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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


Sentry can lock on from further than most weapons effective range and does not miss

Respawn, what are you doing?

Here we go with the "nerf" again....

Sentry is soooo easy to flank, you destroy it in one melee hit. It is literally a non issue considering how many flank routes there are on the map. It can only fire and lock to shit directly front of it too so it is not like it can lock on to you if you approach it from slightly to the side. I love when I see enemy team use sentry because that means they are not using an actual useful boost like amped weapons. I think I died to the sentry like once in my 100+ hours in this game right now and that was my fault.


Players activate the cones when firing and sonar blade and map hack the dots.

In atrittion is diffrent i think tho, but not in bounty hunt wich is the only other mode with grunts and stuff.
Don't players still show as dots? If not, what causes players to show as dots?
I think that's only if a friendly player sees the person while they're shooting, but I haven't completely figured it out either. Map Hack also shows dots during its duration. I've definitely seen dots outside of a Map Hack being active.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Here we go with the "nerf" again....

Sentry is soooo easy to flank, you destroy it in one melee hit. It is literally a non issue considering how many flank routes there are on the map. It can only fire and lock to shit directly front of it too so it is not like it can lock on to you if you approach it from slightly to the side. I love when I see enemy team use sentry because that means they are not using an actual useful boost like amped weapons. I think I died to the sentry like once in my 100+ hours in this game right now and that was my fault.

And when you have no idea when/where one is pls ed and get buried immediately?


I think I died to the sentry like once in my 100+ hours in this game right now and that was my fault.

I find there's "gotcha" moments that turrets get you around corners or if you come down from a roof into a corridor that you just can't see them before they activate.

The only thing I'd do to them is have them play an alert "!" sound and then start firing a moment later, so at least you have a warning to try and react to them before you get possibly smoked.

At least I'd feel better about the death, because I can justify in my head that I did hear the activation, regardless if my reactions were on-point or not.
Here we go with the "nerf" again....

Sentry is soooo easy to flank, you destroy it in one melee hit. It is literally a non issue considering how many flank routes there are on the map. It can only fire and lock to shit directly front of it too so it is not like it can lock on to you if you approach it from slightly to the side.
Eh, but have you seen it completely shut down narrow corridors like the small ramp on the ship on Crash Site? That's rage quit stuff.


I think that's only if a friendly player sees the person while they're shooting, but I haven't completely figured it out either. Map Hack also shows dots during its duration. I've definitely seen dots outside of a Map Hack being active.

Pulse Blade and Tone's sonar pulse also make the enemy pilot dots appear. Pretty sure a teammate observing an enemy pilot shoot isn't enough though.


I think this game has finally overtaken Overwatch as my GOTY. I can't believe I've put in 58 hours so far and all solo. I'd be bored of 99% of games doing that normally but I still want to play as much as possible. I feel like the SMG's are some of the most fun guns in an FPS, the movement is top tier and only really matched by something like Q3 CPMA and Ronin is so fun to play as. The balancing is very good, the only blight on the game is Crash Site imo, that map is so out of place it doesn't even make sense.


So, playing the trial with some friends this weekend, and I have some grievances.

Namely, whenever we finish one match together, it boots us back to matchmaking and DOESN'T keep us together in the same group.

Is this a known issue or something wrong with my end? I'm confused why it's doing this.


I think the Network invite should make an audio cue. I'm always missing invites from looking down at my phone.

Also, I see there's a new cheese spot for unskilled players on the rafters of Complex. I just spent a whole match trying to catch this guy practically up there the entire time. Super annoying, but whatever. If it becomes a problem I'm sure Respawn will address it


Is something wrong with the in game store? I wanted to purchase a prime titan to send respawn some love but nothing happens when I try to purchase it.
Bleh, I want to play but I don't have the energy. A stomach bug made its way through my family and I'm the last one to get hit with it.

Too weak for any reflexes for this lol.

E92 M3

It took me roughly 175 hours to reach gen 10 and I loved every second. As long as SBMM is never added, I'll play this forver until tf3.


I think that's only if a friendly player sees the person while they're shooting, but I haven't completely figured it out either. Map Hack also shows dots during its duration. I've definitely seen dots outside of a Map Hack being active.

they pop up when they shoot, just like R1. you just can't fucking see it because of the flashes


Press - MP1st.com
Just got this from a press release from EA. Titanfall 2 stats infograph (
Tone is the most used Titan to no one's surprise

It took me roughly 175 hours to reach gen 10 and I loved every second. As long as SBMM is never added, I'll play this forver until tf3.

Man I only have 5 hours in and am at level 14. I actually hate the fact that you have to start over to unlock more stuff. I never prestiged in COD because I didn't care to go through the grind over and over just to show off a medal. But damn it I want some of those camo's that you can only get by regenerating. I hate to say it but I'll throw them a few dollars to get that stuff without going through the grind again. But some of the camo looks like it stays locked unless you do regen.

And I finally played some CTF. But man it seems impossible without communication. I was on the losing side and everybody just did whatever they want while the other team seemed more organized and had at least 3 people always around to defend their flag. With some of kits their is definitely room to strategize and have maybe one guy be a diversion with a shield while others try to sneak in with a cloak or whatever. But I don't know if I want to get on the mic and try to talk to people who might not care for that and just want to run around doing whatever they feel like.
Got to Gen 3 and HOLY SHIT am I done for the night.

I havent been this frustrated with a game since Halo 5 pre controls-patch. Albeit for completely different reasons.

I dont think Ive ever gone on a run in ANY game where I played so well yet lost every game because the next highest score on my team was less than half mine.

It got to the point where the last game, there was a guy with less than 10 points total in Attrition and I actually took the time to message him 'holy shit, please just leave'.

I need a break
Man I only have 5 hours in and am at level 14. I actually hate the fact that you have to start over to unlock more stuff. I never prestiged in COD because I didn't care to go through the grind over and over just to show off a medal. But damn it I want some of those camo's that you can only get by regenerating. I hate to say it but I'll throw them a few dollars to get that stuff without going through the grind again. But some of the camo looks like it stays locked unless you do regen.

Regen on this game is actually pretty great. I'm not sure if you noticed, but you get credits along with the merits per game you complete. When you regen, yes, you have to unlock things again, but you can actually purchase all of the weapons, titans, factions, etc. you want. And then you don't lose those again if you reach gen 2, 3 and so on. The unlocks for each of those will already be available if you leveled them up from the previous gen.


It got to the point where the last game, there was a guy with less than 10 points total in Attrition and I actually took the time to message him 'holy shit, please just leave'.

I need a break

Being Gen 3, you'd have been a better mentor to ask if the player needs some tips or is new rather than being a jerk.

I get you're salty, but don't take it out on a possibly new player that could have just been marred and eject entirely from that kind of destructive feedback, which he could easily spread to other friends when asked what he thought of the game.

/foster community
Being Gen 3, you'd have been a better mentor to ask if the player needs some tips or is new rather than being a jerk.

I get you're salty, but don't take it out on a possibly new player that could have just been marred and eject entirely from that kind of destructive feedback, which he could easily spread to other friends when asked what he thought of the game.

/foster community

Yeah. Im aware its not helpful or sporting, thats why Im taking a break from the game to let the frustration pass.


Press - MP1st.com
Got to Gen 3 and HOLY SHIT am I done for the night.

I havent been this frustrated with a game since Halo 5 pre controls-patch. Albeit for completely different reasons.

I dont think Ive ever gone on a run in ANY game where I played so well yet lost every game because the next highest score on my team was less than half mine.

It got to the point where the last game, there was a guy with less than 10 points total in Attrition and I actually took the time to message him 'holy shit, please just leave'.

I need a break

Hahaha! I was tempted to do that sometimes but I held off. I had a game of Attrition where I scored 200+ and two of my teammates scored less than 20! Yes, two people scored less than 20 for an entire match. We lost obviously. :(

So all the most popular stuff are the things you unlock first and Tone. Sounds accurate. Prepare for Tonefall.

Yep. Kinda refreshing to see that good weapons aren't gated by XP. I kinda hate that in CoD where most of the guns, etc. I use are usually only available super late in the progression. You can feel that someone has better stuff than you by their level, etc.


And holy shit! I've been constantly matched against teams of players that are in the same squad! And again, it's super annoying since most of the time, these people use Sonar Blade, Tone and just fucking camp one area of Attrition. I can usually take down 1-2 of them but they're all gunning for my ass and it's hard.

Either that or A-Wall, Map Hack, Tone, etc. the entire match and it's annoying. I have to constantly move (as in never stopping) since that pinging thing never stops. Tone, then Pulse Blade, then Map Hack, etc. Shit. I get why they use it since it's kinda OP if they're stacked on top of each other (you basically have a map hack constantly), but is it cheap as fuck.

I hope TF3 doesn't go overboard with 'em or at least offer a good counter like Ghost for CoD. Ugh. I'm surprised I am loving TF2's gunplay this much since I usually use Ghost and suppressors in every CoD build I use. :)


Oh god
I forgot they lowered the amount of rounds in LTS


No one asked for this

Yeah I dont like it and they shortened the rounds also... not cool

So Angel City will be available tomorrow?

I've been playing FFXV for most of the week so I've not had much in the way of Titanfall.

Its available now for all. Even for the people who did actually preorder and never got a code.


Any word on new titans? I know maps, modes, and weapons but no mention of Titans worries me. I'd like to see some new titans atleast one more of each (heavy,mid,light). What do you know we are missing 3 weapons (arc cannon, helix rockets, and XO machine gun.
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