New kit lights up players right? I never even bothered having it equipped. But yeah, I had the faster flight there.
Oh right, that's what I meant with the kit. I think Respawn updated the faster flight one to include both the regular hover and flight core, instead of just one of them before (can't remember which). I might start using that instead of increased payload now.
Barely any of the rockets connected there. If they had (they work best close/mid-range) Tone would be dead. I was going for the nuclear specifically, though. (Tone was trapped with the tripwire).
That's fair, but to do the most damage, you still need to connect a lot of those rockets that don't track your target. I haven't played with Tone since the update, but you could launch salvo in relative safety, either behind your own shield or quickly ducking behind cover, and still get tons of hits to your target.