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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.

E92 M3

The matchmaking for Titanfall 2 has been adjusted so that it shouldn't put you in games late enough in progress that it would have triggered the match loss protection functionality from the first game. This can still happen in a small window theoretically, but at that point the "You've joined a losing match late in progress. A loss will not be recorded against you" message should show.

Unfortunately since the situation is a lot rarer people think we removed the functionality. We will probably make adjustments to this in the future.

I am often put into games where the score differential is ~100 and I just get the joined in progress message. Adjustments would be appreciated!

This isn't true. I'm regularly sniped out of the air when only visible for a mere moment while moving fast. Talking with a Respawn dev, it seems there might be an issue with the turret AI such that it doesn't 'forget' you on losing line of sight and will then reacquire you instantly. There's definitely some kind of issue at play. Hell, I've been goosed by the damn thing while directly above it.

Hmm, I just haven't had an issue but would nice for Respawn to check it out.


On another note, every time we start losing people quit and I had to go into overdrive. Beat my record with 10 titan kills in attrition:



I decided to give Infinite Warfare a go and it was hard to get into after playing Titanfall 2. I'm sure the game is somewhat good and I'll give it a chance for a little while. I just love the feel of mobility flows through Titanfall 2 that I feel Infinite Warfare is lacking. For now, though, it's back to Titanfall 2. I'm in love! 😍


I decided to give Infinite Warfare a go and it was hard to get into after playing Titanfall 2. I'm sure the game is somewhat good and I'll give it a chance for a little while. I just love the feel of mobility flows through Titanfall 2 that I feel Infinite Warfare is lacking. For now, though, it's back to Titanfall 2. I'm in love! 😍

Welcome back Pilot!


Id still like to wait for patch notes to see how responsive Respawn is to what I see are persistent criticisms on Reddit and GAF. Tone seems to be the favourite Titan pick, and a number of others seem to swear by Camo or Radar boosts.
Persistent criticism =/= unbalanced mess.

Dont get it twisted. This is the most balanced MP there's been in a very long time. Everything feels viable in the correct hands.


I play Attrition 90% of the time, so
So, you play the easiest mode out of all of them and we should take your opinion seriously?

Cloak is a problem not because it's the "best" tactical but because it's a fucking pain to deal with and it doesn't promote movement. It is a problem so stop denying that it isn't.

Tone is overpowered because regardless of the situation if you're losing you will pull out a tone. In CTf there is no point in picking anything other than a tone or legion. A tone can wipe out an entire pilot team with little effort.


It's a good thing Titans exist otherwise I'd always be at the bottom. Like shit, I'm abysmal at Pilot combat.

What weapons are using as a Pilot? I think the 201 is a good one to start with. One word of advance, you dont have to ADS. Hip firing is the way to win encounters that are fairly close range.


People use different stuff.

Theres a ton of Tones in some matches but yesterday I haven't encountered more than 2.

Also cloak is bar far the most overreacted Pilot pack out there.
Stim, Phase Shift etc. are way better IMO and I barely see myself using Cloak except for some weapon types.

So don't generalize because 5 people on Gaf tell you "xyz is common" - it is NOT :D

Tanks for saying this.

Play this game daily, never have problems with too many Tones and or cloakers. I see a nice diversity all around.


The matchmaking for Titanfall 2 has been adjusted so that it shouldn't put you in games late enough in progress that it would have triggered the match loss protection functionality from the first game. This can still happen in a small window theoretically, but at that point the "You've joined a losing match late in progress. A loss will not be recorded against you" message should show.

Unfortunately since the situation is a lot rarer people think we removed the functionality. We will probably make adjustments to this in the future.

There needs to be some kind of penalty for people leaving LTS games. The spot never gets filled and in that mode its almost impossible to win down a player.
For the most part, non-existent.

The only thing I've noticed is some players over reliance on "sentry turrets".

To be honest, I don't know why they're even in the game. They don't encourage movement, they encourage taking cover and sniping from afar. They're quite easy to kill with secondary weapons but they're still a little boring.

I don't find the camping all that bad. Maybe during Bounty Hunt when the banks open, but I think that's just strategy. I just throw a few grenades into the room. Some people put the turrets next to the banks.


What weapons are using as a Pilot? I think the 201 is a good one to start with. One word of advance, you dont have to ADS. Hip firing is the way to win encounters that are fairly close range.

Everything, from the R201 to the Hemlock to various SMGs. But it ultimately doesn't matter what weapon I use, my aim is just shit. Every time I get into an unexpected firefight or get startled, my hand basically spazzes out and kills my aim completely.


So, you play the easiest mode out of all of them and we should take your opinion seriously?

Cloak is a problem not because it's the "best" tactical but because it's a fucking pain to deal with and it doesn't promote movement. It is a problem so stop denying that it isn't.

Tone is overpowered because regardless of the situation if you're losing you will pull out a tone. In CTf there is no point in picking anything other than a tone or legion. A tone can wipe out an entire pilot team with little effort.


I'm one that complains very much about Tone, check this thread out if you want. It's getting better tho, that's all I'm saying. She is still overpowered but less people exclusively use her. Also I know an early Tone is hard to beat because of her Pilot sniping abilities.
I'm not playing her down at all, she needs balancing.

Cloak is a joke on PC. When I die to it, I brush it off and continue to enjoy the game.
I'm not getting salty, because in 1 or 2 matches people tend to camp or whatever.
Maybe it's just a habit of console players or I was lucky in my matches. When someone cloaks I usually can follow them except in certain situations like massive jumping etc.

Also how is Attrition the easiest mode? People still have like 9 score at the end of a round, just like people with 5$ cash in BH exist.

E92 M3

So, you play the easiest mode out of all of them and we should take your opinion seriously?

Cloak is a problem not because it's the "best" tactical but because it's a fucking pain to deal with and it doesn't promote movement. It is a problem so stop denying that it isn't.

Tone is overpowered because regardless of the situation if you're losing you will pull out a tone. In CTf there is no point in picking anything other than a tone or legion. A tone can wipe out an entire pilot team with little effort.

You're being an elitist and dismissive of the most popular mode for Titanfall. Most Tones suck a lot and you can't keep basing the calibration on how the very top people play. For the general public the game is very well balanced and FUN. The moment we start trying to turn Titanfall into MLG eSports is when the game will go down the gutter. There are plenty of other shooters that are suited for that. I haven't witnessed one single Tone wipe everyone out. In fact if a couple pilots take out their archers or mag launchers she goes bye-bye...like any other TItan.

CTF and PVP are hyper competitive modes that have less than 1000 people playing the game should not be balanced for that. And I love CTF.

All players and opinions should be welcome.


Respawn: Can you please comment if losses count for games joined in progress? Is it like the last one?

I hope they don't count quitting a map within ~10 seconds or ignore complex/crash site altogether. quit the game whenever those show up.



Arghh the ADS :mad: Tbh, I did G02 on the CAR, yet still had moments, when during hipfire, i just blasted the whole mag next to a guy, as it literally seems to have zero recoil.

Patch notes...?

Watching all these videos, and with the 110FOV hype, I'd like to see an option to disable the HUD. I'd keep the crosshair with the two ability indicators under it and the minimap. The scoreboard provides the team scores as I reckon, and ammo counts are shown on the weapons.


Installing now. Have been boycotting EA since forever, but Respawn deserves this franchise to be successful and it looks super fun.

But, holy shit. almost 30 gbs. Biggest game I've ever downloaded. Hopefully my PC can handle this.


You're being an elitist and dismissive of the most popular mode for Titanfall. Most Tones suck a lot and you can't keep basing the calibration on how the very top people play. For the general public the game is very well balanced and FUN. The moment we start trying to turn Titanfall into MLG eSports is when the game will go down the gutter. There are plenty of other shooters that are suited for that. I haven't witnessed one single Tone wipe everyone out. In fact if a couple pilots take out their archers or mag launchers she goes bye-bye...like any other TItan.

CTF and PVP are hyper competitive modes that have less than 1000 people playing the game should not be balanced for that. And I love CTF.

All players and opinions should be welcome.

You say not to be dismissive or unwelcoming to other opinions, but almost all of your posts are "people who criticize ______ in any way are salty babies who got beat by ______ and Respawn should ignore them lest something something something Modern Warfare 2 something something something Destiny nerfs."

Yeah, the game is great and overall balanced really well. That doesn't mean there isn't room for tweaks. Respawn already announced cloak tweaks and I would be floored if they didn't make some kind of further adjustment to Tone. It's not unwelcoming to players to expect balance changes, nor does it make a game less fun to make all the options equally desirable. Similarly, things should be changed when they impinge on the style of game Respawn is trying to promote. We saw this immediately with the map hack/sonar nerfs and their chilling effect on movement. If, for an example people have mentioned in this thread, turrets start doing the same, they should be looked at.

At 130ish pages into the OT, I'm not sure what people are supposed to talk about aside from balance changes and the general MP environment. At some point, everyone has expressed appreciation for the stellar SP and other features of the game.


I noticed the server mode name for Attrition is "aitdm" which got a laugh out of me for some reason, even though it's true.


I have to say for the first hour I was impressed with the single player. I think this was the Best Buy between Battlefield one and Call of Duty. Glad I picked this one up.

E92 M3

You say not to be dismissive or unwelcoming to other opinions, but almost all of your posts are "people who criticize ______ in any way are salty babies who got beat by ______ and Respawn should ignore them lest something something something Modern Warfare 2 something something something Destiny nerfs."

Yeah, the game is great and overall balanced really well. That doesn't mean there isn't room for tweaks. Respawn already announced cloak tweaks and I would be floored if they didn't make some kind of further adjustment to Tone. It's not unwelcoming to players to expect balance changes, nor does it make a game less fun to make all the options equally desirable. Similarly, things should be changed when they impinge on the style of game Respawn is trying to promote. We saw this immediately with the map hack/sonar nerfs and their chilling effect on movement. If, for an example people have mentioned in this thread, turrets start doing the same, they should be looked at.

At 130ish pages into the OT, I'm not sure what people are supposed to talk about aside from balance changes and the general MP environment. At some point, everyone has expressed appreciation for the stellar SP and other features of the game.

Well, I never argued that sonar/map hack should stay. That was blatantly bad. Currently we are discussing nuances.

I just don't like nerfs for basically no reason. We'll see what Respawn does, though.


Picked up in PSN sale. My god this is a joy to play on Pro. Fantastic image quality, razor sharp and buttery smooth with responsive controls. This is what all shooters should feel like.
I am often put into games where the score differential is ~100 and I just get the joined in progress message. Adjustments would be appreciated!

Just to clarify: there are 2 messages, both of which have existed since Titanfall 1. "You joined a game in progress", which triggers nearly every time you join a game in progress, and "You've joined a losing games late in progress. A loss will not count against you", which triggers when you're put on the losing team in a match that has had "significant" progress in it already. ("Significant" being vague deliberately because we like being able to tweak the actual number without having to update the strings etc associated with it) Changes in matchmaking for Titanfall 2 should have caused this second situation to occur much more rarely, thus people think we've removed it. As mentioned above we'll probably look into adjusting this.


I know a lot of people still have issues with Ronin because his health is rather small but if you think about it, you have to switch your mindset to attack attack attack. Quite often people tend to play Ronin like it's Ion or Tone when they should play like a wreckers.

Once Ronin is up close, you want to first use arc wave and then shoot shoot slash shoot phase reload, arc wave shoot all the while dashing close to the target. I see people say Tone and yeah I have faced some very good Tones but I usually don't have issues taking them down, Particle wall, dash closer, Rocket salvo, phase. There's lots of ways to win, you should have to think more offensively rather than defense

LTS is guarenteed win mode if you go in with a full party. My buddies and I went 10-0 last night. And we were constantly changing Titans. At one point we were running two Ions, two Scortches, a Northstar and a Legion and we still wrecked the randoms running the standard Legions and Tones setup.

E92 M3

Just to clarify: there are 2 messages, both of which have existed since Titanfall 1. "You joined a game in progress", which triggers nearly every time you join a game in progress, and "You've joined a losing games late in progress. A loss will not count against you", which triggers when you're put on the losing team in a match that has had "significant" progress in it already. ("Significant" being vague deliberately because we like being able to tweak the actual number without having to update the strings etc associated with it) Changes in matchmaking for Titanfall 2 should have caused this second situation to occur much more rarely, thus people think we've removed it. As mentioned above we'll probably look into adjusting this.

Thanks, I haven't see the second message yet. Thought it was scrapped for the single one. Good to know it can be adjusted, though.
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