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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


When I think of Titanfall, I think of moments like that.

Yeah I agree


So after the free weekend i've now bought the game.

You got me good Respawn, you got me good.

Oh, and Complex and Crash Site are just so bad... Bleh.

We played pretty much 10 hours into this free weekend and there's still Boomtown, Eden and some other map i've never seen and we played mainly Amped Hardpoint, Mixtape and ofc Angel City 24/7 (yes I realize it's 1 map only playlist).
I don't think Ronin's that great.

He can't goose effectively, he can't kill pilots on higher ground, he has low health so a pilot can strip him pretty quickly.

Having up to three dashes is very helpful if you want to get up close and that can allow you to take advantage of bad players but I feel that good players taking advantage of Ronin's weaknesses tend to run circles around him.

Goosing people is not the biggest thing when it comes to pilot killing. Ronin's main weapon 1 shots pilots, and no he does can hit rooftop pilots, his melee is significantly easier to hit pilots due to the swing, and sword block means he is not really that fragile against pilots. Yes Ronin has big weaknesses against ranged attacks but Phase Dash and his pure speed means you can't really do much against him either. But if he caught you, you are 100% dead, and it doesn't even take any skill for a Ronin to kill a pilot that is in his sight.


Screw it. I figured that I might as well go ahead and just pick this up in addition to BF1 while it is $36. After all, I do like it and planned on getting it anyway, so it would be stupid for me to let it go back up in price and then have to wait for a deal again. Besides, I already started getting invested in progression and really want to play the campaign as well.
$36 is a heck of a deal. If the game was mediocre I can understand waiting longer but it's great.

Zeta Oni

Damn, you are good. Seeing shit like this shows what is possible within the gameplay and level design and inspires me to get better.

I've lurked around here posting the occasional gif or so, but to speak openly for second, I've seen a lot of opinions as to how to go about "improving" particular aspects of your gameplay, and figured id offer some insight.

First off, I tend to let stats speak for themselves:

And to put it plainly, I don't exactly have some complicated setups or anything. Everything I use is available right off a fresh regen, with the exception of one perk (Hover).

Now the first thing I can recommend is to change your way of thinking. If your anything like me, years of other FPS have reinforced some really bad habits that anchor your abilities as a pilot in Titanfall 2. However, anybody whos played a Tribes game should be familiar enough with the general idea of things like maintaining speed and momentum through the use of the environment, and I owe a lot of my ability in this series to the hours I put into that series.

I think that players biggest problem is something that's already been discussed to death at this point: Majority of players don't bother to use the full toolset when playing, and instead play very similarly to other shooters such as Call of Duty. In particular this manifests in two ways:

1. People neglecting to use their enhanced mobility outside of traversal from point A to point B. Your movement is just as much as part of your combat as your gun, and the better moving pilot tends to have much more options than the one who is simply quick on the trigger. A lot of players just ADS and start spraying until the other is dead or they are, and that is really unfortunate.

2. People not understanding they can be attacked/can attack from almost any angle outside of the ground they are currently standing on, as you can see from the .gif I posted. Years of level design has made it so the concept of simply looking up to see if someone is about to drop kick you in the face from mid-air is a lot harder than it should be for most people.

To avoid these problems, I tend to stick to what I can best describe as "going with the flow". I don't break my momentum, even if I spot someone I could potentially stop, turn, ADS, and even kill. I use the radar to get a general sense of where people are spawning from, and just carry my momentum in that direction. If possible, I always take the long way around, because with the speed you can move, you can get the drop on a camper cross map before they choose another location.

I don't run looking for a fight, I am actually enjoying just moving around the map peacefully. The enemies I encounter along the way aren't really enemies to me so much as obstacles in the way of the path I'm following, and the faster and more gracefully I dispatch you, the less interruptions to the flow. Anyway, that might sound needlessly vague and/or complicated, but its simpler in execution.

This next part is all more subjective, but this is a big reason why I ONLY use the CAR submachine gun equipped with gunrunner. I'm sure other weapons can work well with gunrunner, but the CAR was built for it, and it is probably the biggest tool in my arsenal as it allows me to never stop moving while also allowing me lethal capabilities out to medium range. No recoil to worry about. Just point and spray. Second weapon perk is optional. Hover is key however, cause there are far more opportunities to actually use it than any of the other perks in that tier.

Hope any of that helps lol


burst firing nerfed volt like crazy just to get dropped in 1 hemlock burst.


seriously, wtf are you guys thinking Respawn.

You're fighting an AR with an SMG at mid-long range. I don't see the problem. Maybe the Hemlock could use a slight tweak to its 1 hit kill range but besides that the gun seems fair to me. FWIW, FrothyOmen says he sees little to no difference in the Volt post-patch and he had the Volt as S-tier and the Hemlock as A-tier in his pre-patch weapon tiers.
I feel like everything should be buffed back to launch. All the skills they nerfed are pretty much useless now. Phase Shift s next for the nerf bat IMO. It's the only decent skill now. Just let all the skills and weapons be OP like in MW2.

LOL, what?

No. Absolutely not. The game is a dream right now.

E92 M3

I've developed some strats for sword core that leaves me with minimal damage taken. It's not too bad, but wish executions were still a thing with it.


Legion's new kit helps him out a lot. Two long range power shots does about half a Ronin or Northstar's total health or about 1/3 of an Ion's or Tone's. Each shot does almost as much damage as a full charge plasma railgun shot, but unlike Northstar, Legion can fire twice in short succession. And burst damage is priceless in titan vs titan combat because you can chunk enemies before they throw up a defensive ability. Yes it's on a cooldown, but it's not as if enemy titans can heal while you wait for your power shot to recharge, and the cooldown isn't long either (8 seconds). The new kit gives Legion a ton of anti-titan power that he never had before.

I play Legion from long range almost exclusively since he loses to almost every other titan at close range and he's not good at killing pilots while moving. Peek out, double power shot, shoot primary. If they don't turn around, keep shooting or hit Overcore. If they return fire, throw up gun shield and keep shooting. If they use their own defensive ability, go back behind cover and wait for power shot to come back. Rinse and repeat.

To use Bounty Hunt as an example, he can Arc Wave into many Bank spots or straight up shoot into others. Forwardbase Kodai is a bad example because the top part has limited visibility anyway. Ronin's going to Phase Shift whenever an Archer is locked on or whenever there are too many Pilots shooting at him. Legion without Smart Core has to be the worst Pilot Killer and it's because he has nothing of what Ronin excels at (again, minus Goose).

Arc Wave only does 75 damage to pilots, it's not a very good pilot killer on its own. Useful if you have also have teammates at the bank I guess.

I have to disagree about Legion though. Predator Cannon is the XO-16 from Titanfall 1 with a 50% faster rate of fire (and half the ammo, granted). Perfectly accurate hitscan weapon with infinite range and a very short TTK. It has no competition. The key is to park yourself in a spot overlooking a heavily trafficked area, but far enough away that you won't get naded from the rooftops by pilots, and stay spun up in long range mode. Nothing else is as good at mowing down pilots across the map and at higher elevations. Tone and Northstar can't kill pilots reliably at long range (some luck is required) and aren't very good at killing pilots peeking over rooftops because of their low ROF (Northstar has a special edge if the roof is low enough to fly over though). Ronin and Scorch are incapable or terrible at killing pilots at long range or higher altitude too. Ion can be good at the long range part, but takes a lot more skill and can only kill two pilots before taking a breather, and is punished heavily for a miss. And she's not very good at killing pilots on rooftops since the delay on her laser means you have to predict when they'll peek over the edge.

If it helps my case, I have equal playtime with Ronin, Tone and Legion and my pilot kills per minute with Legion are 15% greater than with Tone and more than double than with Ronin. I haven't spent nearly as much time with the other three titans so I won't compare against those, but Legion is a pilot-killing machine if you set yourself up properly.

There are a couple of maps I don't like Legion on (Exoplanet, Boomtown) but that's true of most of the titans. All I really want for Legion is to switch modes faster but I think he's fine overall.


I've developed some strats for sword core that leaves me with minimal damage taken. It's not too bad, but wish executions were still a thing with it.

You can get executions with it. You have to stop swinging, and use the melee button. There's a strange delay to it.



About the Predator Cannon. When you don't have Smart Core, it is basically impossible to Goose a pilot. The start-up is VERY long and you can't move very fast with it revved up.

It's nothing like the XO-16. In fact, that weapon is with the Expedition chassis. They're not comparable imo.

Scorch is perfectly fine killing Pilots at long-range. I used to have a bunch of clips of this but I think any Scorch clip will show that. It's much better than non-Smart Core legion.
Screw it. I figured that I might as well go ahead and just pick this up in addition to BF1 while it is $36. After all, I do like it and planned on getting it anyway, so it would be stupid for me to let it go back up in price and then have to wait for a deal again. Besides, I already started getting invested in progression and really want to play the campaign as well.
Bf1 feels like ass after this and will collect dust. It happened to me :(


Benefit of having Groove music...

I can have the Titanfall OST playing in the background while playing R2.

edit: at least... I would if... Groove app wasn't stopping when I load the game...


I can't tell if you're serious or not but that video makes the game look like shit

It was two separate points. Apologies for the juxtaposition. I edited my comment because I didn't want to double post (a mistake I make too often). I was saying how Gamesager liked to play R1 that say (so it's no surprise he likes Pilots vs. Pilots or the changes to R2).
Some of the free weekenders definitely have never played an FPS before. I wonder if separate matchmaking pools for the two over the weekend would've been wise; I can't imagine they're having much fun playing against veterans.
About the Predator Cannon. When you don't have Smart Core, it is basically impossible to Goose a pilot. The start-up is VERY long and you can't move very fast with it revved up.
You can goose pretty reliably with Long Range mode if you have the ammo.

I still want the XO-16 chassis and the Quad Rocket chassis in multiplayer, though.


Neo Member
just went 54-0....gotta love new players. Had a couple of pilots try to take me on with the R-201 while I was in a Titan. This recent update should have had a tutorial.
Amped hardpoint feels so dull after playing a.i modes

Wish it had grunts. They could just run around the map playing each other but would act as a good way to grind meter

Playing it on angel city felt so empty and quiet.

Also, mixtape shouldn't have LTS. That mode is too different and will guarantee quits if it's in the mix

A mode like that has its fans, so I don't see why it should be forced when it's a much more different mindset

It's good to see CTF in that mode, and I don't mind playing pilots only either.


Stuff out of nightmares...



Bug Report: ~UI problem~

For some reason, the icon for electric smoke replaced the one for Amped Weapons. Not sure what triggered it. When it happened, I had a two stack of Amped Weapons (I used one).


Some of the free weekenders definitely have never played an FPS before. I wonder if separate matchmaking pools for the two over the weekend would've been wise; I can't imagine they're having much fun playing against veterans.

I started off getting destroyed, but then naturally started to improve. Like with COD or any other online shooter, sometimes I play like shit and other times I have a good match. That is the way it goes for most when learning a new game and settling in.

E92 M3

New players get stomped - shocking news. Has been happening for years. We have to stop coddling people and let people learn the game.

Got wrecked for a week in Rainbow 6.
Also we need "player [hemlock] player" instead of player killed player

And some of these boosts, like extra battery, seem incredibly more useful than others. I mean, with the battery boost, you practically start off with an incredible advantage.


Level 25 now and haven't seen Black Water Canal or Angel City even once in the Attrition playlist (only mode I'm playing), really annoying. Even worse is that not even the remaining maps come up close to evenly. I don't want to play on the same 3 maps all the time, we had the beta for that.

Edit: Just got Homestead for the 4th time in a row and immediatly turned off the game.

Also, if I quit out of a game, why the hell does matchmaking put me into the exact same server again? Who would want that? If your matchmaking is so crappy that I always have a shitty connection (in central europe) and play on the same 3 maps all the time at least let me matchmake for another server!


The volt is an smg not an AR and you missed most of your shots. It's like complaing that the eva sucks at mid range

with that scope and where he was it was going to be hard to hit him with a lot of shots, but i was hitting him and i was about to drop him when a hemlock simply 1 bursts me.

the hemlock is easy to shoot on console with the forgiving aim assist, hcog capability, and insane power. that makes the gun ridiculous in all ranges but up close which a good player will compensate for.

the original volt would have already gotten the kill before the hemlock even saw me.


Guys I just tried the game trial on PS4Pro and sometimes it freezes for few seconds then all of a sudden I am teleported.Is this a server issue or it is the game itself ?It is like rubberbanding maybe?I am planning to buyit but should know what is this problem..

E92 M3

But the game doesnt need SBMM...

That is a travesty.

Jesus Christ its 2016, Halo 2 popularized curated, skill-based, matchmaking 12 fucking years ago, how does shit like this still happen?

SBMM can go fuck itself. Stomps happen every now and then. I have close matches as well. Not sure why you guys are complaining. If there is a ranked playlist, SBMM should exist there, but not anywhere else.

Just constant complaining for no reason. God forbid someone gets good at a game and performs well, right? That's not rewarding or anything. If you guys want serious competitive play, go play a game that supports and not turn Titanfall into some tryhard circle jerk with SBMM. I didn't buy 3 copies and microtransactions to support SBMM.
burst firing nerfed volt like crazy just to get dropped in 1 hemlock burst.


seriously, wtf are you guys thinking Respawn.

Why would you engage a player at that distance with an SMG? He clearly wasnt aware of you, you cross a bit of distance and you have him dead to rights. Instead you tip him off a range that rightly favors his weapon.

Should I be complaining that I can't cross-map with the EVA?
SBMM can go fuck itself. Stomps happen every now and then. I have close matches as well. Not sure why you guys are complaining. If there is a ranked playlist, SBMM should exist there, but not anywhere else.

Just constant complaining for no reason. God forbid someone gets good at a game and performs well, right? That's not rewarding or anything. If you guys want serious competitive play, go play a game that supports and not turn Titanfall into some tryhard circle jerk with SBMM. I didn't buy 3 copies and microtransactions to support SBMM.

You're suggesting the guy racking up 28 kills needs to 'git gud'?

Come on.

If SBMM has no place, then go all in and give me a server list to choose from like the 'good old days' of Quake 3.

At lest that way I could avoid Crash Site.


Join a game in Progress... it was ~$500 to ~$1500... And they had 4 Titans up.

It wouldn't let me leave without it counting as a loss. We get to ~$4400 for both teams at the end and I had enough Bonus to win the game but they got there first.

Dear Respawn... Fix this rubbish ;/
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