I feel like R2 getting shit on by people who preferred R1 is doing this game a disservice, but it's also "honest". Impressions are mostly good for the sake of feedback and understanding issues, but as for it being why this thread is in "community", that would make some sense.
OTs are usually full of praise while review threads are full of negativity. Sadly, there are people who like to shit on R2 and they have all the ammo from the fans. At least when it happened to Destiny (when threads about it in gaming were full of shit for it), the OT was a community who didn't care about complaining.
It's the nature of the game. There aren't e-sports to talk about. Gamesager isn't particularly liked (sorry), and Frothy videos are glorified tutorials. So the only thing left in the OT is to organise playtimes (which basically never happens) and give "feedback".
R2 didn't pull in many new players outside of its Campaign because R1 was played by basically everyone who was around that time (since it was released when other games weren't about).
While I have to hold my hands up and say I'm the worst offender of this, let's take a recap of all prior discussions (some I didn't initiate):
- The title
- Tone being OP
- Legion being OP
- Please don't nerf anything
- Cloak is OP
- Release window is a mistake
- Why are we in community
- Complex/Crash Site woes
- This recent anti-Hemlock/Volt changes suck discussion
- This place being toxic
Regardless of how important these things are, the nature of R2 is that it's a complicated game with no clear cut meta. I mean, some people came in and posted that they couldn't understand some of the modes.
We aren't discussing meta. Nuclear is good for Bounty hunt? Nerf it. Tone is good? Nerf her. Hemlock is a great weapon? Nerf that. Mix that in with the occasional gif, and you have OT1.
I think this community is a little spoilt by devs posting in here because there's this expectation that shit will definitely be changed or fixed w/e.
I would personally love for there to be a discussion on sight lines, strats, best flag routes etc. Instead, if anything is even remotely super good, it's because it needs a nerf.
Sorry for ranting but honestly I'm not surprised we're in Community.
TBH, I know Respawn are hard at work chasing down the issues while brainstorming how to get this beautiful game in the hands of more people. I mean fuck, a free weekend didn't even seem to do it. This is the number one way to drive the devs off, if that's what we want to do.
Now I don't want to mandate anything (nor could I), but I hope OT2 is far more positive in general and when there are issues, it can be discussed without us trying to make each other look like scrubs or asking if they're even good enough to complain about something.