarios had comically low audio for me. The audio also seemed to be extremely low every time that BT talked over my radio instead of being right next to me.

I couldn't seem to find any settings that would affect this, so I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I want to do a second play through but not if this is an issue they might fix soon.

E92 M3

Pilot vs Pilot is a completely different beast and if the game was just that, then I agree most of the stuff mentioned by Swol would be BS. Instead, PvP is basically a side-mode to Titanfall.

It's fun, but most people don't play it.
I think the problem here is that you guys are playing Pilot vs. Pilot...

I play mixed 6 vs 6 exclusively now.

I used to play mosty attrition and CTF, but I like the variety of mixed.

I don't really see any of them as a side mode. There all just modes in a big, and diverse game. Obviously there are some perks that offer more advantage in some modes than others.

I don't actually feel that cloak offers the most overall utility, I just feel that cloak gives players the most for the least input, by a wide margin. With other boosts you have to work for the advantage they provide and it's short lived, with cloak it's persistent and easy. I don't think that fits the mechanical skill orientation of the rest of the gameplay. I also think the same about Amped damage.
I think the problem here is that you guys are playing Pilot vs. Pilot...

I've seen many people here say how awesome the Pilot gameplay is and I've also seen a lot of issues with the Titan gameplay/balance. I don't see any reason why people wouldn't want to play PvP. It's what I play most of the time and it's great...so great that I almost want a separate game where the maps were actually designed for it.

In other words, Titans are not necessarily the main reason people play Titanfall, even if it is in the name. Even in Titan playlists, you only have a Titan like a quarter of the game time unless you're very careful, so Pilot gameplay is core gameplay.


Random question for those who have completed the campaign. I just beat it yesterday and had an absolutely incredible time. My only real complaint is that any "choose your dialogue option" scenarios had comically low audio for me. The audio also seemed to be extremely low every time that BT talked over my radio instead of being right next to me.

I couldn't seem to find any settings that would affect this, so I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I want to do a second play through but not if this is an issue they might fix soon.

Are you by chance using surround sound settings when you don't have surround sound?
I think doing a 180 with Ion and lasering some guy in a window quite far away is probably the best feeling you can get in this game, it's one of those things where you miss the share button on PC. Ion and Ronin are the most fun Titans for sure.

Yes, the laser is hilarious, i´m still trying too get down the timing right with the shield, and the management of the energy, also the mag launcher is really fun too. I really like this game, now they only have to increase the FOV, wich seems to be in the plans acording to some threads in the official forum,
Are you by chance using surround sound settings when you don't have surround sound?

I'm about 90% sure that my Xbox is set to Stereo as I don't have a sound system. The 10% of uncertainty there is due to me not being able to check at the moment. I'll definitely check that out later today, but I had no issue hearing what other people said via comms, just BT. All of Jack's responses were super low as well.

E92 M3

Bounty hunt can share the same cloaked advantage as hardpoint or CTF, and CTF is often see as the competitive mode. With that said attrition and Bounty hunt have too many uncontrollable variables to be considered competitive, everything is just noise in that chaotic environment, with no individual ability overly influencing the experience because of the dynamic nature of how points are earned.

If anything, cloak also offers huge benefits in these AI present modes because of how AI are liable to capture attention over cloaked players. While it is less directly affecting the objective, it's still incredibly useful for something that's just a passive benefit. As I say, the other skills all require intelligent, tactical, or reactive use, cloak is just a passive advantage, and quite a persistent one too when using tactical recharge and whatnot.

In Attrition, it's very much possible to carry and yes it's chaotic - in fact, Titanfall is best due to the chaos it presents. That's why everyone fell in love with the franchise. Phase Shift is infinitely more useful the cloak, but cloak is easier for beginners to play with. In fact, I prefer people run cloak instead of phase shift - easy kills for me.

At this point we're beating a dead horse; many people here think cloak is no big deal and some think it's very annoying. Respawn has to make both sides happy somehow.

We'll see what happens.
I hate the teleport more than I hate cloak. Actually, I don't hate cloak at all. I've never had a problem with cloaked people. I'd be interested to see the platform breakdown on the cloak stuff, though. I play it on PC and have only ever seen one dude complain about it.

The two things that always piss me off in this game are the teleport and Tone though. I think I would hate the teleport less if the cool down was longer. The people who use it always have it. At 25% it's just barely longer than your normal cloak cool down usually.


I think the problem here is that you guys are playing Pilot vs. Pilot...

Pilot vs Pilot is a completely different beast and if the game was just that, then I agree most of the stuff mentioned by Swol would be BS. Instead, PvP is basically a side-mode to Titanfall.

Because the way the game is right now it's probably the most competitive mode. Attrition and bounty hunt are too easy and CTF is so lopsided most of the time and rather boring to be honest.

The 5v5 CTF is a problem with these maps and the lack of a.i. It feels empty and kind of stale. They probably should increase it to 6v6.
I like the double arcwave skill personally, battery boost is almost mandatory for sure. The new skill Ronin gets in the patch sounds useless tbh, I think they need to do something better than that to bring him up a bit. Something like the sword blocks all damage rather than just mitigates some, maybe just a plain small health upgrade.

IMO, Ronin's sword should reflect projectiles that do a fraction of their original damage, and do full damage back while the Sword Core is active. He'd still take recoil damage like he does right now. While be on a energy meter like Scorch's Heat Shield to balance it out if that does happen.

E92 M3

Because the way the game is right now it's probably the most competitive mode. Attrition and bounty hunt are too easy and CTF is so lopsided most of the time and rather boring to be honest.

The 5v5 CTF is a problem with these maps and the lack of a.i. It feels empty and kind of stale. They probably should increase it to 6v6.

Well, it's not fun as fun playing PvP solo and I love the Titan gameplay, but I'd be down to play it in a party.

6v6 CTF would be perfect.

E92 M3

In the standard modes, Cloak is used to attack titans and avoid bot fire and it works perfectly for that. At the very least, I hope the anti-Titan efficiency isn't lowered.
I play it if it comes up, but I never specifically search for it. It's sort of a take it or leave it for me. I'm more likely to play LTS instead of PVP.
Cloak is fine in concept and was done well in the first game. They just made it too effective since it's just a subtle darkening filter now as opposed to the team-tinted darkening and waviness that made them easier to spot in the first game. I think it has to be a response to how visible and quick to die the player normally is. It becomes a problem when people can't overcome those fears and settle on a cloak-centric playstyle because it's easy and more effective than it should have been.


"The frontier is worth every part of this fight!"

How did they only record that ONE line for the beginning of each match?
"The frontier is worth every part of this fight!"

How did they only record that ONE line for the beginning of each match?

Why did they lock players into that one faction and require people to buy the other factions? And they are just as bad. Just let us choose, why are we wasting 100 credits for like one sound byte?


Why did they lock players into that one faction and require people to buy the other factions? And they are just as bad. Just let us choose, why are we wasting 100 credits for like one sound byte?

You're not locked, you open more as you gain levels. The only one I could see buying is Ares cause you get it at level 49/50.


You're all playing the game wrong if you don't have drunk Liam O'Brien narrating your matches.

"First we fight, then we drink! Good luck!"
"Stand by for Titanfall! Ha! I love saying that!"

Cake Boss

I like the silver robot faction lady. Her robot voice gets me going and encourages me to do better hoping that one day I will find her on the battlefield and we make beautiful robot man pilot cloaked babies.


Cloak could be made more visible for pilots and keep it invisible for titans, ir really works against titans.

In one match i pursue a pilot with cloak as a Titan and the only way i saw him was the jets christmas lights.

I'm fine either way tho.
is there an overview of Angel City remastered yet?

also this in-game store they talk about, are we going to be using credits that we've been collecting in game?


I like the silver robot faction lady. Her robot voice gets me going and encourages me to do better hoping that one day I will find her on the battlefield and we make beautiful robot man pilot cloaked babies.


E92 M3

Modern Warfare 2 was so, so good because the whole sandbox could be utilized to do crazy stuff (everything was OP, so everything was actually balanced). It was probably one of the best shooters I've ever played. Titanfall 2 brings the same feeling, and I truly hope that is never lost.


So I've really been getting into the multiplayer in the past couple of days. I still prefer so much about TF1, but I also understand and even appreciate some of the changes for TF2. My main gripes are still the maps and the game modes, none of which have grabbed me.

That said, stim + shotgun has been incredibly satisfying even if the maps aren't doing much for me movement wise.


so i started using the softball...it's pretty deadly, if only i learned to move better and stop moving like a drunk pilot with evolved controls...
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