The Last Wizard
Y'all keep telling everyone to buy the game, finally bought they game and damn near no one is ever on from gaf:/
I feel like I'm in permanent zoom in mode on Legion outside of smart core.
Tone can kill pilots by facing a wall and shooting his gun at head level and the splash will kill the pilot. Same with Northstar's missile.
Y'all keep telling everyone to buy the game, finally bought they game and damn near no one is ever on from gaf:/
Y'all keep telling everyone to buy the game, finally bought they game and damn near no one is ever on from gaf:/
Poor, poor Tone. She's misgendered in a thread where we're all constantly reminded that's she's a chick AND she had to deal with being over powered? A woman's work is never done.Her*
Ronin with a battery actually feels like a proper Titan. He really really needs an extra pip of health in the patch to bring him up a bit. You shouldn't need to use a boost to make it somewhat more balanced (yet still worse than Tone heh).
By far the most fun Titan though.
Poor, poor Tone. She's misgendered in a thread where we're all constantly reminded that's she's a chick AND she had to deal with being over powered? A woman's work is never done.
speaking of the OT title, why do threads get locked at 400 pages? Is there a reason for that?
Holopilot is gatdamn amazing.
Also, for the grapple hook non-believers out there:
speaking of the OT title, why do threads get locked at 400 pages? Is there a reason for that?
Tone can kill pilots by facing a wall and shooting his gun at head level and the splash will kill the pilot. Same with Northstar's missile.
I suppose the same can be said for other Titans too though. I think with a glass canon class, what you are looking for is mobility rather than armour. I feel like with the different map design, a titan like Ronin should get a lot more maneuverability.
But you are right, he's the most fun and coolest of all the bunch. I played the others and they don't give that sense of rush that Ronin does
speaking of the OT title, why do threads get locked at 400 pages? Is there a reason for that?
Forum rule. Around 20k post. New thread is made.
too large threads stress the servers more then needed, I think.
Bigger threads were breaking the board IIRC so the 20,000 post limit was made to make the forum more stable.
TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Here's Your Goddamn Title Change
Titanfall 2 |OT2| Whatever the fuck that means
I'm gonna be disappointed if it's not this lmao
Oh man a kaiju horde mode is something I didn't even know I wanted.I really hope Titanfall 3 has enemy Kaiju's in the SP. Or even a Co-Op or MP Horde Mode -- how awesome would that be?
I wonder if I'm the only asshole that always does this >_<
Holopilot is gatdamn amazing.
Also, for the grapple hook non-believers out there:
I wonder if I'm the only asshole that always does this >_<
Yeah bunny hopping is one of those things that takes a while to master but once you've got it you realise it's really simple.
Basically, after a wallrun to get some momentum (or however you do it) you want jump and instantly hit slide. As soon as your feet touch the ground (don't let the slide animation do any more than tilt your weapon) jump and instantly hit slide again. Repeat.
The key to keeping them going without losing momentum is airstrafing. Even if you're going in a straight line, DO NOT hold forward, just let go of the stick. To turn left, move your left stick all the way to the left while moving the right stick slightly to the left. To move right, it's left stick all the to the right while nudging the right stick. That's the hardest part and the part you absolutely must nail to bunny hop for long periods.
Ah this is a great explanation. Thanks ks man. I wish I could practice solo in private matches to learn this.
you can ^^
Ah whaa? It doesn't let me start a private game on my own
Ah whaa? It doesn't let me start a private game on my own
What controler settup is everyone using especially the response curve, I cant find one that sits well, I have turned deadzone off and use bumperjumper as that seams to help but am not doing well. Also what load outs are popular I can do well one match then abismal the next.
Ah whaa? It doesn't let me start a private game on my own
Wish I could pull shit like this off all the time
Man, every game I join is 200+ms. I've tried different Data Centers, even.
23K++ on PS4 already and it's super early in the US. I kinda want to feast on the newbies.
Does this game match solo queues against full stacks? Pretty silly if soIt's happening already.
Solo Queuing and getting horrible teammates where it's almost impossible to win.
It's happening already.
Solo Queuing and getting horrible teammates where it's almost impossible to win.
Did they nerf Scotch's all-encompassing Heat Shield? Seems like you can't roast Pilots off the hull anymore once they're on there.
It's a bummer, since it was way more useful than electric smoke, but I can see how it was maybe a bit too OP.
The issue with attritiom is people will drop 1 titan against 4 instead of banking your titan when more people on your team can drop one.This is pretty much always the case. 90% of attrition games are a stomp with one side doubling the other team, full Titans vs none etc. Close matches are the exception.
Skins and patternsFactions do anything besides unlock different banners and emblems? I've read it could play some part in matchmaking.
It still fucks people up, you just gotta aim it.